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NewsHub1日の東京外国為替市場は、アメリカのトランプ大統領が「通貨安に誘導している」などと日本の為替政策を批判したことから円を買ってドルを売る動きが進みましたが、その後、値下がりしたドルが買い戻され、円相場は、小幅な値動きとなりました。 午後5時時点の円相場は、31日と比べて4銭円安ドル高の1ドル=113円56銭から58銭でした。 一方、ユーロに対しては、31日と比べて97銭円安ユーロ高の1ユーロ=122円43銭から47銭でした。 ユーロはドルに対しては、1ユーロ=1.0781から82ドルでした。 市場関係者は「トランプ大統領の発言に対する警戒感が広がったが、実際に円安を是正する政策を実行するのか、わからないことに加えて、アメリカ経済は底堅いという見方が根強いことから、値下がりしたドルが買い戻された。投資家の間では、日本時間の午前4時ごろ発表されるアメリカの中央銀行に当たるFRB=連邦準備制度理事会の会合の結果に注目が集まっている」と話しています。

Similarity rank: 3.3
Sentiment rank: -1.2

© Source: http://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/20170201/k10010860931000.html
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Senator: Army Corp told to approve Dakota pipeline easement


NewsHubBISMARCK, N. D. – The Acting Secretary of the Army has directed the Army Corps of Engineers to proceed with an easement necessary to complete the Dakota Access pipeline, North Dakota Sen. John Hoeven said on Tuesday.
Hoeven issued a statement late in the evening after he said Acting Army Secretary Robert Speer informed him of the decision. Hoeven said he also spoke with Vice President Mike Pence.
A spokesman for the U. S. Army did not immediately respond to requests for comment Tuesday night. Hoeven spokesman Don Canton says that Speer’s move means the easement “isn’t quite issued yet, but they plan to approve it” within days.
The crossing under Lake Oahe, a wide section of the Missouri River in southern North Dakota, is the final big chunk of work on the four-state, $3.8 billion pipeline to carry North Dakota oil through South Dakota and Iowa to Illinois. President Donald Trump on Jan. 24 called on the Army Corps of Engineers to reconsider its December decision to withhold permission until more study is done on the crossing.
The move is likely to be challenged in court by the Standing Rock Sioux, who have spent months protesting the project along with supporters from around the country. The tribe gets drinking water from the river and worries a pipeline leak would pollute the water. The developer, Texas-based Energy Transfer Partners, says the pipeline is safe.
An environmental assessment conducted last year determined the crossing would not have a significant impact on the environment. However, then-Assistant Army Secretary for Civil Works Jo-Ellen Darcy on Dec. 4 declined to issue an easement, saying a broader environmental study was warranted in the wake of opposition by the Standing Rock Sioux. The tribe gets its drinking water from the lake and worries a pipeline leak would pollute the water.
Protesters against the Dakota Access Pipeline are seen near Cannon Ball, N. D.
The company says the pipeline is safe. It called Darcy’s decision politically motivated and accused then-President Barack Obama’s administration of delaying the matter until he left office. Two days before he left the White House, the Corps launched a study of the crossing that could take up to two years to complete.
President Donald Trump on Jan. 24 — just four days after he took office — signed an executive action telling the Corps to quickly reconsider the Dec. 4 decision.
The company appears poised to begin drilling under the lake immediately. Workers have already drilled entry and exit holes for the Oahe crossing, and the company has put oil in the pipeline leading up to the lake in anticipation of finishing the project, its executive vice president Joey Mahmoud said in court documents filed earlier this month.
Hundreds and at times thousands of pipeline opponents who have dubbed themselves “water protectors” have camped on federal land near the crossing site since last August, often clashing with police and prompting more than 625 arrests. The camp’s population has thinned to fewer than 300 due to harsh winter weather and a plea by Standing Rock Chairman Dave Archambault for the camp to disband before the spring flooding season.

Similarity rank: 10.9
Sentiment rank: -1.3

© Source: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2017/03/03/senator-army-corp-told-to-approve-dakota-pipeline-easement.html
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首相「円安誘導の批判、当たらない」 衆院予算委 :日本経済新聞


安倍晋三首相は1日午後の衆院予算委員会で、トランプ米大統領が日本の為替政策を批判したことについて「2%の物価安定目標を達するために適切な金融政策を 日本銀行 に委ねている。円安誘導との批判は当たらない」と反論した。民進党の大串博志政調会長らへの質問に答えた。

Similarity rank: 5.7
Sentiment rank: 1.4

© Source: http://www.nikkei.com/article/DGXLASFK01H4N_R00C17A2000000/
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Democrats’ goal with court nomination: make it a referendum on Trump


NewsHubJudge Neil Gorsuch’s nomination to the Supreme Court may hinge on his antagonists’ ability to turn the confirmation into a referendum on his patron, President Trump.
After Trump unveiled Gorsuch Tuesday night in a reality TV-style announcement, prominent Senate Democrats focused their questions on Trump’s executive decisions in his first two weeks in office, giving the nominee’s 10-plus years on the U. S. Court of Appeals for the 10th Circuit almost secondary consideration.
They highlighted federal courts blocking Trump’s order last weekend banning travel for refugees from around the world and for foreign nationals from seven majority Muslim nations, and they highlighted the new president’s firing Monday of the acting attorney general for refusing to defend the controversial action in the courts.
“I believe the independence of our judicial system, and especially the Supreme Court, is more critical now than at any time in recent history. That is the context in which I will review this nomination,” Sen. Richard J. Durbin (Ill.), the No. 2 Democrat in leadership and a senior member of the Judiciary Committee, said in a statement.
Sen. Tim Kaine (D-Va.), his party’s vice-presidential nominee in the 2016 race against Trump, made a similar point: “The actions of the Trump Administration over the past week raise the stakes to an even higher level.”
It’s a sign of how vulnerable Democrats hope Trump is as a result of his wobbly start, believing that his historically low approval ratings for a new president make him the richest target to shoot at in their battles against Gorsuch and his Cabinet nominees.
After two months of questioning Sen. Jeff Sessions’s record on civil rights, Democrats on the Judiciary Committee focused Tuesday’s debate on the Alabama Republican’s nomination to be attorney general on fears that Sessions is too close to the president to be the nation’s chief law enforcement officer. Again and again, Democrats read from a Washington Post profile highlighting Sessions’s role as the “godfather” of Trump’s ideology and his deep ties to the West Wing.
[ Trump’s hard-line actions have an intellectual godfather: Jeff Sessions ]
Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer (D-N. Y.) issued a blanket decree that every Cabinet nominee would have to answer questions about the travel ban. This led to an extraordinary breach of decorum, when Schumer joined five other Democrats to vote against Elaine Chao’s confirmation as transportation secretary, while her husband — Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) — stood a few feet away in the chamber.
But the increasing focus on all things Trump also signals that Gorsuch is not going to be easy to defeat. Democrats have signaled that he will need to clear the 60-vote threshold to choke off a filibuster, but anywhere from 10 to 15 Democrats appear open to joining what is certain to be a unified bloc of 52 Republicans.
Gorsuch, 49, comes straight from central casting of recent Supreme Court nominees: Harvard Law, Supreme Court clerk, more than 10 years on the appeals circuit.
He would be the eighth member of the current Supreme Court to come from one of the 13 circuit courts, and he would be the fifth justice to graduate from Harvard Law; a sixth, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, began at Harvard but finished her law degree at Columbia.
Statistically, that gives Gorsuch an edge.
For starters, in the last 31 years, 11 appeals judges have been nominated to the Supreme Court; nine have been confirmed, eight of them with relative ease. The two that were not confirmed, both coming from the prestigious D. C. Circuit Court of Appeals, had unusual circumstances. Robert Bork, a fiery conservative with a long paper trail, was rejected by the full Senate in 1987, and last year Merrick Garland’s nomination after Justice Antonin Scalia’s death languished as McConnell refused to consider it until the election decided the next president.
Ever since Bork’s defeat, rising stars on federal courts have taken an anodyne approach to their writings, almost as if they had begun preparing for potential Supreme Court hearings before finishing their third year of law school.
This makes them difficult prey in the normally combative confirmation hearings. They make vague assurances to “uphold the law” and “respect precedent” but avoid firm commitments on hot-button issues.
In his 2005 hearing, Chief Justice John Roberts so frustrated Schumer that he was compelled to observe that, were he to ask the nominee about his favorite movie, Roberts likely would only reply, “I like movies with good acting.” (Roberts broke the room into laughter and sealed his confirmation by interrupting to say, “Doctor Zhivago and North by Northwest.”)
Trump makes his pick, but it’s still Anthony Kennedy’s Supreme Court
To be sure, a coalition of liberal groups have flagged several key legal rulings that will be highlighted in Gorsuch’s hearings. Abortion rights groups cited his dissents in rulings about Planned Parenthood funding and contraceptive coverage in the Affordable Care Act. Others cited rulings siding with corporations over their employees.
But the two top Democrats, Schumer and Durbin, are veterans of the past four Supreme Court hearings, and they’re keenly aware how difficult it is to knock elite judges off balance over questions about legal philosophy.
So that’s why they want to inject Trump into the process. If they can make it all about Trump, they might forge enough unity to block Gorsuch and dare Republicans to change rules to pass him on a party-line vote.
So Democrats, new and old, joined Schumer, who questioned whether Gorsuch “can be a strong, independent Justice on the Court.”
“The first week of the Trump administration underscored the need for a strong and independent judiciary that will serve as a check on the executive branch,” said Sen. Maggie Hassan (D-N. H.), who was sworn into the Senate last month.
“In light of the unconstitutional actions of our new President in just his first week, the Senate owes the American people a thorough and unsparing examination of this nomination,” said Sen. Patrick J. Leahy (D-Vt.), the most senior Democrat.
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Similarity rank: 8
Sentiment rank: -0.5

© Source: https://www.washingtonpost.com/powerpost/democrats-goal-with-court-nomination-make-it-a-referendum-on-trump/2017/02/01/286a03c4-e834-11e6-b82f-687d6e6a3e7c_story.html
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Metra’s Fare Hike Takes Affect, The Third Increase In 3 Years


NewsHubCHICAGO (CBS) – Commuters who use Metra are paying more for their rides starting Wednesday.
Metra’s fare increase took effect Wednesday, which is the third increased in the last three years. WBBM’s Bernie Tafoya reports.
“Every year they are increasing,” said passenger Kamil Yenice. “It’s ridiculous. Our incomes are not going up at the same rate, so it’s not fair.”
Metra one-way passes have increased by 25 cents. 10-ride tickets have increased by $2.75 and monthly passes have increased by $11.75.
“It is what it is. We’re stuck taking the train downtown.”
Bill Stermer is among those who figure that, prices seem to be going up for everything and that Metra has to pay its costs too.
Others are not as charitable, such as Maria Pineda who said she now pays $171 for a monthly pass.
“I think it’s too much, too much increase,” Pineda said. She believes she is not getting her money’s worth.
Commuter Sheril Escartin is also not happy.
“Things are getting more expensive, but we have no choice,” Escartin said.
Depending upon the kind of ticket you buy and how far you are traveling, fares are increasing from about two and a half percent to more than 12 percent.
Escartin said she would like to see improvements go along with the fare increase.
“Maybe, you know, they could be better on time,” said. “They are always having signal problems, especially when the weather is bad. Improve on those [issues]. Maybe better technology, more Wi-Fi.”
Metra said the money generated by the increase will goes towards capital projects.
One month after approving this latest hike, the Metra board voted to give CEO Don Orseno a $28,000 pay raise. Board members said Orseno, who now makes $317,500 annually, was underpaid compared to his peers.
(CBS Chicago/WBBM and The Associated Press contributed to this copy. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.)

Sentiment rank: -1.5

© Source: http://chicago.cbslocal.com/2017/02/01/metras-fare-hike-takes-affect-the-third-increase-in-3-years/
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Former athlete helps truckers get healthy


NewsHubOn a chilly winter morning, dozens of truck driver trainees file into a classroom at the headquarters of Prime Inc., a trucking company based in Springfield, Mo.
See the latest news and share your comments with CNN Health on Facebook and Twitter .
This story is part of a reporting partnership with KCUR, Kaiser Health News and NPR.

Sentiment rank: 0.6

© Source: http://rss.cnn.com/~r/rss/cnn_latest/~3/EdRNGVlDEGI/index.html
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Cubs Acquire RHP Eddie Butler From Rockies


NewsHub(CBS) The Cubs acquired right-hander Eddie Butler from the Rockies on Wednesday, sending right-hander James Farris back to Colorado in a deal that also included the swapping of international bonus money slots.
The Cubs acquired the No. 74 international bonus money slot while sending slot No. 28 back to the Rockies.
Butler was a first-round pick by the Rockies in 2012. He has a 6.50 ERA across parts of three seasons in the big leagues and a career 3.33 ERA in the minors. All but one of his minor league appearances has been as a starter. Butler turns 26 next month.
Butler was 8-3 with a 4.45 ERA at Triple-A in 2016 and compiled a 7.17 ERA in 17 appearances, including nine starts, for the Rockies.
The 24-year-old Farris was selected in the ninth round of the 2014 draft by the Cubs. He has a career 2.91 ERA in three minor league seasons.
In adding Butler to the 40-man roster, the cubs also designated right-hander Dylan Floro for assignment.

Sentiment rank: 0

© Source: http://chicago.cbslocal.com/2017/02/01/cubs-acquire-rhp-eddie-butler-from-rockies/
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Mystery over Chinese tycoon’s disappearance from Hong Kong


NewsHubHONG KONG (AP) — Mystery surrounds the whereabouts of a Chinese-born Canadian billionaire reportedly taken away from his Hong Kong hotel by mainland police, in a case that could rekindle concerns about overreach by Chinese law enforcement in the semiautonomous city.
Chinese police officers escorted Xiao Jianhua from his suite at the luxury Four Seasons Hotel last Friday, according to overseas Chinese news sites that carry reports of political gossip and unverified corruption scandals.
Xiao is the founder of Beijing-based Tomorrow Group, a well-connected financial services company, and is worth nearly $6 billion, according to the Hurun Report, China’s version of the Forbes Rich List.
It’s unclear why Xiao has been targeted. China’s Ministry of Public Security and Foreign Ministry did not respond to requests for comment on Wednesday, a public holiday in China.
His case has parallels with that of five Hong Kong booksellers who disappeared in 2015 only to turn up under control of the mainland authorities, sparking fears that Beijing was eroding Hong Kong’s wide autonomy and rule of law. The five sold gossipy books about China’s communist leaders that were banned on the mainland but popular with Chinese visitors.
Xiao is reported to have built his fortune in part because of close connections with the families of Communist Party leaders. In 2014, reports said he fled China to live in Hong Kong following rumors that he was the target of a graft investigation — reports he denied at the time.
A wide-reaching anti-corruption crackdown led by Chinese President Xi Jinping has snared dozens of executives at state companies.
In response to an inquiry about Xiao, Hong Kong police said that initial investigations showed the “subject” crossed into the mainland at a border checkpoint on Friday. They had launched the investigation after receiving a request for assistance from a family member on Saturday but a day later, the relative asked to withdraw the report after receiving a report that he was safe.
The police force said it has asked Chinese authorities for help in following up on the case.
Outside law enforcement agencies, including those from the mainland, are not authorized enforce the law in Hong Kong, the security bureau said in a statement.
Hong Kong’s Ming Pao newspaper carried a front-page ad Wednesday purportedly from Xiao, which said he was out of the country for medical treatment and denied he had been kidnapped.
Xiao is a Canadian citizen and a Hong Kong permanent resident so he is protected by the Canadian Consulate and Hong Kong laws, the ad said.
It added that he had an unspecified diplomatic passport. Xiao was named ambassador-at-large for Antigua and Barbuda in 2015, according to the Antigua government’s website.
The Canadian Consulate said it was aware of the reports and had contacted authorities “to gather additional information and provide assistance” but declined to provide further details.
A hotel spokeswoman said she could not comment because of active police investigation.
This story has been corrected to show that booksellers disappeared in 2015.
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Similarity rank: 5.3
Sentiment rank: -1.7

© Source: http://wtop.com/asia/2017/02/mystery-over-chinese-tycoons-disappearance-from-hong-kong/
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Pentagon boss makes 1st trip to Asia; NKorea plans unclear


NewsHubBy Matthew Pennington and Robert Burns, Associated Press
Wednesday, Feb. 1, 2017 | 11:06 a.m.
WASHINGTON — Other than a tweet, President Donald Trump hasn’t said how he’ll stop North Korea from threatening America with a nuclear weapon. And as his Pentagon chief visits key allies in Asia, neither Trump nor his GOP allies in Congress seem settled on any plan.
The fight against the Islamic State group is the new administration’s top national security priority, but Defense Secretary Jim Mattis chose South Korea and Japan for his first official overseas trip. Departing Wednesday, Mattis will look to reassure the nations on the front line against North Korea.
Americans are seeking reassurance, too. Concern has surged on both sides of the Pacific about the North’s weapons programs, after leader Kim Jong Un warned in his annual New Year’s address that the country is in the final stages of readiness to test-launch an intercontinental ballistic missile that could potentially threaten the continental United States.
In Washington this week, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee held its first policy hearing since Trump took office to discuss North Korea. There were more questions than answers.
Last month, Trump fueled speculation of possible U. S. military action to pre-empt North Korea’s weapons development. In response to Kim’s threat, Trump tweeted, “It won’t happen! ” But he didn’t elaborate how he could be so sure.
“Does that mean we have drawn a red line? ” Sen. Ben Cardin, D-Md., asked at Tuesday’s Senate hearing.
Those questions and more will be posed to Mattis when he meets top officials in Seoul on Thursday and Tokyo later in the week, two jittery allies that host nearly 80,000 U. S. troops.
During the campaign, Trump complained that defense treaties disadvantaged the U. S. and that he would not rule out abandoning signatories if they refuse to pay more for their defense. He also suggested that South Korea and Japan, which are already within the range of North Korean missiles, might acquire their own nuclear weapons rather than rely on U. S. deterrence.
“It was a smart decision” to visit these allies early, former Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said in an interview. He believes officials in Tokyo and Seoul are wondering: “Can we rely on the U. S.? What is the future here? ”
In phone conversations last weekend with the leaders of South Korea and Japan, Trump offered his own reassurance, saying the U. S. defense commitment to both nations was “ironclad. ” The commitment didn’t answer how his administration would tackle the North Korean threat.
In Congress, bipartisan legislation passed last year empowered the U. S. government to apply Iran-style economic restrictions on North Korea, which includes punishing other countries that deal with Pyongyang in violation of U. N.-approved sanctions.
The obvious target is China, the North’s top economic partner. But going after Beijing entails its own dangers. The Chinese can retaliate against the United States, raising the prospect of a mutually debilitating trade war, or could end up less motivated to cooperate with Washington on containing North Korea.
At this week’s hearing, Republican committee chairman Sen. Bob Corker questioned whether anything short of military action or regime change would force Kim to give up nuclear weapons. The sanctions legislation, he said, is “piddling compared to the challenge,” and he called for new ideas about a U. S. strategy.
Trump has consistently emphasized the need for China to exert more pressure on its unpredictable neighbor. But Trump has also said he would be open to sitting down for a hamburger with Kim, who has met no other foreign leader since assuming power five years ago.
No one seems comfortable with the previous administration’s “strategic patience,” though ready alternatives appear few. The inherited approach involved America tightening sanctions while refusing to jump into aid-for-disarmament negotiations. In the meantime, Pyongyang has marched toward greater prowess. Last year alone, the North staged two underground atomic explosions and two dozen ballistic missile tests, including its first from a submarine.
Estimates of North Korea’s capabilities vary, but some U. S. experts believe it could be able to strike the U. S. mainland with a nuclear weapon by the end of the decade. By then, the North could also have enough reprocessed plutonium and enriched uranium for 100 bombs — not far short of India and Pakistan’s likely arsenals.
Cardin, the Foreign Relations Committee’s top Democrat, said he understood the U. S. may need to consider military options against North Korea. But he warned against setting such a policy rashly, drawing a comparison with Trump’s executive order on immigration and refugees that has drawn international condemnation.

Sentiment rank: -1.1

© Source: http://lasvegassun.com/news/2017/feb/01/pentagon-boss-makes-1st-trip-to-asia-nkorea-plans/
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На Майдане Независимости попрощались с бойцами, погибшими под Авдеевкой


NewsHubЛюди, стоя на коленях и выкрикивая «Слава Украине» и «Герои не умирают», попрощались с семью бойцами, которые погибли под Авдеевкой 29 и 30 января.
Об этом сообщает « 112-Украина ».
Сейчас известны имена только четверых погибших, среди которых капитан Кизило Андрей Александрович, сержант Бальченко Владимир Иванович, солдат Оверченко Дмитрий Александрович, сержант Крижанский Владимир Алексеевич.
Большинство погибших бойцов были из 72-й бригады.
Как сообщил АиФ.ua, в Авдеевке развернули 11 пунктов обогрева и три полевых кухни.

Similarity rank: 6.6

© Source: http://www.aif.ua/society/people/na_maydane_nezavisimosti_poproshchalis_s_boycami_pogibshimi_pod_avdeevkoy
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