Домой United States USA — mix Gary Cohn, Trump's top economic adviser, resigning amid tariffs dispute

Gary Cohn, Trump's top economic adviser, resigning amid tariffs dispute


Top economic adviser Gary Cohn is leaving the White House after breaking with Trump on trade policy, the latest in a string of high-level West Wing departures.
Top economic adviser Gary Cohn is leaving the White House after breaking with President Donald Trump on trade policy, the latest in a string of high-level departures from the West Wing.
Cohn, the director of the National Economic Council, has been the leading internal opponent to Trump’s planned tariffs on imports of steel and aluminum, working to orchestrate an eleventh-hour effort in recent days to get Trump to reverse course. But Trump resisted those efforts, and reiterated Tuesday he will be imposing tariffs in the coming days.
Cohn’s departure comes amid a period of unparalleled tumult in the Trump administration, and aides worry that more staffers may soon head for the doors.
The announcement came hours after Trump denied there was chaos in the White House. Trump maintained that his White House has «tremendous energy,» but multiple White House officials said Trump has been urging anxious aides to stay.
«Everyone wants to work in the White House,» Trump said during a joint press conference with Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven. «They all want a piece of the Oval Office.»
In a statement, Cohn said it was his honor to serve in the administration and «enact pro-growth economic policies to benefit the American people.»
Trump praised Cohn despite the disagreement on trade, issuing a statement saying Cohn has «served his country with great distinction.»
Cohn is a former Goldman Sachs executive who joined the White House after departing the Wall Street firm with a $285 million payout. He played a pivotal role in helping Trump enact a sweeping tax overhaul, coordinating with members of Congress.
Warning of economic fallout, congressional Republicans and industry groups pressed President Donald Trump on Tuesday to narrow his plan for across-the-board tariffs on imports of steel and aluminum. Trump appeared unmoved, declaring: «Trade wars aren’t so bad.»
The president said he planned to…
Warning of economic fallout, congressional Republicans and industry groups pressed President Donald Trump on Tuesday to narrow his plan for across-the-board tariffs on imports of steel and aluminum. Trump appeared unmoved, declaring: «Trade wars aren’t so bad.»
The president said he planned to…
Cohn’s departure was anticipated, but met with disappointment on Capitol Hill and among the business community.
«I hate to see Gary go,» Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell told The Associated Press. «I think he did a great job.»
Sen. Pat Toomey, R-Pa., who is trying to persuade the administration to target the steel and aluminum tariffs as narrowly as possible, acknowledged his side of the argument was increasingly outnumbered in the administration.
«I’m sorry to see him go,» Toomey said, calling Cohn «a very important voice in encouraging free trade.»
Josh Bolten, the President and CEO of the Business Roundtable, which opposes the coming tariffs, called Cohn’s exit «a real loss for President Trump and the American people.»
Trump loved to boast about the former executive’s wealth, but Cohn’s tenure in the White House was rocky. Cohn nearly departed the administration last summer after he was upset by the president’s comments about the racial violence in Charlottesville, Va. Cohn, who is Jewish, wrote a letter of resignation but never submitted it.
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«Citizens standing up for equality and freedom can never be equated with white supremacists, neo-Nazis, and the KKK,» Cohn told The Financial Times at the time. «I believe this administration can and must do better in consistently and unequivocally condemning these groups and do everything we can to heal the deep divisions that exist in our communities.»
The comments came as Cohn was under consideration to serve as chairman of the Federal Reserve.
Earlier in the administration, Cohn found himself on the losing side of several contentious battles with Trump’s more nationalist-minded aides — including then-chief strategist Steve Bannon — on policies including the announcement of plans to pull the United States from the Paris Climate Agreement.
Cohn had also hoped to steer more than $1 trillion into infrastructure investments. But the multiple rollouts by the Trump administration failed to gain traction, often overshadowed by controversial statements made by the president himself.
Cohn often faced ridicule among some inside the White House for being a registered Democrat who last year met with former Republican officials pushing a form of a carbon tax that was designed to reduce the risks from climate change.
Yet his stock improved to the point that he was one of names Trump was floating for chief of staff last month, when it looked like John Kelly was on thin ice. He was a frequent ally of Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump in internal staff struggles.
Cohn told other White House aides in recent weeks that he would have little reason to stay if Trump followed through with his tariff plans, according to a White House official familiar with his views. The official spoke on condition of anonymity.
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«I mean it is no secret that he disagreed with Trump on trade and he was opposed to the policy,» said Stephen Moore, who served as an economic adviser to Trump’s campaign.
The White House did not immediately announce a replacement for Cohn, whose deputy, Jeremy Katz, departed in January. Among those under consideration for Cohn’s job are CNBC commentator Larry Kudlow and Office of Management and Budget director Mick Mulvaney, according to a person familiar with the discussions.
In a tweet earlier Tuesday, Trump sought to portray himself as the architect of the White House staff changes, writing, «I still have some people that I want to change (always seeking perfection).

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