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Hill Republicans try to wait out the Trump storm


As storm clouds continue to gather over President Donald Trump, congressional Republicans are doing the political equivalent of sheltering in place — bracing themselves and hoping to ride out the controversy.
Spurred by reports that Trump asked then-FBI Director James Comey to drop the investigation into former national security adviser Michael Flynn, Democrats are demanding an independent investigation into Trump’s actions, calling for a special prosecutor, and in some cases raising the possibility of impeachment.
But Republicans are hamstrung by a simple reality: Their political fortunes are still directly tied to Trump’s.
GOP lawmakers still have to answer to a base that remains overwhelmingly behind the President. Launching new investigations and a special prosecutor could drag the issue out well past the 2018 midterm elections. And they see Trump as a useful ally in their pushes for tax reform, health care changes and more — if they can ever get back to working on policy.
It’s all part of why House Speaker Paul Ryan tried to buy the GOP time and offered Trump some cover Wednesday, telling reporters the current congressional investigations are sufficient and that he wants to wait and see the memos Comey drafted after his meetings with Trump.
“The last thing I’m going to do is pre-judge anything, ” Ryan told reporters. “I’m a person who wants to get the facts.”
Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Bob Corker also said he wanted to wait and see.
“We all should take a deep breath and hopefully Comey will come before the committees in public very soon, ” Corker said. “We’re at a point now where until Comey comes up and testifies publicly and we actually know more about what’s happened, there’s really nothing else to say, is there?”
Even one of the most outspoken critics of Trump’s moves with Comey, Arizona Sen. John McCain, admitted that it “does grow a little boring” to answer the same questions all day long, but at this point, it’s all Republicans can do given that they’re still waiting for answers to their own questions.
GOP lawmakers know Comey is likely to testify publicly before a congressional panel in the near future and that there are still more notes based on his conversations with Trump that are likely to be revealed.
Risks to agenda
Some Republicans in vulnerable seats have sharply criticized Trump. “It’s a major distraction for the Congress, and it’s just bad for the psyche of every American, ” Florida Republican Rep. Carlos Curbelo told reporters off the House floor Tuesday.
Others are lamenting that their messages on tax reform, health care and more are being drowned out by the controversies surrounding Trump.
House Democrats, meanwhile, attempted a new tactic Wednesday, forcing a vote on whether to launch an independent investigation into Trump and his campaign’s ties to Russia. But the GOP majority was able to sidestep it.
As Trump’s approval rating has dipped — it’s at 40%, according to a recent Quinnipiac poll — so have voters’ views of the GOP. In that same poll, 54% of Americans said they want to see Democrats control the House, to just 38% for Republicans — the biggest margin the poll has ever found.
Across Capitol Hill, members and their staff are tired of the drip, drip of new allegations and evidence damaging to Trump coming out every day.
“We’re all exhausted because we’d love to actually focus on the things people elected us to do, ” one Senate GOP aide said.
But, turning on Trump now would almost certainly derail the GOP’s agenda of repealing Obamacare and overhauling the country’s tax system. On Wednesday morning during a closed-door meeting with his conference, Ryan encouraged his members to be “sober” about how they approached the huge volume of information coming out every day about the President. Facts first, he instructed.
A Republican president, after all — even one has sloppy at times or as controversial as Trump — still can provide the signature Republicans need to finally pass some of their central campaign promises. But GOP lawmakers admit that the distractions from the White House have still taken their toll.
“We’ve been discussing health care in lunches and private meetings, so that work continues, ” said Sen. Susan Collins, a Republican from Maine and member of the Senate Intelligence Committee. “But obviously there’s new revelations coming every day in the press concerning the White House. It makes it more difficult for us to pursue an agenda here.”
Democrats, of course, have watched their Republican colleagues closely as they’ve squirmed with every passing Trump controversy. From the outside, Democrats say their colleagues are facing a hard political choice.
“It’s just a question of political instincts. Right now, the Republicans in their primary and the Republicans who voted for Trump are still overwhelmingly in his corner and they’re afraid of alienating them, ” said Democratic Sen. Dick Durbin of Illinois, who added that Republicans are now caught between appeasing their base and the rest of the country.
“It’s reaching a level where it’s beyond the routine political decision, ” Durbin said.
Sen. Chris Van Hollen, a Democrat from Maryland, said he is concerned that Republicans who are voicing criticism privately have not done so publicly.
“All I can say is, this is the time to be patriots over partisans, ” Van Hollen said.

© Source: http://edition.cnn.com/2017/05/17/politics/congress-republicans-trump/index.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+rss%2Fcnn_latest+%28RSS%3A+CNN+-+Most+Recent%29
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James Corden returning to host Grammy Awards' 60th anniversary show in 2018


CBS is bringing back James Corden to host the Grammy Awards in 2018, the Los Angeles Times has confirmed. When Corden hosted the 2017 G…
Here’s what’s new and interesting in entertainment and the arts:
CBS is bringing back James Corden to host the Grammy Awards in 2018, the Los Angeles Times has confirmed.
When Corden hosted the 2017 Grammys in February, the host of “The Late Show” was generally well-received as he brought comedy — including a “Carpool Karaoke” rendition of “Sweet Caroline” — into the mix.
LL Cool J did the honors at the performance-heavy awards show for five years prior. Before that, the Grammys went seven years with no host at all.
For its 60th anniversary year, the show will return to New York City’s Madison Square Garden, Recording Academy officials announced earlier this month. Staples Center in downtown Los Angeles has been home to the big production since 2003.
The Grammy Awards will air Jan. 28 on CBS.

© Source: http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/la-et-entertainment-news-updates-may-james-corden-grammys-2018-1495059138-htmlstory.html
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Governor Candidate JB Pritzker Calls For Trump Impeachment


A Democrat running for Illinois governor in 2018 is calling for the impeachment of President Donald Trump.
CHICAGO (AP) — A Democrat running for Illinois governor in 2018 is calling for the impeachment of President Donald Trump.
J. B. Pritzker said in a statement Wednesday the House of Representatives should begin impeachment proceedings. He says there are “credible reports” that Trump “obstructed justice in the investigation of the Russian hacking of our democracy.”
Pritzker was a top supporter of Hillary Clinton, helping raise millions for her unsuccessful campaign against Trump. The Chicago billionaire says calling for impeachment is “not something done lightly” but that it’s necessary.
The White House has denied that Trump asked former FBI Director James Comey to shut down an investigation.
Pritzker is among several Democrats hoping to unseat Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner.
Others include state Sen. Daniel Biss, businessman Chris Kennedy and Chicago Alderman Ameya Pawar.
(TM and © Copyright 2016 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.)

© Source: http://chicago.cbslocal.com/2017/05/17/jb-pritzker-president-trump-impeachment/
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昭恵氏、加計学園でも「名誉園長」 職員連れて催し参加


獣医学部の 新設計画に関し、 文部科学省が内閣府から「総理の ご意向だと聞いている」 などと言われたとする文書が明らかになった加計学園については、 加計孝太郎理事長と安倍晋三首相が懇意にしているほか、 妻の 昭恵…
獣医学部の新設計画に関し、文部科学省が内閣府から「総理のご意向だと聞いている」などと言われたとする文書が明らかになった加計学園については、加計孝太郎理事長と安倍晋三首相が懇意にしているほか、妻の昭恵氏も関わりがある。 学園によると、昭恵氏は15年6月から、学園が神戸市で運営する認可外保育施設「御影インターナショナルこども園」の名誉園長を務めている。これまでの国会の質疑で、15年9月には政府職員2人を連れて施設のイベントに参加していたことも明らかになっている。 国有地売却の経緯が問題視されている学校法人「森友学園」でも、昭恵氏は開設予定だった小学校の名誉校長に就任していた。財務省や国交省が、そうした事情を踏まえて、売却交渉などを学園側に有利になるように運んだのではないかと野党が追及している。

© Source: http://www.asahi.com/articles/ASK5K552FK5KUTIL020.html?iref=sp_nattop_feature_list_n
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Princess Mako: Get To Know The Royal Who’s Giving Up Her Crown To Get Married


Some people would do anything to be part of royalty. But, Princess Mako of Japan is giving up her grown to marry for love! Get to know her, right here!
Imagine that you had to choose between love and royalty? Princess Mako, 25, of Japan made that tough choice on May 17, and she followed her heart. She will officially give up her crown to marry her college sweetheart! Here’s 5 key things to know about her!
Some people long for royalty, while others dream of love! In Princess Mako ‘s case, she chose option two. Japan’s Princess, 25, will officially give up her crown in the name of love when she marries, Kei Komuro, 25. Get to know the young woman who’s caused quite the shakeup in Japan.
1. Princess Mako is the eldest daughter of Prince Akishino and the granddaughter of Emperor Akihito.
She is actually the first grandchild of the Emperor, 83.
2. Princess Mako will marry her college sweetheart.
She and Kei Komuro are reportedly in the planning stages of becoming engaged, according to CNN. Once she marries Komuro, she will officially become a commoner [a person without rank or title] . In Japan, men are allowed to marry commoners and still keep their titles. However, it is not the same for women. In fact, the Emperor actually became the first Japanese royal to marry a commoner.
While some didn’ t favor her decision, Princess Mako wasn’ t the only woman in her family who chose to give up her crown for love. The princess’ aunt, Sayako Kuroda, did the same after she married commoner, Yoshiki Kuroda in 2005.
3. Princess Mako and Kei Komuro’s love story isn’ t as royal as you’ d think.
The pair met while they attended a study-abroad event at a restaurant in Shibuya [a district in Tokyo] about five years ago, as reported by NHK TV. They both reportedly received their undergraduate degrees at a university in Tokyo. Komuro — who works at a law firm — is actually a royal… kind of. He once starred in a beach tourism campaign for the city of Fujisawa, where he was named the “Prince of the Sea.” So, that’s about as royal as he gets.
4. Even if Princess Mako didn’ t marry Komuro, she could never take the Emperor’s place.
In summer 2016, the Emperor expressed concern that his age may affect his ability to rule. Nonetheless, according to a centuries old law in Japan, only men can ascend to the throne. Therefore, Princess Mako could never rule.
5. Princess Mako is often compared to Kate Middleton.
Aside from the whole princess part of her life, she is very accomplished. Both she and Kate have art degrees! Princess Mako received her Master’s degree in Art Museum and Gallery Studies from the University of Leicester in Leicester, England in 2016. She lived amongst the other students just like any other individual attending university.
HollywoodLifers, what do you think of Princes Mako’s choice?

© Source: http://hollywoodlife.com/2017/05/17/who-is-princess-mako-japanese-princess-giving-up-royal-crown-marriage/
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X Japan Drummer Yoshiki Recovers From Surgery


Yoshiki is in stable condition after undergoing surgery Tuesday.
X Japan drummer Yoshiki underwent a successful cervical artificial disc replacement surgery Tuesday at Cedars-Sinai Hospital in Los Angeles, according to a statement on the band’s website.
The band’s performances were halted for the month of May as Yoshiki was diagnosed with cervical foraminal stenosis, a condition he developed due to his intense drumming style, the band said.
While patients typically remain in the hospital for a few days after such surgery, according to the band’s statement, Yoshiki woke up from general anesthesia and heavy analgesics requesting to leave and record a song he wrote the night before his surgery. He stayed in the studio for half an hour before returning home to rest under his physician’s care.
Film Review: ‘We Are X’
Yoshiki will have difficulty using his voice during recovery, but is expected to fully regain his voice within the next few months, according to his doctor Neel Anand. Improvements on the nerve pain running down his left arm are still unknown.
Decisions are still being made pending Yoshiki’s recovery regarding X Japan’s World Tour, which was scheduled for July, and Yoshiki Premium Dinner Show dates in August and September.
“We thank everyone for the well wishes from all over the world. At the same time, Yoshiki deeply apologizes for any inconvenience caused by his health, ” the band’s management said in a statement.

© Source: http://variety.com/2017/music/news/yoshiki-successfully-undergoes-surgery-1202431118/
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Порошенко призвал президента Европарламента не допускать визитов депутатов в оккупированный Крым


Депутаты Европейского Парламента, незаконно пересекавшие украинскую границу, попали под санкции.
Президент Украины Петр Порошенко призвал главу Европейского Парламента Антонио Таяни предупреждать противозаконные визиты евродепутатов в аннексированный Крым и на оккупированные территории Донецкой и Луганской областей, сообщает пресс-служба Администрации президента.
Во время встречи с президентом Европарламента в Страсбурге в среду, 17 мая, глава государства осудил действия отдельных европейских политиков, которые нарушают украинское миграционное законодательство и совершают действия, направленные на легитимизацию оккупации Россией украинских территорий.
Порошенко также пригласил Таяни посетить Украину.
Как сообщалось, указом президента Украины Петра Порошенко от 15 мая в список физических лиц, к которым применяются персональные специальные экономические и другие ограничительные меры, внесены 1228 граждан Украины, России и других государств.
Среди прочих в список попали также 14 европейских политиков, которые нарушили украинское законодательство и посещали оккупированные территории без прохождения украинского пограничного контроля.

© Source: https://zn.ua/POLITICS/poroshenko-prizval-prezidenta-evroparlamenta-ne-dopuskat-vizitov-deputatov-v-okkupirovannyy-krym-248623_.html
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Mattis Says Allies Haven't Brought Up Trump's Intel Sharing


Mattis pushed back against the assertion that President Donald Trump’s intelligence sharing with Russian officials jeopardized U. S. allied relations.
Secretary of Defense James Mattis pushed back against the assertion that President Donald Trump’s intelligence sharing with Russian officials jeopardized U. S. allied relations, in a series of comments to reporters.
Mattis comments follow reports that Trump disclosed an Islamic State plot to down a commercial airliner during a meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Ambassador Sergey Kislyak. The disclosure drew widespread criticism because Israeli intelligence agencies shared the plot with the U. S. after learning of it from a spy within an ISIS cell somewhere in Iraq or Syria.
Israel did not give the U. S. permission to share the intelligence with anyone, and it was considered so sensitive it was not distributed to key U. S. allies like the U. K. The disclosure drew widespread condemnation from U. S. lawmakers and speculation that American allies would no longer share sensitive intelligence with the Trump administration.
Former Obama national security council official Ned Price hysterically lamented Tuesday that allies “will think once, they will think twice, or maybe they will stop sharing information with us to begin with if they cannot be confident that we can safeguard their information.”
Mattis strongly pushed back against this assertion saying, “We have always safeguarded information from allies… we’ ve received no questions at all from anyone.” He elaborated Tuesday that in multiple discussions with U. S. allies the issue “never even came up, ” adding that he was “not worried” about Trump’s discussions.
National Security Advisor H. R. McMaster similarly defended Trump saying “what the president discussed with the foreign minister was wholly appropriate to that conversation and is consistent with the routine sharing of information between the president and any leaders with whom he’s engaged.”
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© Source: http://dailycaller.com/2017/05/17/weve-received-no-questions-mattis-says-allies-havent-brought-up-trumps-intel-disclosure/
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Trump to announce Saudi arms deal during his first foreign trip


Trump is also expected to receive a sizable pledge of Saudi private equity investment in U. S. infrastructure
U. S. President Donald Trump gestures as he walks on the South Lawn of the White House in Washington, DC, U. S., before his departure to Groton, Connecticut, May 17,2017.
On his very first foreign trip as commander-in-chief, President Trump will announce a Saudi arms deal valued at more than $100 billion dollars, and potential business investments from corporate giants like GE. He is also expected to receive a sizable pledge of Saudi private equity investment in U. S. infrastructure. A CEO forum will be held to unveil the memorandum.
Many of these ideas were discussed and reported on back in March when Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman visited the White House. At the time, the White House said President Trump would support a new U. S.-Saudi program to provide more than $200 billion in investments over four years. Advisers Jared Kushner and Dina Powell have since been overseeing that relationship and portfolio.
The large size of the announced arms deal is due in part to the fact that it includes some items that had already been in the pipeline, like littoral combat ships which were first requested back in 2015 and precision-guided munitions which were in a Raytheon deal that had been halted by the Obama Administration due to concerns about civilian casualties in Yemen. Some of the items are also aspirational and still have to go through the approval process as well as Congressional notification. The Terminal High Altitude Area Defense anti-missile systems (THAAD) as well as Bradley fighting vehicles and artillery will also be promised.
According to al Arabiya TV, a representative from the New York Stock Exchange is also expected to visit Saudi Arabia after Trump in an effort to lure a public listing by Aramco, the world’s largest oil producer. That IPO is slated for 2018 and its proceeds will be used to set up a sovereign wealth fund. Investment bank Goldman Sachs, which has deep ties to the Trump White House, was reportedly asked by Aramco to pitch for an advisory role on the deal.
The White House is also expected to voice support for a so-called Arab NATO to provide defense against regional threats like Iran. The idea had been previously considered by the Obama administration but has not been acted no, since there is little political will for it within the region.
Principally assigned to the State Department, Margaret Brennan also serves as a CBS News general assignment correspondent based in Washington, D. C.
Anderson Cooper reports on the effect Trump’s new immigration policy has had on a community in Indiana after a longtime resident is deported
Just how many almonds does he really eat, anyway?

© Source: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/trump-to-announce-saudi-arms-deal-during-his-first-foreign-trip/
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Trump willing to use engagement on North Korea crisis: South Korea envoy


SEOUL (Reuters) – U. S. President Donald Trump told South Korea’s presidential
SEOUL (Reuters) – U. S. President Donald Trump told South Korea’s presidential envoy that Washington was willing to resolve the North Korean nuclear crisis through engagement under the right conditions, South Korea’s Yonhap News Agency reported on Thursday.
Trump has said “a major, major conflict” with North Korea was possible and all options were on the table but wanted to resolve the crisis diplomatically and peacefully, possibly through the use of economic sanctions.
South Korea’s new President Moon Jae-in who took office last week has campaigned on a more moderate approach toward the North but he has said North Korea must change its attitude of insisting on arms development before dialogue was possible.
Moon’s envoy to Washington, South Korean media mogul Hong Seok-hyun, said Trump spoke of the willing to use “engagement” to create peace on the Korean peninsula, Yonhap news quoted Hong as saying.
But the United States will not have any dialogue with the North for the sake of dialogue and the use of pressure was the premise in the approach to Pyongyang, Hong quoted Trump as saying, according to Yonhap.
Trump’s comments could not immediately be independently verified.
North Korea conducted its latest ballistic missile test on Sunday in defiance of U. N. Security Council resolutions, saying it was a test of its capability to carry a “large-size heavy nuclear warhead.”
The North has vowed to develop a missile mounted with a nuclear warhead that can strike the mainland United States.
But a senior North Korean diplomat has said Pyongyang was open to having talks with Washington under the right conditions.
(Reporting by Jack Kim; Editing by Sandra Maler)

© Source: https://townhall.com/news/us/2017/05/17/trump-willing-to-use-engagement-on-north-korea-crisis-south-korea-envoy-n2328370
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