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Arrest warrants for 2 Chinese women over damage to Meiji Jingu Shrine


Tokyo’s Metropolitan Police Department obtained arrest warrants on Thursday for two Chinese women for allegedly splashing liquids over facilities at Meiji Jingu, a Shinto shrine in Shibuya Ward in the Japanese capital. Tokyo’s Metropolitan Police Department obtained arrest warrants on Thursday for two Chinese women for…
Tokyo’s Metropolitan Police Department obtained arrest warrants on Thursday for two Chinese women for allegedly splashing liquids over facilities at Meiji Jingu, a Shinto shrine in Shibuya Ward in the Japanese capital. Tokyo’s Metropolitan Police Department obtained arrest warrants on Thursday for two Chinese women for allegedly splashing liquids over facilities at Meiji Jingu, a Shinto shrine in Shibuya Ward in the Japanese capital.
The two women, Piao Jinyu and Piao Shanai, both 49, have already left Japan for their home country, according to the MPD. They face suspicions of damaging building and property, the police said.
The MPD put them on a nationwide wanted list in case they enter Japan again.
According to the police, the two women are suspected of spreading what appeared to be oily liquids at a total of 15 places at four structures of Meiji Jingu, including a torii gate at the path leading to the Honden main shrine building and the Minami Shinmon gate, around between 9: 30 a.m. and 11: 10 a.m. on April 3.
明治神宮の鳥居などで油のような液体がまかれた事件で、警視庁は中国人の49歳の女2人に対して逮捕状を取りました。 今月4日、東京・渋谷区の明治神宮で油のような液体がかけられた跡が15カ所見つかりました。

Similarity rank: 1

© Source: http://newsonjapan.com/html/newsdesk/article/119603.php
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Friday marks 1 year of Kumamoto quakes


Friday marks one year since a series of devastating earthquakes began in and around Japan’s southwestern prefecture of Kumamoto.
Friday marks one year since a series of devastating earthquakes began in and around Japan’s southwestern prefecture of Kumamoto.
The first quake with a magnitude of 6.5 struck the region on April 14th of last year. It registered the maximum intensity on the Japanese seismic scale of zero to 7.
The Meteorological Agency says the region has since been hit by 4, 296 quakes with an intensity of one or greater as of 7 PM on Thursday. They include 2 tremors with an intensity of 7; 2 jolts with 6 plus; and 3 temblors with 6 minus.
The region has recorded quakes with an intensity of one or higher around 30 times each month this year.
The focuses of the quakes were shallow at about 10 kilometers deep. The agency is cautioning people to stay on the alert as future quakes may trigger major jolts.
The series of quakes has left 225 people dead. Of them, 169 died from reasons recognized as related to the quakes, such as time spent at shelters.
熊本地震の発生から14日で1年です。今も先の見通しが立たない生活が続いていて、住民は不安な日々を送っています。 全壊や半壊など地震による住宅の被害は、熊本県全体で約19万棟に上ります。

Similarity rank: 2

© Source: http://newsonjapan.com/html/newsdesk/article/119602.php
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REPORT: US Prepared to Launch Preemptive Strike if North Korea Insists on Nuclear Weapons Test


North Korea Threatens to Strike First
U. S. military forces are prepared to launch a preemptive strike if North Korea continues to escalate its nuclear weapons testing. Citing multiple senior U. S. intelligence officials, NBC News reports two American military destroyers have been positioned in range to hit the region with Tomahawk missiles. Earlier this week North Korea told reporters to prepare for a major event on Thursday, although reports now suggest a major nuclear weapons test could take place around Saturday.
“The U. S. is prepared to launch a preemptive strike with conventional weapons against North Korea should officials become convinced that North Korea is about to follow through with a nuclear weapons test, ” NBC News reports.
“On Wednesday, North Korea said it would ‘hit the U. S. first’ with a nuclear weapon should there be any signs of U. S. strikes, ” NBC News notes. “On Thursday, North Korea warned of a ‘merciless retaliatory strike’ should the U. S. take any action.”
The intelligence officials told NBC News that the U. S. has positioned two destroyers capable of shooting Tomahawk cruise missiles in the region, one just 300 miles from the North Korean nuclear test site. American heavy bombers are also positioned in Guam to attack North Korea should it be necessary, and earlier this week, the Pentagon announced that the USS Carl Vinson aircraft carrier [photo] strike group was being diverted to the area.
Earlier Thursday, President Donald Trump told reporters, “North Korea is a problem. The problem will be taken care of.”
“By relentlessly bringing in a number of strategic nuclear assets to the Korean peninsula, the US is gravely threatening the peace and safety and driving the situation to the brink of a nuclear war, ” North Korea said in a statement.
It was little more than a week ago that Secretary of State Rex Tillerson issued a cryptic message in response to North Korea firing a missile into the Sea of Japan, that had many Americans concerned.
“The clock has now run out and all options are on the table, ” a senior White House official had announced, before the missile test.
Barely two hours after the White House statement, Tillerson responded to North Korea’s test, saying in a State Dept. statement: “North Korea launched yet another intermediate range ballistic missile. The United States has spoken enough about North Korea. We have no further comment.”
That left many scratching their head, denouncing his particular brand of diplomacy, or worried.
UPDATE I: 7: 26 PM EDT –
President Donald Trump just landed in Florida about 30 minutes ago. He will not be back in the White House until sometime on Sunday. No senior staff are with him this weekend. Given the fact he just dropped the largest non-nuclear bomb ever dropped, on ISIS today, launched 59 Tomahawk missiles into Syria one week ago today, and now if ramping up at the very least strong rhetoric against North Korea, it is, frankly, unconscionable he is away from the White House this weekend.
Former White House national security staffer for Vice President Joe Biden just posted this tweet:
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This is a breaking news and developing story. Details may change. This story will be updated, and NCRM will likely publish follow-up stories on this news. Stay tuned and refresh for updates.

Similarity rank: 14.5

© Source: http://www.thenewcivilrightsmovement.com/davidbadash/report_us_prepared_to_launch_preemptive_strike_if_north_korea_insists_on_nuclear_weapons_test?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+TheNewCivilRightsMovement+%28The+New+Civil+Rights+Movement%29
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В Петербурге произошел новый взрыв, есть пострадавшие


В полиции сообщили, что в четверг подросток был госпитализирован после взрыва у него неустановленного устройства в Василеостровском районе города Санкт-Петербурга.
Уголовное дело возбуждено по факту травмирования подростка при взрыве неустановленного предмета в Санкт-Петербурге в четверг, сообщает городской главк СК РФ. Как сообщалось, подросток был госпитализирован после взрыва у него неустановленного устройства в Василеостровском районе города Санкт-Петербурга. “По факту травмирования подростка в результате взрыва самодельного взрывного устройства следственными органами ГСУ СК России по городу Санкт-Петербургу возбуждено уголовное дело”, — говорится в сообщении. Следователи не уточнили, по какой статье было возбуждено дело. На место происшествия выехали следователи и следователи-криминалисты следственного управления. Опрашиваются очевидцы, изучаются записи с камер наблюдения, назначены экспертизы. Позже в городской прокуратуре сообщили, что взяли на контроль расследование уголовного дела. Напомним, в понедельник, 3 апреля, около 14.30 на перегоне между станциями “Сенная площадь” и “Технологический институт-2” петербургского метро. Еще один взрыв, на станции “Площадь Восстания”, удалось предотвратить благодаря своевременному обнаружению самодельного взрывного устройства. СК РФ возбудил уголовное дело по статье ” “, следствие проверит и другие версии происшествия. По последним данным, в результате взрыва 15 человек погибли, более 50 получили ранения. СК РФ возбудил уголовное дело о теракте, но проверяет и другие версии. По данным российского СК, исполнителем взрыва был уроженец Киргизии, гражданин РФ 1995 года рождения. Именно он, по данным следствия, сначала оставил замаскированную бомбу на станции “Площадь восстания”, а потом взорвал себя в вагоне поезда.

Similarity rank: 14
Sentiment rank: -1.8

© Source: http://rian.com.ua/russia/20170413/1023198808.html
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Brexit could make it hard to attract and keep IT talent in the UK


Since the process to exit the EU was triggered by Theresa May on March 29, 2017, concerns have been expressed by various sectors about their ability to retain talent and recruit talented workers from the EU. Interest groups and industry bodies are lobbying to raise their concerns…
Since the process to exit the EU was triggered by Theresa May on March 29, 2017, concerns have been expressed by various sectors about their ability to retain talent and recruit talented workers from the EU. Interest groups and industry bodies are lobbying to raise their concerns.
At the moment, workers from the EU (when we refer to EU workers in this article it includes the EEA countries Norway, Iceland and Lichtenstein and Switzerland) are not subject to immigration control and do not need a work visa to work in the UK. The tech sector in the UK is reliant on a diverse workforce. According to techUK, 18 percent of the sector’s three million workers are foreign born, with one third coming from EU countries. Employers in this sector need to recruit the brightest and the best in this competitive market. If they are not able to do this they will lose out to competitors at home and abroad. Smaller tech companies will suffer the most as they will struggle with the costs and time involved in applying for visas and this could put them at a disadvantage.
Contrary to popular belief, it is not easy to hire workers from outside the EU. At the moment it is only possible to hire a worker from outside the EU under Tier 2 of the Points Based System if their role is at a minimum skill level (NQF level 6) which is effectively a graduate level role and a minimum salary level.
In addition, in most cases employers must advertise the role in two mediums for 28 days to justify why they are not recruiting a resident worker and are sponsoring a worker from outside the EU. It can take three months to secure the work visa and bring the non EU worker to the UK. It can cost in the region of £2,600 for a five year visa and from April 6, 2017 the government has introduced an Immigration Skills Charge which will potentially add £1,000 for every year of the visa. A five year visa will therefore cost an additional £5,000.
The concern for tech companies in the UK is how difficult it will be post Brexit to recruit staff from the EU. Employers in the UK may struggle to pay the immigration fees associated with recruiting staff from outside the EU. The Government has previously said that it was looking at a new immigration system for dealing with migration from the EU. Although more recently the Immigration Minister Robert Goodwill has refused to confirm if the UK will create a new immigration system for EU workers or if the Points Based System will be used.
Another concern is the time involved in recruiting staff if visas are required. The UK immigration authorities are not known for their use of technology in making applications, only introducing an online application form for EU workers a few months ago. Previously applicants had to complete a paper form over 80 pages.
This uncertainty causes problems for the tech sector in planning ahead. What we do know is that in two years’ time EU workers may need a visa to work in the UK and it might cost thousands of pounds and several months to get that visa in place.
This uncertainty around recruitment of EU workers in two years’ time makes it even more important for UK tech companies to make sure their existing EU workers are protected and reassured.
The concerns around retention of EU workers can more easily be addressed as there is some certainly around their position. Many employers are now taking the time to help advise their EU workers on what their rights are to reside in the UK post Brexit and some are helping them make the necessary applications to the UK immigration authorities. Help and assistance varies depending on the number of EU workers and also the employer’s budget. Help and support for employees has ranged from Brexit focused surgery services, presentations easily accessible to their workers on staff sites to paying the application fees.
The key message is to reassure existing EU workers that there are steps they can take now to secure their position when we exit the EU. An EU worker who has lived in the UK and worked for five years is eligible to apply for a permanent residence card which is evidence of their status as a permanent resident in the UK. As a permanent resident they will not be subject to immigration control. Those workers who do not qualify for this status can apply for a Registration Certificate which will enable them to prove when they first came to the UK. This is important as if immigration control is implemented when we leave the EU is it possible it could be back dated e.g. to apply to those EU nationals who entered after the notice was triggered. Although this is unlikely it does remain a possibility until the government is prepared to confirm the status of EU nationals living in the UK.
As we have seen existing EU workers should be unaffected by Brexit but it is advisable for them to get the relevant documents in place. The main concern is what happens to new workers after we exit the EU. It is difficult for employers to assess how to recruit staff in two years’ time if they do not know what the immigration system will look like for EU workers and whether visas will be required. Employers need to budget for the expense and the time involved in getting visas for workers. EU workers themselves may be deterred from applying for jobs in the UK if they are unsure as to their immigration status.
The tech sector should be foremost in the government’s thinking when considering its future plans on immigration policy post-Brexit. The government must act to provide reassurance to all EU nationals already in the UK, and in the tech sector, one of the UK’s most marketable and high-value employment sectors. The government should take the opportunity that Brexit affords and create a “highly skilled” immigration category for EU workers, to guarantee residence rights for those that wish to come and work in the UK. This would be of significant benefit to a number of key high-value sectors of employment in the UK, including in tech. It is for the tech sector to lobby now for such exemptions and to make their case.
Published under license from ITProPortal.com, a Future plc Publication. All rights reserved.
Photo Credit: JMiks / Shutterstock

© Source: http://feeds.betanews.com/~r/bn/~3/lxPWHMoIhSI/
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瀬戸が0秒01差で初優勝 萩野6連覇ならず 競泳


競泳の 日本選手権は13日、 7月の 世界選手権(ハンガリー・ ブダペスト)の 代表選考会を兼ねて名古屋・ 日本ガイシアリーナで開幕し、 男子400メートル個人メドレーではリオデジャネイロ五輪銅メダルで世界選手権…

Similarity rank: 1.1

© Source: http://www.asahi.com/articles/ASK4F45RZK4FPTQP003.html?ref=rss
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По делу Януковича арестовали акции Укртелекома


Экс-президента подозревают в незаконном распоряжении о финансировании за госденьги строительства линии спецсвязи.
Экс-президента подозревают в незаконном распоряжении о финансировании за госденьги строительства линии спецсвязи.
Суд арестовал акции операторов связи Укртелеком и ТриМоб в связи с уголовным делом о расстрате госденег экс-президентом Виктором Януковичем при приватизации Укртелекома.
Напомним, Януковича подозревают в том, что он давал незаконное распоряжение о финансировании за госсредства строительства линии спецсвязи.
Об этом заявил генпрокурор Юрий Луценко в Facebook.
“Управление ГПУ по противодействию ОПГ ведет производство о незаконном выделении по указанию Януковича 220 млн грн из государственного бюджета Украины и приватизации 93 процентов акций Укртелекома по заниженной на 1, 6 млрд грн “, – написал он.
По его словам, “сегодня Печерский суд в целях обеспечения государственных интересов и возмещения убытков удовлетворил ходатайство ГПУ о наложении ареста на акции Укртелекома и ТриМоба”.
Отметим, что Укртелеком является самым крупным оператором фиксированной связи в стране, компания также является лидером рынка широкополосного доступа в Интернет.
Также напомним, что на днях президент Петр Порошенко подписал закон для заочного суда над Януковичем в деле о его госизмене.

Similarity rank: 17
Sentiment rank: -1.9

© Source: http://korrespondent.net/business/companies/3839672-po-delu-yanukovycha-arestovaly-aktsyy-ukrtelekoma
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США сбросили супербомбу в Афганистане, Россия отказалась транслировать "Евровидение". Главное за день


“ГОРДОН” представляет обзор основных новостей четверга, 13 апреля.
“ГОРДОН” представляет обзор основных новостей четверга, 13 апреля.
Cамая мощная в мире неядерная бомба
Американские военные нанесли удар по системе туннелей боевиков “Исламского государства” в провинции Нангархар в Афганистане, вес бомбы составил 9, 5 тонн. Ее называют “матерью всех бомб” – это наиболее мощный неядерный боезаряд в мире.
Слухи о новых жертвах химоружия в Сирии
Власти Сирии заявили о гибели сотен людей в результате бомбежки коалицией складов с токсичными веществами в Дейр-эз-Зоре, который контролирует ИГИЛ. Коалиция во главе с США опровергла эти сообщения, заявив, что удара по Дейр-эз-Зору не было.
Атака на союзников
Пентагон признал гибель 18 бойцов союзных коалиции “Демократических сил Сирии” в результате ошибочного авиаудара.
Задержания крымских татар
Оккупационные власти Крыма провели в Бахчисарае обыски и задержания по подозрению в “экстремизме”. Восьмерых крымских татар обвинили в админнарушениях.
Решение ЕСПЧ по “делу Беслана”
Россия должна выплатить €2, 95 млн родственникам погибших и пострадавшим при теракте в Беслане в 2004 году, сообщается в решении ЕСПЧ.
“Евровидение” без России, Россия без “Евровидения”
Российский “Первый канал” отказался от трансляции “Евровидения 2017” из-за отказа украинских властей впускать в страну для участия в конкурсе певицу Юлию Самойлову. Европейский вещательный союз объявил, что конкурс в этом году пройдет без участия РФ.
День Рады
Украинский парламент принял закон о рынке электроэнергии, узаконил частную детективную деятельность и отклонил изменения к “закону Надежды Савченко” о порядке зачисления срока предварительного заключения.
Авария с машиной Савченко
Автомобиль с народным депутатом Украины Надеждой Савченко сбил в Киеве пожилую женщину. За рулем была сестра политика Вера. Пострадавшую доставили в больницу скорой медицинской помощи с незначительными повреждениями.

Similarity rank: 15
Sentiment rank: -0.8

© Source: http://gordonua.com/news/worldnews/ssha-sbrosili-superbombu-v-afganistane-rossiya-otkazalas-translirovat-evrovidenie-glavnoe-za-den-183292.html
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Trump says North Korea problem 'will be taken care of'


US President Donald Trump vowed on Thursday that the
WASHINGTON: US President Donald Trump vowed on Thursday (Apr 13) that the “problem” of North Korea “will be taken care of, ” as speculation mounted that Pyongyang might be preparing another nuclear or missile test.
“North Korea is a problem, the problem will be taken care of, ” Trump told reporters.
Separately on Twitter he expressed confidence China, Pyongyang’s sole ally, would “properly deal with North Korea.” But, “if they are unable to do so, the U. S., with its allies, will! U. S. A.”
The ominous comments came the same day Trump ordered the dropping of the biggest non-nuclear bomb the US military possesses on Afghanistan, targeting a complex used by the Islamic State group.
A US aircraft carrier and its naval strike group has been diverted to the Korean peninsula.
Trump also flexed his military muscle last week by ordering cruise missile strikes on a Syrian airbase the US believed was the origin of an alleged chemical weapons attack on civilians in a northern Syria town.
There are reports of activity at a nuclear test site in North Korea ahead of Saturday’s 105th anniversary of the birth of the country’s founder Kim Il-Sung.
A US monitoring group, 38North, has described the Punggye-ri test site as “primed and ready.”
The Voice of America, quoting US government and other sources, said North Korea “has apparently placed a nuclear device in a tunnel and it could be detonated Saturday AM Korea time.”
Trump has repeatedly said he will prevent Pyongyang from developing a nuclear-tipped ballistic missile capable of reaching the United States.
He has asked his advisers to give him all options for dealing with the nuclear-armed North.
The US president has also said he would not signal his punches before embarking on any military action abroad.
Asked on Thursday whether the bomb dropped in Afghanistan – a GBU-43/B Massive Ordnance Air Blast bomb better known by its nickname, the “Mother Of All Bombs” – was a warning to Pyongyang, Trump demurred.
“I don’t know if this sends a message to North Korea, ” he said. “It doesn’t make any difference if it does or not.”
The North is under multiple sets of United Nations sanctions over its nuclear and ballistic missile programmes.
In an interview published on Thursday by The Wall Street Journal, Trump said he told Chinese President Xi Jinping to let North Korea know that the US has not only aircraft carriers but nuclear submarines.
But Trump said Xi, during a meeting in Florida last week, had corrected his earlier misconception that Beijing could easily get rid of the North Korea threat.
“After listening for 10 minutes, I realised it’s not so easy, ” Trump said. “I felt pretty strongly that they had a tremendous power” over North Korea. “But it’s not what you would think.”

Similarity rank: 25.5

© Source: http://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/asiapacific/trump-says-north-korea-problem-will-be-taken-care-of/3677168.html
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Начальника подразделения Нацполиции поймали на взятке в 120 тысяч долларов


Сегодня, 13 апреля, ГПУ, СБУ совместно с НПУ разоблачен факт вымогательства и получения неправомерной выгоды в размере 120 тыс. долларов США начальником одного из отделов структурного подразделения Нацполиции
Сегодня, 13 апреля, ГПУ, СБУ совместно с НПУ разоблачен факт вымогательства и получения неправомерной выгоды в размере 120 тыс. долларов США начальником одного из отделов структурного подразделения Нацполиции.
Об этом сообщил генпрокурор Юрий Луценко .
“ГПУ, СБУ совместно с Департаментами экономики, внутренней безопасности НПУ разоблачен факт вымогательства и получения неправомерной выгоды в размере 120 тыс. долларов США начальником одного из отделов структурного подразделения Национальной полиции Украины по предварительному сговору с другими лицами. Указанные средства злоумышленник в погонах требовал за решение вопроса об освобождении от уголовной ответственности подозреваемого в незаконных сделках с недвижимостью”, – написал Луценко.
В то же время генпрокурор отметил, что Печерский районный суд Киева 13.04.2017 избрал правоохранителю меру пресечения в виде содержания под стражей с возможностью внесения залога в сумме 1 млн грн, как и его подельнику.

Similarity rank: 13
Sentiment rank: -1.5

© Source: http://ru.golos.ua/uncategory/nachalnika_podrazdeleniya_natspolitsii_poymali_na_vzyatke_v_120_tyisyach_dollarov_71
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