Start United States USA — Criminal Arizona Senate Repeals 1864 Abortion Ban and Ruins Dems' Election Strategy

Arizona Senate Repeals 1864 Abortion Ban and Ruins Dems' Election Strategy


When the Arizona Supreme Court upheld an 1864 abortion ban that was still on the books, Democrats all across the land expressed outrage. Some of it may have been sincere, but Democratic strategists were all rejoicing on the inside. 
Democratic candidates have absolutely nothing positive to run on this year. Joe Biden’s record is so poisonous that there is no shelter from it. He’s made the country less safe. He’s made the world less safe. Despite Paul Krugman’s paid propagandist protestations to the contrary, inflation remains a problem. 
Given that, Dem consultants have formed a strategy of diversion that revolves around abortion. The plan is to begin shrieking about abortion (calling it „women’s health“ „reproductive rights,“ of course) whenever niggling realities like the border nightmare or Biden’s weaponization of the Department of Justice are mentioned by Republican candidates. 
Don’t be surprised if Joe Biden shows up at the DNC to accept the party’s nomination dressed like a woman from „The Handmaid’s Tale.

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