Домой GRASP/China Putin warns IS plans to destabilize southern Russia and Central Asia

Putin warns IS plans to destabilize southern Russia and Central Asia


— The Islamic State terror group plans to destabilize the situation in southern Russia and Central Asia, Russian President Vladimir Putin old the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit in Astana on June 9.
AKIPRESS. COM — The Islamic State terror group plans to destabilize the situation in southern Russia and Central Asia, Russian President Vladimir Putin old the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit in Astana on June 9.
«We have information that the IS has been making new plans to destabilize Central Asia and southern Russia, » Tass reported Putin as saying. This is why, in Putin’s words, «there is a need to strengthen coordination between the SCO member states’ special services, particularly through the regional counterterrorism agency.

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