Start GRASP/Japan Japanese man killed by falling rocks after volcano erupts at ski resort

Japanese man killed by falling rocks after volcano erupts at ski resort


A 49-year-old man has died, and at least 10 others are injured, after a volcano erupted near the popular Japanese ski resort of Kusatsu, shooting flaming rocks into the sky.
At least 10 other people were injured in the event, the fire department said, including at least three severely. Among the injured were five SDF personnel, said a spokesman for the forces.
Almost 80 others were trapped at the cable car station on top of the Kokusai Ski resort due to a power cut, and were slowly being transported down by firefighters, police and SDF.
Japan is one of the world’s most volcanically active nations, sitting on the fault line known as the „Ring of Fire“ which stretches around the edge of Pacific Ocean.

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