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How to get Wi-Fi access anywhere at any time


When your home internet goes out, it’s always a good idea to have a backup plan. Create one now by going over all the possible Wi-Fi access options you have.
If you can’t get Wi-Fi access at home, you’re probably wondering what your options are or even if you have any options. You do! Your options for Wi-Fi access will vary depending on your own personal situation, but our guide below will show you what kinds of Wi-Fi access is available to you, should you find yourself without Wi-Fi at home.
Let’s take a look at some free and paid ways to get Wi-Fi access.If driving/commuting is an option
If you’re able and willing to leave the house to get internet access, there are a bevy of options that you can take advantage of, including some of the obvious ones:
Coffee shops
Libraries and bookstores
Fast food joints
Hotel lobbies
Your local university campus
Gym/fitness center
Keep in mind that using public Wi-Fi at an establishment requires a certain give and take. It’s customary and a common courtesy to always purchase something when you take up space at a coffee shop or fast food joint. Better yet, if you tip well and get to know the baristas, no one will give you the stink eye when you plug your surge protector into the wall and pull out your day’s work.
Furthermore, some places that offer public Wi-Fi limit it to members only. You might have to show proof of a library card to use your library’s Wi-Fi, or you may have to be a member of the gym if you want to take advantage of the internet there. It’s always a good idea to call ahead and see what their policies are before you make a solid plan.
Keep in mind that public Wi-Fi can be dangerous. You don’t have any control of security, which may not be up to recommended standards, and these can be popular spots for hackers looking to intercept financial information. If you frequently rely on public Wi-Fi, we recommend adding a VPN to your devices.If driving/commuting isn’t an option
If you’re stuck in a situation where you don’t have internet at home and you can’t hop in a car or on the bus, things get a bit trickier. There are still some options that you can consider, some of which require planning ahead and can’t be used at the last minute.Tethering
If you have a smartphone, you can tether your data connection to your computer, giving you full-blown internet access through 4G/5G data.

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