Home United States USA — Criminal Gov. Newsom proposes 28th Amendment banning assault rifles

Gov. Newsom proposes 28th Amendment banning assault rifles


I’m not sure what the point of this announcement is except to remind everyone that Gavin Newsom really wants to be president. He’s not running for president in 2024 and yet he keeps acting like he’s already in the race, starting fights with other candidates (Gov. DeSantis) and putting out new national policy positions like this one on gun control. I guess the advantage of this big announcement is that no one expects anything will happen so there’s no real pressure to accomplish anything.
Gov. Gavin Newsom is seeking an amendment to the U.S. Constitution that would restrict gun ownership — a daunting and likely quixotic response to the deadliest wave of mass shootings in U.S. history that would nonetheless position California as the most aggressive state in the union on gun control…
“This is a mechanism to address that despair,” Newsom said in an interview with POLITICO ahead of his announcement, which came from his Campaign for Democracy PAC. “We’re sick of being on the defense and throwing up our hands. We want to go on the offense and be for something and build a movement that’s bottom up, not top down.”
The proposal has four points with a fifth tacked on at the end.
The final part of his pitch is this: “…while leaving the 2nd Amendment intact.” Here’s his video making the proposal.
NEW: I’m proposing the 28th Amendment to the United States Constitution to help end our nation’s gun violence crisis.
The American people are sick of Congress’ inaction.
The 28th will enshrine 4 widely supported gun safety freedoms — while leaving the 2nd Amendment intact:
1)… pic.

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