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Supply chain check reveals strong possibility of longer battery life for iPhone 16 Pro Max


Top Apple analyst Ming-Chi-Kuo says that the iPhone 16 Pro Max could feature a larger battery with longer battery life.
Rumors/leaks about the battery capacity for the upcoming iPhone 16 series have already been disseminated. One leaker said that the iPhone 16 Pro Max will have the largest battery capacity of any iPhone ever released. But when it comes to such rumors or leaks, you normally can’t feel comfortable about them. Last year there were rumors about a massive hike in battery size for the iPhone 15 line which never materialized. 
But today we have information about the battery expected to keep the lights burning on this year’s iPhone 16 Pro Max and this information comes from Ming-Chi Kuo. For those not familiar with TF International’s Apple analyst, Kuo has amassed quite a track record when it comes to forecasts he has made about future Apple hardware including the iPhone.

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