Start GRASP/Japan Congo Leader Opens Peace Conference in Bloody Kasai Region

Congo Leader Opens Peace Conference in Bloody Kasai Region


Congo President Joseph Kabila declared Tuesday that ‚justice must be done‘ in the region where thousands of people have died in a year of fighting among government troops and militias
Congo President Joseph Kabila declared Tuesday that „justice must be done“ as he opened a peace conference in the bloody Kasai region where thousands of people have died in a year of fighting among government troops and militias.
Kabila blamed the unrest on „terrorist militia“ and told officials, religious and civil society leaders and former militia members at the conference that all who have contributed to the violence in the once-peaceful region will have to answer for their crimes.
The fighting in the Kasai provinces in Congo’s south began in August 2016 after Congolese troops killed the leader of the Kamwina Nsapu militia. More than 3,300 people have died since then, according to the Catholic church, and the United Nations says more than 1.4 million people have been displaced.
Kabila called on Kasai residents to register to vote, which began last week.

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