Start United States USA — software Google to yoink apps with an unauthorized Call Log or SMS habit...

Google to yoink apps with an unauthorized Call Log or SMS habit from Android Play Store


‚We take access to sensitive data and permissions very seriously…‘ No giggling, please
Paul Bankhead, director of product management at Google, has told programmers that apps in the Play Store that want access to SMS or Call Logs will start being removed unless the ad-slinger has OK’d the given developer’s justification.
Failure to submit the Permissions Declarations form means the app could well be removed from the Play Store.
Google is a bit twitchy over the whole privacy thing, having been hauled over the coals for tendencies that would make even the most rapacious software outfit emit a stiff “Steady on, old chap.”
With vendors like Apple trumpeting their privacy credentials and Microsoft’s CEO declaring that Privacy is a Human Right, the gang at Mountain View decided back in October to tidy up what devs had access to.

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