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Glass trailer merges Unbreakable and Split into something frightening


Universal Pictures released the first trailer for Glass, M. Night Shyamalan’s fusion sequel to Unbreakable and Split, at San Diego Comic-Con 2018. Glass will premiere next January.
Split ’s Kevin and his 24 personalities are back — and so are Unbreakable ’s David Dunn and Mr. Glass in M. Night Shyamalan’s much-awaited, world-merging film, Glass.
Just in time for San Diego Comic-Con, the trailer for the fusion sequel to Shyamalan’s Unbreakable (2000) and Split (2016) is here, and it lives up to the anticipation that’s been building since Shyamalan first teased the sequel in a tweet. Bruce Willis’ David Dunn (the protagonist of Unbreakable), James McAvoy’s Kevin (from Split), and Samuel L. Jackson’s Elijah Price (the eponymous Mr. Glass) come together in the new trailer, collectively being examined by Sarah Paul’s Elli Staple, a psychologist who specializes in individuals who believe they are superheroes. The trailer places the three men together in an institution — perceived as having delusions of grandeur, they assert that their powers are very real. Says Mr. Glass at the end of the trailer, “I have been waiting for the world to see that we exist.”
Of the film, Shyamalan said, “Finally, the thriller genre and the comic book genre have come together,” calling Glass “the first fully grounded superhero movie.” It’s clear that Glass will live up to its predecessors and we’ll finally get to experience all of the implications of the revelation that Unbreakable and Split are part of the same universe.
Glass hits theaters on Jan. 18,2019.

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