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Video: Traffic camera video shows the devastating moment of the Miami bridge collapse


New details on the victims emerge as the recovery operation continues.
Transcript for Traffic camera video shows the devastating moment of the Miami bridge collapse
we begin at the scene of that deadly bridge collapse in Miami. The agonizing wait for families and friends of victims. We now know a college student is among the dead, and tonight that new video. It shows the moment the bridge came down without warning across several lanes of road killing at least six people. Teams of investigators, emergency crews, construction crews and engineers still on the scene. The 950-ton bridge collapsing just days after being installed. ABC’s Victor Oquendo again for us at the scene tonight. Reporter: Traffic cameras capturing the devastating moment that Miami bridge collapsed trapping victims underneath. Now more than 24 hours after that deadly collapse we’re learning about the first victim. The «Miami herald» reporting, 18-year-old fiu freshman Alexa Duran among the dead. Yesterday she driving by that bridge with a friend when her Toyota was struck. Her friend survived. A desperate rescue mission now, a pain staking recovery amid the rubble. Our primary focus is to remove all of the cars and all of the victims in a dignified manner. Reporter: To reach those eight cars pinned underneath 950 tons of concrete and steel, teams using heavy machinery to break the debris into smaller pieces. Authorities bracing to find more victims. We can assume they’re in there, but we cannot confirm identity of who’s in there. We’re caught in a bad place right now. Reporter: For the families of the missing, it is an agonizing wait. Jorge and Carol fragas are looking their uncle, 60-year-old Ronaldo Fraga. We want to find out for sure if he’s out there. Reporter: Tonight investigators zeroing in on the moments before the collapse when workers performed a stress test on the bridge. If it is a true stress test, generally they’re putting some load on it and seeing how the bridge reacts. Reporter: Senator Marco Rubio tweeting that, «The cables that suspend the bridge had loosened and the engineering firm ordered they be tightened. They were being tightened when it collapsed today.» All that work done as traffic whizzed by. The bridge, still under construction, was celebrated as a feat of modern engineering seen here being installed last Saturday in a matter of hours. Today investigators pressed on whether it had adequate structural support. That’s part of our investigation. Our investigations are very comprehensive. They are thorough and they take awhile, but when he do it, we’ll have those answers. Reporter: The Florida department of transportation revealing that the university, which was in charge of the project, did not hire a pre-qualified company to do a secondary design check of the bridge. And a major statement there from Florida dot. Victor joins us now from the scene of the collapse. What is the university saying about that company not being pre-qualified? Reporter: Tom, the president of the university says they are investigating, but they only work with approved and certified contractors. Also tonight, word of another victim who died here, a worker, 37-year-old Navarro brown from another company. They tell us he was out here when that bridge went down.
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