Домой United States USA — mix House Dems Rally Protesters For Trump’s Upcoming Speech Before Congress

House Dems Rally Protesters For Trump’s Upcoming Speech Before Congress


House Democrats are working to make sure President Donald Trump’s speech before Congress Tuesday has plenty of protesters and others impacted by executive orders, according to a Saturday report from P
House Democrats are working to make sure President Donald Trump’s speech before Congress Tuesday has plenty of protesters and others impacted by executive orders, according to a Saturday report from Politico.
House Democrats sent invitations to the gallery during the joint session of Congress to individuals allegedly hurt by Trump’s polices. Some members plan to focus on Trump’s strict immigration policy, while other members will use their official invitations to oppose Trump’s policy against refugees from Syria.
“We’re trying to not just tell the president, but we’re trying to tell the country, apparently tolerance and justice issues require ongoing lessons,” Democratic Illinois Rep. Mike Quigley told Politico.
Guests already invited to the gallery include “undocumented” immigrants, refugees from several of the seven nations included in the executive order since struck down by judicial decision, and Muslim citizens who were victims of hate crimes.
“It’s my hope that gallery is going to look like America,” Democratic Rhode Island Rep. Jim Langevin told Poltico. “It’s another reminder to the president that he’s not the arbiter of patriotism.”
Ten to 15 members and their guests also plan to participate in a press conference before the speech Tuesday, an attempt to gain the spotlight and steer the conversation before and after the speech about Democratic attempts to oppose Trump.
“We’re trying to not just tell the president, but we’re trying to tell the country, apparently tolerance and justice issues require ongoing lessons,” Quigley continued.
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