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В Калифорнии собирают подписи за выход штата из состава США


NewsHubВ Соединенных Штатах Америки, в штате Калифорния, начали собирать подписи за выход округа из состава США, пишет Укринформ.
По данным, обнародованным в Twitter-аккаунте инициативы Yes California, сбор подписей был одобрен калифорнийским генеральным прокурором.
“Генеральный прокурор Калифорнии одобрил сбор подписей для #Calexit на 2018 год, и мы начнем завтра”, – говорится в сообщении.
Стоит отметить, что в случае набора необходимого количество подписей, в ноябре 2018 года жители Калифорнии будут голосовать за отмену положений, которые устанавливают штат как “неотъемлемую частью США”, а Конституция США – “основным законом Америки”.
Как сообщал MIGnews.com.ua, организация Yes California подала заявку генеральному прокурору штата Калифорния на проведение референдума о независимости штата от США .

Similarity rank: 6.4

© Source: http://mignews.com.ua/world/16473582.html
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Two front runners in race for Hong Kong’s top job battle with bout of bad publicity


NewsHubTwo front runners in the race to become Hong Kong’s next chief executive tried to brush off a round of negative publicity during the Lunar New Year holiday. Former financial chief John Tsang Chun-wah tried to dispel concerns that his repeated use of a Chinese idiom to describe his policy visions suggested he would take a “hands-off” approach to governing, while former chief secretary Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor was attacked on social media for giving money to an illegal beggar. When he on January 19, Tsang said society should listen to teenagers, some of whom might have wanted to create space in the community to “rest and recuperate”. He used the same words when he proposed abolishing the controversial Territory-wide System Assessment, which tests pupils’ learning in key areas. “We should let the schools and parents put down the inner demons of TSA and allow them to rest and recuperate,” he. Tsang’s repetition of the words have led some to speculate that he would adopt a non-interventionist and laissez-faire approach if he was elected, or worse still, sit on the many problems the government faces. Even his former boss, chief executive Leung Chun-ying took an apparent dig at Tsang on a recent radio programme. “If we adopt the ‘recuperate and laissez-faire’ approach and our competitors don’t, you can imagine the consequences,” he commented. Tsang hit back on a television talk show on Saturday. “Many people have misunderstood [the words] – I don’t know whether this was deliberate or due to a genuine lack of knowledge,” he said. “What I meant was really simple. We need to have less arguments – I believe many of us have become tired over the past few years. From day to night we see opposing, friend-or-foe, black-and-white situations,” he said. “By rest and recuperate I am referring to the political bickering.” Tsang was no stranger to criticisms over his non-intervention approach to the market. Fellow chief executive contender Regina Ip Lau Suk-yee has said as financial secretary, with few achievements under his belt. Meanwhile, Lam’s bid for the top job got a boost on Saturday when her campaign office announced the appointment of Rita Fan Hsu Lai-tai as her senior adviser. Fan is the city’s sole delegate to the National People’s Congress Standing Committee, which heads mainland China’s legislature, and has long been a respected figure in the pro-establishment camp. “Lam is a responsible person … she does not fear difficulties and rises to challenges. With Hong Kong being in a time of turmoil and lacking clear directions, we need someone with a strong will and vision,” Fan said in a 90-second video uploaded to Lam’s election homepage. Fan’s endorsement further fuelled suggestions that Lam is Beijing’s favourite candidate. But she also got herself into controversy during a neighbourhood visit in Sha Tin on Friday afternoon. During the stop, Lam kneeled down in front of an elderly beggar while reaching to her left pocket for a HK$500 note – in front of a media scrum. “Do you have a place to live?” Lam repeatedly asked. When Lam found out the elderly woman did not understand Cantonese, she switched to Putonghua and confirmed the woman was not from Hong Kong. “You’ve had a hard time,” Lam said, before placing the HK$500 note in her hands. Media reports suggested the woman arrived from central Hubei province on a visitor visa to beg for money to repay family debts. Videos capturing Lam’s encounter went viral on social media, drawing mostly negative comments. Many also dismissed it as a publicity stunt. “Lam clearly doesn’t understand … [if] you give HK$10 to a beggar, you attract another 100 [beggars] asking for HK$10,” one Facebook user wrote. Lam’s election office later explained that she only acted out of “heartache”, and had overlooked the possibility of attracting criticism. According to the Summary Offences Ordinance, “any person who wanders abroad, or places himself or herself in any public place, street or waterway to beg or gather alms” is liable to a maximum fine of HK$500 and 12 months’ imprisonment. Asked about the incident on Saturday, Lam’s successor, chief secretary Matthew Cheung Kin-chung said the public should let the matter go. “I know what you are trying to say. But in this environment, depending on the scenario, if she did it out of love and kindness, rather than encouraging begging, then we should not be too stubborn,” Cheung said. “Of course, we do not encourage begging.”

Similarity rank: 1.5

© Source: http://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/politics/article/2066233/two-front-runners-race-hong-kongs-top-job-battle-bout-bad
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Porn 'tube' sites threaten children and actors, critics say


NewsHub“Pornocracy”, made by Ovidie, a former French porn star turned director, claims that far fewer films are now being made and fees have been slashed up to 10-fold.
She blames “tube” sites—so-called because they resemble YouTube—which have been accused of hosting thousands of videos pirated from traditional adult entertainment companies.
Critics say children are also getting their first exposure to sex through the sites.
And they worry about the effect porn culture is having on the way teenage boys treat girls.
“Tubes” are also blamed for making porn consumption so commonplace that last week London’s transport system was forced to warn that people who watched porn on buses and trains would be reported to the police.
Children’s campaigner Marie Derain, an advisor to the French women and families minister, said the exploitive nature of “tube” sites was extremely worrying.
“Their economic model goes beyond even what is at stake in terms of pornography,” she told AFP.
Nearly all pirated
Gregory Dorcel, who heads Marc Dorcel, Europe’s third-biggest adult entertainment group, said 95 percent of the 100 billion porn clips watched on the web last year were pirated.
His company alone has made five million requests to Google for its videos to be taken down from “tubes”.
“But 48 hours later the videos are back online,” Ovidie said.
Her documentary claims that a little-known company called MindGeek—headquartered in “an empty office” in Luxembourg—is now porn’s most powerful player, holding a monopoly-like grip on the industry.
But MindGeek, which prefers to be seen as a tech company, and makes no reference to porn on its website, told AFP that it operates only four “tube” sites—Pornhub, Youporn, RedTube and Tube8.
“Claims that we dominate the industry are nonsense,” a spokeswoman said, saying that only three of its sites ranked in the top 10 of the world’s most visited adult sites.
Pornhub alone, however, is the 11th most viewed site in the US, just behind Wikipedia, Twitter and Instagram.
MindGeek says it is simply a platform for its “1,000 content partners that upload content and benefit from the exposure on our sites”.
“There is lot of misinformation about how tube sites function,” the spokeswoman said.
She said it followed YouTube’s lead on “managing the issue of copyrights”.
“There is no room in our model for the assumption that content is pirated,” she added.
She claimed instead that they had “formed positive, symbiotic relationships with most of the major players in the industry”.
Many traditional adult film makers dispute this, also complaining that while they are subject to strict regulations on age, the “tubes” can easily be viewed by children.
Kids see porn by 11
The French pressure group Ennocence, which is trying to make regulation of the “tubes” an issue in the country’s coming presidential election, said children now tend to first view porn at 11.
Its president, Gordon Choisel, said they were being bombarded with adult images through internet adverts from a very young age.
“You think your child is watching a cartoon but then a window pops up with porn,” he said.
Choisel said governments had to attack the sites’ advertising streams. “We have to come up with legislation that is flexible enough to adapt to changes in technology and the way videos are being watched,” he said.
Derain, author of a 2012 report on children’s viewing habits, said porn was shaping many young people’s view of sex.
“Sexuality in real life is not like that,” she said, but children who have grown up watching “tubes” have trouble making the distinction.
“I have been involved in a number of very serious criminal cases where boys have systematically done to girls what they saw on porn ,” she said.
“Pornocracy” also dealt with the explosion in “cam girl” sites and what Ovidie termed the “new proletariat of sex” who work long hours on them.
She said the women get only around 15 percent of what their clients pay to watch them perform online.
Up to 70 percent goes to such platforms, including Live Jasmin, also based in Luxembourg, which has annual revenue of more than $300 million and has made its owner, Gyorgy Gattyan, Hungary’s second-richest man, according to Forbes magazine.
But Marton Fulop, the operations director at Live Jasmin, which is often called the “peep show Uber”, justified the amounts paid to its two million registered cam girls, saying it was a tech company “that provided a very good platform”.
Explore further: Taylor Swift, Microsoft among those buying up .porn suffixes

© Source: https://phys.org/news/2017-01-porn-tube-sites-threaten-children.html
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John Hurt, Oscar nominated for “The Elephant Man” dies at 77


NewsHubLOS ANGELES (AP) — The versatile actor Sir John Hurt, who could move audiences to tears in “The Elephant Man,” terrify them in “Alien,” and spoof that very same scene in “Spaceballs,” has died. He was 77.
Hurt, who battled pancreatic cancer, died Friday in London according to his agent Charles McDonald.
Twice nominated for an Oscar for playing the tortured John Merrick in David Lynch’s “The Elephant Man” and for his role as the heroin addict Max in “Midnight Express,” Hurt’s career spanned over 50 years. After minor television and film appearances, his breakout came in 1966 as Richard Rich in Fred Zinnemann’s “A Man For All Seasons,” followed by his portrayal of Caligula in the BBC miniseries “I, Claudius” in 1976.
The wiry Hurt brought gravitas to Alan Parker’s 1978 film “Midnight Express,” for which he received a supporting actor Oscar nomination (he lost to Christopher Walken for “The Deer Hunter”) and an uneasy humor to Kane in Ridley Scott’s “Alien,” immortalized by his disturbing death scene, which Mel Brooks later poked fun at with Hurt’s help in “Spaceballs.”
“It was terribly sad today to learn of John Hurt’s passing,” Mel Brooks wrote on Twitter. “He was a truly magnificent talent.”
Hurt is unrecognizable in perhaps his most memorable role as the lead in David Lynch’s “The Elephant Man.” He endured eight hours in the makeup chair daily to transform into John Merrick. The elaborate mask prohibited him from sleeping lying down or even eating while it was on. His would eat his last meal midmorning as the mask was being applied — usually raw eggs mixed in orange juice — and not again until after midnight.
“To be quite honest, the film was misery to make because of the physical problems, so if it’s working I’m jumping for joy,” Hurt said in a 1980 interview. Hurt did score a lead actor Oscar nomination for the role, but lost out to Robert De Niro’s performance in “Raging Bull.”
Hurt was also a prolific voice actor, appearing as Hazel in the animated “Watership Down,” and as Aragorn in Ralph Bakshi’s “The Lord of the Rings.” He also voiced The Horned King in “The Black Cauldron” and provided the narration for “Dogville.”
In the “Harry Potter” films, Hurt played the wand-maker Mr. Ollivander. In recent years, he appeared in notable fare such as “Melancholia,” ”Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy,” ”Only Lovers Left Alive” and “Snowpiercer.”
“We’re all just passing time, and occupy our chair very briefly,” Hurt said in a 2015 interview while undergoing treatments for the early stage cancer.
As prolific as ever, Hurt recently appeared alongside his “V for Vendetta” co-star Natalie Portman in the Oscar-nominated film “Jackie” as a priest who consoles and advises the recently widowed first lady.
Hurt leaves behind a few in production credits, including Joe Wright’s “Darkest Hour” which is listed as still filming. Hurt plays Neville Chamberlain in the film about Winston Churchill’s charge against Hitler. Gary Oldman plays Churchill.
“I have lots of favorite memories but I can’t say that I have a favorite film. I have favorite parts which are not in particularly successful films,” Hurt told The Guardian in 2000. “I’ve worked with people from Fred Zinnemann, John Huston, through to Richard Fleischer, all of those boys from Hollywood and so on and Sam Peckinpah and then the Mike Radfords… I’ve been incredibly lucky with the directors I’ve worked with. You don’t realize it at the time, it’s just in retrospect if you look back you think, ‘Jeez, when I saw that CV it nearly frightened the life out of me.’ I thought, “That’s not bad for an old drunk.”

Similarity rank: 19
Sentiment rank: -4.9

© Source: http://wtop.com/movies/2017/01/john-hurt-oscar-nominated-for-the-elephant-man-dies-at-77/
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英俳優ジョン・ハート氏死去 エレファント・マン主演


NewsHub映画「エレファント・マン」などで米アカデミー賞に2度ノミネートされ、「ハリーポッター」シリーズなどにも出演した英国の俳優ジョン・ハート氏が27日、ロンドンで死去した。77歳だった。死因は不詳。AP通信などが伝えた。2015年、膵臓がんで闘病中であることを公表していた。 1940年、英中部ダービーシャー生まれ。66年の映画「わが命つきるとも」で注目され、78年「ミッドナイト・エクスプレス」で米アカデミー賞助演男優賞にノミネート。79年「エイリアン」に出演し、80年、実話を基に男性の悲劇を描いた「エレファント・マン」で主演男優賞の候補にもなった。

Similarity rank: 4.2
Sentiment rank: -1.7

© Source: http://www.tokyo-np.co.jp/s/article/2017012801001438.html
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チンパンジーのチャチャも「久しぶりの外でうれしそう」 脱走から9カ月、屋外展示を再開 仙台・八木山動物公園


NewsHub昨年4月にチンパンジーが脱走した仙台市太白区の八木山動物公園は28日、チンパンジーの屋外展示を再開した。脱走騒ぎ以来、屋内展示にとどめていたが、再発防止の改修工事を終え、約9カ月ぶりの再開となった。 同園によると、展示施設と観覧スペースの距離を4メートルから5メートル以上に広げ、チンパンジーには滑ってつかめない強化ガラスの壁やアクリル板を設置した。改修費用は約4千万円。 この日は、住宅街の電線を伝って逃げた雄のチャチャら5頭が愛嬌のあるしぐさで動き回り、来園者を楽しませた。仙台市の千葉虎太郎君(6)は「チャチャが岩をどんどん登るのがすごかった」と目を輝かせた。 飼育担当の獣医師、橋本渉さん(46)は「元気で安心した。比較的暖かい日に、久しぶりに外に出られてうれしそうだ」と笑顔を見せた。寒さを考慮し29日以降は当面の間、展示時間を午前10時から同11時半までに限定する。 ▼【動画あり】チンパンジー「チャチャ」が脱走 電線伝って逃走…住宅街で捕獲

Similarity rank: 3.2
Sentiment rank: 0

© Source: http://www.sankei.com/life/news/170128/lif1701280029-n1.html
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トランプ氏「NATOを100%支持」 英首相と会談


NewsHubトランプ米大統領は27日、英国のメイ首相とホワイトハウスで会談した。就任後初の外国首脳との会談で、「特別な関係」と称される緊密な二国間関係や、北大西洋条約機構(NATO)の同盟関係の重要性を確認。米英二国間の貿易協定に向け、協議を進めることで一致した。 トランプ氏は、約1時間の会談後の共同記者会見で「両国にはすばらしい日々が待っている」と述べ、良好な二国間関係を強調。メイ氏は、トランプ大統領夫妻を年内の英国公式訪問に招待するエリザベス女王の意向を伝え、承諾を得たことを明らかにした。 トランプ氏は就任前、NATOを「時代遅れ」と批判し、同盟国に懸念が広がっていたが、メイ氏はトランプ氏から「NATOを100%支持する」との言質を得たと明らかにした。そのうえで、加盟国に国内総生産(GDP)比2%を軍事費に充てる目標を達成するよう、引き続き求めていくと述べた。 英国の欧州連合(EU)からの離脱後を想定する米英二国間の貿易協定については、速やかなハイレベル協議に向けた段取りについて協議。トランプ氏は英国のEU離脱について「誰かに監視されることもなく、自由貿易協定について協議できるようになる」とし、「(英国にとって)すばらしいものになるだろう」と評価した。 トランプ氏は28日、ロシアの…

Similarity rank: 2.1
Sentiment rank: 2.7

© Source: http://www.asahi.com/articles/ASK1X1FNSK1WUHBI03K.html
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Similarity rank: 2.1
Sentiment rank: 3.2

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がん治療と仕事両立「難しい」6割超 内閣府世論調査


NewsHubがんの治療と仕事の両立は難しいと考える人が6割超に上ることが、内閣府の世論調査でわかった。両立には、短時間勤務や柔軟な休暇制度が必要と考える人が5割程度いた。 調査では、がんの治療や検査には、2週間に1回程度通院の必要があるとした上で、現在の日本社会は働き続けられる環境と思うかどうかを尋ねた。「そう思わない」(29・3%)、「どちらかといえばそう思わない」(35・2%)で、計64・5%が否定的だった。 両立が難しいと考える人に最大の理由を尋ねると、「代わりに仕事をする人がいない、いても頼みにくい」(21・7%)が最多。「職場が休むことを許してくれるかどうかわからない」(21・3%)、「両立が体力的に困難」(19・9%)と続いた。両立に必要な取り組み(複数回答)は「治療や通院のために短時間勤務が活用できること」(52・6%)が最も多く、「1時間単位の休暇や長期の休暇が取れるなど柔軟な休暇制度」(46・0%)、「在宅勤務を取り入れること」(38・6%)が上位を占めた。 政府は「働き方改革」を掲げ、両立支援に向け、治療休暇制度の普及や、出社せずに自宅で働けるテレワークなど柔軟な働き方を広げる方針を打ち出している。医療機関と企業、産業医・心理カウンセラーの3者が連携して、患者を支える仕組みづくりも進める。 調査は昨年11月17~27日、全国の18歳以上の男女3千人を対象に実施。1815人が回答した(回収率60・5%)。(大久保貴裕)

Similarity rank: 2.1
Sentiment rank: 3.2

© Source: http://www.asahi.com/articles/ASK1X3SFJK1XULFA004.html?iref=sp_nattop_feature_list_n
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Embryo photographer Lennart Nilsson dies at 94


NewsHubSwedish photographer Lennart Nilsson, who shot to fame in the 1960s with photographs of human foetuses and embryos, died on Saturday at the age of 94, his family told TT news agency.
A war photographer, documentary-maker and portraitist, Nilsson used an ultra-fine tube called an endoscope, to take pictures of cells and blood vessels, and went on to take images of human foetuses and embryos.
His 1965 book, “A Child is Born,” was one of the most successful photography albums ever, selling in the millions and becoming an iconic work for the anti-abortion movement.
Only later did it become widely known that many of the embryos used in the photo-essay were not alive, as many readers had thought, but had been aborted.
At Sweden’s Karolinska Institutet, Nilsson went on to explore scientific photography.
He is commonly credited with the first photographs of the AIDS virus and the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) virus, using a scanning electron microscope.

Similarity rank: 2.1
Sentiment rank: -3

© Source: http://www.digitaljournal.com/news/world/embryo-photographer-lennart-nilsson-dies-at-94/article/484657
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