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How to delete or hide chats in Microsoft Teams


Getting rid of your Microsoft Teams messaging is a great way to keep your user dashboard looking fresh. Here’s how to delete and hide your Teams talks.
Microsoft Teams is a terrific workplace platform for keeping the camaraderie strong. Featuring collaborative messaging, video conferencing, and file-sharing tools, it’s your one-stop-shop for in-office, hybrid and at-home workers alike. But anyone with a long history of using Teams will tell you how clogged up your message stockpile can get. Fortunately, deleting and hiding these exchanges is relatively easy to do, and we’ve put together this guide to help.
By the end of our walkthrough, you’ll be pitching Teams messages into oblivion and hiding unimportant chats at lightning speed!Deleting individual chats in Microsoft Teams
While there’s no way to delete an entire conversation that contains multiple messages, you can delete individual chats within that conversation thread.
Step 1: Open a chat and select a message by right-clicking on it. You can also open the same menu by selecting the More options button – shown as three dots adjacent to the emoji reactions – after hovering over a particular chat.
Step 2: Select the Delete field.
Your message will now be replaced with, « This message has been deleted, » alongside an Undo button, which can come in handy when you’ve accidentally hit the wrong option in the drop-down menu.

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