Start United States USA — mix The most embarrassing part of Trump’s response to the House subpoena

The most embarrassing part of Trump’s response to the House subpoena


A lengthy document filled with the standard diatribes reaches a new level with his inclusion of ludicrous „fraud evidence.“
Donald Trump’s response to the imminent subpoena from the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, U.S. Capitol riot was exactly what you would have expected.
The word “hoax” appears twice, as does “radical left.” (Or, actually, “Radical Left,” employing Trump’s idiosyncratic capitalization standards.) “Russia” is included four times. “Unselect” — Trump’s weak attempt to rebrand the committee — three times. “Illegal” five times.
But the champion is “fraud,” which appears 10 times. This is Trump’s trump card: that the evidence of fraud is so obvious and widespread that it, not the violent assault on the Capitol, should have been the focus of investigation.
“You have not gone after the people that created the Fraud, but rather great American Patriots who questioned it, as is their Constitutional right,” the letter reads. “These people have had their lives ruined as your Committee sits back and basks in the glow” — so mixed a metaphor that it actually causes you to stop and consider it. What, exactly, is glowing?
What hinders Trump’s response, of course, is that there was no rampant fraud in the 2020 election. This is by now so concretely established — following nearly two years of desperate digging and countless tennis matches of debunking and rebunking — that it barely merits lengthy examination. If you’re curious, here’s my standing summary of the lack of evidence of fraud. If, by now, you refuse to accept that reality, that’s a function of your own choices, not of reality itself.
Yet this didn’t stop Trump from including several pages of purported evidence to bolster his claim that the election was stolen. He picks out five “swing states” as targets for his … I don’t want to say analysis, since that implies deliberate consideration.

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