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Birthday girls Timea Bacsinszky and Jelena Ostapenko to meet in the semi-finals at French Open


MIKE DICKSON AT ROLAND GARROS: A staccato day of rain delays ended with Bacsinszky and Ostapenko lined up against each other on their 28th and 20th birthdays respectively.
Novak Djokovic and Rafael Nadal were already into an unscheduled early supper on Tuesday night by the time the women had thrown up two predictably random French Open semi-finalists.
A staccato day of rain delays ended with world No 30 Timea Bacsinszky and unseeded Jelena Ostapenko lined up against each other for a place in the final.
By strange coincidence their match on Thursday will take place on their 28th and 20th birthdays respectively.
Djokovic and Nadal were sent home due to the downpours, and find themselves on the early shift of a bumper second Wednesday, with their delayed quarter finals starting ahead of Andy Murray.
The men’s event was always going to have a more familiar look than that of their female counterparts in the latter stages, and so it has proved.
It was nearly 8pm by the time Caroline Wozniacki fled from the court, having been finished off in a fourth separate session by world No 47 Ostapenko.
The two of them came out with the vastly more experienced Dane leading 2-1 in the decider. You would never have known it as she lost the last five games to exit 4-6 6-2 6-2.
The precocious Ostapenko has plenty of attitude and crunched 38 winners to the six of Wozniacki, who played her usual defensive game.
It was a heartbreaker for the older player, who has been world number one and held out hope that this could have been the chance to break her Grand Slam duck in this wide open field..
Bacsinszky also had to contend with three breaks for rain to win a match that spanned nearly six hours, 6-4 against local hope Kristina Mladenovic.
The Swiss player of Hungarian heritage temporarily gave up the game due to a foot injury five years ago, and started work as a waitress to prepare herself for a career in hotel management.
Barely two years after making her comeback she also made the semi-finals at Roland Garros, where she took the first set off Serena Williams before being crushed.
She reduced the Parisians to silence by subduing the feisty Mladenovic seamlessly through the hiatuses.
‘We had all the seasons in one day – there was a storm, sunshine and probably even snow, ‘ she said.
The conditions had been particularly horrendous early on, with gale force winds blowing the clay into the players’ faces.
The last French hope standing is now Caroline Garcia, who plays Karolina Pliskova on Wednesday. The winner of the tournament may come from the other remaining quarter final, between Simona Halep and Elina Svitolina.
The highlight of the expanded men’s programme is expected to be Djokovic taking on Austria’s Dominic Thiem, the Austrian deemed to be a future champion.

© Source: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/tennis/article-4578580/Timea-Bacsinszky-face-Jelena-Ostapenko-French-Open.html?ITO=1490&ns_mchannel=rss&ns_campaign=1490
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Amazon is offering a reduced Prime rate to customers on government assistance


Amazon on Tuesday announced that it is lowering the price of its Prime subscription service for US customers participating in select government assistance programs.
Amazon on Tuesday announced that it is lowering the price of its Prime subscription service for US customers participating in select government assistance programs.
A monthly subscription to Amazon Prime regularly sells for $99 per year or $10.99 per month but under Amazon’s new program, those with a valid Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) card can sign up at a rate of $5.99 per month.
An EBT card is typically used to disburse funds for multiple government assistance programs including Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) , Women, Infants and Children Nutrition Program (WIC) and Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) . Amazon said it will add additional ways to quality in the future for those on programs that do not use an EBT card.
It’s worth noting that EBT funds cannot be used to pay for a Prime membership.
The e-commerce giant announced earlier this year that beginning this summer, it’ ll accept food stamps to pay for online grocery orders as part of a pilot program with half a dozen other companies.
Greg Greeley, Vice President of Amazon Prime, said they designed the membership option for customers receiving government assistance to make their everyday selection and savings more accessible including the many conveniences and entertainment benefits of Prime.
Qualifying customers can lock in the $5.99 rate every 12 months for a total of four times. As with standard month-to-month users, there is no annual commitment and members can cancel at any time.
Photo via Getty Images

© Source: http://www.techspot.com/news/69601-amazon-offering-reduced-prime-rate-customers-government-assistance.html
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Cosby's accuser says she was drugged, groped; 'I was frozen'


Bill Cosby’s chief accuser took the stand at his sexual assault trial Tuesday to tell her story publicly for the first time, saying the comedian groped her after giving her three blue…
NORRISTOWN, Pa. (AP) – Bill Cosby’s chief accuser took the stand at his sexual assault trial Tuesday to tell her story publicly for the first time, saying the comedian groped her after giving her three blue pills that left her paralyzed and helpless. “In my head, I was trying to get my hands to move or my legs to move, but I was frozen, ” Andrea Constand, a 44-year-old former employee of the basketball program at Temple University, Cosby’s alma mater, said in their long-awaited courtroom confrontation. “I wasn’t able to fight in any way.” She added: “I wanted it to stop.” Cosby, 79, is charged with drugging and violating Constand at his suburban Philadelphia home in 2004. The TV star once dubbed America’s Dad could get 10 years in prison if convicted. Constand, an athletic 6-footer with colorful arm tattoos and a mane of dark curly hair, could face a bruising cross-examination from Cosby’s lawyers, who have argued that the two had a romantic relationship, that she wasn’t incapacitated and that the sexual encounter was consensual. Constand was calm and collected as she testified, looking at the jury as she began describing the assault. She said Cosby gave her pills he claimed were a natural remedy to ease her stress about a looming career change. “They’re your friends. They’ll take the edge off, ” she quoted him as saying. She told the jury she started feeling woozy after about 20 minutes, with blurred vision, slurred words and legs that felt like rubber. Cosby then penetrated her with his hand and also placed her hand on his penis and moved it back and forth, she said. She said she was unable to push him away or tell him to stop. Afterward, Constand said, “I felt really humiliated and I felt really confused.” Cosby, sitting across the room at the defense table, leaned in to listen, whispered to his lawyer and, at times, shook his head. Before Tuesday, Constand had never spoken about Cosby in public, barred from doing so under the terms of a confidential settlement they reached in 2006. Her deposition from that lawsuit remains sealed. Some 60 women have come forward to say Cosby sexually violated them, all but destroying his nice-guy image, but the statute of limitations for prosecution had run out in nearly every case. Constand’s case is the only one in which Cosby has been charged. Constand, who is from the Toronto area, met Cosby while working for the women’s basketball team at Temple, and she said they became friends over conversations about the team and later her career. He invited her to dine with him at his home. Cosby was “somebody I trusted, ” Constand said. “A mentor.” But he had also previously made advances on her, she said. One time, he placed a hand on her thigh. Another time, she said, Cosby tried to undo her pants but took his hand away when she leaned forward and told him: “I’m not here for that. I don’t want that.” Asked by a prosecutor why she remained friends with him, she said: “I wasn’t scared of someone making an advance at me or a pass at me.” The defense has pointed out that phone records show Constand called Cosby 53 times after she says he assaulted her. Constand told jurors the calls mostly involved the women’s basketball team, especially around tournament time. “It had more to do with business than it did with me personally, ” she said. Constand also said she went to a performance of Cosby’s later that year with her family in Canada after Cosby arranged to drop off tickets. She felt “terrible” about it, she said, especially when her mother brought Cosby some Canadian souvenirs. “It was a very big burden on me, but … I did not have the courage at the time to tell my family, ” she said. “So I just went along with them.” The stage was set for Constand’s testimony after prosecutors used the first day and a half of the trial to argue that Cosby made a habit of knocking women out with pills and then molesting them. Kelly Johnson testified on Day 1 that Cosby drugged and molested her at a Los Angeles hotel bungalow in 1996. She said she lost consciousness soon after Cosby pressured her to take a large white pill. She said that when she awoke, Cosby was naked and forced her to sexually gratify him with her hand. On Tuesday, Johnson’s mother, Pattrice Sewell, bolstered her daughter’s story. She told jurors that Johnson was distraught during a telephone call in 1996, fearing Cosby was trying to get her fired from her job working for the comedian’s agent. A few weeks later, Sewell said, Johnson disclosed that she had woken up next to Cosby in bed with her clothes askew. Sewell said they didn’t go to police at the time because her husband, a Los Angeles detective, feared the ordeal that would ensue. “Her father didn’t want her to be humiliated and feel shame and embarrassment as he had seen other women go through when they went to the police at that time. He didn’t want that, ” Sewell said. Johnson told a similar story in 1996, when she gave sworn testimony in a deposition attached to a workers’ compensation claim. Joseph Miller, a workers’ compensation lawyer, testified Tuesday he was taken aback when Johnson said she had been drugged and violated by Cosby. He said Johnson made the disclosure while pursuing a claim that she had developed debilitating stress from her secretarial job at the William Morris Agency. Miller, who represented William Morris in the case, said Johnson was tearful as she described waking up on a bed with her dress pulled down and her breast exposed – details that matched the story Johnson told on the stand. But Miller’s timeline differed from Johnson’s. Under questioning from Cosby’s lawyers, Miller revealed that his notes show Johnson told him the encounter happened in 1990, not 1996. Johnson settled her workers’ comp claim for around $10,000, according to Miller. The Associated Press does not typically identify people who say they are sexual assault victims unless they grant permission, which Constand and Johnson have done. Copyright 2017 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

© Source: http://www.cbs46.com/story/35595978/cosbys-accuser-says-she-was-drugged-groped-i-was-frozen
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Szef MSZ Rosji oskarżył władze Polski i Litwy o "rusofobiczne" działania


Szef MSZ Rosji Siergiej Ławrow oskarżył we wtorek władze Polski i Litwy o – jak to ujął – “działania rusofobiczne”, powołując się na zawieszenie przez Polskę małego ruchu granicznego z obwodem kaliningradzkim i budowę ogrodzenia na granicy litewsko-rosyjskiej. – Sprawdź najnowsze wiadomości…
Biuro rzecznika prasowego Ministerstwa Spraw Zagranicznych poproszone przez PAP o odniesienie się do wtorkowej wypowiedzi Ławrowa podkreśliło, że “sugestie dotyczące +działań rusofobicznych+ Polski nie znajdują odzwierciedlenia w rzeczywistości”.
Szef MSZ Rosji o “działaniach rusofobicznych” mówił podczas spotkania z władzami obwodu kaliningradzkiego. Ławrow wskazał, że w obwodzie realizowane są różne projekty w sferze współpracy przygranicznej z Polską i Litwą. Oświadczył następnie, że “mimo rusofobicznych działań władz tych krajów” władze lokalne w regionach sąsiadujących z Kaliningradem dostrzegają, że “mieszkańcy są zainteresowani tym, by nadal utrzymywać kontakty”.
Ponadto powiedział, że władze polskie “przerwały umowę o małym ruchu granicznym” i “jakby nie zamierzają anulować tej decyzji”. Wskazał też, że strona litewska “zamierza budować mur” na granicy z Rosją.
Biuro rzecznika prasowego MSZ w odpowiedzi przesłanej PAP zaznaczyło, że zawieszenie stosowania umowy o małym ruchu granicznym nie jest jednoznaczne z zamknięciem granicy, a ruch na przejściach granicznych z obwodem kaliningradzkim odbywa się bez przeszkód na podstawie wiz.
“Zawieszenie stosowania części postanowień umowy spowodowane było koniecznością zapewnienia bezpieczeństwa, a przesłanki ku tej decyzji nadal istnieją (militaryzacja Obwodu Kaliningradzkiego, podwyższona aktywność rosyjskich resortów siłowych) ” – zaznaczyło biuro rzecznika prasowego MSZ.
“Wszelkie sugestie dotyczące rzekomych +działań rusofobicznych+ nie znajdują odzwierciedlenia w rzeczywistości. O otwartości strony polskiej świadczy chociażby nasze zaangażowanie w rozwój współpracy z Obwodem Kaliningradzkim w ramach nowego +Programu Współpracy Transgranicznej Europejskiego Instrumentu Sąsiedztwa Polska-Rosja 2014-2020+” – dodało.
Litwa rozpoczęła w poniedziałek budowę ogrodzenia na granicy z obwodem kaliningradzkim, które ma ograniczyć nielegalną migrację i przemyt, a także wzmocnić granicę zewnętrzną Unii Europejskiej. Wysokie na dwa metry metalowe ogrodzenie ma powstać na 130-kilometrowym odcinku granicy. Obecnie przebieg granicy pomiędzy Litwą a obwodem kaliningradzkim wyznaczają, oprócz rzeki Niemen, stanowiącej granicę naturalną, jedynie specjalne znaki i pas ziemi o szerokości 13 metrów.
W zeszłym roku w związku ze szczytem NATO i Światowymi Dniami Młodzieży (ŚDM) Polska podjęła decyzję o zawieszeniu od 4 lipca przepisów międzyrządowych umów o małym ruchu granicznym (MRG) , w części dotyczącej wjazdu i pobytu na terytorium RP mieszkańców strefy przygranicznej Ukrainy oraz Federacji Rosyjskiej. Po ŚDM przywrócono mały ruch graniczny z Ukrainą, natomiast nie przywrócono go z obwodem kaliningradzkim.
W sierpniu zeszłego roku szef MSWiA Mariusz Błaszczak powiedział, że zawieszenie MRG “spowodowało, że niemożliwe są prowokacje rosyjskie w Polsce”. Zadeklarował, że jeżeli zmieni się sytuacja w Rosji, “to oczywiście możemy wrócić do małego ruchu granicznego”.
Następnie wiceminister SWiA Sebastian Chwałek mówił we wrześniu, że “informacje zgromadzone przez polskie służy wskazują na zagrożenie bezpieczeństwa oraz działania, których skutkiem może być destabilizacja w Polsce; podobnie jak miało to miejsce w innych krajach regionu”. Jak dodał, “przykładem powyższego mogą być działania podejmowane przez Rosję na Ukrainie przed aneksją Krymu”.

© Source: http://wiadomosci.dziennik.pl/swiat/artykuly/551664,rosja-lawrow-oskarzyl-wladze-polski-i-litwy-o-rusofobiczne-dzialania.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+Dziennik-Wiadomosci+%28RSS+-+Dziennik+-+Wiadomosci%29
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Frankreich: Polizei schießt auf Angreifer nahe Notre-Dame in Paris


Wieder Terroralarm in der französischen Hauptstadt: Mit einem Hammer bewaffnet geht ein Mann im Herzen von Paris auf einen Polizisten los. Er soll sich später als “Soldat des Kalifats” bezeichnet haben.
Nach einem Angriff auf einen Polizisten vor der Pariser Kathedrale Notre-Dame gehen Ermittler einem Terrorverdacht nach. Der Mann habe am Dienstagnachmittag mit einem Hammer auf einen Beamten eingeschlagen und dabei „Das ist für Syrien“ gerufen“, sagte Innenminister Gérard Collomb. Ein weiterer Polizist eröffnete das Feuer und stoppte damit den Angreifer, der verletzt ins Krankenhaus gebracht wurde. Der Platz vor der berühmten Kirche im Herzen der französischen Hauptstadt wird täglich von Tausenden Touristen besucht.
Der Angreifer habe sich später als „Soldat des Kalifats“ der Terrormiliz Islamischer Staat bezeichnet, berichtete die französische Nachrichtenagentur AFP unter Berufung auf Ermittlerkreise. Die Anti-Terror-Abteilung der Pariser Staatsanwaltschaft leitete eine Untersuchung ein.
Die Behörde hatte zuvor auf Twitter dazu aufgerufen, den Bereich um die Kirche im Herzen der französischen Hauptstadt zu meiden. Die Polizei sperrte den Bereich um die Kathedrale weiträumig ab; zahlreiche schwerbewaffnete Beamte waren im Einsatz. Auf Twitter waren auch Bilder von Menschen zu sehen, die in der Kathedrale warteten. Rund 900 bis 1000 Menschen wurden nach Angaben der Diözese von Paris aus Sicherheitsgründen zeitweise in dem Gotteshaus festgehalten. Sie konnten die Kathedrale später nach und nach verlassen und wurden dabei von der Polizei durchsucht. Alles sei sehr ruhig abgelaufen, sagte Bistums-Sprecherin Karine Dalle.
Minister Collomb sagte, der Mann habe sich als algerischer Student ausgegeben. Ob ein bei ihm gefundener Ausweis echt sei, müsse noch überprüft werden. Neben dem Hammer habe er auch Küchenmesser bei sich gehabt. Der Mann habe sich der Polizeipatrouille genähert und auf einen der drei Beamten eingeschlagen. Ein weiterer Polizist habe daraufhin zur Waffe gegriffen. Der angegriffene Polizist habe keine schlimmen Verletzungen erlitten, sagte Collomb.
Frankreich wird seit rund zweieinhalb Jahren von einer beispiellosen islamistischen Terrorserie erschüttert; knapp 240 Menschen wurden bei Anschlägen ermordet. Mehrfach standen dabei Sicherheitskräfte im Visier. Mitte April war ein Polizist auf dem Pariser Prachtboulevard Champs-Élysées von einem Gewalttäter erschossen worden.
In Frankreich gilt weiter der Ausnahmezustand, der nach den Anschlägen vom 13. November 2015 verhängt worden war. Der Ausnahmezustand soll nach Plänen der Regierung bis Anfang November 2017 verlängert werden. (mit dpa)

© Source: http://www.tagesspiegel.de/politik/frankreich-polizei-schiesst-auf-angreifer-nahe-notre-dame-in-paris/19898412.html
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У Білій Церкві вибухнула заправка, одна людина загинула


У Білій Церкві під Києвом стався вибух на автозаправній станції, в результаті чого одна людина загинула, ще одну госпіталізували з опіками.
Про це повідомляє ГУ Нацполіції у Київській області на Facebook.
Попередньо встановлено, що вибух стався в результаті порушення техніки безпеки на об’єктах з підвищеною небезпекою. Зокрема під час ремонтних робіт з підготовки до експлуатації АЗС.
Зараз поліція призначила низку експертиз, за результатами яких буде встановлена причина трагедії.
Слідчі попередньо кваліфікують цю подію за ч. 2 ст. 273 (порушення правил безпеки на вибухонебезпечних підприємствах або у вибухонебезпечних цехах) Кримінального кодексу України.
Досудове розслідування триває.
Як повідомлялося, у понеділок, 5 червня, в Броварах загорілася маршрутка .

© Source: http://ipress.ua/news/u_biliy_tserkvi_vybuhnula_zapravka_odna_lyudyna_zagynula_213688.html
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Mother testifies in support of her daughter’s allegation of sexual assault by Bill Cosby – Twin Cities


NORRISTOWN, Pa. – Bill Cosby was more than just a television star to the family of Kelly Johnson, a woman who worked for the famed entertainer’s personal appearances agent.
By Manuel Roig-Franzia, (c) 2017, The Washington Post
NORRISTOWN, Pa. – Bill Cosby was more than just a television star to the family of Kelly Johnson, a woman who worked for the famed entertainer’s personal appearances agent.
He was a role model to the parents of Johnson, who would later accuse Cosby of drugging and sexually assaulting her.
“She was very proud to introduce us to Mr. Cosby, ” Johnson’s mother, Patrice Sewell, testified Tuesday during day two of the comic legend’s sex assault trial.
Sewell and her husband were fans of “The Cosby Show, ” which focused on the life of an upper-middle-class African-American family.
“We really related to that show, ” said Sewell, a retired educator with a PhD who testified Tuesday. “It kind of reminded us of our own family.”
The testimony of Sewell marks an important moment in the case against Cosby: prosecutors need her to bolster the testimony of her daughter, the star witness from day one of the trial on Monday. The former talent agency worker testified that Cosby pressured her to take a white pill during a lunch at his bungalow at the Bel-Air Hotel in Los Angeles in the 1990s, and she awoke in bed with him with her breasts exposed.
Johnson is a vital witness because prosecutors need her to establish a pattern of behavior by Cosby, who is charged with sexually assaulting another woman, Andrea Constand, in 2004.
Prosecutors also got a significant boost from testimony late Tuesday morning by Joseph Miller, an attorney involved in a worker’s compensation claim filed by Johnson in the 1990s. Miller, a former chief workers compensation appellate judge for the state of California, testified in graphic detail about what Johnson alleged about the incident with Cosby. Importantly, for the prosecution, his memory of Johnson’s allegations precisely matched the former talent agency worker’s testimony the day before.
Miller said Johnson told him that Cosby had “taken out his penis and wanted her to fondle him. She didn’ t want to do that.”
Johnson was involved in a worker’s compensation claim because she suspected that William Morris officials had wrongly fired her. And she blamed Cosby.
Johnson’s mother testified that she received a distressing phone call from her daughter in 1996.
“Mommy, something is going on, ” Sewell said her daughter told her. “They’ re telling lies about me. Mr. Cosby is trying to get rid of me. I’ m scared.”
Sewell, a poised and confident presence, spoke in measured tone, often turning to address the jury directly – a contrast with her daughter, who appeared vulnerable and fragile during hours of questioning on Monday.
Cosby’s attorneys have been intent on crushing Johnson’s credibility by suggesting that her attorney, Gloria Allred, coached her about what to say in her public statements about Cosby. But both Johnson and Sewell firmly rejected the suggestion, saying that Johnson – not her attorney – wrote the detailed news releases about her Cosby allegations.
Sewell’s testimony marked the first major appearance of Cosby’s high-powered Los Angeles attorney, Angela Agrusa, who is best known for work in corporate cases. Agrusa delivered questions in a calm, emotionless, non-threatening manner – a contrast to the aggressive and confrontational approach used the day before by Cosby attorney Brian McMonagle, who handled the cross-examination of Johnson.
Agrusa, however, was frustrated in her efforts to suggest that Johnson was fired because of her own actions. During her questioning, Agrusa suggested that Johnson lost her job because she’ d been socializing with William Morris clients, including Maxie Priest, a musician and actor with whom she had a child.
That line of questioning drew an angry objection from prosecutors. And Judge Steven T. O’ Neill agreed that Agrusa was out of line. He told jurors not to consider what Agrusa was saying to be evidence. Moments later, Agrusa, a look of frustration on her face, clapped a binder of documents shut and returned to the defense table.

© Source: http://www.twincities.com/2017/06/06/mother-testifies-in-support-of-her-daughters-allegation-of-sexual-assault-by-bill-cosby/
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Short-Haired Girl Mistaken For Boy, Barred From Soccer Tournament Finals: The Two-Way: NPR


Mili Hernandez and her Omaha, Neb., soccer team were disqualified from a girls’ tournament finals after a mix-up over her gender. “They only did it because I look like a boy, ” the 8-year-old said.
Milagros “Mili” Hernandez loves soccer, and she’s good at it. Really good. At age 8, the short-haired Nebraska girl plays on an Omaha club team with 11-year-olds. But on Sunday, Mili’s dad, Gerardo Hernandez, found out his daughter’s girls’ team had been disqualified from the finals of a Springfield tournament, set for that day. The Azzuri-Cachorros Chicas couldn’t play, . Somebody had complained that there was a boy on the team. “They only did it because I look like a boy, ” Mili WOWT 6 News. Hernandez figured the mistake would be easily rectified. He took his daughter, along with her insurance card listing her gender as female, to the tournament. But when he got there, “They didn’t even want to take it, ” he told “They told us the thing was decided.” “Just because I look like a boy doesn’t mean I am a boy, ” Mili said to WOWT. But the tournament organizers said Mili’s looks did not influence their decision. Rather, it was a mistake on her registration form. ” (T) he roster submitted to the state by the club identified this player as male, and the competition rules for US Youth Soccer do not allow boys to play on a girls’ team, ” Nebraska State Soccer Executive Director Casey Mann said in a written But Nebraksa State Soccer also said in a that while it was the local tournament organizers, not the state group, that made the call, “we recognize that our core values were simply not present this past weekend.” It added, “We apologize to this young girl, her family, and her soccer club for this unfortunate misunderstanding.” The soccer organization said it has suspended its sanction of the Springfield Invitational tournament pending a review of the incident. Mili’s father said the experience was upsetting for his daughter and that she had cried after finding out she and her team couldn’t play. But if there’s a silver lining, it may be the outpouring of support Mili has received on social media, especially from some of the world’s best female soccer players. Olympic gold medalist and Women’s World Cup champion Abby Wambach — who also happens to have short hair — a video to Mili, saying, “You’re inspiring, you’re a natural-born leader, Honey, and I’m so proud of you.” Mia Hamm, another Olympic gold medalist and World Cup champion invited Mili to participate in Hamm’s TeamFirst Soccer Academy. Hamm Mili to “Be You!” And Billie Jean King, once a top women’s tennis player, , “Mili, continue to be yourself, dream big and go for it. Take Mia up on her offer.” As for Mili’s hair, the reason she keeps it short is simple. “When my hair starts to grow, I just put it short because I’ve always had short hair, ” says Mili, “I didn’t like my hair long.” reports Mili is back to kicking the soccer ball and still wants to play the game all the way through high school and college. Then she wants to go pro.

© Source: http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/06/06/531754229/short-haired-girl-mistaken-for-boy-told-she-can-t-play-soccer?utm_medium=RSS&utm_campaign=news
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Michigan State football players allegedly raped woman in bathroom at party


The Ingham County Prosecutor’s Office has charged three Michigan State football players with sexual assault after allegations on the campus in January.
(WXYZ) – Three Michigan State football players are charged with raping a woman in the bathroom at an on-campus party on January 16.
The victim told police about the assault in an interview on January 19.
“The victim said that (Joshua) King eventually pulled her into a bathroom, ” Michigan State University detective Chad Davis testified today. “King tried to get the victim to have sex with him. The victim said she told King she did not want to.”
King initially denied having sexual contact with anyone at the party, which took place at University Villa Apartments. He later admitted he had sexual contact with the victim at the party.
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” (The victim) said King forced her to perform oral sex on him, ” Davis said. “The victim stated she told King she did not want to do anything else. The victim said King pulled her pants down and penetrated her vaginally with his penis.”
Both Demetric Vance and Donnie Corley were allegedly then invited into the bathroom by King, where the victim said she was forced to perform oral sex on them.
A search of King’s phone later revealed a group text message between King, Corley, Vance and another MSU football player “indicating involvement in the assault by King, Corley and Vance, ” Davis said.
The search of the phone also produced a video of the alleged assault.
Both Corley and Vance repeatedly denied having intimate or sexual contact with anyone at the party before each changed his story – admitting to receiving oral sex from a female in the bathroom.
Officers say Vance positively identified the victim in a photograph to police.
“The victim advised she never gave consent to being recorded, ” Davis said. ” (She) was unaware any such activity was taking place during the sexual assault.”
King is charged with one count of first degree sexual conduct, one count of third-degree criminal sexual conduct and one count of capturing/distributing an image of an unclothed person.
Vance and Corely Jr. are both facing one count of third-degree sexual conduct.
“The MSU Police Department has zero tolerance for sexual assault, ” MSU Police Chief Jim Dunlap said. “I’ m confident that this extensive investigation was completed thoroughly, and our detectives worked diligently and exhaustively in providing information to the prosecutor’s office.”
MSU Coach Mark Dantonio issued the following statement on Tuesday:
In February, the three players and a staffer were suspended from the team because of the sexual assault allegation.
According to the prosecutor’s office, the staffer who was suspended will not be charged.
Also on Monday afternoon, Jones Day investigations released its internal investigation report for the Michigan State sexual assault allegations.
They found that Head Coach Mark Dantonio handled the situation properly and did no wrongdoing.
Jones Day Report by WXYZ-TV Channel 7 Detroit on Scribd
This is the second case of sexual assault involving the Michigan State football program.
Auston Robertson, 19, was charged with third-degree criminal sexual conduct on April 21. He’s accused of forcing a woman to have sex with him at her apartment on April 8. Robertson was arrested two days later.
“The criminal sexual conduct charges announced today against Auston Robertson are of the most serious nature. Sexual assault has no place in our community. While there is an ongoing criminal process, we’ re extremely disappointed that Auston put himself in this position. He is no longer a member of our football program, ” Dantonio said in a statement.

© Source: http://www.wxyz.com/news/michigan-state-football-players-allegedly-raped-woman-in-bathroom
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Abzug aus Incirlik: Tornados starten bald aus Jordanien


Die Bundeswehr verlässt den türkischen Standort Incirlik. In einer entscheidenden Phase des Kampfs gegen den Islamischen Staat müssen die Soldaten eine…
Mit dem bevorstehenden Abzug der deutschen Soldaten vom Luftwaffenstützpunkt Incirlik erreichen die deutsch-türkischen Beziehungen einen neuen Tiefpunkt. Zum Eklat geführt hatte die Weigerung der türkischen Regierung, deutschen Bundestagsabgeordneten Besuche bei den im Rahmen der Koalition gegen die Terrormiliz Islamischer Staat in Incirlik stationierten Truppen zu erlauben. Außenminister Sigmar Gabriel (SPD) hatte bei einem Besuch in Ankara den Streit nicht beilegen können.
Bereits heute soll das Bundeskabinett die Verlegung der Truppen nach Jordanien beschließen. Auch die Zustimmung des Bundestags, der ab dem 19. Juni wieder tagt, gilt als sicher. Neben CDU, CSU und SPD sind auch die Grünen und die Linken für einen Abzug. Die Linken allerdings sind gegen die Verlegung nach Jordanien.
Nein. Neben rund 260 Soldaten, sechs Tornado-Aufklärungsflugzeugen und einem Tankflugzeug müssen rund 10000 Tonnen Material nach Jordanien transportiert werden. Zwar trifft diese Aufgabe die Logistiker der Bundeswehr nicht überraschend, die Verhandlungen mit Jordanien laufen bereits seit geraumer Zeit. Doch anders als Incirlik ist der neue Standort Al-Asrak in Jordanien der Bundeswehr nicht vertraut, vieles muss dort erst an Nato-Standards angepasst werden. So werden die Tornados und die zugehörige Technik am Boden erst in etwa drei Monaten wieder voll einsatzfähig sein.
Das ist nicht ausgeschlossen. Wenn ein für die gesamte Anti-IS-Koalition wichtiger Truppenteil seinen Einsatz monatelang unterbrechen muss, kommt das der Terrormiliz sicher nicht ungelegen. Dem IS, der militärisch zuletzt immer stärker in die Defensive geraten war, droht derzeit der Verlust seiner einstigen Hochburgen Mossul und Rakka.
Jordanien ist eine konstitutionelle Monarchie, der Islam Staatsreligion. In der weltweiten Demokratie-Rangliste (Stand 2015) liegt Jordanien mit Platz 120 noch deutlich hinter der Türkei (Platz 97) . Auch Jordanien wird immer wieder von islamistischem Terror erschüttert. Außenpolitisch ist Jordanien allerdings seit Jahrzehnten am Westen orientiert. Für die USA zählt das Land zu den wichtigsten Verbündeten außerhalb der Nato. Mit dem Nachbarn Israel unterzeichnete Jordanien 1994 einen Friedensvertrag. Eine verstärkte Zusammenarbeit könnte den strategisch wichtigen und politisch immerhin stabilen Nahost-Staat noch enger an den Westen binden.
Das steht derzeit nicht zur Debatte. Denn in Konya sind die Bundeswehrsoldaten im Rahmen einer Nato-Operation stationiert – und nicht als Teil der Anti-IS-Koalition wie in Incirlik. Die türkische Regierung will Besuche deutscher Abgeordneter in Konya nicht verhindern. Zumal Deutschland die Besuche notfalls auch direkt über die Nato organisieren könnte.
Wohl eher nicht – glaubt zumindest die deutsche Seite. Denn der sechs Milliarden Euro schwere Flüchtlingsdeal mit der EU ist für die Türkei extrem lukrativ. Und würde der türkische Präsident Erdogan diesen kündigen, entgingen der Türkei nicht nur beträchtliche Einnahmen. Er gäbe auch sein gewichtigstes Druckmittel aus der Hand und würde jede Wiederannäherung an Europa auf absehbare Zeit unmöglich machen.
Neuigkeiten zur Türkei lesen Sie auch in unserem News-Blog.

© Source: http://www.augsburger-allgemeine.de/politik/Abzug-aus-Incirlik-Tornados-starten-bald-aus-Jordanien-id41667086.html
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