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All-Williams final at Australian Open as Venus, Serena win ‹ Japan Today: Japan News and Discussion


NewsHubMELBOURNE, Australia —
Serena Williams is one win away from a record 23rd Grand Slam title after setting up an all-Williams final at the Australian Open against her older sister, Venus.
No. 2-ranked Serena Williams, a six-time Australian Open winner, overwhelmed Mirjana Lucic-Baroni 6-2, 6-1 in the second of the women’s semifinals on Thursday after Venus Williams beat fellow American CoCo Vandeweghe 6-7 (3), 6-2, 6-3.
“She’s my toughest opponent — nobody has ever beaten me as much as Venus has,” Serena Williams said. “No matter what happens, we’ve won. A Williams is going to win this tournament.”
The 36-year-old Venus Williams is back in a Grand Slam final for the first time since Wimbledon in 2009 and her first in Australia since 2003, when she lost the only previous all-Williams final at Melbourne Park.
Venus Williams tossed her racket after clinching the 2-hour, 26-minute semifinal on her fourth match point and put her hands up to her face, almost in disbelief, before crossing her arms over her heart. She then did a stylish pirouette on the court, smiling broadly, as the crowd gave her a standing ovation.
“Everyone has their moment in the sun,” Venus Williams said. “Maybe mine has gone on a while. I’d like to keep that going. I’ve got nothing else to do so let’s keep it going.”
Serena Williams’ celebration was more subdued after her 50-minute, one-sided win over 34-year-old Lucic-Baroni, who was playing her first semifinal at a major since Wimbledon in 1999. Lucic-Baroni took a selfie with her cell phone on the court before waving and leaving Rod Laver Arena.
Serena didn’t get to watch much of her sister’s match, but she knew the result before she went out to play.
“Obviously I was really proud of Venus — a total inspiration, my big sister,” Serena said. “She’s basically my world and my life. She means everything to me. I was so happy for her. For us both to be in the final is the biggest dream come true for us.”
Venus Williams has won seven major titles, but none since Wimbledon in 2008. Her gap between major finals is the longest for any player in the Open era. She’s also lost six of the eight Grand Slam finals she’s played against her younger sister, and is 11-16 in career meetings.
Venus Williams is the oldest player to reach a women’s major final since Martina Navratilova, then 37 and 258 days, at Wimbledon in 1994.
The 25-year-old Vandeweghe was playing in the last four at a major for the first time and was the only semifinalist younger than 34. She’d advanced with back-to-back wins over top-ranked Angelique Kerber and French Open champion Garbine Muguruza and took charge against Venus Williams in the first-set tiebreaker.
But Venus Williams rallied after dropping a set for the first time in the tournament, breaking Vandeweghe four times over the final two sets and putting pressure back on her fellow American.
Vandeweghe said earlier in the tournament she’d admired the Williams sisters as an up-and-coming player, and once asked for Venus’ autograph. Venus Williams said one of the best things about her longevity in the game was having an influence on other players.
“Growing up, all I wanted was to have an opportunity to play these tournaments. But then you get here and then you have an opportunity to inspire other people,” she said. “It’s more than a cherry on top. It’s more than I dreamed of.”
Earlier, Bob and Mike Bryan earned a shot at a seventh Australian Open doubles title after a rain-interrupted 7-6 (7-1) 6-3 semifinal win Friday over Pablo Carreno Busta and Guillermo Garcia-Lopez.
Copyright 2017 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Similarity rank: 1.5

© Source: https://www.japantoday.com/category/sports/view/all-williams-final-at-australian-open-as-venus-serena-win
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Dell announces new Chromebooks and Windows 10-based Latitude notebooks aimed at students


NewsHubYesterday, Dell announced two Touch Monitors primarily aimed at the education and business sectors , and now the company has unveiled a total of six new portable devices across the Chromebook and Latitude lineups, which will be available starting next month.
The new Chromebooks include the Chromebook 11, Chromebook 11 Convertible and the Chromebook 13, priced from $219 onwards, while their parallels in the Windows 10-powered Latitude series are the Latitude 11, Latitude 11 Convertible and the Latitude 13, priced from $349 onwards.
There seem to be a handful of changes between the Chromebooks and the Latitudes, apart from the operating system. The Latitude 11 and Latitude 11 Convertible will be available with 6th and 7th Generation Celeron and Pentium processors, while its Chromebook counterparts will only have the 6th Generation Celeron processor option.
The Latitude 13 laptop will be available with 6th and 7th Generation Celeron, Pentium, Core i3 or i5 processor options, while the Chromebook 13 can be availed with 6th Generation Celeron or Core i3 processors.
Dell hasn’t revealed all the specifications of the newly announced devices, but we should be able to know more on their website once sales begin on the 7th of February.
Source and image: Dell

© Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/neowin-main/~3/f1n6UND_7xQ/dell-announces-new-chromebooks-and-windows-10-based-latitude-notebooks-aimed-at-students
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Українців з ID-паспортами не пускають до Білорусі


NewsHubЧернігівський прикордонний загін повідомив про проблеми з новими ID-паспортами при перетині кордону з Білоруссю. Про це розповідає Укрінформ.
“Факти про непропуск громадян України, які отримали в органах Державної міграційної служби паспортні документи нового зразка, так звані ID-картки, дійсно фіксуються, але це пов’язано з певним законодавчим нонсенсом: нові документи в Україні введені, але не внесені у міждержавний договір про безвізові поїздки громадян України і Республіки Білорусь один до одного”, – пояснив начальник прес-служби Олександр Дудко.
За його словами, білоруси завертають українців з ID-картками незалежно від того, є у них обладнання для зчитування інформації з таких документів чи ні – вони просто виконують існуючі договірні зобов’язання.
Прикордонники радять вирішувати дану проблему на рівні Міністерств закордонних справ Білорусі і України.
Нагадаємо, раніше повідомлялося, що президент Білорусі Олександр Лукашенко підписав указ, яким встановлюється п’ятиденний безвізовий режим для громадян 80 країн.
Кабмін хоче видавати паспорти українцям з ЛДНР

Similarity rank: 5.4

© Source: http://ua.korrespondent.net/ukraine/3806036-ukraintsiv-z-ID-pasportamy-ne-puskauit-do-bilorusi
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Trump criticizes decision to commute ‘ungrateful traitor’ Chelsea Manning’s sentence


NewsHubPresident Donald Trump tweeted Thursday morning that Chelsea Manning, the Army intelligence analyst who had been convicted for turning over classified diplomatic documents to WikiLeaks, “should never have been released from prison.”
Manning, who Trump called an “ungrateful traitor,” “is now calling President Obama a weak leader,” he said. “Terrible!”
Manning, whose 35-year-sentence was commuted by former President Barack Obama shortly before he left office, has not yet been released from prison, contrary to Trump’s tweet. She is set to be freed on May 17 from her cell at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, where she has spent the past seven years.
On Wednesday, she wrote a column in the Guardian criticizing Obama’s inclination toward compromise, saying it had led to “very few permanent accomplishments.”
“This vulnerable legacy should remind us that what we really need is a strong and unapologetic progressive to lead us,” she wrote. “What we need as well is a relentless grassroots movement to hold that leadership accountable.”
“The one simple lesson to draw from President Obama’s legacy: do not start off with a compromise. They won’t meet you in the middle,” she added.
Obama said shortly after his decision to commute Manning’s sentence that “justice has been served” during her time in prison.
“She took responsibility for her crime,” he said in his final news conference, adding that “the sentence that she received was very disproportionate relative to what other leakers have received.”

Similarity rank: 13
Sentiment rank: -2.1

© Source: http://www.charlotteobserver.com/news/politics-government/article128844009.html
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Mexico: We will not pay for any wall


NewsHubAs US President Barack Obama prepares to leave office on January 20, here are 10 things his presidency may be remembered for.
(AP File)
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Washington – President Donald Trump on Wednesday ordered work to begin on building a wall across the Mexican border, angering his southern neighbour with his hardline stance on immigration.
The US leader instructed officials to begin to “plan, design and construct a physical wall along the southern border” and – perhaps more problematically – see how it could be funded.
“A nation without borders is not a nation,” Trump said, echoing former president Ronald Reagan, as he visited the Department of Homeland Security to sign two executive orders.
“Beginning today, the United States of America gets back control of its borders,” the Republican president said.
Hours later, Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto demanded “respect” for his country in a nationally televised address.
“I regret and condemn the decision of the United States to continue construction of a wall that, for years, has divided us instead of uniting us,” Pena Nieto said.
“I have said it time and again: Mexico will not pay for any wall,” Pena Nieto said.
A Mexican government official told AFP that Pena Nieto will weigh in the coming days whether to maintain a meeting with Trump in Washington on Tuesday.
Stemming immigration was a central plank of Trump’s election campaign.
His signature policy prescription was to build a wall across the 3 200km border between the United States and Mexico.
Some of the border is already fenced, but Trump says a wall is needed to stop illegal immigrants entering from Latin America.
The policy has become a clarion call for the US right and far-right – the core of Trump’s support.
A Morning Consult/Politico poll released on Wednesday said 47% of voters support building a wall, with 45% against.
Experts have voiced doubts about whether a wall would actually slow illegal immigration, or if it is worth the billions it is expected to cost.
“I suspect that a lot of Trump supporters would be just as happy with a big statue of a middle finger pointed south,” said Congressman Luis Gutierrez.
“Both are about equally effective as national security strategies. ”
Billion-dollar wall
Despite the high-octane rhetoric, Trump’s action was piecemeal, looking to identify existing funds that could be diverted toward the project.
The Republican-controlled Congress would need to supply billions of dollars more if the wall is to be anywhere near completed.
Trump’s party has spent the last decade preaching fiscal prudence, so cuts to existing programs would likely be required.
Trump also ordered a survey of the border to be completed within 180 days.
Much of the land needed to build the wall would have to be seized from private citizens in Texas, the state of Texas or tribal authorities.
That could lead to lengthy legal proceedings, political blowback and substantial expropriation payments.
“The only real solution to reform our immigration system is to pass comprehensive immigration reform that provides a path to citizenship for the 11 million” undocumented people in the United States, top Senate Democrat Chuck Schumer said.
Make Mexico pay?
Trump has promised to make Mexico pay for the wall, something the Mexican government has repeatedly said it will not do.
“Ultimately it will come out of what’s happening with Mexico, we’re going to be starting those negotiations relatively soon. And we will be, in a form, reimbursed by Mexico,” Trump told ABC earlier on Wednesday.
Trump aides have weighed hiking border tariffs or border transit costs as one way to “make Mexico pay. ”
Another threat is to finance the wall by tapping into remittances that Mexican migrants send home, which last year amounted to $25 billion.
“There are a lot of different ways of getting Mexico to contribute to doing this, and there are different ways of defining how exactly they pay for it,” House leader Paul Ryan said in an interview on MSNBC, while also conceding that the United States is “going to pay for it and front the money up. ”
Mexican Foreign Minister Luis Videgaray and the country’s economy minister are currently in Washington to prepare for Pena Nieto’s visit next week, which now hangs in the balance.
Economy Minister Ildefonso Guajardo warned that Mexico could walk away from the negotiations if the US governments threatens remittances or insists on the wall payment.
Ban on Muslims?
Trump is also said to be floating the idea of a ban on refugees from Muslim-majority countries, including Syria.
Around 4.8 million Syrians have fled to neighboring countries alone, according to the United Nations. An estimated 18 000 Syrians have come to the United States.
Former officials said Trump could slow the flow down by moving resources away from processing visa requests, or cutting or freezing migrant quotas and programs.
The move has prompted a fierce backlash even before it was announced.
“A ban on refugees would not make America safer,” said Stephen Yale-Loehr of Cornell Law. “Refugees from Syria already go through a 21-step screening process that takes 18-24 months. ”
“The head of the US Citizenship and Immigration Services told Congress in September 2016 that not a single act of actual terrorist violence has been committed by a refugee since 9/11. ”
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Similarity rank: 16
Sentiment rank: 0

© Source: http://www.news24.com/World/News/mexico-we-will-not-pay-for-any-wall-20170126
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Maischberger zu Gabriel und Schulz


NewsHubSigmar Gabriel konnte es nie jemandem recht machen. Nun wird sogar seine eigentlich als vernünftig erachtete Entscheidung, die Kanzlerkandidatur an Martin Schulz abzugeben, skandalisiert. So auch bei Maischberger.
Eigentlich sprach schon in den vergangenen Monaten einiges für das, was am Dienstag passiert ist. Trotzdem empören sich nun wieder viele über die jüngste politische Nachricht aus Berlin.
Ja, Sigmar Gabriel gibt seine erwartete Kanzlerkandidatur an Martin Schulz ab. Und ja, man kann daran zweifeln, ob das noch als demokratisch beurteilt werden kann, was da abläuft. Das gilt allerdings für größere Teile der Koalitions- und Regierungsarbeit der vergangenen Jahre.
Insofern könnte man erwarten, dass Gabriels Stabsübergabe an den wesentlich beliebteren Martin Schulz von Jubel begleitet wäre, zumindest seitens Gabriels Kritikern und der SPD sowie ihrer Anhänger. Doch weit gefehlt, wie sich bei Maischberger in der ARD am Mittwochabend zeigt.
Geladen sind sechs Gäste, die an Martin Schulz als Kanzlerkandidaten eigentlich nichts Übles finden können, im Gegenteil (bis auf CSU-Generalsekretär Andreas Scheuer, aber der ist eh wieder mal so stark auf Krawall gebürstet, dass sogar die friedliebende Moderatorin ihn zwischendurch anfaucht: “Vorsicht hier! “).
Malu Dreyer als SPD-Ministerpräsidentin von Rheinland-Pfalz findet erwartungsgemäß salbungsvolle, wenn auch überraschte Worte, die stark daran erinnern, dass die SPD Taktik walten lässt, wo doch nun wirklich einmal überzeugende Inhalte gefragt wären. Bezeichnenderweise fällt ihr das dritte von Schulzes “drei großen Themen”, neben “Sicherheit” und “Sozialer Gerechtigkeit” aber gerade gar nicht ein. Zur Art der Verkündung fällt ihr aber ein: “Es hätte auch ein bisschen besser laufen können. ”
“Deutschlands bekannteste Putzfrau” und SPD-Mitglied Susanne Neumann ist vor allem empört, weil sie persönlich sich schon auf die Kanzlerkandidatur von Gabriel vorbereitet hatte.
Hans Ulrich Jörges vom Stern hat erst mal viel damit zu tun, stolz zu erklären, inwieweit sein Arbeitgeber an der Entscheidung Gabriels monatelang beteiligt gewesen sei – mittels eines offenbar sehr lange bearbeiteten Interviews. Er scheint dann auch der Einzige in der Runde zu sein, der an einen Wahlsieg Schulzes glauben mag.
Dirk Schümer fragt sich als Europa-Korrespondent der Welt , ob wirklich jemand denke, dass irgendjemand gegen die Kanzlerin gewinnen könne, und findet es schade, dass Schulz “mit seinen vielen Sprachen und seinem Charisma” erst in der EU und nun im innerdeutschen Rennen gegen Merkel verbraucht werde. Dem Kapitalismus sei es offenbar gelungen, europaweit den Sozialstaat zu untergraben. Das ist schon ganz schön links für einen Welt -Mann. Passenderweise trägt er rote Socken und outet sich als “großer Fan” von Martin Schulz.
Aber ist dieser Schulz denn wirklich ein Linker? Oder steht er, wie schon Frauke Petry von der AfD frohlockte, für das Scheitern der EU? Aus gut unterrichteter Quelle weiß Sahra Wagenknecht : Mit der Ausrichtung der SPD wie unter Oscar Lafontaine habe Schulz nicht viel zu tun, da sei er näher an Gabriel auf deutschem und an Juncker auf europäischem Parkett.

Similarity rank: 7.3

© Source: http://www.sueddeutsche.de/medien/ard-talk-maischberger-gabriel-hat-erkannt-dass-er-zu-schwach-ist-1.3350063?source=rss
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Utility delays removal of spent fuel from Fukushima reactor


NewsHubTOKYO (AP) — The operator of Japan’s Fukushima nuclear plant said Thursday that plans to remove spent fuel from one of three damaged reactors will be further delayed because of high radiation.
Work to remove the spent fuel from a cooling pool at the Unit 3 reactor was to begin by March 2018 after a three-year delay. Tokyo Electric Power Co. plans to move tens of thousands of fuel rods out of the way before removing melted fuel that sits lower in the reactor.
The utility announced Thursday it will postpone the start until later in 2018 because it is taking longer to decontaminate the site and ensure workers’ safety.
“Our priority is safety, even though it is important to set a goal,” Naohiro Masuda, head of TEPCO’s decommissioning unit, said in a video conference from Fukushima. “The delay is because we need time to thoroughly shield radiation to avoid exposure and other risks at the site.”
TEPCO began to install a rooftop cover earlier this month on Unit 3 to prevent radiation from leaking out of the building during the fuel removal. The roof installation is expected to take about two years.
Plans for similar work at two other reactors also damaged by a massive 2011 earthquake remain set for fiscal 2020.
TEPCO is struggling with the decommissioning work, which is expected to take decades and cost billions of dollars a year.
In December, a government panel said the estimated cost of cleaning up the Fukushima plant has doubled to nearly 22 trillion yen ($190 billion), and is expected to continue to grow.
Also Thursday, TEPCO inserted a long pipe mounted with a tiny video camera into the Unit 2 reactor for a preliminary observation before sending in a remote-controlled “scorpion” robot for a more detailed examination of the interior next month. Masuda said officials hope the robot will be able to use a camera mounted on its tail to capture details of the debris from below.
A video taken Thursday with the pipe probe showed parts of the inside of the containment vessel and railings covered with rust and unidentified dark smears. The area of the core could not be seen because of steam and falling water drops, though TEPCO said no major obstacles such as broken parts were seen, meaning a passage for the “scorpion” is believed to be clear.
Follow Mari Yamaguchi on Twitter at twitter.com/mariyamaguchi
Find her work at http://bigstory.ap.org/content/mari-yamaguchi
Copyright © The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Sentiment rank: -1.8

© Source: http://mynorthwest.com/524838/utility-delays-removal-of-spent-fuel-from-fukushima-reactor/
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Конгрессмены США отказываются платить за строительство стены на границе с Мексикой


NewsHubКонгресс Соединенных Штатов Америки будет блокировать выделение денег на строительство стены на границе США и Мексики. Об этом в интервью телеканалу MSNBC сказал спикер палаты представителей Пол Райан, пишет Интерфакс-Украина.
Райан считает цену проекта в размере от $8 млрд до $14 млрд “примерно верной”, однако подчеркивает, что Мексику можно заставить платить и другими методами, а именно этого добивается президент Дональд Трамп для сокращения притока нелегальных иммигрантов из этой страны.
При этом спикер палаты представителей отметил, что конгрессмены-республиканцы согласны с тем, что защиту границ необходимо усиливать.

Similarity rank: 10

© Source: http://mignews.com.ua/politics/16437037.html
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Hugo Barra leaves Xiaomi to lead Facebook's VR efforts


NewsHubEarlier this week, former Android executive Hugo Barra announced that he was leaving his post leading Xiaomi’s international efforts, citing personal reasons and a desire to go back to his normal life in Silicon Valley and take some much-needed time off. Well, so much for the taking some time off part, as Facebook has just announced Barra will be joining the ranks to lead all of the company’s VR efforts.
Barra will replace Brendan Iribe at Oculus, who stepped down from the CEO job last month to lead Oculus’ PC-focused VR efforts instead. Fittingly, Mark Zuckerberg made the announcement in a Facebook post accompanied by a photo of the two executives meeting in VR.
In his announcement , Zuckerberg noted that he’s known Barra since he was helping develop Android, and says they share the belief that virtual and augmented reality will be the next major computing platform. “They’ll enable us to experience completely new things and be more creative than ever before. Hugo is going to help build that future, and I’m looking forward to having him on our team,” he wrote.
Barra worked on the development of Android at Google from 2010 to 2013 until being appointed by Xiaomi as Vice President of Xiaomi Global, in what was a major coup for the Chinese firm. During his tenure he helped raise Xiaomi’s global profile expanding across Asia and beyond to reach more than 20 countries, although the formal entry into the U. S. that many expected never materialized.

Similarity rank: 2.2

© Source: http://www.techspot.com/news/67914-hugo-barra-leaves-xiaomi-lead-facebook-vr-efforts.html
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Australian Open 2017: Venus & Serena Williams to meet in ninth Grand Slam final


NewsHubVenus and Serena Williams will meet in a Grand Slam final for the ninth time after the American sisters came through their semi-finals in Melbourne.
Thirteenth seed Venus, 36, beat fellow American Coco Vandeweghe 6-7 (3-7) 6-2 6-3 to reach her first major final since 2009.
World number two Serena, 35, saw off unseeded Croat Mirjana Lucic-Baroni 6-2 6-1 in the second semi-final.
Serena is attempting to win an Open-era record 23rd Grand Slam singles title.
It would also be a seventh Australian Open victory for the younger Williams sister, while Venus hopes to win an eighth major title, first in Melbourne and first since Wimbledon in 2008.
Saturday will be their first Grand Slam final against each other since Wimbledon 2009 when Serena won in straight sets.
“It is unbelievable to watch Serena play tennis – the way she hits the ball and the competitor she is,” Venus Williams said after the first semi-final.
“It would be a dream to see her on the opposite side of the net on Saturday. ”
Speaking after her win, Serena said: “I am really proud of Venus – she is a total inspiration. I am really happy for her and to be in the final together is a dream for us.
“She is my toughest opponent, no-one has ever beaten me as much as Venus.
“I feel no matter what that we have both won after all we have been through. I know a Williams is going to win this tournament. ”
Vandeweghe, 25, had played superbly in seeing off world number one Angelique Kerber and French Open champion Garbine Muguruza to reach the last four, but she could not maintain that level in the semi-final.
The world number 35 deservedly took the first set on a tie-break but it was the experience of Williams that eventually prevailed.
Williams converted four of five break points, but more importantly reduced Vandeweghe to just one from 13 as the younger American was reduced to throwing her racquet in frustration as the chances slipped by.
Two double faults handed Williams a decisive double break in the second set and the seven-time Grand Slam champion broke again at the start of the third.
Vandeweghe stayed close enough to keep the pressure on, saving three match points before finally cracking with an error on the fourth, prompting a jubilant twirl of celebration from Williams.
“Everyone has their moment in the sun. Maybe mine has gone on a little longer than other people, but I have nothing else to do,” joked Williams.
Lucic-Baroni was playing her first Grand Slam semi-final for 18 years, but it only lasted 50 minutes as Serena Williams dominated in her 34th major semi-final.
It was their third meeting but their first since 1998, when the pair were teenagers.
The story of Lucic-Baroni’s comeback from a series of personal issues that saw her career all but finished had captured the attention, and she ended the tournament by taking a selfie with the crowd on her way out of Rod Laver Arena.
“Mirjana is an inspiration and deserves all the credit today,” said Williams. “To get so far after all she has been through inspires me and I wanted to give her all the congratulations.
“It is great to see her out here. I was rooting for her through the whole tournament. ”
Williams will return on Saturday to try to make history once again by surpassing Steffi Graf and winning a 23rd major singles title.
Once she broke Lucic-Baroni’s serve in the third game there was only going to be one winner, runs of five straight games and six straight games bringing her each set.
“The serve was a little better today. I want it to be a little better. I knew it needed to be good because Mirjana is a great returner,” added Williams.
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Similarity rank: 12
Sentiment rank: 1.9

© Source: http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/tennis/38754239
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