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Mueller Uses ‘Qualifying,’ ‘Sneaky’ Language to Allege Russia Behind DNC Hack


In his Wednesday remarks on his report, US special counsel Robert Mueller’s used careful language on the Democratic National Committee hack. His qualifying language has been overlooked by mainstream media sources stating, with certainty, that Russia was behind the hack, Aaron Maté, a journalist for The Nation, told Sputnik.
« In general, this sort of qualified, sneaky language applies to pretty much the entirety of the entire Mueller’s team work from the beginning, » Maté, who is also the former host and producer at Democracy Now and The Real News, told Radio Sputnik’s Loud & Clear.
« If you look at the indictments that they’ve [the Mueller team] handed down during this Trump-Russia saga, they gave the appearance to many people, especially in cable news and politicians who wanted to build a case for this fictitious Trump-Russia conspiracy, [that Russia was behind the hack]. They use language that gave the impression there might be something there — it’s sneaky, » Maté told hosts John Kiriakou and Brian Becker.
« If you look at what they’re actually saying, they were never charging anybody with a Trump-Russia conspiracy, and they were never accusing anyone of lying to cover up one. But the language they used gave an appearance of otherwise. That extends also to how they talk about even their core charge that Russia engaged — in Mueller’s words — in a systematic interference effort. »
According to Mueller, Russian intelligence officers, who were part of Russia’s Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff, or GRU, launched a « concerted attack » on the US « political system, » allegedly using « sophisticated cyber techniques » to hack into computers and networks used by the Clinton campaign. The emails retrieved during the hack were then published by WikiLeaks on July 22,2016, just before the 2016 Democratic National Convention.
« If you look at the report, the Mueller team is talking about this critical aspect of the theft of the Democratic Party emails, and he lays out this long timeline, and he’s talking about the GRU allegedly hacking into the DNC. When it gets down to the part where he’s talking about the actual stealing — taking the emails from the DNC server — he says that the GRU officers ‘appear’ to have stolen thousands of emails.

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