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ВСУ сообщают о 45 обстрелах и 5 раненых в Донбассе за сутки


По данным пресс-центра штаба АТО, на донецком направлении огонь был зафиксирован вблизи Авдеевки, Луганского, Верхнеторецкого, шахты Бутовка, Зайцево, Майорского, Каменки, Опытного и Песок.
ВСУ сообщают, что ополченцы за минувшие сутки 45 раз открывали огонь по их позициям в Донбассе, пять военных ранены. “За минувшие сутки враг 45 раз открывал огонь по опорным пунктам украинских защитников… За минувшие сутки пять военнослужащих Вооруженных сил Украины получили ранения”, — говорится в сообщении пресс-центра военной операции в. По данным пресс-центра, на донецком направлении огонь был зафиксирован вблизи Авдеевки, Луганского, Верхнеторецкого, шахты Бутовка, Зайцево, Майорского, Каменки, Опытного и Песок. Как сообщают силовики, на приморском направлении были обстреляны Широкино, Павлопль, Марьинка, Красногоровка, Гнутово, Водяное и Чермалык. Нарушения перемирия зафиксированы и на луганском направлении, отмечают в пресс-центре. Сообщается, что здесь были обстреляны Крымское, Новозвановка, Новоалександровка, Троицкое, Станица Луганская и Авдеевка. По заявлениям ВСУ, ополченцы использовали крупнокалиберные минометы, гранатометы различных систем, пулеметы, стрелковое оружие, вооружение БМП и БТР, зенитные установки ЗУ-23-2 и противотанковые ракетные комплексы. Жертвами конфликта в Донбассе с середины апреля 2014 года по 12 марта 2017 года, еще 23 455 человек были ранены, говорится в пресс-релизе по итогам 17-го отчета управления Верховного комиссара ООН по правам человека по ситуации с правами человека в Украине, распространенном 15 марта. Проблема урегулирования кризиса обсуждается на переговорах в различных форматах, в частности в “нормандском формате” (Украина, Франция, ФРГ, РФ) . В Варшаве предлагали перенести переговоры в “женевский формат”, то есть при участии США и Польши, как соседнего с РФ и Украиной государства. Однако договоренностей о прекращении огня удалось добиться лишь в Минске. В конце января группа бывших бойцов АТО, в числе которых депутаты Верховной Рады, заблокировала на ряде участков грузовое железнодорожное сообщение с неподконтрольной Киеву территорией Донбасса. Они заявили, что, по их мнению, любая торговля с самопровозглашенными республиками является незаконной, а все осуществляемые товарные перевозки являются контрабандой. СНБО 15 марта принял грузов через линию соприкосновения в зоне конфликта.

© Source: http://rian.com.ua/incidents/20170507/1023827481.html
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Saturday's NBA playoffs: Durant leads Warriors past Jazz


His 38 points and 13 rebounds is the difference in a 102-91 victory, which gives Golden State a 3-0 stranglehold.
Durant had 38 points and 13 rebounds and the Warriors beat the Utah Jazz 102-91 on Saturday night to take a 3-0 lead in the Western Conference semifinal series.
The Jazz played their best game of the series and kept three All-Stars in relative check, but the former MVP put on a show.
“That’s one of the reasons why we welcomed him here, ” Warriors acting coach Mike Brown said. “It’s tough to try to control a guy who’s 7 feet that can play out on the perimeter and have the ball. Especially when he’s as good as he is in the pick-and-roll game.”
Warriors coach Steve Kerr did not travel with the team as he continues to deal with back issues. He was at Duke University on Friday seeing a specialist and owner Joe Lacob told Bloomberg Radio that Ker had a “spinal cord leak” procedure on his back.
Stephen Curry and Klay Thompson were a combined 7 for 29 from the field and 3 for 15 from 3-point range, leaving Durant to lead the Warriors.
The Jazz led 75-74 early in the fourth quarter, but the Warriors went on a 10-4 run and never trailed again. Curry and Durant hit back to back 3ss to give Golden State a 92-84 lead with 3: 04 left.
“I’ m going to try to say this as humble as I can, but I’ ve been doing this for so long, ” Durant said, “and every time I get out the bed and we have a game that day, I feel like I can go out there and score. It’s the other things that I try to do — defensively, helping my teammates, get them open shots, moving, setting screens.
“Scoring and stuff is not easy, but it’s what I do the best. When I try to do the other things… I feel like it opens up my scoring a little bit more.”
Curry finished with 23 points on 6-for-20 shooting.
Gordon Hayward led Utah with 29 points. Rudy Gobert added 21 points and 15 rebounds.
Game 4 is Monday night in Utah.
“Myself and the other 19,000 people in the arena and everybody watching on TV saw the same thing I saw, ” Curry said. “It’s an easy decision to at that moment (to defer to Durant late) . Try to set a screen for him and get him to the right spot and, obviously, he does the rest.
“We’ re smart enough basketball players to know what’s going on at that moment and try to make the right decision and let a talented scorer like he is… let him do what he does.”
The Warriors got out to a quick start, again, and led by 10 after the first quarter.
Utah survived the first-half onslaught by Durant, who had 22 points and six rebounds at the break. There wasn’ t much the Jazz could do to contend a flurry of turnaround fadeaways, drives to the basket and a pair of 3s. Golden State, however, didn’ t get much help otherwise and Draymond Green dealt with foul trouble.
The Jazz took a 50-49 lead into halftime after closing the second quarter on a 12-5 run highlighted by Rodney Hood’s 3-pointer triple that gave the Jazz their first lead of the series at 48-47.
Green picked up a technical arguing from the bench late in the second quarter after being whistled for his third foul of the half. As the crowd roared, he gave a 2-0 hand gesture to indicate the series record.
The Jazz led by nine in the third quarter, but Curry began to warm up and hit his first 3-pointer of the game on a pull-up in transition. Golden State closed the quarter on a 19-8 stretch to take a 72-70 lead.
“You look at two of the best players in the game and you say they made some unbelievable shots that were timely, ” Jazz coach Quin Snyder said. “That’s why they’ re who they are.”

© Source: http://www.detroitnews.com/story/sports/nba/2017/05/07/kevin-durant-leads-warriors-past-jazz/101400420/
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Boy, 15, is shot dead by San Diego police after he pointed a BB gun at them in a high school parking lot


Police shot and killed a 15-year-old student Saturday after he pointed a BB gun at them at Torrey Pines High School in San Diego, authorities said.
Police shot and killed a 15-year-old student Saturday after he pointed a BB gun at them in a high school parking lot, authorities said.
The Torrey Pines High School student called 911 shortly before 3: 30 a.m. to ask officers to check on the welfare of an unarmed boy in front of the school, according to a police statement.
He didn’t name the boy, but investigators later determined he was referring to himself, police said.
When two officers arrived, they spotted a youth in the front parking lot. But as they got out of their patrol cars, he pulled a gun from his waistband and pointed it at an officer, police said.
The officers drew their guns and ordered him to drop the weapon. But instead he began to walk toward an officer, ignoring more demands to drop the weapon, police said.
Both officers fired, hitting him several times. They performed first aid and summoned paramedics, but the teen was pronounced dead at a hospital, police said.
The gun was found to be a BB air pistol.
‘Fearing for their safety, both officers fired their weapons at the male, striking him numerous times, ‘ Lt Mike Holden said in a statement.
He said the officers were 28-year and four-year veterans of the force. Both were wearing body cameras at the time of the shooting according to KFMB-TV.
Police didn’t release the teen’s name because of his age. The shooting took place just hours before students were due to take the SAT college entrance exam at the school.
‘Our hearts go out to the student, his family and his friends, ‘ said a statement from Eric Dill, superintendent of the San Diego Union High School District.
A crisis-response team will be on campus Monday to support students, staff and parents, Dill said.
Counseling also will be available at all district schools for anyone who needs a place to talk about the shooting or “to mourn and process this tragedy, ” he said.
The incident comes just a week after Dallas police officer shot dead unarmed 15-year-old Jordan Edwards.
The boy was killed after Oliver fired a rifle into a car of teenagers who were leaving a party.
A private funeral was held on Saturday for the boy. The officer has been fired from his job and on Friday was charged with murder.

© Source: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4480814/San-Diego-police-killed-boy-15-school-parking-lot.html?ITO=1490&ns_mchannel=rss&ns_campaign=1490
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Сегодня во Франции пройдет второй тур президентских выборов


Во второй тур вышли лидер движения Вперед! Эмманюэль Макрон и лидер Национального фронта Марин Ле Пен
Сегодня, 7 мая во Франции пройдет второй тур президентских выборов. Во второй тур вышли лидер движения Вперед! Эмманюэль Макрон и лидер Национального фронта Марин Ле Пен.
Финальный социологический опрос Ifop-Fiducial показал, что за Макрона готовы проголосовать 63% избирателей, а за Ле Пен – 37%.
Вечером 6 мая по киевскому времени голосование в рамках второго тура президентских выборов началось на заморских территория Франции. Первыми голосовали жители островов Сен-Пьера и Микелона. Позже голосование началось в Гваделупе, Мартинике, Французской Гвиане и Французской Полинезии.
LIGA.net будет вести хронику всех ключевых событий второго тура выборов президента Франции.

© Source: http://news.liga.net/news/world/14745918-segodnya_vo_frantsii_proydet_vtoroy_tur_prezidentskikh_vyborov.htm
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Canelo dominates Chavez Jr., announces match with Golovkin


Saturday night at T-Mobile Arena, Saul “Canelo” Alvarez was just too good for Julio Cesar Chavez Jr. Alvarez knew it, Chavez Jr. knew it, and Golden Boy Promotions knew it. …
Saturday night at T-Mobile Arena, Saul “Canelo” Alvarez was just too good for Julio Cesar Chavez Jr.
Alvarez knew it, Chavez Jr. knew it, and Golden Boy Promotions knew it.
That’s why as soon as Alvarez’s runaway unanimous decision was announced, they quickly transitioned into a pre-planned fight announcement that fans have waited years to hear.
Alvarez announced he’ ll take on unified middleweight champion Gennady Golovkin on Sept. 16, cueing a promotional video on the big screen. Golovkin’s famous “Seven Nation Army” walkout song creeped into the arena and Golovkin made his way to the ring as if he were going to fight Alvarez right then and there.
Instead the two traded barbs, getting a jump-start on the promotion for their fall mega-fight, and the arena was showered with confetti.
“Triple-G, you are next my friend, ” Alvarez proclaimed in the ring. “The fight is done. I’ ve never feared anyone since I was 16, fighting as a professional. When I was born, fear was gone.”
Alvarez had just finished embarrassing the crowd-favorite — and fellow countryman — Chavez Jr. for 12 rounds, prompting thousands of boos during the latter rounds of the fight. But in mere minutes Alvarez had the record-setting crowd of 20,510 eating out of his hand.
“I expect a fight that will be explosive, ” Alvarez said. “The styles are there and they should mesh together. On my part that is what you’ re going to see.”
As for where the fight will take place, Oscar De La Hoya wouldn’ t say.
“Everywhere in the world is bidding over this fight, ” De La Hoya said. “I have gotten calls from everywhere, from Dubai to the UK where (Anthony) Joshua and (Wladimir) Klitschko just fought.”
Alvarez improved his already stellar record to 51-1-1 with 34 wins by knockout with the 120-108 unanimous decision win over Chavez Jr. The fight was never in question as Alvarez battered the 31-year-old with combinations that swelled his right eye and broke his spirit.
The 26-year-old now lays claim to victories over Chavez Jr., Shane Mosley, Miguel Cotto and Amir Khan, but the biggest crack of his quickly expanding legacy has been his reluctance to fight Golovkin.
That appears to be in the past, as the fight the boxing world has clamored for is just over the horizon.
De La Hoya, CEO of Golden Boy Promotions said the fight between Alvarez and Golovkin is, “signed, sealed and delivered.”
“This is the most anticipated fight since Floyd Mayweather and Manny Pacquiao, ” De La Hoya said. “The difference is this fight will have a lot of action.”
Golovkin (37-0,33 KOs) currently holds the unified World Boxing Association (WBA) , World Boxing Council (WBC) , International Boxing Federation (IBF) and International Boxing Organization (IBO) middleweight titles.
The 35-year-old from Kazakhstan fights at 160 pounds – six pounds heavier than Canelo has traditionally fought. But Canelo looked to be in spectacular shape during tonight’s catch-weight bout of 164.5 pounds.
“I felt very good, ” Alvarez said. “I want to show that regardless of size, I’ m better than my opponents.”
Golovkin is coming off a unanimous decision win over Daniel Jacobs on March 18 at Madison Square Garden that many felt he lost. That decision ended a streak of 23-straight wins by knockout for Golovkin.
“This is the biggest fight in boxing, ” Golovkin said. “It’s a tough fight for both of us because we are two great champions. It is an amazing fight for everybody.”
De La Hoya said they have been in negotiations for weeks but they were relatively painless.
“When you have fighters that want to make the best fights it makes the job much easier, ” De La Hoya said. “We have an opportunity to bring boxing back. Boxing has been on a hiatus but no more. It will be back and better than ever.”

© Source: https://lasvegassun.com/news/2017/may/06/canelo-lands-120-108-unanimous-decision-win-over-c/
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It’s a man’s world: South Korea’s presidential race lacks diversity


When Park Geun-hye was elected South Korea’s first female president five years ago she secured the largest-ever vote share of the country’s democratic era. But after her term ended in impeachment and disgrace only one of the 13 candidates to…
When Park Geun-hye was elected South Korea’s first female president five years ago she secured the largest-ever vote share of the country’s democratic era. But after her term ended in impeachment and disgrace only one of the 13 candidates to succeed her is a woman. Analysts say the near all-male panel – epitomised by rows of campaign posters dominated by middle-aged men in dark suits – demonstrates the enduringly patriarchal nature of Korean society. The only exception is Sim Sang-jeung, a former labour activist who is the leftwing Justice Party’s candidate. Park – the daughter of the late dictator Park Chung-hee – was ousted from power in March over a massive corruption and influence-peddling scandal centred on a secret female confidante that prompted millions to take to the streets calling for her ouster. She is now detained and awaiting trial for charges including abuse of power and bribery, and the public outrage unleashed a storm of sexist remarks online such as: “Don’ t even dream about having a female president for the next 100 years.” Sim condemns what she calls a sexual double standard, saying no one took issue with the gender of two previous presidents – both men – who were imprisoned in the 1990s for their part in crushing the Gwangju Uprising against the military-backed dictatorship. “We had two other ex-presidents jailed for slaughtering countless citizens who were protesting against army rule. But not a single person said, ‘No more male presidents’ , ” she said in a campaign speech. Park is a conservative who did little for women’s rights while in office, and female politicians struggling with the glass ceiling say her humiliating downfall has done nothing to help. “I’ ve seen recently many male voters, or even male politicians, saying, ‘This is why women should never be in politics’ , ” said Han Jeoung-ae, a two-term lawmaker with the centre-left Democratic Party. “We have no shortage of male politicians brought down by corruption and other crimes, but no one ever frames it as the failure of entire male politicians like they do over women, ” she said. Female politicians are still a relative rarity in the South, accounting for only 17 per cent of parliamentary representatives, ranking it 30th among the 35 advanced nations of the OECD. That is an advance on the six per cent of 2000, but it is still “extremely hard” for female politicians to secure electoral nominations, said Nam In-soon, a Democratic lawmaker, who is pushing for parties to be legally obliged to select women as at least 30 per cent of their candidates. “We have made some progress over the years, but most internal networking within a political party’s leadership is still based on the good old boys’ club, ” she said. “We still have this hard, thick glass ceiling all over our head.” Park herself rose to power largely due to the popularity of her father, who remains widely revered by older voters who benefited from rapid growth under his 1961-79 iron-fisted rule. South Korea remains a deeply conservative society in many respects and, along with Japan, is seen as one of the worst places for working women among economically advanced nations. The two Asian neighbours were this year ranked at the bottom of the Economist’s “Glass Ceiling index”, which measures gender equality at work among 29 advanced nations. Sim has no chance of victory at the ballot box, with South Korea’s leading pollsters both putting her in fourth place in the final surveys of the campaign, on 7.3 per cent according to Realmeter and eight per cent for Gallup Korea, far behind Democratic Party front-runner Moon Jae-in. But the 58-year-old scored well in debates and was the most vocal critic of Hong Joon-pyo, the candidate of Park’s conservative Liberty Korea Party, who is known as “Korea’s Trump” for his outspoken rhetoric and sexist remarks and has been polling third. Hong, 62, drew fire for saying “washing dishes is women’s work” in an interview, and for bragging in his memoir about helping a college friend with an attempted date rape by drugging a woman. Sim targeted him repeatedly during a television debate until he forced out an apology. Sim is pushing for measures to help working mothers faced with the double burdens of employment and household duties, dubbed “Superwoman Prevention Laws”, and rules to make half the cabinet women. “The current reality faced by female politicians still looks bleak, ” said Lee Jin-ock, head of Korea Women’s Politics Solidarity think tank. But Sim offers a ray of hope as a “new female leader who climbs the political ladder on her own terms”, she said, “unlike Park who symbolises the patriarchal, patronage politics of the past”.

© Source: http://www.scmp.com/news/asia/east-asia/article/2093301/its-mans-world-south-koreas-presidential-race-lacks-diversity
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Amazon slashes prices on its lineup of Kindle ebook readers through Mother’s Day


Now is a great time to snag a great Kindle deal, with Amazon offering discounts of up to $50 percent on its lineup of ebook readers.
Amazon is cutting prices on its popular lineup of Kindle tablets and e-readers through Mother’s Day. We’ ve put together a quick rundown of our favorite models to help you choose which is best for you. With Amazon offering discounts of up to 25 percent off until May 14, now is a great time to grab a Kindle for a mom who loves to read.

© Source: https://www.digitaltrends.com/dtdeals/best-kindle-and-fire-tablet-deals/
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Аккредитованные на Евровидение журналисты из РФ, незаконно посещавшие Крым, не будут допущены в Украину – Геращенко


Представители российских СМИ, незаконно посетившие временно оккупированный Россией Крым и тем самым нарушившие украинское законодательство, не…
Представители российских СМИ, незаконно посетившие временно оккупированный Россией Крым и тем самым нарушившие украинское законодательство, не будут допущены на территорию Украинского государства, подчеркивает советник главы МВД Украины, народный депутат (фракция “Народный фронт”) Антон Геращенко.
“Никто из тех российских журналистов, кто аккредитован в Киеве на Евровидение и кто ранее нарушал государственную границу Украины, незаконно посещая украинский Крым, не будет допущен на территорию нашей страны”, – написал он в своей странице в Фейсбук в ночь на воскресенье.
Ранее сообщалось, что российского журналиста не пустили на Евровидение .

© Source: http://www.segodnya.ua/culture/showbiz/akkreditovannye-na-evrovidenie-zhurnalisty-iz-rf-nezakonno-poseshchavshie-krym-ne-budut-dopushcheny-v-ukrainu-gerashchenko-1018901.html
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仏大統領選、決選投票へ 極右伸びずマクロン氏優勢


【パリ共同】 フランス大統領選の 決選投票が7日午前8時(日本時間同午後3時)、 全国約7万の 投票所で始まる。 即日開票され、 同日夜(同8日未明)にも大勢が判明、 新大統領が決まる見通し。 有権者は約4760万人。 世論調査では、 超党派の 市民運動「前進」 を率いる中道系で親欧…
【パリ共同】フランス大統領選の決選投票が7日午前8時(日本時間同午後3時)、全国約7万の投票所で始まる。即日開票され、同日夜(同8日未明)にも大勢が判明、新大統領が決まる見通し。有権者は約4760万人。 世論調査では、超党派の市民運動「前進」を率いる中道系で親欧州連合(EU)のエマニュエル・マクロン前経済相(39)が、EU離脱を訴える極右、国民戦線(FN)のマリーヌ・ルペン候補(48)を大きくリードしている。 第1回投票直前の4月20日、パリ中心部の繁華街シャンゼリゼ通りで警官銃撃テロが発生、7日は警察官5万人以上が特別動員され、警備に当たる。

© Source: http://www.tokyo-np.co.jp/s/article/2017050701000710.html
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Террористы отпустили 82 школьниц, которых удерживали три года


Террористы группировки “Боко харам” отпустили 82 школьниц, которых похитили три года назад в нигерийском городе Чибок. Об этом сообщает Reuters. Девушки были освобождены в результате переговоров с правительством. Девушки сейчас находятся вблизи границы Камеруна для медицинских…
Террористы группировки “Боко харам” отпустили 82 школьниц, которых похитили три года назад в нигерийском городе Чибок.
Об этом сообщает Reuters .
Девушки были освобождены в результате переговоров с правительством.
Девушки сейчас находятся вблизи границы Камеруна для медицинских обследований, прежде чем их переправят в Майдугури.

© Source: https://gazeta.ua/ru/articles/np/_terroristy-otpustili-82-shkolnic-kotoryh-uderzhivali-tri-goda/770855
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