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Україна повернула контроль над "вишками Бойка": деталі блискучої операції ГУР, відео


ГУР повернуло під контроль України бурові платформи Петро Годовалець та Україна, а також СПБУ Таврида і СПБУ Сиваш
Україна повернула під свій контроль так звані “Вишки Бойка”, які Росія окупувала у 2015 році, а з початком повномасштабного вторгнення використовувала їх у військових цілях.
Про це повідомляє прес-служба Головного управління МО України.
Повідомляється, що зокрема під контроль були повернуті бурові платформи “Петро Годовалець” та “Україна”, а також СПБУ “Таврида” і СПБУ “Сиваш”.
“Під час проведення операції спецпризначенцям вдалося захопити цінні трофеї: запас вертолітних боєприпасів типу НАР (некерованих авіаційних ракет), а також РЛС “Неву”, що може відстежувати рух суден у Чорному морі”, – йдеться у повідомленні ГУР.
Також повідомляється, що під час однієї з фаз цієї операції відбувся бій між українськими спецпризначенцями на катерах та російським винищувачем Су-30. Внаслідок бою російський літак отримав ураження і змушений був відступити.
Вишки Бойка – бурові газовидобувні платформи В312 — “Петро Годованець” (побудована в 2010) та В319 — “Україна” (побудована в 2012) біля берегів Криму в Чорному морі. В 2014 році захоплені Росією. Закупівля плавучих вишок для видобутку газу спричинила суспільний резонанс через можливе порушення законів України та привласнення державних коштів у особливо великих розмірах колишнім міністром енергетики України, проросійським політиком Юрієм Бойком. Було відкрито кримінальне провадження.

Mariusz Błaszczak zatwierdził wielką umowę. Zdradził, co będzie największym wyzwaniem


Mariusz Błaszczak zatwierdził umowę ws. pozyskania dla Wojska Polskiego 486 wyrzutni HIMARS. Szef MON przyznał, że największym wyzwaniem będzie „przystosowanie systemów integracji wyrzutni z polskimi systemami”.
Mariusz Błaszczak poinformował na konferencji prasowej, że zatwierdził umowę w sprawie pozyskania dla Wojska Polskiego 486 wyrzutni HIMARS. Minister obrony narodowej podkreślił, że razem z zamówionymi w 2018 roku. Polska armia będzie dysponowała 500 wyrzutniami HIMARS. Błaszczak zaznaczył, że „rozpoczęcie dostaw planowane na koniec 2025 r”..
Szef MON kontynuował, że „wyzwaniem będzie przystosowanie systemów integracji wyrzutni z polskimi systemami”. – Po rozmowach z polskim przemysłem zbrojeniowym mogę zapewnić, że w ciągu dwóch lat przeprowadzimy tę integrację – zapewnił Błaszczak. Minister obrony narodowej odrzucił oskarżenia opozycji, że 500 wyrzutni HIMARS to za dużo.
– To właśnie tyle, ile trzeba, żeby realnie odstraszyć agresora. Zdajemy sobie sprawę z tego, że władcy Kremla postanowili odbudować rosyjskie imperium. Naszym celem jest doprowadzenie do takiej sytuacji, w której silne Wojsko Polskie będzie realnie odstraszało agresora i to zrobimy – tłumaczył Błaszczak. Szef MON przypomniał, że „tak jak deklarował wielokrotnie, w ciągu dwóch lat Wojsko Polskie będzie dysponowało najsilniejszą armią lądową”.
Jednym z najważniejszych komponentów polskiej armii lądowej będzie artyleria rakietowa. – Będziemy skutecznie wzmacniać Wojsko Polskie, bo to jest najlepszym argumentem odstraszającym agresora, żeby Polska nie została zaatakowana przez odradzające się imperium rosyjskie – podsumował Błaszczak. Na koniec minister obrony narodowej skomentował, że to kolejna umowa z Lockheed Martin i już w przyszłym roku do Polski trafią pierwsze F-35.
Czytaj też:
Błaszczak porównał nakłady na obronność. „Oni twierdzili, że na nic nie ma pieniędzy”Czytaj też:
Biuro ministra Błaszczaka zniszczone. „Agresja podgrzewana przez Platformę Obywatelską”

ВСУ в Опытном. Ситуация очень изменчива, россияне хотят окружить Авдеевку — Минобороны


Ситуация очень изменчива, россияне хотят окружить Авдеевку — Минобороны
Ситуация в Опытном Донецкой области «очень изменчива». Российские оккупанты пытались окружить Авдеевку, но Силы обороны не дают им этого сделать.
Об этом заместитель министра обороны Анна Маляр заявила в понедельник, 11 сентября.
По ее словам, россияне сосредотачивали основные усилия, чтобы установить полный контроль над Марьинкой и окружить Авдеевку. Они безуспешно наступали в районах этих населенных пунктов, а также Керамика, Новомихайловки и Пречистовки.
«В результате штурмовых действий Силы обороны заняли часть Опытного и имеют частичный успех в районе Новомайорского. Но ситуация очень изменчива. Продолжаются бои и возможна смена позиций и самой ситуации», — подчеркнула Маляр.
Также ВСУ продвигаются и имеют частичный успех в районах Клещиевки и Андреевки под Бахмутом и не дали армии РФ прорвать здесь оборону в районах Зализнянского, Орехово-Васильевки и Богдановки. За неделю на Бахмутском направлении Силы обороны освободили еще 2 кв.км.
На Купянском направлении продолжаются бои, на Лиманском — оккупанты перегруппировываются.
Украинские военные продолжают наступление и на юге Украины. Они продвинулись еще на 1,5 км на Таврическом направлении и имеют успех в районе южнее от освобожденного Работино.

Силы обороны Украины уничтожили шесть катеров РФ возле оккупированного левобережья Херсонщины — Гуменюк


Силы обороны Украины уничтожили шесть российских катеров, которые пытались восстановить утраченные позиции в Херсонской области.
Силы обороны Украины уничтожили шесть российских катеров, которые пытались восстановить утраченные позиции на временно оккупированном левобережье Херсонской области.
Об этом сообщила руководитель Объединенного координационного пресс-центра Сил обороны юга Украины Наталья Гуменюк в эфире Радио Свобода.
По ее словам, катера были уничтожены, когда россияне попытались восстановить утраченные позиции с воды во время маневрирования среди островов вдоль оккупированного левобережья Херсонской области.
Она отметила, что ВСУ проводят очень сложную работу, а силы российских оккупантов преобладают на левом берегу Днепра.
«На данном этапе можем сказать, что враг продолжает активизироваться там, изыскивает способы обеспечить себе более плотную оборону, в частности с направления самого Днепра, с воды. Но минус шесть лодок — это очень красноречивая, убедительная сводка, которую мы можем сейчас говорить за минувшие сутки. Так завершилась их (российская — ред.) попытка закрепиться на тех позициях, с которых предварительно были выбиты», — отметила Гуменюк.
Она отметила, что украинские военные также продолжают уничтожать личный состав и военную технику оккупантов.
«Все то, они пытаются обстреливать правый берег и наносят мирному населению существенный вред как в материальном смысле, так и в физическом. Поскольку, к сожалению, есть пострадавшие за минувшие сутки в Херсонской области», — сказала Гуменюк.
Она добавила, что россияне также активизировались в воздухе. Они не прекращают атак на правый берег Херсонщины управляемыми авиабомбами и активизируются в акватории Черного моря. В частности, оккупанты запускают БПЛА ближе к району развертывания нынешних учений НАТО Sea Breeze.
3 сентября стало известно, что ВСУ уничтожили катер Тунец в Черном море. Во время операции были ликвидированы шесть оккупантов. По данным журналиста Андрея Цаплиенко, российский десант был уничтожен с помощью беспилотника Bayraktar-TB2. OSINT-аналитики утверждают, что это произошло у побережья Херсонской области.
В то же время Гуменюк отметила, что любая такая высадка россиян будет иметь подобный финал.

Украинские военные вступили в бой с россиянами и вернули "вышки Бойко", захваченные 8 лет назад, – ГУР


Буровые платформы у побережья аннексированного Крыма в Черном море возвращены под контроль Киева.
Силам обороны Украины удалось вернуть “вышки Бойко” – буровые платформы в Черном море, захваченные военными Российской Федерации в 2015 году (по другим данным, еще в 2014 году), информирует в ТГ-канале ГУР Министерства обороны Украины. 
В результате операции ГУР стране возвращены платформы “Петр Годовалец” и “Украина”, СПБУ “Таврида” и СПБУ “Сиваш”.
Кроме того, спецназу ГУР удалось захватить ценные трофеи: запас вертолетных боеприпасов и радиолокационную станцию “Нева”.
Во время осуществления операции украинские бойцы Сил специального назначения вступили в бой с российскими оккупантами. Бой завершился победой наших военных, российский самолет “Су-30”, атаковавший украинские катера, получил повреждение и был вынужден ретироваться с места событий.

Kim Jong-un Has Something Putin Needs, and That’s a New Wrinkle


Kim Jong-un has ammunition stocks that Russia covets as it continues its war in Ukraine, and North Korea may get advanced technology and badly needed food aid in return.
When North Korea’s leader, Kim Jong-un, visited President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia four years ago, it was mostly for diplomatic show.
But this week he will visit Mr. Putin a second time with the ability to supply something the Kremlin desperately needs: munitions that could help Russian forces fighting in Ukraine.
The meeting, announced by both governments on Monday, comes as Mr. Putin is courting support for his standoff against the United States and NATO from other leaders opposed to Western dominance. Some, like Iran, have provided direct military assistance to Russia for its war in Ukraine, while others, like India, have resolutely declined to condemn Russian aggression.
In a brief statement, the Kremlin said Mr. Kim would “pay an official visit to the Russian Federation in the coming days” at Mr. Putin’s invitation. North Korea’s official Korean Central News Agency confirmed that Mr. Kim would soon visit Russia for a summit meeting with Mr. Putin, but provided no further details.
Neither side said when the meeting would occur, but the two leaders are expected to meet in eastern port city of Vladivostok, where Mr. Putin is attending an economic forum this week.
The last time Mr. Kim visited Russia, he traveled to Vladivostok aboard a slow-moving armored train, the reclusive leader’s preferred method of travel during his rare trips out of his country. A train resembling the one he has previously traveled on was spotted heading north on Monday, in the direction of Vladivostok, which is about 700 miles away from Pyongyang, the North Korean capital.
Mr. Kim and Mr. Putin are expected to discuss military cooperation between their countries, including the possibility of North Korea supplying Russia with more weapons for the war in Ukraine, U.S. and allied officials told The New York Times last week. Since 2022, U.S. officials have repeatedly said that North Korea has been shipping artillery shells and rockets to Russia.
North Korea is one of the most heavily militarized countries in the world, one that analysts believe has a surplus of ammunition, since it has not fought a war since 1953.
In exchange, officials have said, Mr. Kim would like Russia to provide advanced technology for satellites and nuclear-powered submarines, as well as food aid. If some kind of mutually beneficial agreement is reached, it could transform a relationship that has long been limited to public displays of cooperation, and relatively small amounts of trade, into something more substantive — and, the West warns, more of a threat to global stability.
“If we do see a bargain there, it will be the real end of an era with the relationship that started in 1990,” said Fyodor Tertitskiy, a leading researcher at Kookmin University in Seoul.
Since then, Mr. Tertitskiy said, the relationship has been a lot of “talk and no real trade,” noting that a deal where Russia provides North Korea with something of value in exchange for munitions would mark a departure.
North Korea, long hostile to the United States, is a natural ally for Mr. Putin in his standoff with NATO and his fight against what he portrays as Western hegemony.
The Russian leader has also strengthened ties with Iran, making a rare international trip there last year to meet with Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran’s supreme leader, as well as the country’s president, amid international isolation of Russia over the invasion.
In the months since, Iran has become a critical supplier of drones to Moscow, which Russian forces have used against Ukraine, both on the battlefield and in attacks on civilian infrastructure.
Mr. Putin has also appeared with President Aleksandr G. Lukashenko of Belarus, who gave Russia access to his country’s territory to launch its invasion of Ukraine in February of last year.
The Pentagon said this month that Russia had specifically asked North Korea for ammunition, noting that the request was driven by problems Moscow has been having with replenishing the armaments it needs on the battlefield.
Russia’s defense minister, Sergei K. Shoigu, visited North Korea in July on a trip that U.S. officials at the time said was aimed at setting up an arms deal.
North Korea has one of the world’s largest armies, despite having a population of only about 26 million people. The country operates on a wartime footing at all times, and artillery would be a critical piece of any renewed war with South Korea. The result is a North Korean military with significant stores of artillery shells and production capacity for making them.
Petr Akopov, a pro-war columnist for the Russian state news agency RIA Novosti, suggested in a recent article that Russia could “unofficially” transfer military technology to Pyongyang and welcome North Korean builders into occupied areas of Ukraine, in exchange for ammunition and certain types of missiles.
“All of this is hampered to one degree or another by U.N. Security Council sanctions, but there are always options for circumventing them,” Mr. Akopov wrote.
Mr. Akopov added, “The world is changing, and those countries that have challenged the Western world order will not be able to change it by playing by its rules.”

Ashton Kutcher Under Fire as Old ‘Punk’d’ Clip Resurfaces Where He Thirsts After Then-Underage Hilary Duff and Olsen Twins: “The Girls We’re All Waiting for to Turn 18”


Ashton Kutcher is getting criticized for a clip from ‘Punk’d’ showing him thirsting after Hilary Duff and the Olsen twins.
Ashton Kutcher is facing backlash after an old clip from his MTV show Punk’d resurfaced, showing him thirsting after Hilary Duff and the Olsen Twins when they were still underaged actors. The clip began circulating after news broke that Kutcher had written a letter supporting actor Danny Masterson, who was sentenced last week to 30 years to life in prison for raping two women.
In the clip, Kutcher can be seen introducing Duff on an episode of his prank series. He says, “Hilary Duff is in Lizzie McGuire. She also has an album out. She’s going to be in a movie called Cheaper By The Dozen. And she’s one of the girls that we’re all waiting for to turn 18.”
“Along with the Olsen Twins,” he then adds, referring to Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen.
That episode aired on MTV in 2003, when Duff was 15 years old and Mary Kate and Ashley were 17 years old. Kutcher was 25 years old at the time.
The clip began circulating after it was revealed that Kutcher and his wife, actress Mila Kunis, had written letters to the judge presiding over Masterson’s rape trial to ask for leniency in his sentencing. Masterson was sentenced Friday (Sept. 8) for drugging and raping two women in his Hollywood home in the early 2000s.
In his letter, Kutcher said Masterson was like a “role model” to him, and credited his That ’70s Show co-star for helping him avoid “falling into the typical Hollywood life of drugs.” He recalled that Masterson actively advocated against him using drugs and acted as a “positive influence” on him.
ashton kutcher is a slime ball pic.twitter.com/6ZOQ70Vf21
“While I’m aware that the judgement has been cast as guilty on two counts of rape by force and the victims have a great desire for justice. I hope that my testament to his character is taken into consideration in sentencing,” Kutcher’s July 27 letter stated. “I do not believe he is an ongoing harm to society and having his daughter raised without a present father would a tertiary injustice in and of itself.”
Kunis made similar points in her letter, highlighting that Masterson promoted “a drug-free lifestyle” that “inspired not only me but also countless others in our circle.” She also wrote that she can “wholeheartedly vouch” for Masterson’s “exceptional character.”
Fellow That ’70s Show actors Debra Jo Rupp and Kurtwood Smith also submitted letters to the judge.
After news broke of Kunis and Kutcher’s involvement in the case, the couple released a public apology saying they were not trying to “undermine” the trial by submitting letters.
“They were intended for the judge to read and not to undermine the testimony of the victims or re-traumatize them in any way,” Kutcher said. “We would never want to do that. And we’re sorry if that has taken place.”
“We support victims,” Kunis said. “We have done this historically through our work and we will continue to do so in the future.”
She later concluded the video, saying, “Our heart goes out to every single person who’s ever been a victim of sexual assault, sexual abuse or rape.”
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This Samsung 55-inch 4K TV just had its price slashed to $350


Looking for an inexpensive TV for your living room or elsewhere? Best Buy has the TV for you with a great deal on a Samsung 55-inch TV.
Best Buy is frequently the home of great TV deals and that’s easily the case today with an awesome offer on the Samsung 55-inch TU690T 4K TV. Usually priced at $430, it’s down to $350 so you save $80 off the regular price. This is a particularly good deal given it’s a TV from a great company. If this sounds appealing to you already, keep reading while we tell you more about it.
Why you should buy the Samsung 55-inch TU690T 4K TV
With Samsung being one of the best TV brands out there, it’s always a smart move to check out what it’s offering. Of course, you get a great 55-inch 4K screen. It has HDR support so you can enjoy a wide spectrum of colors along with better visual details even in dark scenes. There’s also PurColor support so that colors on screen are fine-tuned to how they are meant to look so you get a better image every time.
While features-wise the Samsung 55-inch TU690T can’t compete with the best TVs, at this price it still has many of the core essentials. It’s all powered by Samsung’s Crystal Processor 4K, so any non-4K content is upscaled. It looks great compared to standard HD TVs. It’s also direct-lit to further help with fine-tuning blacks and whites for enhanced contrast.
Any time you want to watch something, you can rely on Tizen OS which is built-in and offers a simple-to-use interface to help you find your favorite streaming apps. It also saves the need to use a separate streaming device, which is convenient as there are only two HDMI inputs here. Still, with all the core apps available, you’ll only need those for a gaming console or Blu-ray player. There’s also Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant built-in so you don’t need to type commands in via the remote so often.
Usually priced at $430, the Samsung 55-inch TU690T 4K TV is down to $350 for a limited time at Best Buy. This deal is unlikely to stick around for long so if you’re keen to reap the benefits of a $80 discount, check it out now before you miss out.

Former Spain captain says Luis Rubiales row felt like ‘going to war’


Verónica Boquete alleges Jenni Hermoso’s phone was hacked after kiss by football boss at World Cup
A former captain of Spain’s women’s national football team has described the weeks-long standoff over the fate of Luis Rubiales as a “war” that has pitted more than 100 of the country’s top female players against certain members of the Spanish football establishment.
In an interview published on Monday, Verónica Boquete even went so far as to claim that Jenni Hermoso’s phone had been hacked, which may have been an attempt to discredit Hermoso in the wake of the unsolicited kiss by Rubiales.
Boquete did not offer further details of the alleged phone hacking, who might have done it, nor did she explain where the information had come from.
“We knew there were no rules. Jenni’s phone was hacked,” she told the German news magazine Der Spiegel. “The perpetrators had access to personal videos and photos. Now only the things that will help them attack the victim will be leaked.”
The hack came up after Boquete was asked about a video seemingly leaked earlier this month in which Spanish players were seen on the team bus soon after their World Cup win. In the footage, the mood appeared to be jovial and some appeared to be laughing about the kiss.
Boquete pointed to the wider context to claim that the video was being used strategically. “There were also other moments on the bus in which the players said: ‘Enough, this is a serious matter that cannot be tolerated,’” she said.
She said she had been in contact with Hermoso and other players who were in contact with her. “These are difficult days for her and her family,” she said. “But I think the support and team spirit from the other players gives her strength.”
The interview was published hours after Rubiales announced his resignation. The decision followed three weeks of mounting outrage after he grabbed Hermoso by the head, pulled her towards him and planted a kiss on her lips.
On Monday, Spain’s top criminal court said it had opened an investigation into Rubiales and begun soliciting media outlets for footage of the kiss and the players’ celebrations. The announcement came after a prosecutor with the court said on Friday that a complaint had been filed amid concerns that there were grounds to charge the formal football chief with sexual assault as well as coercion.
In a statement published late last month, Hermoso said the incident had left her feeling “vulnerable and a victim of aggression”. She characterised the kiss as an “impulsive act, sexist, out of place and without any type of consent from my part”.
In announcing his resignation on Sunday, Rubiales said he would continue to defend himself. “I have faith in the truth and I will do everything in my power so that it prevails,” he said in a statement.
Boquete, who won 62 caps for Spain but was not selected for the national team after a 2015 player revolt against the federation, described to Der Speigel how dozens of players banded together after Rubiales appeared to be trying to shift the blame on to Hermoso during a speech in which he railed against “false feminism” and vowed to stay on in his role.
It felt as if “we were going to war,” she said. “Rubiales has crossed all boundaries, so let’s not hold back either.”
Boquete started a WhatsApp group, named Off to War, grouping together the 81 players who signed a statement saying they would not play for the national team until changes in leadership were made. She said the group had since grown to include more than 100 players.
As the saga dragged into its third week, Boquete said the sentiment was now that the female footballers had “won a battle but are losing the war”.
She pointed to the change in coaches for the women’s team as an example. She welcomed the sacking of the former coach Jorge Vilda, claiming he was a “control freak” who allegedly forced them to leave the doors to their rooms unlocked at night so that he could wish them goodnight and allegedly forced captains to sit at different tables while eating over concerns that they would conspire against him.
By replacing him with his assistant coach Montsé Tomé, however, she felt that the federation had not made enough of a clean break from its past to convince the players to end their strike. “We demand deeper change,” she said. “She [Tomé] allowed a lot of things to happen and only distanced herself from Rubiales later on.”
Rubiales, Vilda and Tomé did not reply to a request for comment.

Nintendo Shares Bad News for Mario Kart Tour Fans


Despite its popularity with fans of the series, the mobile racing game Mario Kart Tour shares some bad news with fans that leaves them disappointed.
After launching on mobile devices four years ago, Mario Kart Tour will stop receiving content updates. The mobile racing game will receive a few more tours for players to enjoy before that happens though, so there’s still time for racers to get involved with Mario Kart Tour while they still can.
Since the launch of Mario Kart Tour back on September 25, 2019, many fans of the racing franchise have been excited to get their hands on the pocket edition of Mario Kart. The title did have some ups and downs during its time due to the Mario Kart Tour loot box system that was present in the game, which turned many players away.
A message was sent out to Mario Kart Tour players notifying them that the title will soon stop receiving new content. This means no new drivers, tracks, karts, or gliders will be added after the given October 4, 2023, date. There is speculation that this is being done so Nintendo can focus on the development of Mario Kart 9, but nothing official has been announced. That being said, there has been no mention of the mobile game being shut down yet. The full announcement that players received was shared on Twitter by @OatmealDome.
Before the content stops flowing, a few more tours are being released for players. The Anniversary Tour will launch on September 20, 2023, and the Battle Tour will be released on October 4, 2023. Even after content ceases after the Battle Tour, a Halloween Tour consisting of previous content will launch on October 18, 2023. Whether there will be another Mario Kart Tour Christmas event is still up in the air.
When it comes to Nintendo and mobile games, the company hasn’t been shy about shutting them down when they aren’t lucrative. Unlike other Nintendo mobile games, the gacha game Fire Emblem Heroes is Nintendo’s mobile game cash cow as it has generated $1 Billion in revenue. Compared to Mario Kart Tour, it doesn’t even come close in revenue. Mario Kart Tour took a hit when the gacha mechanic was removed from the game due to backlash from the player base.
Regardless of everything that’s happened with Mario Kart Tour, it’s still considered to be an entertaining game in the Mario Kart franchise. As disappointing as some might find that the mobile game will stop receiving content, fans of the racing series can look forward to Mario Kart 8 Deluxe’s Wave 6 DLC which will be released before the end of the year.
Mario Kart Tour is available now for mobile devices.

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