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Dark Irony at the UN


Because we are no longer its reliable ally in the war against Hamas, Israel is alone. They will fight and defeat Hamas alone.
Russia and China vetoed a UN Security Council Resolution sponsored by the United States that was intended to impose an immediate cease fire in the Gaza Strip, effectively forcing an end to Israel’s war against the Hamas terrorists before Hamas is defeated.
Russia and China must have greatly enjoyed their vetoes because the irony of them is deep, dark, and disturbing. The resolution they vetoed proved redundantly that Biden and his minions have changed our policy toward Israel so that we are no longer its reliable ally. (READ MORE from Jed Babbin: Biden Does Nothing for Americans Held Abroad)
For over six decades the U.S. has been vetoing UNSEC resolutions in defense of Israel, usually sponsored by one or more Arab states and supported by Russia and China. UNSEC resolutions are supposed to have the force and effect of international law but they are routinely ignored by the dictators, despots, rogues, and terrorists that comprise much of the UN’s membership.
The UN General Assembly, in which the U.S. has no veto, has routinely castigated Israel for many imaginary flaws. The capstone was an UNGA resolution, passed in November 1975, that defined Zionism as racism. It wasn’t until 1991 that the “Zionism is racism” resolution was revoked.
Israel is the UN’s most-criticized country. Since 1975 we have vetoed more than four-dozen UNSEC resolutions bashing Israel. In 2014 alone the U.S. vetoed 21 such resolutions. (Only four UNSEC resolutions that year criticized other countries.)
Why did Russia and China veto the U.S. resolution? It’s puzzling because they want to see Israel defeated even more than Biden does. They probably got a laugh out of it and didn’t want to give Biden even that small a success.
In past years, when grownups were in charge, we had rules about how we would either vote for or veto UNSEC resolutions.
John Negroponte was Bush 43’s UN ambassador from 2001-2004. Negroponte came up with rules for considering anti-Israel resolutions in the Security Council.

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