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A look into a gaming addiction clinic: Violence, running away for Wi-Fi, and theft


Professor Henrietta Bowden-Jones had been contacted by relatives of young gamers asking for help while she was director of the National Problem Gambling Clinic. It led her.
A hot potato: Dangerous addiction to video games among young people can be as destructive as any other addiction. It’s led to the creation of a clinic in the UK designed specifically to treat gaming disorders, exposing some of the worst symptoms: violence, refusing to go to school, and even running away from home at night to find a Wi-Fi spot.
Professor Henrietta Bowden-Jones had been contacted by relatives of young gamers asking for help while she was director of the National Problem Gambling Clinic. It led her to believe people were spending money on gaming products in an all-too-familiar compulsive and destructive manner.
It led to the UK’s National Health Service setting up the first clinic designated to treat these addictions: The National Centre for Gaming Disorders, which saw its first patient in 2020. The clinic had expected to see no more than 50 patients per year, but it has about 800 referrals annually.
Bowden-Jones recounts some of what she’s seen as head of the clinic in The Guardian. The most shocking are tales of children running away from home in the middle of the night in the hope of picking up an open Wi-Fi signal on the steps of random homes after their internet connection was switched off by their parents.
There are tales of children who told their parents that they would rather be dead than not game, and people getting hurt when doors and other objects are broken in fits of rage. This domestic violence is usually caused by arguments about money.
An interesting reveal is that almost nobody who seeks help has a gaming disorder and a gambling disorder. However, about a third of patients did borrow money from parents and used monetary gifts on loot boxes. If no money was available, the more impulsive gamers would steal it using their parents’ bank cards.
Bowden-Jones notes that competition and ability are important to patients, so many refuse to use pay-to-win loot boxes.
Loot boxes have always been controversial, but they gained notoriety when Electronic Arts decided to implement versions with pay-to-win elements in 2017’s Battlefront 2. It led to lawsuits, countries demanding bans, and the EU voting to take action against loot boxes (and gold farming and addiction) in January.
While most patients are male aged between 16 and 17, gamers in their 20s and 30s are seeking help. The oldest patient is a woman in her 70s. Adults with gaming disorder can risk their relationships, jobs, and may end up in excessive debt.
Back in 2018, the World Health Organization defined gaming disorder as a mental health condition. It is characterized by impaired control over gaming, giving games priority over other interests and daily activities, and continuing to game despite the negative consequences arising from the habit.
The WHO writes that gaming disorder can be identified by gaming that causes significant impairment to a person’s functioning in personal, family, social, educational, occupational, or other important areas, and would normally have been evident for at least 12 months.
One of the most well-publicized stories about gaming addiction arrived in 2018 when a nine-year-old girl was reportedly so addicted to Fortnite that she was placed into rehab after wetting herself rather than walking away from the screen to use the bathroom.

秋田・五城目町の浸水した車内から遺体 「水没した」と110番通報


記録的な大雨となった秋田県五城目町の馬場目川近くの田んぼで16日、浸水した車が見つかった。車内からは男性1人の遺体が見つかった。 五城目町消防本部によると、15日午後7時半ごろ、「車が水没し、動けな…
記録的な大雨となった秋田県五城目町の馬場目川近くの田んぼで 、浸水した車が見つかった。車内からは男性1人の遺体が見つかった。
 五城目町消防本部によると、 午後 半ごろ、「車が水没し、動けなくなっている」と男性から110番通報があった。警察から連絡を受けた消防が捜索したものの、見つからなかった。 朝に捜索を再開したところ、浸水した状態の車を見つけた。警察が男性の身元の確認を進めている。

20-latka w ciąży zginęła w wypadku


20-latka w ciąży zginęła w wypadku – RMF24.pl – 20-letnia kobieta w ciąży zginęła w wypadku, do którego doszło w sobotę wieczorem we wsi Nowiec w powiecie sztumskim (Pomorskie). – RMF24.pl
Do wypadku doszło około godz. 20. – poinformowała oficer prasowa Komendy Powiatowej Policji w Sztumie asp. szt. Karolina Kosmowska.Dokładne przyczyny i okoliczności wypadku wyjaśnią policja i prokuratura.

Sega is considering reboots and remakes "in parallel with new titles"


Sonic the Hedgehog maker Sega plans to remake and reboot more of its classic Sonic titles. That’s according to Sega pre…
Sonic the Hedgehog maker Sega plans to remake and reboot more of its classic Sonic titles.
That’s according to Sega president and COO Yukio Sugino, who, in a new interview with Famitsu, acknowledged that “in parallel” with new projects, the developer is also considering rebooting and remaking older instalments in Sega’s “flagship IP”.
“Of course we have to do new things, but not all IPs are the same for new releases and reboots,” Sugino said, according to Google Translate and my rusty GCSE Japanese.
“For each IP, we will choose which method is appropriate at this time, deciding ‘this method is best for this IP’.
“Sonic is Sega’s flagship IP, and we are considering reboots and remakes in parallel with new titles,” he added.
Sega also recently revealed plans to bring one of its biggest franchises to blockchain platform Game Dosi.
Operated by Korean mobile messaging firm Line Next, Game Dosi is designed to host Web3 and NFT games, with Sega now signed on via a memorandum of understanding. It’s not clear which of Sega’s big franchises will be used, though that memorandum of understanding makes note that is an “immensely popular” brand from the Sonic publisher’s portfolio.
Earlier this week, Sega of America workers have formally voted to unionise, under the name the Allied Employees Guild Improving Sega (AEGIS-CWA), after announcing plans to do so earlier this year.

How to install and use Game Porting Toolkit in Xcode


Apple’s Game Porting Toolkit launch at WWDC offered a way for developers to see how Windows games ran on Apple Silicon before porting it to macOS. Here’s how to install and use the toolkit.
Apple’s Game Porting Toolkit launch at WWDC offered a way for developers to see how Windows games ran on Apple Silicon before porting it to macOS. Here’s how to install and use the toolkit.
At WWDC ’23, Apple released the Game Porting Toolkit basically a repackaged version of the WINE API translation technology which allows you to run Windows games on Apple Silicon Macs.
WINE works on the Mac by mapping Windows native DirectX and other API calls to Apple’s Metal graphics engine and standard POSIX APIs which are part of UNIX.
By providing direct bridging and translation to naive APIs on the Mac, WINE allows Windows games to run at native speed. Since Metal is optimized to run efficiently on Apple Silicon Macs, it allows Windows games to run at near-native speed.
WINE isn’t an emulator – it provides direct Windows to native API mapping on the Mac.
Similar to Steam’s Proton porting tool, GPTK allows you to install and run most, but not all Windows games on your Apple Silicon Mac. WINE is still evolving so expect more compatibility in the future.
Be warned however that the setup process for GPTK is a bit complex and requires Terminal skills. It also requires over an hour to install since many software components must be downloaded and built from source code.
The GPTK Read Me has fairly good instructions, and several game bloggers have posted even more detailed instructions online. We’ll try to simplify those instructions here.
Installing macOS Sonoma and the GPTK
To install the GPTK you will need:
To get the above components, first log in to your Apple Developer Account using your Apple ID, then go to https://developer.apple.com/download/ and download the macOS 14 beta 3.
After you download the macOS beta, get the developer components from https://developer.apple.com/download/all/.
You’ll need the Xcode 15 beta 4, Command Line Tools for Xcode 15 beta 4, and Game Porting Toolkit beta 1.0.2 downloads.
You’ll also want to set up an external storage device first and install macOS Sonoma beta onto it. Then set it as your Startup Disk in System Settings, restart into that volume, and install the Xcode beta and GPTK from there.
Note that the Sonoma beta has to be installed onto an existing macOS installation of Ventura. You’ll want to erase your external storage device as APFS using Apple’s Disk Utility, and install a new installation of macOS Ventura onto it first.
Be aware this will erase everything on whichever external storage device you erase in Disk Utility. You should probably back up all your important data from your Mac first.
You can download the macOS Ventura installer from the Mac App Store.
Once that’s done, go to System Settings from the Apple menu, then select General->Startup Disk in the sidebar on the left.
After a few seconds, System Settings will display all volumes which your Mac can boot from. Select the one you just installed Ventura onto.
In the example below we made a volume named “Test” on an external USB drive:
Click the Restart button.
Once your Mac boots into the new installation of Ventura, run any software updates to make sure everything is up to date.
To install the macOS Sonoma beta, go back to Apple->System Settings->General but this time select Software Update in the General list.
Next to the Beta Updates row, click the small info button:
If the Beta Updates switch is set to Off, click the small popup menu and select macOS Sonoma Public Beta from the popup menu. Click Done and you will be returned to the Software Update pane:
A new pane for the Sonoma beta appears, along with an Upgrade Now button to the right. Click Upgrade Now to begin downloading the macOS beta:
Once the beta finishes installing, your Mac should reboot, and if it doesn’t, restart. Once you’re booted into macOS Sonoma, you’ll need to install the Homebrew package manager.
If for any reason the beta update fails to install, you can also install it manually using the UniversalMac_14.0_23A5286i_Restore.ipsw file you downloaded from Apple’s site.
Installing Xcode beta and command-line tools
Next, unzip the Xcode_15_beta_4.xip file (.xip is just a signed .zip file), and the Xcode command-line tools .dmg, which contains an installer.
Copy the Xcode 15 beta to your Applications folder first, double-click it in Finder to run it, and if prompted, install any additional tools it asks for.
Next, open the Xcode Command Line Tools .dmg you downloaded from Apple’s site, and double-click the Command Line Tools.pkg. Follow the setup instructions in the installer to install the tools.
Installing GPTK
Next, double-click the Game_porting_toolkit_beta_1.02.dmg you downloaded from Apple’s site. This disk image contains three command-line tools, a Read Me, and a lib folder which contains the D3DMetal.framework bundle, the libd3dshared.dylib dynamic library, and the Windows to POSIX WINE bridge libraries which make the code translation for Windows games possible.
The command line and Homebrew tools will be used to install the porting toolkit libraries. But first, you must configure Homebrew and Apple’s Rosetta 2 emulator to work properly together.
Currently, there are two versions of the Homebrew binary: one for Apple Silicon (ARM) Macs, and one for Intel (x86) Macs. We’ll get to this in a moment.
Once the Apple Rosetta 2 emulator is installed, it’s possible to run an x86-only shell window in the Terminal app so that commands entered into it only run x86 versions via Rosetta. This is required in order to run the commands and tools needed to set up the GPTK.
The included Read Me has the complete steps for setup, but we’ll cover them briefly here.
Make sure Rosetta is installed
To install the Rosetta emulator on your Mac, open a Terminal window and type:
softwareupdate — install-rosetta and press Return. You may be prompted for an admin password.
Once that completes, enter x86 mode in Terminal by typing:
arch -x86_64 zsh and pressing Return.
Next, install the x86_64 version of Homebrew in Terminal:
/bin/bash -c “$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)”
and pressing Return.
You may again be prompted for an admin password to complete the installation.
We have previously covered how to install and use Homebrew in depth.
Once that finishes, check the Homebrew installation in Terminal:
which brew and press Return.
If the result isn’t /usr/local/bin/brew you’ll need to modify your PATH variable to put /usr/local/bin first, which tells macOS where to look for tools.
The PATH environment variable can be modified on login by use of one of many configuration files: the .bashrc or .zshrc file in your user’s home folder, or the profile file in the etc folder at the root of your startup disk.
Next, tap the Apple Homebrew tap in Terminal:
brew tap apple/apple http://github.com/apple/homebrew-apple
and press Return. Now install the GPTK
In Terminal, enter:
brew -v install apple/apple/game-porting-toolkit
and press Return.
This can take quite some time – up to an hour depending on the speed of your Mac, since it will download and compile several pieces of software while running.
The GPTK Read Me mentions a note about possible errors during this step:
“If during installation you see an error such as “Error: game-porting-toolkit: unknown or unsupported macOS version: :dunno”, your version of Homebrew doesn’t have macOS Sonoma support. Update to the latest version of Homebrew and try again”.
brew update
brew -v install apple/apple/game-porting-toolkit Configure WINE prefixes
In WINE ,you can configure a virtual C: drive just like in Windows. This is called a prefix in WINE terminology.
For GPTK you’ll install the toolkit and any games you want to run into the same prefix. From the Read Me:
“Run the following command to create a new Wine prefix named my-game-prefix in your home directory”.
WINEPREFIX=~/my-game-prefix `brew — prefix game-porting-toolkit`/bin/wine64 winecfg
“A “Wine configuration” window should appear on your screen.
Change the version of Windows to Windows 10.
Choose Apply and then OK to exit winecfg.
If the “Wine configuration” window does not appear, and no new icon appears in the Dock, verify that you have correctly installed the x86_64 version of Homebrew as well as the game-porting toolkit formula.”
Install GPTK into the WINE prefix
For this step, you must ensure the Game Porting Toolkit-1.0.2 .dmg file is still mounted on your desktop. If not, double-click it again to mount it.
The bridge libraries mentioned above must be installed into the WINE prefix you created above. To do so in Terminal type:
ditto /Volumes/Game\ Porting\ Toolkit-1.0/lib/ `brew — prefix game-porting-toolkit`/lib/
and press Return.
ditto is a macOS command line tool that knows how to copy files and folders on the Mac with perfect precision – copying any resource forks, permissions, ownership, groups, and Access Control Lists to the destination files.
There is also a verbose mode for ditto. See the ditto man page in Terminal for more info.
The above line copies the bridging libraries from the mounted game porting toolkit .dmg to the WINE prefix you created above.
Install your Windows game(s)
Now that the WINE prefix and GPTK are set up, you can copy any Windows games into the prefix (the C: drive) by using the open UNIX command and copying your game into the prefix in Finder. For example:
open ~/my-game-prefix/drive_c
This will open the C: drive in a new window in Finder into which you can copy your Windows game binaries. The C: drive works just like any other volume on your Mac’s Desktop.
Run your Windows game in WINE
At long last, you’re now ready to run your game using WINE.
To do so you specify on the command line the command gameportingtoolkit, followed by the WINE prefix path, the drive letter (C: in this case), then the full path to the game binary you copied above. For example:
gameportingtoolkit ~/my-game-prefix ‘C:\Program Files\MyGame\MyGame.exe’
launches the game named MyGame in \ProgramFIles\MyGame in the WINE C: drive.
By default your game launches with the Metal Heads Up Display, but you can suppress the HUD by using the command gameportingtoolkit-no-hud instead:
gameportingtoolkit-no-hud ~/my-game-prefix ‘C:\Program Files\MyGame\MyGame.exe’
The Read Me details other options such as disabling ESYNC for more game compatibility.
Apple’s GPTK is an exciting new addition to Mac gaming, and as it evolves and improves it promises to bring many Windows games to the Mac running at near-native speeds. This means every Apple Silicon Mac is suddenly open to the entire world of Windows gaming.
It also means that once perfected, game developers won’t need to port their games to the Mac – making most Windows titles playable on the Mac from day one.
You’ll also want to check out macOS Sonoma’s Game Mode which further enhances gameplay on Macs.

Нові дані Генштабу про втрати РФ на війні: за добу 500 військових та 5 танків


Росія втратила у повномасштабній війні проти України близько 237 680 своїх військових, кажуть у Генеральному штабі ЗСУ
Росія втратила у повномасштабній війні проти України близько 237 680 своїх військових, 500 із них – за останню добу, повідомив Генеральний штаб Збройних сил України вранці 16 липня.
Серед інших російських втрат, за даними Генштабу, – такі:
танки – 4107 (+5 за минулу добу)
бойові броньовані машини – 8026 (+7)
артилерійські системи – 4481 (+18)
РСЗВ – 681 (+1)
засоби ППО – 425
літаки – 315
гелікоптери – 310
БПЛА оперативно-тактичного рівня – 3820 (+13)
крилаті ракети – 1273
кораблі /катери – 18
автомобільна техніка та автоцистерни – 7044 (+8)
спеціальна техніка – 666 (+2)
Командувач британської армії адмірал Ентоні Радакін заявив під час слухань у парламенті Великої Британії 5 липня, що Росія втратила вже близько половини бойового потенціалу своєї армії на війні проти України.
Станом на 7 липня російська служба ВВС і «Медіазона» спільно з командою волонтерів, користуючись відкритими даними, встановили імена 27 423 російських військовослужбовців, які загинули під час війни Росії проти України.
Автори дослідження також зазначають, що це «мінімальна оцінка російських втрат», а реальне число – «напевно вище».
Реальна цифра втрат, за оцінками авторів дослідження, може бути щонайменше вдвічі більшою. Таким чином, кількість загиблих, за найконсервативнішою оцінкою, може становити 55 тисяч осіб. Безповоротні втрати Росії з урахуванням тих, хто зазнав тяжкого поранення чи загинув, можуть становити щонайменше 247 тисяч осіб.
Росія не повідомляє офіційних даних про своїх загиблих й інші втрати регулярно. Міністерство оборони Росії востаннє звітувало про втрати 21 вересня 2022 року, повідомивши про загибель 5937 осіб.
Україна також не розголошує дані про свої втрати. У березні 2023 року американська газета The Washington Post із посиланням на неназваних американських та європейських офіційних осіб написала, що втрати України у війні нібито становлять 120 тисяч загиблих і поранених солдатів. Секретар парламентського Комітету з питань нацбезпеки, оборони та розвідки Роман Костенко назвав ці дані перебільшеними.

Early alarm bells for DeSantis as Pence falls behind: Takeaways from new campaign finance reports


The first full financial look at the 2024 presidential race came into focus over the weekend as candidates filed campaign finance reports with federal regulators. They highlight potential trouble spots for Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and expose a wide chasm between the early fundraising leaders in the Republican primary and the rest of the GOP field.

Here are takeways from the second-quarter fundraising reports for the three months ending June 30.

DeSantis’ burn rate
The Florida governor raised $20 million – a strong total – but his campaign is burning through cash at a rapid rate, spending nearly $8 million since he entered the contest in late May, according to its filing Saturday with the Federal Election Commission.

Travel and payroll expenses each topped $1 million, and more than $800,000 went to digital fundraising consulting, according to the campaign’s report. As of the end of June, DeSantis employed 90 people, compared to nearly 40 people employed by the campaign of former President Donald Trump, the current GOP primary front-runner.

On Saturday, a DeSantis campaign aide confirmed that the team had recently trimmed some staff.

“Defeating Joe Biden and the $72 million behind him will require a nimble and candidate driven campaign, and we are building a movement to go the distance,” campaign spokesperson Andrew Romeo said in a statement.

The latest filing underscores another warning sign for DeSantis: A small share – less than 15% – of his contributions from individuals came in amounts of $200 or less. Robust small-dollar donations can offer a sign of grassroots momentum behind a campaign, and supporters who contribute small amounts can be tapped repeatedly for donations before hitting the maximum $3,300 an individual can legally donate in primary elections.

DeSantis entered the second half of the year with $12.2 million remaining in the bank, but only about $9 million of that is available for spending in the GOP primary. DeSantis collected some $3 million in general election money from maxed-out donors that can only be spent if he secures his party’s nomination.

Pence struggles
This weekend’s reports also underscore a stark divide between those who raised substantial sums – such as Trump and DeSantis – and the other well-known political figures competing for the GOP nod.

Former Vice President Mike Pence languished at the bottom half of the pack, bringing in a less than $1.2 million, the filings show. He entered the 2024 race in the first week of June, with a little more than three weeks remaining in the fundraising quarter but had spent months preparing a bid. His paltry numbers raise questions about whether he can gain traction among the party faithful.

Nearly 30% of contributions from individuals to Pence came from people who donated $200 or less. Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie outraised the former vice president – bringing in more than $1.65 million during the first 25 days of his candidacy – and took in more a third of his individual contributions in these smaller amounts.

Notably, North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum, who is largely self-financing his campaign, took in more money from contributors – nearly $1.6 million – than Pence did. (Burgum, a former software executive, is working hard to lure donors, offering $20 gift cards for donations of at least $1 as tries to meet the contributor threshold to qualify for the first GOP debate next month.)

Big fundraising operations
Trump, who leads the GOP field in polling, raised $17.7 million during the quarter – most of which was transferred from a joint fundraising committee that also sends donations to a leadership PAC, Save America.

Save America has paid the former president’s legal expenses in the past; Trump now has been indicted twice this year – first by a Manhattan grand jury in connection with an alleged hush-money scheme and then by a federal grand jury, related to allegations that he mishandled classified documents after leaving the White House. He has denied any wrongdoing.

Trump’s campaign previously announced raising a total of $35 million in the second quarter through his joint fundraising operation. But the full picture on how that money was divided and spent won’t become apparent until later this month when additional reports are filed.

Trump reported $22.5 million in cash on hand as of June 30, topping the GOP field. In second place, with $21.1 million, was South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott – who transferred big sums from his Senate campaign account to his presidential operation.

Former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley entered July with more than $6.8 million the bank, putting her in the middle of the GOP pack.

Biotech entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy, meanwhile, continues to plow his personal fortune into the contest, loaning his campaign another $5 million in the second quarter, the reports show. He started July with more than $9 million in cash reserves – money he can easily replenish if he continues to spend heavily to introduce himself to the GOP electorate.

President Joe Biden has announced raising $72 million with the Democratic National Committee, which reports its fundraising later in the week. But that total haul is nearly as much money as what all the major GOP contenders combined reported collecting in their main campaign accounts during the second quarter.

Війська РФ вночі атакували Запоріжжя та Харків. Є постраждалий


Вночі окупанти атакували Запоріжжя та Харків. У Запоріжжі постраждала людина.
Вночі 16 липня російські окупанти атакували Запоріжжя та Харків. Внаслідок удару по Запоріжжю постраждала людина.Удар по Запоріжжю
Вночі ворог атакував Запоріжжя, є постраждала людина.
Наразі в частині одного з районів Запоріжжя відсутнє світло. Аварійні служби працюють над відновленням енергопостачання.
В ОВА повідомляють, що також ушкоджень зазнав інфраструктурний обʼєкт. Від вибухової хвилі у прилеглих будівлях повилітали вікна.Росіяни вдарили по Харкову
О 1:34 ночі в Харкові пролунали вибухи. Пізніше Терехов повідомив про «прильоти» у центральній частині міста.
Один у Шевченківському районі Харкова — без руйнацій, інформації про постраждалих наразі немає. Щодо решти ракетних ударів — працівники ДСНС обстежують території.
Голова ОДА Олег Синєгубов підтвердив удар по Харкову 4 ракетами ЗРК С-300 з Бєлгородської області.
2 ракети вибухнули в повітрі, 2 інші ракети влучили в землю на стадіоні та в дорожнє покриття на території Шевченківського району м. Харків. В 4-поверховому будинку вибито вікна. Без постраждалих.
Також в області протягом минулої доби війська РФ з мінометів та артилерії обстрілювали прикордонні та прифронтові населені пункти Богодухівського, Харківського, Чугуївського та Куп’янського районів області.
Зокрема, під вогнем перебували Куп’янськ, Вовчанськ, Козача Лопань, Ветеринарне, Дворічна та інші населені пункти.
Внаслідок обстрілу села Колодязне Куп’янського району загинув 33-річний чоловік. Ще 1 чоловік отримав поранення. Пошкоджено приватний житловий будинок.

Ночью рашисты ударили ракетами от ЗРК по Харькову


россияне ударили 4 ракетами от С-300 по Харькову. Долетели две, которые попали в стадион и дорожное покрытие.
россияне ударили 4 ракетами от С-300 по Харькову. Долетели две, которые попали в стадион и дорожное покрытие.
Ночью были “прилеты” в центральной части города, сообщил ночью мэр Харькова Игорь Терехов.
Глава областной военной администрации Олег Синегубов утром уточнил, что около 1:30 российские оккупанты с территории Белгородской области запустили по Харькову 4 ракеты ЗРК С-300.
«2 ракеты взорвались в воздухе, 2 другие ракеты попали в землю на стадионе и в дорожное покрытие на территории Шевченковского района г. Харьков. В 4-этажном доме выбиты окна. Без пострадавших. По остальным ракетным ударам — работники ГСЧС обследуют территории», – указал председатель ОГА.

Вночі рашисти вдарили ракетами від ЗРК по Харкову


росіяни вдарили 4 ракетами від С-300 по Харкову. Долетіли дві, які влучили у стадіон та дорожнє покриття.
росіяни вдарили 4 ракетами від С-300 по Харкову. Долетіли дві, які влучили у стадіон та дорожнє покриття.
Вночі були “прильоти” у центральній частині міста, повідомив вночі мер Харкова Ігор Терехов.
Голова обласної військової адміністрації Олег Синєгубов вранці уточнив, що близько 1:30 російські окупанти з території Бєлгородської області запустили по Харкову 4 ракети ЗРК С-300.
“2 ракети вибухнули в повітрі, 2 інші ракети влучили в землю на стадіоні та в дорожнє покриття на території Шевченківського району м. Харків. В 4-поверховому будинку вибито вікна. Без постраждалих. Щодо решти ракетних ударів — працівники ДСНС обстежують території”, – вказав голова ОВА.

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