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New Apple Health-compatible Withings scale offers weight & body composition analysis


Health company Withings has launched a new Apple Health compatible smart scale to provide weight and body composition measurements — and even an “Eyes Closed” mode.
Health company Withings has launched a new Apple Health compatible smart scale to provide weight and body composition measurements — and even an “Eyes Closed” mode.
The Body Smart scale is the newest addition to the company’s line of scales, offering multifrequency bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) sensors. The technology is a fast way to measure body composition by examining fat and fat-free body mass and other measurements.
Body Smart’s improved body composition analysis includes the measurement of visceral fat, which encircles the internal organs and has been associated with a higher risk of diabetes and heart disease. Body Smart also delivers cardiovascular measurements and analysis by monitoring standing heart rates.
And for the first time, Withings Body Smart will also be able to measure Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR). BMR is the number of calories the body burns at rest, providing valuable information about a person’s overall metabolic health.
By comparing how many calories a body burns at rest with others of a similar age, Body Smart also uses this to determine metabolic age. After an automatic upgrade, these functionalities will be accessible from May 2023 forward.
Body Smart includes a screen that displays relevant information, but it has an “Eyes Closed Mode” for people who may be uncomfortable with seeing their results. For example, the mode tracks a person’s weight in the accompanying app but doesn’t display it on the screen.
It also shows encouraging, motivating messages or daily information such as step counts, air quality, and the weather.
Withings Body Smart scale — Pricing & Availability
The scale is now available from April 18 at $99.95 through Withings or on Amazon.
Since 2015, Andrew has been posting articles online on subjects including Apple, privacy, and security.

In Mrs. Davis, AI is almost identical to magic – and that's the whole point


Peacock’s Mrs. Davis is about so much more than the nature of AI.
Arthur C. Clarke once said: “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” What he didn’t follow up with is this – What if there was an entire show based on that sentence? 
If he did, it would be Mrs. Davis. The new Peacock exclusive, which starts airing April 20, is about a lot of things. And when I saw a lot, I mean a lot. Technology and AI, manhood and masculinity, religion, zealotry, blind devotion, faith, commercialism, the joy of quirky non-sequiturs, and how even powerful algorithms can get things very, very wrong are all explored thematically here. 
After watching the first few action and in-action-filled episodes, I initially struggled to understand the point of all of it. Eventually, however, the puzzle pieces began slotting into place in fascinating fashion.
I’d like to tell you a lot more about the eight-episode series (which I watched in full), but much of what I want to say will spoil the multitude of surprises (small and very big), secrets, and Easter eggs hidden within the action-fantasy-dramedy. If you don’t want me peeling away the many layers of the onion in front of you, stop reading and check out Mrs. Davis for yourself. Otherwise, here we go.
Potential Mrs. Davis spoilers follow.
The title doesn’t describe the show’s star Betty Gilpin (Glow), who plays Simone, a horse- and motorcycle-riding nun. Instead, that’s the name of what is ostensibly the show’s other main character, an artificial intelligence (AI) that’s often unironically referred to as “her” or, derisively by Simone as “it.” It clearly prefers “Mrs. Davis,” though it does go by other names around the world, including “Madonna.”
Think of the titular AI as the logical conclusion of Siri and Alexa. Or, more accurately, ChatGPT, Bard, or Bing AI. Rather than a handful of people using the chatbot to answer the occasional question or help them finish that KPI report, Mrs. Davis is ubiquitous and streaming to everyone’s ears through a wide variety of Bluetooth earbuds (I noticed AirPods and other brands). Her (its) role though is somewhat different than a dispassionate AI from Google or OpenAI. Instead, Mrs. Davis is deeply involved in people’s happiness quotient, which is measured by gaining their wings. Not physical wings, but digital ones that you can see on someone’s back when you view them via your phone’s AI filter. People gain their wings by fulfilling a quest dictated by Mrs. Davis.
Simone appears to hate Mrs. Davis and, initially at least, is the rare human who refuses to sport earbuds and speak to the AI/algorithm. The AI expresses its displeasure by sending a mysterious collection of oddballs (all people hoping to earn wings) after her, and by destroying her convent’s jam business, which results in all the nuns being cast to the winds. Hey, you were warned that Mrs. Davis was a weirdly positioned show, rather than your typical kind of television offering.
The series has a lot of characters who drop in and out, and the purpose and point of anything isn’t abundantly clear until the third episode. What, for instance, is the obsession with magic? Why is Simone a nun who also insists she’s married? As the saying goes, all will be revealed. And, as the show peels away the layers of confusion, it also becomes more compelling. There’s a quest for Simone and, yes, it does involve the Holy Grail, and finding said grail could result in Mrs. Davis ending itself.
The trio of main characters is completed by Wiley (Jake McDorman), Simone’s childhood friend, ex-boyfriend, and possible adversary. Okay, there may also be a fourth, key character – Jay (Andy McQueen), who runs a diner frequented by Simone and where she gets a lot of her marching orders. The cast of supporting characters is equally strong with the likes of Margo Martindale (The Americans) and Katja Herbers (Evil).
It takes some time for the cast to gel, possibly because there’s so much storytelling and elements crammed into each episode. That’s despite the fact that some hour-long episodes can feel a bit sluggish, too. Episode 3’s way-too-long giant sword sequence carried the water for a lot of exposition and flashbacks. Every once in a while, you’re left pining for a little linear storytelling.Where are we going with this?
The dystopian view of AI is one that audiences will likely lap up, but I kept waiting for a revelation about the people behind the curtain, i.e. the individuals responsible for Mrs. Davis itself. 
While that’s not exactly the point of the show, we learn how magic abhors a truth-teller. The algorithm – or, more specifically Mrs. Davis – killed magic performances. If you want to know the secret behind any trick, you just ask, which is an obvious commentary on the corrosive power of AI. Later, we hear one of the AI’s most revealing statements: “My users aren’t responsive to the truth. They’re much more responsive when I tell them exactly what they want to hear” – which begs the question: Is there a creator at all?
There are other big reveals that I’d rather not get into because I think they ruin some of the series’ best bits and deepest thoughts about technology, magic, and religion; three things that have far more in common than you might initially think.
The gimlet tech perspective, the show’s puzzle-like nature, and even some of the mystical and religious elements should not come as a surprise considering the show was created and written by Tara Hernandez, (HBO Max’s The Big Bang Theory) and Damon Lindelof (Lost, one of the best Disney Plus shows). And, like that latter show, Mrs. Davis can get lost in the sometimes ponderous plot. Some of the show’s most head-slappingly startling moments can be traced to writer Jonny Sun. The author-illustrator is well known online for his best-selling book Everyone’s a Aliebn When Ur a Aliebn Too, a graphic novel that, with its themes of an alien’s search for meaning and happiness, is at least Mrs. Davis-adjacent. The good news is that Gilpin’s strong, emotional presence provides a sort of magnetic core that one happily spins back to. When she’s not on the screen, which is rare, the show can flag.
I found myself equally intrigued and frustrated by Mrs. Davis. It stacks absurdity upon absurdity, while always mixing in yet another level of mystery. The AI is omnipresent but because it lacks a physical presence, it can also feel somewhat absent from the series. Without the titular AI driving the plot forward, Mrs. Davis sometimes just spins around Simone or Wiley without going anywhere.
Like Poker Face, one of Peacock’s best TV originals, one might argue that every minute of Mrs. Davis is meaningful and any word, image, or tableau ignored is a clue missed. Whether it can survive under the weight of its own intricacies or the constantly winking nature of its exposition remains to be seen. I enjoyed it and was only 60% certain I ever truly understood what the hell was going on – and I’m okay with that.
Mrs. Davis’ first four episodes launch on Peacock on Thursday, April 20.

Послухав доповіді й подарував копію ікони: Путін відвідав дві українські області, — росЗМІ (відео)


Президента РФ цікавила ситуація на херсонському та запорізькому напрямках. Він побував у штабі угруповання загарбницьких військ «Дніпро», де привітав окупантів з Великоднем. Також Володимир Путін ніби…
Президента РФ цікавила ситуація на херсонському та запорізькому напрямках. Він побував у штабі угруповання загарбницьких військ “Дніпро”, де привітав окупантів з Великоднем. Також Володимир Путін нібито відвідав окуповану Луганську область.
Президент Росії Володимир Путін відвідав штаб угруповання військ “Дніпро” на херсонському напрямку, з посиланням на пресслужбу сьогодні, 18 квітня, повідомили у ТАСС.
За інформацією росЗМІ, він там заслухав доповіді командувача угруповання генерал-полковника Олега Макаревича та командувача ПДВ РФ генерал-полковника Михайла Теплинського.
“Не хочу відволікати вас від прямих обов’язків, пов’язаних з управлінням військами, тому працюємо тут по-діловому, коротко, але конкретно. Мені важливо почути вашу думку про те, як складаються обставини, послухати вас, обмінятися інформацією”, — сказав Путін військовим.
Президент РФ послухав доповіді про херсонський та запорізький напрямки, а також міркування Теплинського, що “досить довго був на передній лінії”. Лідер країни-агресорки привітав загарбників зі святом Великодня та передав подарунок — копію ікони, що, за його словами, належала одному з найуспішніших міністрів оборони Російської імперії.
Журналісти зазначили, що ця поїздка — нібито перше відвідування Путіним окупованої частини Херсонської області.
У російському медіа “РИА Новости” повідомили, що також президент Росії відвідав штаб нацгвардії “Схід” в окупованій Луганській області, де заслухав доповіді генерала-полковника Олександра Лапіна та інших офіцерів.
У Кремлі медійникам заявили, що поїздки Путіна не були заплановані.
Нещодавно у соцмережах показали подарунки солдатам ЗС РФ від партії “Єдина Росія” до Великодня. Окрім води та консервів у коробці виявили ікону з зображенням Путіна.

Оккупанты совершили авианалет на Луганщине: есть жертвы среди мирных жителей, — ОВА


В последние дни, как отмечают в областной администрации, враг почти непрерывно использует тактическую авиацию для бомбардировки деоккупированных населенных пунктов Сватовского района, в результате чег…
В последние дни, как отмечают в областной администрации, враг почти непрерывно использует тактическую авиацию для бомбардировки деоккупированных населенных пунктов Сватовского района, в результате чего погибают гражданские.
Российские оккупанты самолетами атаковали Новоегоровку в Луганской области. В результате погибли три мирных жителя. Об этом сообщил глава Луганской ОВА Артем Лысогор.
“Трое мирных жителей погибли, один получил осколочные ранения шеи, рук и ног в результате бомбардировки россиянами села Новоегоровка, что на Сватовщине. Женщину 1977 года рождения госпитализировали в Харьков”, — написал он.
По словам главы ОВА, вражеский снаряд попал в частный дом, в котором находились люди. На месте попаданий возник пожар, но из-за плотного артобстрела спасти людей из-под охваченных огнем завалов вовремя не смогли.
Артем Лысогор добавил, что в последние дни ВС РФ почти непрерывно используют тактическую авиацию для бомбардировки деоккупированных населенных пунктов Сватовского района Луганской области.
В Бахмуте россияне атакуют малыми группами и пытаются вывести Силы обороны Украины на стрелковые бои. Силы обороны. в свою очередь, сдерживают и перемалывают значительные силы русских захватчиков.

Southwest Airlines resumes flights after grounding all planes Tuesday morning for 'equipment issues'


Carrier cites “equipment issues”.
Southwest Airlines planes are back in the air after the carrier halted all U.S. flights for a period Tuesday morning, citing “equipment issues.”

В Запорожской области россияне поразили 12 объектов инфраструктуры за сутки – ОВА


Российским обстрелам и авиаударам 17 апреля подверглись 19 населенных пунктов возле линии фронта в Запорожской.
Российским обстрелам и авиаударам 17 апреля подверглись 19 населенных пунктов возле линии фронта в Запорожской области, сообщил 18 апреля в Telegram глава ОВА Юрий Малашко.
“За минувшие сутки общины на линии огня подверглись четырем обстрелам из РСЗО, двум авиационным и 55 артиллерийским ударам. В очередной раз враг попал в Малиновку, Плавни, Каменское, Новоданиловку и еще 15 населенных пунктов”, – написал глава ОВА.
Малашко добавил, что люди не пострадали. В настоящее время ОВА располагает информацией о поражении оккупантами 12 объектов инфраструктуры области за сутки.

Game-changer for smartphone photography: Xiaomi 13 Ultra unveiled with a sprinkle of Leica magic


Quad cameras, 1-inch sensor size, dual zoom shooters, Leica colors and all of that in a stunning camera-inspired design. The Xiaomi 13 Ultra wants to change our perception of camera phones.
When it comes to the best camera phones, three names come to mind instantly: Apple’s iPhones, the Samsung Galaxy Ultra series and the Google Pixels, but this phone aims to one-up all of them.
This is the Xiaomi 13 Ultra, just unveiled as the company’s 2023 premium flagship, and it’s a camera phone down to its bones.
It all starts with a design that is reminiscent of a real camera with the leather like finish, round camera system, and impressive quad-camera setup unlike any other.
The biggest change from the iPhones and Galaxies of the world, however, is that the Xiaomi 13 Ultra aims to capture images with a genuine “camera look” instead of the typical over-processed “smartphone look” photos. And Xiaomi has iconic camera maker Leica on its side to do just that.
Before you ask: yes, Xiaomi has said the phone is launching globally, but no, it will not be available in the United States. Today’s launch event focused on the launch in China, but we expect the company to tell us more about the global version in the near future as well. Good news is that the Xiaomi 13 Ultra has about the same price as last year’s 12S Utlra model. We have the prices below, just remember that these Chinese prices are not indicative of the global price, which will likely be considerably higher.
Xiaomi 13 Ultra prices:
You will also be able to buy the Xiaomi 13 Ultra professional accessory kit including a protective case, a camera grip, a 67mm adapter ring and a lens cap for a price 999 yuan, or roughly $145.

So… what’s the big deal about this Xiaomi 13 Ultra that makes it so special?
It’s all about the combination of stellar hardware and innovative software processing of images.
Starting with the main camera, it uses the largest sensor available in the industry, a 1-inch type Sony IMX989, and this sensor beats the sensors on iPhones and Galaxies in size by a good margin. But Xiaomi is equally proud of the nanometer precision manufacturing for the lens on top of this camera. It’s a Summicron type lens, which is key to achieving the natural look of photos that Xiaomi is gunning for.
Then, the ultra-wide and the two telephoto cameras all use the same Sony IMX858 sensor, so Xiaomi really makes sure you get consistent colors across all these cameras.
The ultra-wide camera is the widest we have ever seen on a smartphone at 12mm, compared to the previous widest at 13mm on the iPhone 14 Pro series. This might not seem like a big difference, but in the world of ultra-wide cameras it is indeed quite noticeable. This camera will also be able to focus at a distance of just 5cm for those epic macro shots.
And then you have two telephoto lenses: a 3.2X zoom one (or 75mm in photographic terms) with a wide f/1.8 aperture, and a 5X zoom one (120mm), also with a very fast f/3.0 aperture. This allows you to use these lenses even in low light conditions and still get very good image quality, unlike most other phones where the zoom cameras are very limited in dim conditions.

50MP Wide (Sony IMX 989, 1″ sensor): 23mm Summicron lens with variable aperture (f/1.9 – f/4.0)
50MP Ultra-wide (Sony IMX 858, 1/2.51″ sensor) with f/1.8 aperture
50MP 3.2X Zoom (Sony IMX 858): 75mm with f/1.8 aperture
50MP 5X Periscope zoom (Sony IMX 858): 120mm with f/3.0 aperture
32MP Front cam
Xiaomi says that thanks to clever processing, you can have optimal quality in six focal lengths: 0.5X (12mm), 1X (23mm), 2X (46mm), 3.2X (75mm), 5X (120mm), and 10X (240mm).
The main camera also comes with a variable aperture that can go from f/1.9 to f/4.0, which is nice. At f/1.9 the background becomes blurry so you can better focus on one subject, and at f/4.0 pretty much everything is in focus.

But Xiaomi specifically made a point that it is addressing the “digital look” of modern smartphones and instead wants to give you a natural, real camera photos that are not over-processed to infinity. A key part of that is optics with the Summicron lens we have to solve the oversharpening problem by focusing on optics.
In the above image you can see the typical oversharpening on the iPhone picture which fails to properly capture the soft, gentle fur on the kittens.
The Xiaomi 13 Ultra also comes with a special street photography mode, which allows you to capture a shot at just 0.8 seconds.
In the words of CEO Lei Jun, the one word to describe this camera system is “professional”.

The camera theme carries over to the design of the phone that overall looks a lot like a traditional camera. Key for that effect is the leather like finish. Xiaomi calls this a second generation nano-skin, and it has superb stain resistance and a nice soft touch feel to it.
The Xiaomi 13 Ultra comes in a choice of three colors:
olive green
professional black
The white one is particularly stunning in our opinions.
You can also notice how the camera are is slightly raised above the rest of the phone for this really cool and unique look that again helps better mimic what a real camera looks like.

Just a couple of weeks ago, we told you about the Oppo Find X6 Pro having the world’s brightest screen, but it is no longer at the number one spot as the Xiaomi 13 Ultra replaces it.
The 6.7″ screen on the Xiaomi hits an impressive 2,600 nits in bright sunlight in HDR mode, with a typical max brightness level of 1,300 nits.
Xiaomi is using a next generation display panel it calls a C7 panel, made by China Star, and it is said to be an even more impressive screen than the latest generation Samsung OLED panels.
The other thing that Xiaomi has focused on is it has optimized the color shift under wide viewing angles, and it has built the screen under the CIE 2015 color calibration standard, or in simple terms, ensures that color remains consistent across different materials.
Finally, this screen supports adaptive refresh rate from 1-120Hz, but unlike mainstream flagships it is also way easier on the eyes at night thanks to support for a higher, 1,920Hz pulse width modulation (PWM).
All of that is powered by the latest Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 processor.
Even the base model ships with 12GB of LPDDR5X RAM, and you have a selection of three storage options, the base one is 256GB, and you have a 512GB and even a 1TB model.
Interestingly, you might expect the chip to be best used in gaming, but Xiaomi explains that the camera actually has higher requirements for performance than even the most intense modern games.
The Xiaomi 13 Ultra also supports USB 3.2 speeds for faster transmission of files.
Equipped with a 5,000mAh battery, the Xiaomi 13 Ultra is on par with most Android phones.
Xiaomi uses the DOU measurement and tells us this phone scores 1.34 days, so it will last you more than one day, which is definitely a solid score.
You get support for both wired and wireless charging. The wired charging is 90W, and this gives you a 50% top-up in just 11 minutes, and a full charge takes just 34 minutes. For wireless charging, you get 50W speeds,  so a 19 minute top up boosts you to 50%, while a full charge on a compatible fast wireless charging takes 49 minutes.
Battery and charging safety and efficiency is taken care of the Surge P2 and G1 chips developed by Xiaomi that ensure a safe. Xiaomi has also built in a special extreme battery saver mode that kicks in at 1% and gives you 60 minutes of use or you can use it to make a 12 minute phone call.
The Xiaomi 13 Ultra is a stunning phone for photography. Instead of just focusing on specs and trying to sell you that, it focuses on something more important: the actual camera processing.
Having a true camera-like look and Leica colors is something that many people will really appreciate. We might have just seen the arrival of the next benchmark for smartphone camera performance.
We will have a full review and in-depth testing of the Xiaomi 13 Ultra camera system soon, so stay tuned for that.

В рф заявили, что путин приезжал в Херсонскую и Луганскую области


В кремле заявляют, что российский диктатор владимир путин якобы посетил штаб группировки войск рф “Днепр” на Херсонском направлении и …
КИЕВ. 18 апреля. УНН. В кремле заявляют, что российский диктатор владимир путин якобы посетил штаб группировки войск рф “Днепр” на Херсонском направлении и штаб национальной гвардии рф “Восток” в Луганской области. Об этом со ссылкой на пресс-службу кремля сообщают российские государственные СМИ, передает УНН.
“владимир путин посетил штаб национальной гвардии “Восток”,.. где принял доклады генерал-полковника александра лапина, других высших офицеров об обстановке на этом направлении”, – говориться в сообщении.
Отмечается, что это якобы первое посещение путина Луганской области.
Также сообщается, что путин якобы посетил штаб группировки войск “Днепр” на Херсонском направлении.
В кремле утверждают, что путин интересовался ситуацией на Херсонском и Запорожском направлениях.
В марте в пресс-службе кремля сообщали, что путин посетил Мариуполь.
Представитель ГУР МОУ Андрей Юсов прокомментировал визит путина в Мариуполь, заявив, что “нет доказательств того, что зафиксированный на кадрах человек действительно является путиным”.

росіяни атакували дронами об'єкт інфраструктури на Миколаївщині


Російські війська вночі атакували ударними безпілотниками об’єкт промислової інфраструктури у Миколаївській області, повідомив голова …
КИЇВ. 18 квітня. УНН. Російські війська вночі атакували ударними безпілотниками об’єкт промислової інфраструктури у Миколаївській області, повідомив голова Миколаївської ОВА Віталій Кім у Telegram, пише УНН.
“Уночі, 18 квітня, близько 02:30 в Снігурівській громаді ворог атакував ударними безпілотниками об’єкт промислової інфраструктури. Попередньо без жертв та постраждалих”, – написав Кім.
З його слів, більш детальна інформація уточнюється.
У місті Миколаїв, Первомайському, Вознесенському та Миколаївському районах день та ніч пройшли відносно спокійно.
За даними Генштабу, протягом минулої доби ворог завдав 4 ракетних та 41 авіаційний удар, здійснив 57 обстрілів з реактивних систем залпового вогню.

Генштаб обновил данные о потерях РФ на 18 апреля


За минувшие сутки ВСУ ликвидировали 470 оккупантов, а всего с начала вторжения в Украину погибли более 183 тысяч российских солдат.
За минувшие сутки ВСУ ликвидировали 470 оккупантов, а всего с начала вторжения в Украину погибли более 183 тысяч российских солдат.
С 24 февраля 2022 года по 17 апреля 2023 года общие потери личного состава российских войск на территории Украины ориентировочно составили 183 130 человек (+470 за сутки). Об этом сообщил Генеральный штаб ВСУ.
С начала войны уничтожены:
В Генштабе показали уничтожение вражеского ЗРК

Timeline words data