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米原子力空母、再び朝鮮半島近海へ 北朝鮮を牽制か


米原子力空母カールビンソンが寄港先の シンガポールを離れ、 朝鮮半島近海に向かうことになった。 在韓米軍関係者が9日、 明らかにした。 北朝鮮では今週から政治的な行事が続き、 軍事的な挑発の 可能性が高まっている…

Similarity rank: 2.1

© Source: http://www.asahi.com/articles/ASK495SQ0K49UHBI006.html?ref=rss
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日本ハム:大谷、登録抹消 栗山監督「全ては俺の責任」


日本ハムの 大谷翔平投手(22)が9日、 左太ももの 肉離れの ため、 出場選手登録を外れた。 球団によると、 試合復帰には6週間程度かかる見込みという。 大谷は8日の オリックス戦(京セラドーム大阪)の 一回、 三ゴロで一塁に走った際に負傷。 「左大腿(だいたい)二頭筋肉離れ」 と診断された。 福島チーフトレーナーはこの 日、 「代打や指名打者での 復帰は4週間以上、 6週間ぐらい」 と明かした。 投手として試合に出るの はもっと時間がかかりそうだ。

Similarity rank: 2.1

© Source: https://mainichi.jp/articles/20170410/k00/00m/050/028000c
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【カイロ篠田航一】 エジプト北部タンタの コプト教(キリスト教の 一派)の 教会で9日、 爆発があり、 地元メディアは少なくとも21人が死亡、 数十人が負傷したと伝えた。 エジプト外務省報道官はツイッターで「テロがエジプトを襲った」 と述べ、 キリスト教徒を狙ったテロ攻撃との 見方を示した。

Similarity rank: 3.2

© Source: https://mainichi.jp/articles/20170410/k00/00m/030/019000c
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体操の 個人総合で争われる全日本選手権最終日は9日、 世界選手権代表選考会を兼ねて東京体育館で行われ、 男子で2012年ロンドン、 16年リオデジャネイロ両五輪金メダルの 内村航平(28)=リンガーハット=が前人未到の 10連覇を達成した。 〔写真特集〕男子体操内村航平
〔写真特集〕男子体操 内村航平
内村は所属していたコナミスポーツを昨年11月末で退社し、今年3月に外食大手のリンガーハットとの所属契約締結を発表。今大会に日本体操界初のプロ選手として臨んだ。 (2017/04/09-19:42)

Similarity rank: 3.2

© Source: http://www.jiji.com/jc/article?k=2017040900434&g=spo&m=rss
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中央競馬の 3歳牝馬クラシックレース第1戦、 第77回桜花賞(GI)は9日、 阪神競馬場の 芝1600メートルコースに17頭が出走して行われ、 池添謙一騎乗で単勝8番人気の レーヌミノルが1分34秒5で優勝した。 優勝賞金は9200万円。 2着は3番人気の リスグラシュー、 1
レーヌミノル 牝3歳。父ダイワメジャー、母ダイワエンジェルの血統。馬主は吉岡実氏。生産牧場は北海道新ひだか町のフジワラファーム。戦績は7戦3勝。重賞2勝目でGI初勝利。獲得賞金は2億1509万1000円。栗東・本田優厩舎(きゅうしゃ)。(2017/04/09-17:56)

Similarity rank: 1.1

© Source: http://www.jiji.com/jc/article?k=2017040900341&g=spo&m=rss
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権利ない番組を誤配信 「オンデマンド」で


NHKは、 インターネット動画配信サービス「NHKオンデマンド」 で、 テレビで放送する権利しか持っていない番組を誤って配信し、 9日までに同サービスの サイトに「権利元の 独占配信権を侵害した」 として、 おわびを掲載した。 原因については「担当者の 勘違いによる配信可否情報の 連絡ミス」 と説明している。

Similarity rank: 2.1
Sentiment rank: -2.3

© Source: https://mainichi.jp/articles/20170410/k00/00m/040/018000c
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橿原神宮の柱に傷、人名か 器物損壊容疑で捜査 :日本経済新聞


9日午前8時40分ごろ、 奈良県橿原市久米町の 橿原神宮の 職員から「外拝殿の 柱に傷が付けられている」 と橿原署に通報があった。 縦50センチ、 横15センチほどの 範囲に人名とみられる漢字4文字が彫られており
9日午前8時40分ごろ、奈良県橿原市久米町の橿原神宮の職員から「外拝殿の柱に傷が付けられている」と橿原署に通報があった。縦50センチ、横15センチほどの範囲に人名とみられる漢字4文字が彫られており、同署が器物損壊容疑で捜査している。 橿原署によると、8日午後6時20分ごろ、片付けをしていた職員が見つけた。別の職員は「7日午前8時半ごろに見た時には異常はなかったと思う」と話しているという。鋭利な物で彫られたとみられ、防犯カメラの映像などを調べる。 橿原神宮は神武天皇と皇后を祭神として1890年に造営され、本殿は重要文化財に指定されている。外拝殿は1939年に建てられた。〔共同〕

Similarity rank: 3.2
Sentiment rank: -2.2

© Source: http://www.nikkei.com/article/DGXLAS0040004_Z00C17A4000000/
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Trump aides differ over Assad's future after Syria attack


Top aides to President Donald Trump demurred on Sunday over where U. S. policy on Syria was headed after last week’s retaliatory missile strike, leaving open questions about whether removing Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad from power was now one of Trump’s goals.
After the United States launched cruise missile strikes on a Syrian air base alleged to have launched a deadly poison gas attack on Syrian civilians, Trump administration officials said they were prepared to take further actions if necessary.
Trump’s United Nations ambassador, Nikki Haley, said the United States had “multiple priorities” in Syria and that stability there was impossible with Assad as president.
“In no way do we see peace in that area with Assad as the head of the Syrian government,” Haley told NBC’s “Meet the Press. ”
“And we have to make sure that we’re pushing that process. The political solution has to come together for the good of the people of Syria,” she said.
Her comments appeared at odds with those of Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, who said the U. S. missile strike was aimed solely at deterring the use of chemical weapons by Assad.
“There is no change to our military posture” in Syria, Tillerson said on ABC’s ‘This Week’ program.
Tillerson said the U. S. priority in Syria was defeating Islamic State, the militant group also known as ISIS. Once ISIS is defeated, the United States could turn its attention to trying to help bring about a “political process” that could bring about stability in Syria, he said.
“It is through that political process that we believe the Syrian people will … be able to decide the fate of Bashar al-Assad,” Tillerson said.
A White House official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said any difference in nuance was inadvertent and unintentional, and declined to comment further.
During the 2016 presidential campaign, Trump said defeating Islamic State was a higher priority than persuading Assad to step down. The Republican criticized calls by his Democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton, for the establishment of a no-fly zone and “safe zones” to protect non-combatants.
“What we should do is focus on ISIS. We should not be focusing on Syria,” Trump told Reuters in an interview last October.
Tillerson on Sunday blamed Russia for enabling the poison gas attack by failing to follow through on a 2013 agreement to secure and destroy chemical weapons stockpiles in Syria.
“The failure related to the recent strike and the recent terrible chemical weapons attack in large measure is a failure on Russia’s part to achieve its commitment to the international community,” he added.
Russia swiftly condemned last week’s attack. On Sunday, a joint command center comprised of Russian, Iranian and militia forces supporting Assad said it would respond to any new aggression and increase its support for its ally.
Trump ordered the missile strikes on the Syrian air base after blaming Assad for the chemical weapons attack, which killed at least 70 people, many of them children, in the Syrian town of Khan Sheikhoun. The Syrian government has denied it was behind the assault.
Speaking on “Fox News Sunday,” White House national security adviser H. R. McMaster said the United States was “prepared to do more” regarding military action in Syria if necessary.
On whether Assad should be removed from power, McMaster said: “We are not saying that we are the ones who are going to effect that change.
“What we are saying is other countries have to ask themselves some hard questions. Russia should ask themselves, ‘What are we doing here?'” McMaster said.
Lawmakers from both the Democratic and Republican parties were supportive of Trump’s decision to attack the Syrian air base, but some Republican senators said they were concerned about the lack of policy clarity and Tillerson’s strategy of leaving Assad’s fate unresolved while concentrating on Islamic State.
“There seem to be a difference in what Ambassador Haley is saying, that Assad has no future, and what I heard this morning from Secretary Tillerson,” Republican Senator Marco Rubio told ABC, adding that Tillerson’s strategy won’t work.
“There is no such thing as Assad yes, but ISIS no,” Rubio said.
Republican Senator Lindsey Graham, speaking on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” said removing Assad from power would require the United States to commit thousands more troops to the country to create safe-haven areas for the opposition to regroup, retrain and ultimately take control of the country.
“You tell the Russians, ‘If you continue to bomb the people we train, we’ll shoot you down,’ Graham said.
(Reporting by Sarah N. Lynch and David Morgan, writing by David Lawder; Editing by Caren Bohan; Editing by James Dalgleish and Jonathan Oatis)

Similarity rank: 5.4
Sentiment rank: -1

© Source: http://feeds.reuters.com/~r/reuters/topNews/~3/-2t_xU5eqdk/us-mideast-crisis-syria-usa-idUSKBN17B0R5
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На Вербну неділю у Львові чоловік виявив вибухівку біля власного будинку


У Львові 9 квітня 2017 року 41-річний житель міста на власному подвір’ї виявив вибуховий пристрій. Правоохоронці знешкодили небезпечну знахідку, відкрито кримінальне провадження.
У Львові 9 квітня 2017 року 41-річний житель міста на власному подвір’ї виявив вибуховий пристрій. Правоохоронці знешкодили небезпечну знахідку, відкрито кримінальне провадження.
Про це повідомляє прес-служба поліції Львівської області.
Зазначено, що на місці події працювали експерти-вибухотехніки, кінолог та слідчо-оперативна група.
«Встановлено, що знахідка є саморобним вибуховим пристроєм. Правоохоронці знешкодили його та скерували на експертизу», – йдеться в повідомленні.
За цим фактом відкрито кримінальне провадження за ч. 4 ст. 296 (хуліганство) Кримінального кодексу України. Санкція статті передбачає покарання у вигляді позбавлення волі на строк від трьох до семи років.
Наразі проводиться досудове розслідування.

Similarity rank: 6.7

© Source: http://zik.ua/news/2017/04/09/na_verbnu_nedilyu_u_lvovi_cholovik_vyyavyv_vybuhivku_bilya_vlasnogo_budynku_1076635
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Trump and Japanese Prime Minister Abe talk Syria, North Korea


President Trump discussed his recent missile strike against Syria with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who expressed his support for the move, the White House announced on Sunday. The two leaders also dicussed threat posed by North Korea, just hours after a U. S…
President Trump discussed his recent missile strike against Syria with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who expressed his support for the move, the White House announced on Sunday.
The two leaders also dicussed “threat posed by North Korea, ” just hours after a U. S. Navy strike group sailed unexpectedly into waters near North Korea.
Trump and Abe “agreed that [Syrian President] Bashar al-Assad’s use of chemical weapons against civilians, including women and children, was abhorrent and warranted a strong response from the international community, ” the White House noted.
The president ordered a targeted missile strike against a Syrian air base on Thursday after Assad attacked civilians with chemical weapons earlier in the week. The move has drawn bipartisan praise domestically and almost universal accolades internationally, but has ratcheted up tensions with Pyongyang and Moscow.
The White House has said that “all options are on the table” when it comes to dealing with North Korea. Trump and Abe vowed Sunday to continue working together to counter North Korea’s aggressive neighbor.

Similarity rank: 3.5

© Source: http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/trump-and-japanese-prime-minister-abe-talk-syria-north-korea/article/2619806?custom_click=rss
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