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New EPA climate rulz drive a stake thru the heart of natural gas & coal power plants


Why do we even have a Constitution? Has anyone asked a Democrat that lately?
The general mode of operation with them in power has been to have a great, transformative idea no one in the country but t.

Why do we even have a Constitution? Has anyone asked a Democrat that lately?
The general mode of operation with them in power has been to have a great, transformative idea no one in the country but them wants, sidestep every legal and constitutional avenue for implementing – or against – said great idea, wave a magic departmental edict wand and voilà! Make it so. As if that’s all it took and that squawking in the background is just so much peasant babble to be ignored. One mollifies the outraged cretins with assurances that you most certainly are not doing what they’re accusing you of doing, even as you are, in fact, doing that very thing.
Such little white lies in the interest of the common good and for the betterment of man are noble.
“No one is coming for your gas stove!” Oh, we’ve all written about that whopper, with David being the latest to weigh in on just what a crock of poo it is, complete with how their war on our energy resources has been slickly turned into a “right wing cause in culture wars.” Oh, yes – because only knuckle dragging MAGA-types want to keep the affordable, accessible, reliable heat and light we still have. Those people are so unreasonable WHILE THE EARTH IS DYING IN FRONT OF OUR VERY EYES!
The Left never, ever hesitates to begin vilifying dissent and objections to their proposed strictures from the moment of their unveiling as “right wing extremism” or “MAGA MAGA MAGA” in a frenzied effort to shout down, demean and defang opposition.
They can’t handle a reasoned discussion or brook argument. Tyrants and fascists, by their very nature, never can.
This is who we’re dealing with now.
This morning, in a move they’ve been signaling for a while, they stepped beyond your gas stove. They are shooting for the whole enchilada.
Most every power plant in the US is Natural Gas or Coal. EPA is gonna try to shut them down.
Still looking for the part of the constitution that grants the EPA authority to remake the country.

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