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Sprzedaż detaliczna w cenach stałych w marcu spadła o 7,3 proc. rdr – GUS


Sprzedaż detaliczna w cenach stałych w marcu 2023 r. spadła o 7,3 proc. w ujęciu rocznym, a w ujęciu miesięcznym wzrosła o 14 proc. – podał Główny Urząd Statystyczny. Sprzedaż detaliczna w cenach bieżących wzrosła w ubiegłym miesiącu o 4,8
Do artykułu: Sprzedaż detaliczna w cenach stałych w marcu spadła o 7,3 proc. rdr – GUS
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LOL! Anheuser-Busch Really Thinks This Move Can Save Them


Anheuser-Busch reportedly lost more than $6 billion in value after its disastrous decision to partner with trans narcissist Dylan Mulvaney. If there was anything clear from this move, it is that Bud L.
Anheuser-Busch reportedly lost more than $6 billion in value after its disastrous decision to partner with trans narcissist Dylan Mulvaney. If there was anything clear from this move, it is that Bud Light’s VP of marketing, Alissa Heinerscheid, who was responsible for the debacle, wanted to push a social agenda rather than cater to it customers base.
“Bud Light had been kind of a brand of fratty, kind of out-of-touch humor, and it was really important that we had another approach,” Heinerscheid said in a podcast interview in late March.
In her mind, hiring a man who pretends to be a little girl was the approach Bud Light needed to expand its customer base. Instead, Heinerscheid succeeded in shrinking it, losing billions of dollars in the process. As a result, both Heinerscheid and her superior  Daniel Blake have been put on a leave of absence in response to the backlash.
“Given the circumstances, Alissa has decided to take a leave of absence which we support,” an Anheuser-Busch spokesperson said. “Daniel has also decided to take a leave of absence.”
However, sources told The Wall Street Journal that the decision to leave was not voluntary.
The company’s immediate response to the backlash was to downplay its relationship with Mulvaney, claiming the company “works with hundreds of influencers across our brands as one of many ways to authentically connect with audiences across various demographics.”
That explanation failed to quell the backlash, and Anheuser-Busch CEO Brendan Whitworth later issued a statement insisting that the company “never intended to be part of a discussion that divides people. We are in the business of bringing people together over a beer.”
Again, the situation for Anheuser-Busch did not get better, and demand for the beer plummeted.
Fox News reports that the company has also “hired two consultants with experience in Washington, D.C.’s, conservative circles to advise the brand moving forward.”
But this strategy is not going to work. Even Donald Trump Jr. defended the company, arguing that Anheuser-Busch was too “iconic” to be boycotted and that it mostly donates to Republicans, but his pleas fell on deaf ears. The damage has been done.
Can anything save Bud Light? I have no doubt that they’ll recover slightly in time, but the damage to the brand has been done. A change in leadership and hiring D.C.-based consultants won’t fix it.
Companies should learn from this situation and realize that aligning with divisive issues is a recipe for disaster because when you insult your consumers, they will respond. It is commonly believed that boycotts don’t work, and in general, it’s true. When a brand takes a position on something controversial, there are usually as many people willing to support them for it as there are those who will boycott them. The effectiveness of the Bud Light boycott tells us that there are more people offended by the mainstreaming of transgenderism than those who aren’t. Which means we’ve got to keep up the fight against this dangerous, radical ideology. You can help us do that by becoming a PJ Media member today.
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With your support, we can continue exposing the truth about the transgender cult. Use the promo code WOKE for a 25% discount today.

ISW: Rosyjska armia nieprzygotowana na ukraińską kontrofensywę. Można mówić o jej wyczerpaniu i braku organizacji


„Rosyjska obsesja na punkcie małych taktycznych operacji ofensywnych doprowadziła do sytuacji, w której armia jest źle przygotowana do odpowiedzi na zmechanizo…
„Rosyjska armia w wyniku dotychczasowych strat na froncie i problemów z dowodzeniem nie jest przygotowana do efektywnej odpowiedzi na szeroką ukraińską kontrofensywę” – ocenia Instytut Badań nad Wojną.
ISW przeprowadził wszechstronną analizę rosyjskich sił na froncie na podstawie dostępnych publicznie źródeł. Doszedł do wniosku, że „większość dostępnych komponentów manewrowych ze wszystkich okręgów wojskowych, podobnie jak większość sił powietrznodesantowych, jest już zaangażowana na froncie do operacji ofensywnych lub defensywnych”.
Jak pisze ISW, wszystko wskazuje na ogólne wyczerpanie wojsk rosyjskich oraz zdezorganizowanie i rozproszenie sił na poszczególnych odcinkach frontu. W przypadku szerokiej kontrofensywy będzie to stanowić poważną przeszkodę w obronie przez Rosję krytycznych fragmentów frontu.
ISW zaznacza, że na potrzeby swojej analizy przyjmuje jako założenie (którego nie jest w stanie zweryfikować), że strona ukraińska jest w stanie przeprowadzić szeroką skoordynowaną ofensywę przy wykorzystaniu dziewięciu brygad.
Analizując stan rosyjskich sił na froncie, który dzieli na siedem głównych kierunków, ISW ocenia m.in., że rosyjskie formacje są „zdecentralizowane i w dużym stopniu zdegradowane”, a w większości przypadków można mówić o wyczerpaniu i braku właściwej organizacji.
Wyjątkiem jest odcinek w obwodzie zaporoskim, gdzie Rosjanie mieli możliwość budowania obrony w związku z tym, że na tym odcinku nie trwały aktywne walki, a strona rosyjska skupiała się na działaniach obronnych. Z drugiej strony są to siły złożone głównie ze zmobilizowanych i ochotników.
ISW ocenia, że Rosjanie dążą do pełnego zajęcia Bachmutu w obwodzie donieckim przed rozpoczęciem ukraińskiej kontrofensywy.
Według ekspertów dotychczasowa „rosyjska obsesja na punkcie małych taktycznych operacji ofensywnych doprowadziła do sytuacji, w której armia jest źle przygotowana do odpowiedzi na zmechanizowaną kontrofensywę na dużą skalę”.
Te małe ataki nie wymagają szczególnych zdolności w zakresie dowodzenia i kontroli (…). Manewry obronne w przypadku szerokiej kontrofensywy są bardziej skomplikowane i będą wymagały zaangażowanego dowodzenia i kontroli nad dużymi jednostkami na dużym obszarze
pisze ISW, oceniając, że dowódcy na poziomie taktycznym, a nawet operacyjnym „nie są przygotowani do wyzwań, które prawdopodobnie ich oczekują”.
Dodatkowym czynnikiem, który może wpłynąć na zdolności do działania w warunkach szerokiej kontrofensywy, jest fakt, że większość jednostek została uzupełniona zmobilizowanymi, którzy „nie są emocjonalnie i intelektualnie przygotowani” do walki w takich warunkach.
— Analiza ISW: Rosja prawdopodobnie zwiększa rolę wojsk powietrznodesantowych i wzmacnia Grupę Wagnera pod Bachmutem
— Premier Ukrainy: Nic nie wpłynie na nasze plany kontrofensywy i ich nie zmieni. Naszym celem jest wyzwolenie terytoriów w granicach z 1991 roku
— Dalsze wzmacnianie zdolności obronnych Ukrainy. Rzecznik lotnictwa: Systemy Patriot trafią na Ukrainę „po Wielkanocy”

Klimaaktivisten blockieren Straßen an rund 30 Orten in Berlin – Polizei spricht von "dynamischer Lage"


Die Klimagruppe Letzte Generation hat am Montag wie angekündigt mit mehreren Blockaden den Verkehr in Berlin behindert. Die Polizei sprach rund eineinhalb Stunden nach Beginn der Aktionen von rund 30 Orten im Stadtgebiet, an denen Klimaaktivisten auf der Straße standen, dort festgeklebt waren oder Transparente hielten.

Einen Schwerpunkt bildete demnach der Bereich Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf. Die Berliner Polizei will nach eigenen Angaben mit bis zu 500 Beamten im Stadtgebiet unterwegs sein, um die Blockaden zu verhindern beziehungsweise schnell zu beenden. Eine Polizeisprecherin sprach von einer “dynamischen Lage”.

Die Klimagruppe hatte angekündigt, sie wolle versuchen, von Montag an die gesamte Hauptstadt lahmzulegen. “Wir nehmen nicht mehr hin, dass diese Regierung sich nicht an unsere Verfassung hält. Wir nehmen nicht länger hin, dass die Regierung keinen Plan hat, wie die Zerstörung unserer Lebensgrundlagen gestoppt werden kann. Wir leisten jetzt Widerstand!”, teilte die Letzte Generation mit. Die Aktionen sind nicht befristet. Sie sollen erst enden, wenn die Forderungen erfüllt sind.

Von der Verkehrsinformationszentrale (VIZ) hieß es, aufgrund der Proteste käme es auch im Busverkehr zur zahlreichen Verspätungen, Umleitungen, Ausfällen oder Einstellungen. “Wenn möglich auf S+U Bahnen ausweichen!”, lautete die Empfehlung der VIZ bei Twitter.

Die Gruppe beklagt fehlenden Klimaschutz und verlangt die Einsetzung eines Gesellschaftsrats mit gelosten Mitgliedern. Sie fordert von der Politik einen Plan zum Erreichen des 1,5-Grad-Ziels, mit dem die schlimmsten Folgen der Erderwärmung verhindert werden sollen.



(CNN) ロシア大統領府のペスコフ報道官の息子のニコライ・ペスコフ氏は24日までに、ロシアの民間軍事会社「ワグネル」の一員としてウクライナで従軍することを決断したと明らかにした。ロシア紙コムソモリスカヤ・プラウダの取材に明らかにした。

CNN’s Don Lemon Sparks Controversy Over Sexist Comments: Everything to Know


Don Lemon faced backlash after claiming former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley isn’t ‘in her prime’ — read more
An on-air blunder. Don Lemon faced backlash after publicly dissing Nikki Haley on CNN — and was subsequently benched from multiple broadcasts.
The 56-year-old newscaster made headlines on February 16 after making a sexist comment about Haley’s age. While discussing the 51-year-old former governor of South Carolina’s bid for the presidency on CNN This Morning, Lemon claimed that Haley is past her “prime.”
“She says people, politicians are not in their prime,” he said, referring to the former United Nations Ambassador’s idea to implement “mental competency tests” for political leaders over the age of 75. “Nikki Haley is not in her prime, sorry. A woman is considered to be in her prime in her 20s, 30s and maybe her 40s.”
Cohost Poppy Harlow asked her colleague to clarify his stance, questioning whether he meant Haley was beyond her “prime for childbearing” or “prime for being president.”
Lemon proceeded to double down, responding: “If you Google, ‘when is a woman in her prime,’ it’ll say 20s, 30s, and 40s. … I’m not saying I agree with that so I think she has to be careful about saying that [politicians aren’t in their prime].”
The comment quickly sparked controversy among viewers and political pundits — and Haley herself was quick to fire back at Lemon’s remark. “To be clear, I am NOT calling for competency tests for Sexist middle-aged CNN anchors; only for people who make our laws and are 75+,” she quipped via Twitter on February 16.
Lemon’s flub prompted a lively debate on social media. “Hey Ladies -@donlemon thinks women over 50 are past their prime! Let’s start #primetime and list some of the things we’ve accomplished in these glorious later years. I’ll start,” Patricia Heaton tweeted on February 17 as the former Today correspondent sat out from his CNN show.
Heaton, 64, went on to name some of her recent career highlights, from publishing her book Your Second Act: Inspiring Stories of Reinvention to producing the CBS sitcom Carol’s Second Act.
Lemon issued a statement via social media apologizing for his “irrelevant” commentary on Haley’s age, but he did not immediately return to the air. Sara Sidner filled in during the February 20 broadcast of the network’s morning show.
According to CNN, Lemon was given a chance to address his coworkers during the company’s February 17 editorial meeting. “I’m sorry that I said it,” the Transparent author noted to the staff. “And I certainly see why people found it completely misguided. When I make a mistake, I own it. And I own this one as well.”
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Len Goodman, ‘Dancing With the Stars’ Judge, Dead at 78


Len Goodman, the professional ballroom dancer who was best known for his time judging ‘Dancing with the Stars,’ has died.
Len Goodman, the professional ballroom dancer who was best known for his time judging Dancing with the Stars, has died. He was 78.
Goodman was “surrounded by family” when he passed away on Saturday (April 22) in a hospice in Kent, southern England following a battle with bone cancer, his manager confirmed to CNN.
The beloved dance coach was born in London in 1944. According to his website, he began dancing professionally at 19 years old. He retired from dancing in his late twenties after he won the British Championships in Blackpool.
Goodman first began judging on Britain’s Strictly Come Dancing in 2004, where he remained until 2016. He joined the American version of the competition show — Dancing with the Stars — in 2005, where he stayed until his retirement last year.
In November 2022, Goodman announced that he wouldn’t be returning to the hit dance show — which had moved in its most recent season from network TV to Disney+.
“It has been a huge pleasure to be a part of such a wonderful show,” he said at the time, per USA Today. “But I’ve decided I’d like to spend more time with my grandchildren and family back in Britain. I could not thank you enough, my Dancing with the Stars family, it’s been such a wonderful experience for me.”
Goodman’s colleagues have taken to social media to pay tribute to their friend following his death.
Fellow DWTS judge Bruno Tonioli wrote, “Hart broken [sic] my dear friend and partner for 19 years the one and only ballroom LEGEND #LenGoodman passed away I will treasure the memories of our adventures @bbcstrictly @officialdwts there will never be anyone like you you will always be my perfect 10 ❤️.”
Craig Revel Horwood, who judged Strictly Come Dancing alongside Goodman, said, “I’ve just woken up to the sad news that my gorgeous colleague and dear friend Len Goodman has passed away. My heart and love go out to his lovely Sue and family.”
He continued, “Len Goody Goodman is what I always called him and ‘It’s a ten from Len & seveeeeern’ will live with me forever. RIP Len.”
Very sad to hear about the death of dear wonderful gentleman, Len Goodman. My heart goes out to his family & dear Sue. He gave me such support on my time at Strictly. I feel so lucky to have worked with such a professional, funny loveable man.
Thank you for the special memories x pic.twitter.com/0Y4TVVx9Si
A very sad day for me and all Strictly fans.
The world has lost a true gentleman.
Len Goodman you are a legend. I will sincerely miss you. Always kind to everyone especially the band and singers.
RIP. Len
Love to Sue and family❤️❤️❤️ pic.twitter.com/l2Ns1zQq1d
A rare gentleman: Kind, charming, exacting, encouraging & danced like a dream. .. Thank you for bringing so much joy.
RIP Len Goodman.. It’s a 10 from us all. pic.twitter.com/GrtJUMfPhY
“He always brought so much invaluable expertise and entertainment to the show… I can’t quite believe he’s gone and we’ll never have a Ten from Len again.”
Kate Phillips, BBC Director of Unscripted, pays tribute to Len Goodmanhttps://t.co/nrjiL32FL8 pic.twitter.com/JvjtUs7WNT
Goodman is survived by his wife, Sue, his son and his grandchildren.
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На оккупированной территории Украины был двойник Путина: в разведке указали на “прокол” Кремля


В украинской разведке уверены, что 18 апреля на оккупированных территориях Луганской и Херсонской областей был двойник Владимира Путина
На оккупированные территории Луганской и Херсонской областей ездил не Владимир Путин, а его двойник. Начальник ГУР Минобороны Украины Кирилл Буданов отметил “проколы” Кремля, которые на это указывают.
В любом случае это был двойник. На этот раз, кстати, когда якобы Путин приезжал якобы на юг, как вы сказали, они вообще немного недоработали, потому что каждую его поездку есть определенный протокол, который они не нарушают никогда. Его должен сопровождать определенный самолет, военно-президентский борт. На этот раз они его забыли. Проколы бывают, — подчеркнул Буданов.
Секретарь Совета безопасности и обороны Украины Алексей Данилов также считает, что на временно оккупированные территории Украины российскими захватчиками ездил двойник российского диктатора Владимира Путина.
По его словам, чтобы пообщаться с настоящим Путиным, необходимо 10-14 дней провести на карантине, а если это встречи с иностранными представителями, то минимум на расстоянии 18 м.

Officer who fired fatal shot in Breonna Taylor botched raid hired by a nearby county sheriffs office


Myles Cosgrove, one of the Louisville Metro Police officers involved in the 2020 shooting of Breonna Taylor, has been recently hired by the Carroll County Sheriff’s Office, Cosgrove’s attorney told CNN.

The move prompted the family of Breonna Taylor to release a statement expressing “disgust” and “disappointment” the officer who fired the fatal bullet in the botched raid was hired by a sheriff’s office only 50 miles away from Louisville.

Cosgrove – the detective whose bullet ultimately killed Taylor according to the Kentucky Attorney General – began working for the Carroll County Sheriff’s Office on April 20, Sheriff Ryan Gosser told CNN affiliate WAVE.

The sheriff told WAVE his office did a normal background check prior to hiring Cosgrove, and pointed out Cosgrove was never indicted.

Gosser said Cosgrove brings experience which will be useful in the county, WAVE reported.

Cosgrove’s attorney Scott Miller said his client was a scapegoat for the shooting death of Taylor.

“He has been cleared by a state grand jury, a federal grand jury,” he said adding, “His actions that night, were what police officers are trained to react to when they’re fired upon,” Miller said. “We provided expert testimony that said he acquired sufficient target identification and target isolation. The city didn’t provide any expert testimony. They have nothing in their policy related to that.”

Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron said Cosgrove was justified because Taylor’s boyfriend fired at officers first.

The Louisville Metro Police Department initially terminated Detective Cosgrove in January 2021 for use of deadly force for firing 16 rounds into Taylor’s home and failing to activate his body camera, according to a copy of his termination letter.

In December 2021, the Louisville Metro Police Merit Board backed the decision to fire Cosgrove by a 5-2 vote, in a decision made after several days of hearings.

Last November, the Kentucky Law Enforcement Council voted not to revoke Cosgrove’s state peace officer certification according to Louisville television station WHAS.

The decision meant he could apply for other law enforcement jobs in the state.

“The Kentucky law enforcement Council, consisting of citizens, mayors, Judge executives, police officers across the state as well as educators, also voted he should not lose his police officer certification [and] should be allowed to be a police officer in Kentucky,” Miller said.

Sam Aguiar, who represents Taylor’s family, said he was “disgusted” when he heard about the hiring.

“I was disappointed and disgusted to hear that an agency hired him. We had one of the best ballistics experts in the country review Cosgrove’s actions at length. He concluded without a doubt that Cosgrove shot Breonna continuously while she was unarmed, going to the ground, and on the ground,” Aguiar said.

“Even if Carroll County was desperate for a body to fill a position, due diligence should’ve prevented this hire from happening. But we unfortunately know from Breonna’s case and so many others that in the world of policing, lots of undeserved favors are performed for officers simply because of the badge.”

When reached, the Louisville Metro Police Department told CNN it had no comment.

A protest was called in response to Cosgrove’s appointment outside the sheriff’s office in Carrollton, on Monday, the Carrollton Police Department confirmed to CNN. By midmorning, CNN affiliate WAVE reported, a small turnout of mostly Louisville residents.

“We have activated our plans in regard to civil protests. Our agency has coordinated a response with other agencies that serve our city,” Carrollton Police Chief Michael Willhoite said in a statement to CNN.

Carrollton Mayor Robb W. Adams addressed the controversial hiring on the city’s Facebook page.

“As many of you may know, there has been some unrest in recent days related to a recent hiring at the Carroll County Sheriff’s Office. We do understand that there are groups who plan to come and exercise their right to assemble and peacefully protest this decision,” Adams said. “The City of Carrollton has been closely monitoring the situation and have plans in place to ensure everyone’s safety, although we do not expect any issues.”

Meanwhile, Cosgrove, who has already started working for the Carroll County Sheriff’s Office, needs to work two more years to collect on his full retirement benefits, according to his lawyer.

“He has a right to pursue a profession. And he’s pursued one for 20 years and done it honorably, up until this point when he was terminated by Louisville as a scapegoat for this entire situation,” Miller said.

Сгорела дотла. На Буковине подожгли церковь УПЦ МП — что известно


В ночь на 24 апреля в селе Милиево Вижницкого района Черновицкой области произошел пожар в церкви УПЦ (МП). Правоохранители задержали подозреваемого в поджоге.
В ночь на 24 апреля в селе Милиево Вижницкого района Черновицкой области произошел пожар в церкви УПЦ (МП). Правоохранители задержали подозреваемого в поджоге.
Об этом сообщают в Черновицко-Буковинской епархии УПЦ (МП) в Facebook и полиция Черновицкой области.
– Этой ночью сожгли один из самых красивых храмов Вижницкого района, храм Иова Почаевского в селе Милиево, что на Буковине. Подожгли храм — профессионально, без шансов на спасение, – рассказали в епархии.
В полиции сообщили, что огонь из храма распространился на магазин рядом. Подозреваемого в поджоге оперативно задержали. Злоумышленником оказался 34-летний житель села Испас.
Сейчас с мужчиной проводят первоочередные следственные действия и устанавливаются мотивы совершенного.

По данному факту умышленного уничтожения или повреждения имущества начали уголовное производство по ч. 2 ст. 194 УКУ.

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