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Why President Trump Has the Last Word on North Korea Policy


President Donald Trump has clarified who has the last word in his administration’s policy towards North Korea. The implication is that foreign leaders should focus on Trump’s words rather than statements from the U. S. State Department or the Pentagon. “I think I have a little bit different attitude
Dave Majumdar
Why President Trump Has the Last Word on North Korea Policy
President Donald Trump has clarified who has the last word in his administration’s policy towards North Korea. That last word belongs to the president—as if there was any doubt. The implication is that foreign leaders should focus on Trump’s words rather than statements from the U. S. State Department or the Pentagon.
“I think I have a little bit different attitude on North Korea than other people might have,” Trump said during a press briefing at the White House on Oct. 11 . “And I listen to everybody, but ultimately my attitude is the one that matters, isn’t it? That’s the way it works. That’s the way the system is.”
Trump said that his views on North Korea have a harder edge than many in his administration including Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and Defense Secretary Jim Mattis, both of whom have been emphasizing diplomacy. That certainly explains Trump’s bellicose tweets on the North Korea issue. Indeed, the Trump Administration—at least rhetorically—has taken a much harder line than previous U.

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