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民進、都議団幹部も離党へ 現職4人目、長島氏に同調


6月23日告示の 東京都議選を控え、 民進党系の 東京改革議員団団長代理の 酒井大史同党都議(立川市)=4期目=が近く離党届を出す意向を固めたことが11日、 分かった。 10日に離党届を出して除籍(除名)処分が…
6月23日告示の東京都議選を控え、民進党系の東京改革議員団団長代理の酒井大史同党都議(立川市)=4期目=が近く離党届を出す意向を固めたことが11日、分かった。10日に離党届を出して除籍(除名)処分が決まった長島昭久衆院議員(比例東京)に同調するという。3月以降、18人いる同党都議のうち離党を届け出るのは4人目で、「離党ドミノ」に歯止めがかからない状態だ。 酒井氏は取材に「17年間、同志として地元で歩んできた長島氏とこれからも行動を共にするために離党する」と話した。民進が都議選で公認予定だが、無所属での出馬を検討しているという。 民進の公認予定者は全36人のうち7人が離党届を出し、そのうち4人は、小池百合子都知事を中心とする地域政党「都民ファーストの会」に移った。(伊藤あずさ)

Similarity rank: 2.1
Sentiment rank: 0

© Source: http://www.asahi.com/articles/ASK4C7DLCK4CUTIL06Q.html?iref=sp_poltop_feature_list_n
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Blasts hit Borussia Dortmund team bus, leaving player hurt


German police said
Defender Marc Bartra was taken to hospital. The bus was hit by three blasts from devices planted in bushes at the roadside close to the team’s hotel, as the vehicle made its way to a quarter-final first leg Champions League game at home to AS Monaco. The match was called off and rescheduled for Wednesday.
“The bus turned into the main street, when there was a huge boom, a real explosion,” Sky television quoted Dortmund goalkeeper Roman Burki as saying.
“I was sitting in the back row next to Marc Bartra, hit by fragments … after the bang, we all ducked. “
Dortmund police said in a message on Twitter: “After the initial investigation, we assume that this was an attack using serious explosives. “
The stadium, which is the largest in Germany and holds more than 80,000 spectators, emptied quickly and without incident.
“The explosive devices were placed outside the bus. Several windows were broken,” a police spokesman said. The incident was in the Hoechsten district in the south of the city of Dortmund.
Bartra, 26, joined Dortmund for eight million euros ($8.5 million) last year from Barcelona, after coming through the Catalan club’s youth system. He has made 12 appearances for the Spanish national team.
Borussia Dortmund’s managing director Hans-Joachim Watzke was quoted as telling Sky: “The whole team is in a state of shock. “
Police added: “Currently there is no evidence of a threat to the visitors at the stadium. “
AS Monaco goalkeeper Danijel Subasic told Croatian newspaper 24sata: “We are currently in the stadium, in a safe place, but the feeling’s horrible. “
Dortmund and UEFA later said that the match would go ahead on Wednesday at 1645 GMT (1845 local time).

Similarity rank: 13
Sentiment rank: -1.1

© Source: http://www.timeslive.co.za/sport/soccer/2017/04/11/Blasts-hit-Borussia-Dortmund-team-bus-leaving-player-hurt1
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【ルッカ(イタリア中部)時事】 先進7カ国(G7)外相会合は11日、 イタリア中部ルッカで最終日の 討議を行った後、 シリアの 紛争終結の ためアサド政権に対する影響力行使をロシアに促す共同声明を発表し閉幕した。 米軍が行ったアサド政権への 攻撃に対しては「化学兵器の 拡散・
【ルッカ(イタリア中部)時事】先進7カ国(G7)外相会合は11日、イタリア中部ルッカで最終日の討議を行った後、シリアの紛争終結のためアサド政権に対する影響力行使をロシアに促す共同声明を発表し閉幕した。米軍が行ったアサド政権への攻撃に対しては「化学兵器の拡散・使用を防止・抑止するための注意深く計算された、対象が限定された対応だ」と理解を示した。 一方、声明は北朝鮮の核実験・弾道ミサイル発射を最も強い表現で非難した上で、「新たな段階の挑戦だ」と指摘。北朝鮮に核実験などの自制を要求した。 岸田文雄外相は閉幕後、記者団に対し、シリア内戦の打開に向けて「日本を含むG7としてロシアに建設的な対応を促していくことを確認した」と述べ、日本政府としても働き掛けを行う意向を表明。北朝鮮問題では、中国により大きな役割を果たすよう訴えていく必要性でG7各国が一致したと明らかにした。
2日間の日程で行われたG7外相会合ではシリア問題が中心議題になった。11日にはこのテーマに絞った特別会合も開催され、アサド政権に批判的なトルコやサウジアラビアなど地域諸国の外相らも出席し、今後の対応方針について意見を交わした。 G7外相声明はシリア問題も念頭に「ロシアとの協力なしでは解決できない地域的危機および世界的課題がある」と指摘し、ロシアの関与の重要性に言及した。(2017/04/11-22:51)

Similarity rank: 2.1
Sentiment rank: -0.3
TW posts: 11
TW reposts: 1
TW likes: 5
TW sentiment: -2

© Source: http://www.jiji.com/jc/article?k=2017041100692&g=isk&m=rss
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FBI got court order to monitor ex-Trump adviser in Russia probe: Washington Post


The FBI secured a court order in 2016 to secretly surveil the communications of Carter Page, a foreign policy adviser to Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, as the agency investigates possible ties between the campaign and Russia, the Washington Post reported on Tuesday.
Citing law enforcement and other U. S. officials the Post reported that the warrant for Page was obtained last summer by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Justice Department from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court. ( wapo.st/2p3L6xi )
The judge was convinced there was probable cause to believe Page was acting as an agent of Russia, the Post said.
Page has denied in media interviews that he worked with the Russians to influence the election.
In a statement to Reuters on Tuesday, Page said the court order was evidence that the administration of former President Barack Obama wanted to “suppress dissidents” who opposed its foreign policy.
“It will be interesting to see what comes out when the unjustified basis for those FISA requests are more fully disclosed over time …,” he said.
The Justice Department did not immediately respond to requests for comment from Reuters, which could not independently confirm the Post story. The White House and FBI declined to comment.
The FBI and congressional committees are investigating whether Russia tried to influence the election in Trump’s favor, mostly by hacking Democratic operatives’ emails and releasing embarrassing information, or possibly by colluding with Trump associates.
Russia denies the allegations, which Trump also dismisses.
(Writing by Eric Beech; Additional reporting by Nathan Layne; Editing by Lisa Shumaker)

Similarity rank: 10
Sentiment rank: 1.4

© Source: http://feeds.reuters.com/~r/reuters/topNews/~3/_Aaqv3FsfYA/us-usa-trump-russia-idUSKBN17E00G
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Champions League: Barcelona benötigt wieder ein Wunder


Nach einem 0:3 im Viertelfinal-Hinspiel bei Juventus Turin droht Lionel Messi und Co. das Aus.
Das Champions-League-Viertelfinale zwischen Borussia Dortmund und AS Monaco wurde wegen Explosionen nahe des Dortmunder Mannschaftsbusses abgesagt und auf heute (18.45 Uhr) verschoben, in Turin aber ging das zweite Hinspiel des Abends planmäßig über die Bühne. Dort feierte Juventus dank eines Doppelpacks von Paulo Dybala einen 3:0-Heimsieg über den FC Barcelona, der nun im Rückspiel in einer Woche auf ein weiteres Fußballwunder angewiesen ist.
Während die Hausherren ihre viel gelobte Defensive (mit nur zwei Gegentreffern die beste der bisherigen Champions-League-Saison) ausspielten, wurde Barcelona einmal mehr die eigene Abwehrarbeit zum Verhängnis. Die Innenverteidigung mit Piqué und Umtiti ließ Dybala bei beiden Treffern in aller Ruhe einschießen (7., 22.), beim dritten Tor war Mascherano seinem Gegenspieler Chiellini im Kopfballduell unterlegen (55.). Ein Treffer, der sich nach Topchancen von Higuain (53., 54.) angekündigt hatte.
Barcelona hingegen kam nur selten gefährlich vor das Tor von Altmeister Gianluigi Buffon (Iniesta 21., Suarez 68.), wieder war es eine durchwachsene Leistung in einer unbeständigen Barça-Saison. In der Liga ist die Titelverteidigung in weiter Ferne, in der Champions League bleibt nur die Hoffnung auf eine weitere historische Aufholjagd. Aber selbst die im Hinspiel so souveräne Turiner Defensive ist im Camp Nou nicht vor einem Fußballwunder gefeit wie es Paris St. Germain im Achtelfinale widerfuhr (Hinspiel 4:0, Rückspiel 1:6).

Similarity rank: 2.1

© Source: http://diepresse.com/home/sport/fussball/international/5199808/Champions-League_Barcelona-benoetigt-wieder-ein-Wunder?from=rss
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Explosionen am Mannschaftsbus in Dortmund, Spieler Bartra verletzt


Die Champions-League-Partie von Borussia Dortmund gegen AS Monaco musst wegen mehreren Explosionen abgesagt werden.
Am Dortmunder Mannschaftsbus sind drei Sprengsätze explodiert. BVB-Verteidiger Marc Bartra wurde an einer Hand verletzt und notärztlich versorgt, bestätigte Geschäftsführer Hans-Joachim Watzke. Der Grund für die Detonationen war zunächst unklar.
Das Champions-League-Spiel am Dienstagabend gegen AS Monaco musste abgesagt werden.
In einer Polizeimitteilung hieß es laut dpa: «Nach jetzigem Kenntnisstand sind die Scheiben des Busses (ganz oder teilweise) geborsten und eine Person wurde verletzt. Um was es sich bei der Explosion genau gehandelt hat oder wo genau etwas explodiert ist, kann derzeit noch nicht gesagt werden.»
Kurz nach der Abfahrt des Fußball-Bundesligisten vom Teamhotel zum Stadion waren in der Nähe des Mannschaftsbusses die Sprengsätze explodiert. Die Sicherheitskräfte suchten die Umgebung mit einer Drohne ab. Es werde geprüft, ob möglicherweise ein weiterer Sprengsatz deponiert worden sei, sagte ein Polizeisprecher am Einsatzort.
Der Ort der Explosionen wurde weiträumig abgesperrt. Die Mannschaft sollte zunächst mit einem anderen Bus zum Stadion gebracht werden. Mehrere Spieler hielten sich vor der Unterkunft auf. Nach der Absage kehrte das Team in das Hotel zurück.
«Die ganze Mannschaft ist in einer gewissen Schockstarre. Wir müssen versuchen, das in irgendeiner Weise zu kanalisieren. Das wird nicht einfach, wir müssen morgen spielen. Solche Bilder bekommst du nicht aus dem Kopf raus», sagte Watzke. «Wir waren natürlich geschockt. Die Mannschaft war geschockt», sagte Watzke. Auch Trainer Thomas Tuchel habe die Attacke direkt mitbekommen, berichtete Watzke: «Thomas war natürlich auch geschockt, weil eine der Explosionen wohl direkt an seiner Seite stattgefunden hat.»
«Ich hoffe das es uns in irgendeiner Weise morgen gelingt, einigermaßen wettbewerbsfähig wieder auf dem Feld zu stehen», ergänzte Watzke. BVB-Präsident und Ligapräsident Reinhard Rauball äußerte die Hoffnung, dass das Team zu einer Trotzreaktion fähig sei. «Das wäre das Allerschlechteste, wenn durch eine derartige Handlung heute Abend diejenigen auch noch Erfolg haben, dass die Mannschaft sich beeinflussen lässt. Ich bin überzeugt, dass Trainer und Mannschaft genau den richtigen Weg gehen werden und morgen eine bestmögliche Leistung abrufen werden», sagte Rauball.
Die UEFA legte in Absprache mit beiden Clubs den neuen Spieltermin fest. Bereits am Mittwoch kommender Woche ist das Rückspiel in Monaco angesetzt.
Der BVB-Bus wurde nach Vereinsangaben an zwei Stellen beschädigt. Bartra wurde in ein Krankenhaus gebracht. Der FC Barcelona twitterte «Unsere ganze Unterstützung für @MarcBartra, @BVB und alle seine Fans». Auch aus München kamen Nachrichten an die Kollegen im Westen. Bayern-Verteidiger Jérôme Boateng hoffte, dass «alle okay», seien.
Stadionsprecher Norbert Dickel informierte die Fans vor Ort: «Es besteht jetzt hier im Stadion kein Grund zur Panik», sagte Dickel, der von einem «gravierenden Zwischenfall» sprach. Die Fans wurden aufgefordert, zunächst im Stadion zu bleiben. Die Monaco-Fans skandierten «Dortmund, Dortmund».
«Bombenexplosion am Mannschaftsbus am Mannschaftshotel. Spieler in Sicherheit. Keine Gefahr im und am Stadion. Weitere Infos folgen», hatte der Fußball-Bundesligist getwittert. «Bitte warten Sie auf offizielle Informationen + unterlassen Gerüchte und Spekulationen. Damit unterstützen Sie uns sehr», twitterte die Polizei, bevor es schließlich um 20.30 Uhr zur Absage kam.
Das Spiel soll nun am Mittwoch um 18.45 Uhr stattfinden.
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Similarity rank: 15

© Source: https://deutsche-wirtschafts-nachrichten.de/2017/04/11/explosionen-mannschaftsbus-dortmund-spieler-bartra-verletzt/
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【ルッカ時事】 ティラーソン米国務長官は11日、 先進7カ国(G7)外相会合が開かれたイタリア中部ルッカで、 「ロシアはシリアの 化学兵器廃棄の 保証人となることを求められたが、 その 責任を果たさなかった」 と述べた。 会合後、 ロシアを訪れるの を前に、 厳しい対ロ批判を行った

Similarity rank: 1.1

© Source: http://www.jiji.com/jc/article?k=2017041101119&g=int&m=rss
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G7外相、米のシリア攻撃支持 「化学兵器拡散を抑止」


イタリア中部ルッカで開かれていた主要7カ国(G7)の 外相会合は11日、 2日間の 日程を終えて閉幕した。 共同声明では、 シリアの アサド政権軍に対する米国の ミサイル攻撃を「致死的な化学兵器の 拡散や使用を防止…
イタリア中部ルッカで開かれていた主要7カ国(G7)の外相会合は11日、2日間の日程を終えて閉幕した。共同声明では、シリアのアサド政権軍に対する米国のミサイル攻撃を「致死的な化学兵器の拡散や使用を防止、抑止するための、注意深く計算され、対象が限定された対応だ」として認めた。その上で、アサド政権を支援するロシアが紛争終結にむけて影響力を行使するよう求めた。 共同声明はロシアについて「重要な国際的プレーヤー」と言及、協力無しでは様々な課題を解決できないとした。シリア情勢について「ロシアが自らの影響力を用いる用意がある場合、ロシアとともに作業する用意がある」と呼びかけた。ティラーソン米国務長官は「ロシアは米国などと組むか、シリアやイランと組むか選ばなければならない」と二者択一を突きつけた。 強硬派の英国などは、シリア問題を巡ってロシアへの追加制裁を主張したが、議長国イタリアのアルファーノ外相は記者会見で「現状では共通の合意はない」と否定。和平に向けて、ロシアを巻き込んでいくことが重要だと指摘した。 また核実験や弾道ミサイル発射を繰り返し、軍事的挑発を繰り返す北朝鮮については、「最も強い表現で非難」するとし、北朝鮮に自制を求めた。さらに、拉致問題の早期解決に向けた対処を要求した。(ルッカ=山尾有紀恵、笹川翔平)

Similarity rank: 4.2
Sentiment rank: -5.5

© Source: http://www.asahi.com/articles/ASK4C5KMNK4CUHBI023.html?iref=com_alist_8_02
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Windows 10 Cloud may be the star of Microsoft's upcoming event


And maybe – just maybe – some new hardware
The Windows 10 Creators Update may be out today, but Microsoft has plenty more planned for its latest and greatest operating system, including a stripped down version we could meet next month.
Microsoft is readying a spring event, as you may know, and the matchless Mary Jo Foley at ZDNet says software called Windows 10 Cloud will likely be the star of this particular show.
Despite what the name strongly suggests, Windows 10 Cloud isn’t related to the cloud, or at least not as much as you would think.
Instead, this flavor of Windows 10 is essentially a lightweight version of the full-bodied OS, and it will only run universal apps from the Windows Store. Think of Windows 10 Cloud as a reincarnation of Windows RT: a thinner base for less robust devices, ideal for taking on the go without draining battery life.
New hardware, then, won’t be the main attraction at the spring event, which is apparently codenamed Bespin. Star Wars fans may remember Bespin as the name of a fictional planet in the series, home to Cloud City. Get it?
Foley repeated an assertion the Surface Book 2 won’t be unveiled at the spring shindig; while Microsoft is working on the updated PC, it’s apparently not ready for prime time yet.
On the other hand, the Surface Pro 5 is a possibility, however what sounds more likely for this gathering is a never-before-seen Surface device. Just what that could be is unknown – some rumors have pointed to a clamshell laptop in the works, but Foley doesn’t seem to buy that’s what Microsoft has cooking.
Inklings are that Microsoft will instead launch an all-new 2-in-1 device, likely humming on Windows 10 Cloud. This product could match up against Google’s Chromebooks, and obviously would make sense to launch at an event featuring Microsoft’s own agile OS.
Foley’s sources say the Bespin event is going down in early May, so stay tuned as we find out more.

© Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/techradar/allnews/~3/AXQo3iyLaUo/windows-10-cloud-may-be-star-of-microsofts-upcoming-event
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North Korea warns of nuclear strike if provoked; Trump'armada' steams on


North Korean state media warned on Tuesday of a nuclear attack on the United States at any sign of American aggression, as a U. S. Navy strike group steamed toward the western Pacific – a force U. S. President Donald Trump described as an
PYONGYANG: North Korean state media warned on Tuesday of a nuclear attack on the United States at any sign of American aggression, as a U. S. Navy strike group steamed toward the western Pacific: a force U. S. President Donald Trump described as an”armada”.
Trump, who has urged China to do more to rein in its impoverished ally and neighbour, said in a Tweet that North Korea was”looking for trouble” and the United States would”solve the problem” with or without Beijing’s help.
Tension has escalated sharply on the Korean peninsula amid concerns that reclusive North Korea may soon conduct a sixth nuclear test and after Washington said at the weekend it was diverting the aircraft carrier strike group Carl Vinson toward the Korean peninsula in a show of force.
“We are sending an Armada. Very powerful,” Trump told Fox Business Network, adding:”We have submarines. Very powerful. Far more powerful than the aircraft carrier. That I can tell you.”
Referring to North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, Trump said: “He is doing the wrong thing.” Asked if he thought Kim was mentally fit, Trump replied: “I don’t know. I don’t know him.”
North Korea said earlier it was prepared to respond to any U. S. aggression.
“Our revolutionary strong army is keenly watching every move by enemy elements with our nuclear sight focused on the U. S. invasionary bases not only in South Korea and the Pacific operation theatre but also in the U. S. mainland,” its official Rodong Sinmun newspaper said.
In spite of the military rhetoric, U. S. officials have previously stressed that stronger sanctions are the most likely U. S. course to press North Korea to abandon its nuclear program. At the same time, Washington has said all options – including military ones – are on the table and that a U. S. strike last week against Syria should serve as a warning to Pyongyang.
The strike group heading towards Korea includes the nuclear-powered flagship aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson, two destroyers and a cruiser. Such a strike group is generally accompanied by submarines, although the Pentagon does not normally publicise this.
White House spokesman Sean Spicer said Trump had put North Korea”clearly on notice” that he would not tolerate certain actions, but dismissed Pyongyang’s nuclear attack threat.
“I think there is no evidence that North Korea has that capability at this time,” he said.”Threatening something that you don’t have the capability of isn’t really a threat.”
North Korea remains technically at war with the United States and its ally South Korea after the 1950-1953 Korean conflict ended in a truce, not a peace treaty. It regularly threatens to destroy both countries.
However, North Korea has conducted five nuclear tests, two of them last year, and is working to develop nuclear-tipped missiles that can reach the United States, presenting Trump with perhaps his most pressing security headache.
South Korea’s acting President Hwang Kyo-ahn warned of”greater provocations” by North Korea, including a possible nuclear test, given a meeting of the country’s Supreme People’s Assembly and upcoming national anniversaries.
He ordered the military to intensify monitoring and ensure close communication with Washington.
North Korea convened a Supreme People’s Assembly session on Tuesday, one of twice-yearly sessions attended by leader Kim Jong Un, and reported a successful national budget execution and personnel appointments, the official KCNA news agency said.
The agency made no mention of North Korea’s nuclear weapons programme or being under threat from the United States.
Saturday is the 105th anniversary of the birth of Kim Il Sung, North Korea’s founding father and grandfather of the current ruler.
A military parade is expected in Pyongyang to mark the day and North Korea often marks important anniversaries with tests of its nuclear or missile capabilities.
Men and women in colourful outfits were singing and dancing on the streets of Pyongyang, illuminated by better lighting than seen in previous years, apparently practising for the parade.
Trump said in a Tweet that a trade deal between China and the United States would be”far better for them if they solved the North Korea problem”.
“If China decides to help, that would be great,” he said.”If not, we will solve the problem without them!”
Trump pressed his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping to do more on North Korea at a meeting in Florida last week.
China’s U. N. ambassador, Liu Jieyi, called the Korean situation”tense” and repeated China’s call for a return to dialogue with North Korea.
“We believe that it is highly important to move toward denuclearization, to maintain peace and stability, and it’s time that different sides sit down to talk about achieving these objectives,” he told Reuters.
Asked about Trump linking a trade deal to China’s help with North Korea: “We need to look at the situation on the Korean Peninsula as something that we should work together on.”
South Korean officials sought to quell social media talk of an impending crisis, and Defence Ministry spokesman Moon Sang-kyun urged people”not to get blinded by exaggerated assessment about the security situation”.
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad sent congratulations to North Korea ahead of Kim Il Sung’s birthday and said the two countries were”conducting a war against big powers’ wild ambition to subject all countries to their expansionist and dominationist policy,” North Korea’s KCNA news agency said.
North Korea’s foreign ministry said the approach of the U. S. Navy strike group showed Washington’s”reckless moves for invading had reached a serious phase”.
“We will take the toughest counteraction against the provocateurs in order to defend ourselves by powerful force of arms and keep to the road chosen by ourselves,” an unidentified ministry spokesman said.
U. S. officials said at the weekend the carrier group would take more than a week to reach waters near the Korean peninsula.
A statement from U. S. forces in South Korea on Tuesday said General Vincent Brooks, commander of United States Forces Korea, would not attend a Congressional hearing expected this month because of the”security situation on the Korean Peninsula.” The statement said the step was not unprecedented.
Russia’s Foreign Ministry, ahead of a visit by U. S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, said it was concerned about many aspects of U. S. foreign policy, particularly North Korea.
“We are really worried about what Washington has in mind for North Korea after it hinted at the possibility of a unilateral military scenario,” the ministry said in a statement.
China and South Korea agreed on Monday to impose tougher sanctions on North Korea if it carried out nuclear or long-range missile tests, a senior official in Seoul said.
On Tuesday, a fleet of North Korean cargo ships headed home, mostly fully laden, after China ordered its trading companies to return coal, sources with direct knowledge of the trade said.
China banned all imports of North Korean coal, the country’s most important export, on Feb. 26, but Washington has questioned how well the sanction was being implemented.

Similarity rank: 12.5

© Source: http://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/asiapacific/north-korea-warns-of-nuclear-strike-if-provoked-trump-armada/3670500.html
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