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GOG kicks off annual summer sale with free game offer


GOG’ s annual summer sale is in full effect with more than 1,500 deals on offer. To sweeten the pot, the popular digital distribution platform has a free game waiting in the wings following your first purchase.
GOG’s annual summer sale is in full effect with more than 1,500 deals on offer. To sweeten the pot, the popular digital distribution platform has a free game waiting in the wings following your first purchase.
Where to start with the summer sale will largely depend upon what type of games you are into although several fan-favorites are highlighted on the front page. As of writing, these include Saints Row IV: Game of the Century Edition for $4.99 (75 percent off) , half off The Witcher III: Wild Hunt with all DLC and additional content (yours for $24.99) and Pillars of Eternity: Hero Edition priced at $17.99 (a 60 percent discount) .
If you’ re looking for some seriously deep discounts, check out Resonance for $1.99 (80 percent off) , Deponia for $0.99 (95 percent off) , The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings – Enhanced Edition for $2.99 (85 percent off) , Syberia for $0.99 (90 percent off) , Myst Masterpiece Edition (a personal favorite) for $1.49 (75 percent off) and Darksiders Warmastered Edition for $3.99 (80 percent off) .
Anyone that makes at least one purchase during the summer sale will also receive a copy of Rebel Galaxy from Double Damage Games. The space-based title, regularly priced at $19.99, is free with your first purchase through June 20. As with all games from GOG, it’s DRM-free.
What will you be picking up in the summer sale? Feel free to share your haul in the comments section below.

© Source: http://www.techspot.com/news/69626-gog-kicks-off-annual-summer-sale-free-game.html
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Коми: Трамп подозревал "прослушку" в РФ и отрицал связь с местными проститутками


Экс-директор ФБР Джеймс Коми рассказал, что президент США Дональд Трамп сравнивал “российское расследование” с облаком, которое мешает ему…
Экс- директор ФБР Джеймс Коми рассказал, что президент США Дональд Трамп сравнивал “российское расследование” с облаком, которое мешает ему работать. Об этом говорится в письменных показаниях Коми конгрессу, передает телеканал “112 Украина”.
“Утром 30 марта президент позвонил мне в ФБР. Он сравнил “российское расследование” с облаком, которое ослабляло его возможность работать от имени страны. Он заверил, что не имеет ничего общего с Россией, никогда не связывался с проститутками в России, и заявил, что всегда подозревал прослушку, когда находился в России”, — пишет Коми.
Экс-глава ведомства заверил Трампа, что ФБР расследует дело настолько быстро, насколько может.
Напомним, бывший глава ФБР Джеймс Коми 8 июня даст показания перед комитетом Сената по вопросам разведки о его увольнении и возможных связях кампании Трампа с Россией в рамках расследования комитета по вмешательству РФ в американские выборы .
Ранее сообщалось, что бывший директор ФБР Джеймс Коми мог быть уволен президентом Трампом по двум причинам: из-за нежелания быть лично лояльным к Трампу или же из-за активизации расследования ФБР по факту возможного сговора между членами команды Трампа и Россией.
Согласно докладной записке, в феврале президент США Дональд Трамп во время встречи с тогдашним директором ФБР Джеймсом Коми попросил прекратить расследование в отношении экс-советника по нацбезопасности Майкла Флинна.
Последний публичный визит Трампа в Россию был в 2013 году.

© Source: http://www.segodnya.ua/world/komi-tramp-podozreval-proslushku-v-rf-i-otrical-svyaz-s-mestnymi-prostitutkami-1028075.html
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Paul Ryan: Trump asking for Comey's loyalty 'obviously' inappropriate


House Speaker Paul Ryan said it’s “obviously” inappropriate for President Donald Trump to have asked ousted FBI Director James Comey to pledge his loyalty.
In it, the former FBI official — who was leading the probe into Russia’s meddling into the 2016 election — wrote that Trump told him “I expect loyalty.” Comey said the President also asked him to stop investigating former national security adviser Michael Flynn, and publicly declare that Trump was not under investigation.
“FBI directors are supposed to be independent, ” Ryan said of the Trump-Comey interactions. “That’s something that’s very, very critical.”
Trump announced on Twitter his plans to nominate Christopher A. Wray, the former assistant attorney general in charge of the Justice Department’s criminal division, to be the next FBI director.
“Wray … seems to fit the bill for an independent prosecutor career professional type, ” Ryan said. “Because we typically look for someone who is going to be independent, but also that position is treated independently.”
The Republican lawmaker added that it’s clear Russia meddled in the US election.
“What we need to determine is not whether they did it — we know that, ” Ryan said. “It’s what did they do, how did they do it, how do we prevent it from happening again? And then how do we help our allies so that this doesn’t happen to them?”

© Source: http://edition.cnn.com/2017/06/07/politics/paul-ryan-james-comey-testimony-russia/index.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+rss%2Fcnn_latest+%28RSS%3A+CNN+-+Most+Recent%29
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Trump aides tell him to keep Sessions as U. S. attorney general: sources


Aides to President Donald Trump are urging him not to fire Attorney General Jeff Sessions despite rifts between the two men, sources familiar with internal White House conversations said on Wednesday.
Media reports that Sessions recently offered to resign surfaced earlier this week. They added to pressure on Trump as former FBI Director James Comey, who was abruptly fired from his post last month, prepared to testify in Congress on Thursday about his interactions with the president.
Trump did not accept Sessions’ resignation offer and is now being advised to keep his attorney general in place, at least for the time being, two source said.
Political and legal advisers inside the White House have told Trump over the past month that firing Sessions would create another political fire storm and make it more difficult to fill key jobs inside his administration, the sources said on the condition of anonymity.
“That’s the advice he’s been given. But he might not listen to that advice, ” one of the sources said.
A spokeswoman at the Justice Department declined to comment, and the White House did not respond to a request for comment.
Trump has repeatedly shrugged off advice from close aides.
Earlier this week, he said the Justice Department led by Sessions was wrong to submit a “watered down, politically correct” version of his proposed travel ban on people from several Muslim-majority countries to the Supreme Court.
The outburst weakened government lawyers’ defense that the travel ban, which has been blocked by federal courts, was not intended as a ban on Muslims.
Sessions, a former senator, offered to resign because of tensions with Trump over his decision to recuse himself from a federal investigation into ties between Trump’s associates and Russian officials when Russia was allegedly meddling in the 2016 U. S. presidential election, according to media reports.
Sessions was one of the first senior Republican lawmakers to endorse Trump as a presidential candidate and played an important role in the campaign.
He recused himself from the Russia investigation in March after he failed to disclose a meeting he had with Russia’s ambassador in Washington.
Trump and Sessions were together at the White House on May 17, when Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein surprised them both by appointing former FBI Director Robert Mueller as special counsel to head the Russia investigation.
After learning the news, Trump lashed out at Sessions, blaming him for recusing himself from the Russia probe and leaving the ability to appoint an outside investigator in Rosenstein’s hands, the sources said.
Trump also complained that Sessions had not warned him about Rosenstein’s decision. The Justice Department said Sessions played no part in the decision.
(Reporting by Julia Edwards Ainsley; Editing by Kieran Murray and Cynthia Osterman)

© Source: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-sessions-idUSKBN18Z00D?feedType=RSS&feedName=topNews&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+reuters%2FtopNews+%28News+%2F+US+%2F+Top+News%29
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John Dean on Comey's Remarks: 'Looks Like Obstruction to Me'


Former White House counsel John Dean said Wednesday that former FBI Director James Comey’s planned disclosures to Congress on President Donald Trump’s pressure to close the Michael Flynn Russia investigation looks like obstruction to me. The most striking thing is that…
Former White House counsel John Dean said Wednesday that former FBI Director James Comey’s planned disclosures to Congress on President Donald Trump’s pressure to close the Michael Flynn Russia investigation “looks like obstruction to me.”
“The most striking thing is that Comey’s norm of late has not been to use prepared statements, ” Dean, who was implicated in the Watergate scandal during the Nixon administration, told Erin Burnett on CNN. “He’s obviously carefully prepared this statement.
“It reflects that it is just the tip of the iceberg of this investigation – that he has worked with his colleagues and kept them briefed throughout the drill, because he probably was alarmed and did see problems and knew indeed he might be a witness.”
Comey’s opening remarks were posted online Wednesday by the Senate Intelligence Committee, before which he will testify in open session on Thursday.
He said in the seven-page statement that President Trump asked him to end the investigation of the former national security adviser in a February White House meeting and to pledge his loyalty over a private dinner the previous month.
“I felt compelled to document my first conversation with the President-Elect in a memo, ” Comey said, referring to a Jan. 6 meeting in New York.
“To ensure accuracy, I began to type it on a laptop in an FBI vehicle outside Trump Tower the moment I walked out of the meeting.
“Creating written records immediately after one-on-one conversations with Mr. Trump was my practice from that point forward, ” Comey added. “This had not been my practice in the past.”
Dean told Burnett that Comey’s thoroughness in his remarks reflected “a man who acts like he knew he might be a witness.”

© Source: http://www.newsmax.com/Politics/john-dean-comey-remarks-look/2017/06/07/id/794798/
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Infowars Nightly News LIVE: Comey Releases Testimony Before Hearing


Comey attempts coup d’état with Thursday’s Senate testimony Comey attempts coup d’état with Thursday’s Senate testimony
Infowars’ Millie Weaver breaks down the day’s biggest news stories including the latest on tomorrow’s Senate testimony by former FBI Director James Comey.
RELATED: LIVE Infowars Coverage of Comey Testimony Begins at 8: 30AM CST Thursday

© Source: https://www.infowars.com/infowars-nightly-news-live-comey-releases-testimony-before-hearing/
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There’s one way to profit from the discord over the Paris Agreement


‘China has got the message and that should help environmental businesses become the hot stocks of the future’
Chinese pollution is far more damaging to Chinese people than anyone else. So it is unsurprising that pollution concerns are the most discussed topic in social media. The critical Chinese pollution documentary was viewed 200 million times in seven days. Pulmonary ailments caused by small particle (PM2.5) exposure causes 1.2 million premature deaths every year. Even in 2009 when I studied in Beijing, the easiest Chinese phrase to parrot was not “The weather is hot” but “ ” (it’s very polluted) . No longer does China feel that pollution is not its responsibility – merely because it is merely Western pollution, transposed. Nevertheless, 30 years of the most populous nation on earth dissing the environment in a blind rush for development means that China is the world’s biggest emitter of greenhouse gases. East Capital, the emerging markets asset manager, calculates that “airpocalypse episodes”, where the air quality index is worse than inside an airport smoking room, affects 25 per cent of the population. The Beijing air quality index was above 100 (unhealthy) for 193 days of 2015. The annual economic cost of air pollution for the main conurbations is estimated to be US$1 billion. Even a climate change denier must recognise that breathing industrial dust concentrates is a bad thing. But it is not just the air. Thirty per cent of water resources in China are undrinkable and 12.5 per cent of farmland is polluted by heavy metals. Milk has been contaminated by accident – and on purpose. Cleaning up is eyewateringly expensive although that provides investment opportunities for the 350 listed Chinese green companies. Francois Perrin, East Capital’s clean investment guru, says: “By the end of the 13th five-year plan in 2020, the annual cost of the war against pollution will be 2.7 per cent of China’s gross domestic product.” That is a massive 2.5 trillion yuan (US$367.9 billion) , more than the size of the Hong Kong economy. This large investment implies strong government support for environmental protection and regulation. PM2.5 levels have already been slightly reduced since 2015 and the perception is that, just occasionally, there are a few more “blue sky days”. Water treatment will be the main beneficiary of this investment with 50 billion yuan planned for clean water and a further 47 billion yuan for sewage plants. The Soil Pollution Prevention Act is likely to add 5.7 trillion yuan and there is an additional budget to clean hazardous waste. Clean energy is the most dynamic sector as 10 per cent of China’s vehicles are slated to be fully electric by 2025. BYD already produces more electric vehicles than Tesla. Battery-only cars sold in the nation last year exceeded the rest of the world put together. Batteries are becoming cleaner and greener and more than 75 per cent of the world’s electric vehicle battery sets are used domestically. China’s clean technology industry has more than half of the world’s green investments. The nation boasts six of the top 10 solar panel manufacturers, making 75 per cent of solar panels globally. They generate a quarter of the planet’s solar power. Four of the top 10 makers of wind turbines make half of the world’s wind turbine generators. China alone outputs a third of the world’s wind power. China’s state-owned structure can turn today’s domestic champions into tomorrow’s global leaders. The first Chinese carbon market will be launched this year to allow industry to trade carbon credits. This puts a cost on emissions for polluters who hitherto have had a free ride. The leadership has pledged a 40 to 45 per cent reduction in carbon intensity by 2020 over 2005; and 60 to 65 per cent by 2030. Donald Trump’s withdrawal from the Paris climate accord has raised concern in Washington that choosing pollution over the moral high ground will diminish US influence around the world. A bigger danger for the US is in missing an opportunity for environmental-sector business. Xi has just as much reason to keep his industrial base content as Trump, but he better understands that his power base comes from the people and the people breathe the air. Pollution pays a deadly dividend in health costs, climate change and the plight of ordinary people. A protected environment is cheaper in the long run as every consumer can afford a few pennies to live with blue skies and blue water. China has got the message and that should help environmental businesses become the hot stocks of the future.

© Source: http://www.scmp.com/business/global-economy/article/2097365/theres-one-way-profit-discord-over-paris-agreement
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Hong Kong policeman testifies he felt his ‘life was in danger’ during Mong Kok riot


Court hears senior constable recall ‘too many thugs’ during unrest that erupted following a dispute over government regulation of hawkers
A Hong Kong policeman on Wednesday recalled fleeing for his life during violent last year when 50 “thugs” rushed towards his cornered team and hurled bricks that he could only shield with his bare hands. Detective senior constable Chow Wai-kit was testifying at a trial of nine men accused of rioting in the popular shopping district after a dispute on over government regulation of hawkers. News footage played in West Kowloon Court showed Chow and his colleagues vastly outnumbered by the advancing crowds as they retreated slowly along a closed jewellery shop at about 4am on February 9 last year. Soon the team of 10 was split up. Chow was left with a fellow plainclothes officer. The two lacked shields, helmets and weapons. “The situation at the time was very dangerous, ” he told District Court judge Kwok Wai-kin. “I felt my life was in danger.” Chow agreed with a defence suggestion that police had to “flee for their lives” as protesters grew increasingly violent. He testified that his right shoe had fallen off as he was struck by bricks and hit by protesters and that his colleague had been bashed with a folding chair and a five-foot long stick. He also recalled that a man they had struggled to arrest and handcuff slipped away during the unrest. “There were too many thugs, ” he continued. “We had to protect ourselves and we couldn’ t hold onto the man.” The attack abated when police reinforcements arrived, and after reporters behind them shouted: “Don’ t hit. People will die.” Meanwhile, constable Yip Kim-kwan recalled travelling along Nathan Road in a police car surrounded by protesters who hurled bricks and bamboo sticks “like javelin sticks” at the vehicle. Deputy director of public prosecutions David Leung Cheuk-yin SC said: “Soon the windows were broken.” “All shattered, ” Yip added. Still the assault continued with bricks thrown inside the car. Yip said he “could hear them banging”. Another passenger, police constable Chung Yue-chee, said he wore a helmet inside the car and leaned his body to one side as glass shards sprinkled over him. “I was very scared, very scared that I might get hit, ” he said. None of the four officers inside the car sustained injuries in the 10-minute incident. But the vehicle was damaged, its windshield broken and rear windows shattered and body panels dented. The damage totalled HK$26,352, and police ceased using it. Waiter Mo Jia-tao, 18, earlier pleaded not guilty to one count of criminal damage involving the car. He also denied three counts of rioting, but admitted to assaulting police constable Wong Wing-ho with a bottle-like object. Cleaner Chung Chi-wah, 30, actor Anthony Ho Kam-sum, 37, waiter Fok Ting-ho, 23, logistics worker Tang King-chung, 27, electrician Lam Wing-wong, 21, renovation worker Yep Chi-fung, 17, and Chan Wo-cheung, 70, and Li Cheuk-hin, 19, each pleaded not guilty to one count of rioting. Chan further denied assaulting police constable Pang Tak-ching. The trial continues.

© Source: http://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/law-crime/article/2097341/hong-kong-policeman-testifies-he-felt-his-life-was-danger
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Lakers need Lonzo Ball, dad and all – Orange County Register


EL SEGUNDO – The media gathered en masse at the Lakers’ training facility Wednesday, and in mass, too, just like we used to do for the actual Lakers. This time, we crowded several deep around…
EL SEGUNDO – The media gathered en masse at the Lakers’ training facility Wednesday, and in mass, too, just like we used to do for the actual Lakers.
This time, we crowded several deep around someone who only might be a Laker, Lonzo Ball coming through for us with the most exciting eight minutes this franchise has produced since the end of Kobe Bryant’s 60-point career farewell.
It wasn’ t what Ball said, because it’s never what Ball says, the 19-year-old polished enough to offer answers as bland as his game is bubbly.
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NBA draft: Lonzo Ball downplays concerns about LaVar, highlights leadership qualities And it wasn’ t what Ball did because we weren’ t permitted to watch his workout, the Lakers, as far as we know, having him ballroom dance.
It was simply who Ball is, specifically the most intriguing, dynamic and promising player in the upcoming draft.
A perfect-fit selection for the team with the No. 2 overall pick and in overdue need of direction and belief.
The easiest and most emphatic slam dunk around here since Kobe lobbed to Shaq to finish off that impossible Game 7 victory over Portland an era ago.
“Of course, ” Ball said when asked if his desire was to be a Laker. “I want to stay home.”
And the Lakers – assuming Boston takes Markelle Fultz at No. 1 – should want the same thing, Ball the ultimate homegrown talent who can now continue to grow at home.
This has nothing to do with buzz, even as this one-man audition had the feel of being something much grander.
If you think the Lakers need to manufacture hysteria, you probably weren’ t around to witness the delirious anticipation that once surrounded Sun Yue.
This isn’ t about The Dad of Death, either, the boisterous father so attention-attracting that it’s as if – quite unfairly, by the way – the two have become one: LaVar-zo Ball.
No, LaVar Ball didn’ t thunder into his son’s session with reporters Wednesday to proclaim that he could beat Magic Johnson one-on-one, that he taught Kareem Abdul-Jabbar the hook shot or that it is his silhouette the NBA uses as its logo.
Lonzo and LaVar are wildly different personalities who do share plenty, most notably a last name, an obvious love for one another and an abundance of talent to entertain.
But to appreciate the distance that separates them in their longing for the spotlight, realize that Lonzo, in the span of his eight-minute Q&A, managed to answer 58 questions.
Seriously! Five! Eight!
I took the time to count them and then recount them. Hey, I already mentioned the Lakers don’ t need to generate any gratuitous frenzy; we’ re more than happy to do that for them.
Like usual, Lonzo’s responses, while cordial and professional enough, were staggeringly to the point and almost painfully economical, the kid preferring the same rapid pace with which he moves on the court.
This is just a guess, naturally, but I’ m thinking the chatty LaVar couldn’ t make it through 58 questions in eight minutes even if the only possible answers were true or false.
What this is about is something much more concrete than all of that, the Lakers having the opportunity to add the type of player all teams should covet today.
Lonzo is a pass-first, second and also third point guard whose mere presence in one season at UCLA led to teammates who barely knew him adopting his commitment to ball distribution.
Golden State is in the process right now of showing everyone what can happen when an NBA team emphasizes movement and unselfishness.
Yes, the Warriors, unlike the Lakers, also have all-world shooters and a willingness to more than occasionally defend. But teams have to start somewhere, and that somewhere for the Lakers is Ball.
This will be a process, no doubt, Ball last seen being torched by fellow lottery picks De’ Aaron Fox and Malik Monk, then of Kentucky.
The Lakers, however, have been stuck in some kind of process for much too long already. Ball is a definitive step toward the end this franchise and its fans desire.
“They have a lot of good players, ” Ball said of the team he could and should be about to join. “I just think they need a leader, a point guard, and I feel I can bring that to the team.”
He also can bring LaVar, a potential distraction so real that several NBA executives, including those with the Lakers, have been more than willing to publicly discuss.
Personally, I believe the topic – similar to LaVar himself, at times – is mostly just hot air, something to dissect and debate and eventually dismiss with a grin.
More importantly, Lonzo said he believes the same thing, adding that concerns about his father’s feared meddling followed him to UCLA and proved to be unfounded.
“Everybody has an opinion, ” he said. “I know who I am. Other people who know me know who I am. That’s all that matters.”
Well, that and, in two weeks, this team drafting its next franchise-shaping point guard, the excitement generated Wednesday by Lonzo Ball the could-be Laker just the beginning.

© Source: http://www.ocregister.com/2017/06/07/miller-lakers-need-lonzo-ball-dad-and-all/
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How Audi is going to answer the life and death questions of driverless cars


Audi’; s Beyond initiative will help answer the question nobody wants to ask., General
Audi’; s Beyond initiative will help answer the question nobody wants to ask. Whenever autonomous cars are discussed, the conversation always hits one fascinating, uneasy but ultimately frustrating dead end: ethics and morality. In lose-lose scenarios when a driverless software could be forced to choose between, say, hitting an elderly man and a pregnant woman, nobody really knows what the car should do. But that might be about to change. At the UN’s AI for Good Global Summit in Geneva today, Audi CEO Professor Rupert Stadler announced the Beyond initiative, a new project that’s finally looking to answer the difficult ethical questions associated with driverless cars. In a keynote speech at the start of the summit, Stadler said: “In situations where an accident is unavoidable, we expect a decision from the autonomous car. But a dilemma situation cannot be solved either by a human or by a machine.” Instead, Stadler says carmakers need to move the question out of engineering labs and into the public eye – because it’s ultimately an issue that will affect us all. “We need a discourse in society that looks at the enormous potential of piloted and autonomous driving in relation to the ethical and legal questions, ” Stader says. “We take the concerns of the public seriously and are facing up to the challenges associated with this.” Over the past two years, Audi has begun to answer this question by developing a unique pool of people – from internationally recognised experts in artificial intelligence to their counterparts in scientific and commercial spheres. Professors from MIT, Oxford and other universities around the world have been attending workshops in private, but now Audi says it’s time to give the floor to the public. “The automobile industry cannot answer the ethical and legal questions of piloted and autonomous driving alone, ” Stadler explains. “Science, business, politicians and society must work together.” As a next step, the initiative will therefore involve further multipliers and press ahead with research co-operations. So how is Audi getting the public involved? That’s not yet clear, but the first step is to reveal the initiative he UN summit today. After that, it’s possible the Beyond initiative will release its progress more often – or even engage in multiple workshops around the world. This is one of the first events on driverless cars that hasn’t mentioned the actual technology behind them, and that’s because it’s not really an issue anymore. Believe it or not, the technology itself is the more straightforward issue of autonomous car, and it’s getting better every year. Cars such as the 2017 Mercedes E-Class ship with highly sophisticated semi-autonomous technology, and we’re probably less than a decade away from being able to develop fully autonomous cars. According to Stadler, the Audi A8 coming this summer will see advanced level 3 autonomous technology, and by 2020 or 2025 we should see fully autonomous, level 5 prototypes being tested. The race is on, not just to develop the technology, but to think through and explore the legal and moral implications around it – from insurance to ethical dilemmas. Driverless cars will arrive sooner rather than later, and society needs to work out how they should act, and how we should treat them. And that’s exactly what the Audi Beyond initiative aims to do.

© Source: https://www.pcauthority.com.au/News/464528,how-audi-is-going-to-answer-the-life-and-death-questions-of-driverless-cars.aspx?utm_source=feed&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=PC+%26+Tech+Authority++-+Latest+Articles
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