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ベトナムへ遺体が空路帰国 千葉小3殺害 :日本経済新聞


千葉県我孫子市で殺害された状態で見つかったベトナム国籍の 小3女児レェ・ ティ・ ニャット・ リンさん(9)の 遺体が2日、 家族と共にベトナムの 首都ハノイに空路帰国した。 遺体には成田空港から
【ハノイ=共同】千葉県我孫子市で殺害された状態で見つかったベトナム国籍の小3女児レェ・ティ・ニャット・リンさん(9)の遺体が2日、家族と共にベトナムの首都ハノイに空路帰国した。 遺体には成田空港から父と母、弟が付き添った。親族によると、ハノイのノイバイ国際空港では親族らが多数集まり、リンさんの霊を弔う儀式を行った。リンさんの遺体は近く父の故郷の北部フンイエン省に埋葬される。 リンさんの両親らは2日午前、成田を出発。両親は黒色の服に身を包んだマスク姿で、うつむき加減に搭乗口へ向かった。母はリンさんの幼い弟を抱き、空港や警察の関係者に何度も頭を下げてから航空機に乗り込んだ。

Similarity rank: 2.5
Sentiment rank: -10.3

© Source: http://www.nikkei.com/article/DGXLASDG02H3L_S7A400C1CC1000/
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На выборах в парламент Армении лидирует правящая партия


На выборах в парламент Армении лидирует правящая Республиканская партия, которой отдали 46% голосов избирателей.
На парламентских выборах в Армении лидирует правящая Республиканская партия с 46% голосов избирателей. Об этом сообщает News.am.
“Опубликованы результаты Exit poll, проведенного Baltic Surveys/The Gallup Organization по заказу телеканала “Еркир-Медиа”: Республиканская партия Армении – 46%, блок «Царукян» – 25%, блок «Елк» – 10%…», – говорится в сообщении.
Отмечается, что в опросе на выходе с избирательных участков, проведенном Baltic Surveys/The Gallup Organization при содействии Армянской социологической ассоциации, приняли участие 30 тысяч избирателей.
Как сообщает “Коммерсант”, явка на выборах составила 50,93%. Голосование проходило по новой системе – 101 депутат избирался на пятилетний срок по партийным спискам. Еще четыре места зарезервированы для национальных меньшинств. В предыдущем созыве Национальной ассамблеи заседал 131 парламентарий, избранный по смешанной пропорционально-мажоритарной системе.
Состоявшиеся выборы стали первыми после начала в стране конституционной реформы.

Similarity rank: 14
Sentiment rank: 2.4

© Source: http://telegraf.com.ua/rossiya-i-sng/3245788-na-vyiborah-v-parlament-armenii-lidiruet-pravyashhaya-partiya.html
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В Минфине сообщили о попытке сорвать запуск реестра НДС


Неизвестные “положили” центр сертификации ключей ГФС, который является обязательным для успешного запуска реестра НДС
Неизвестные “положили” систему Аккредитованного центра сертификации ключей Государственной фискальной службы, тем самым поставив под угрозу запуск в работу электронного реестра автоматического возмещения налога на добавленную стоимость. Об этом сообщил министр финансов Украины Александр Данилюк на своей странице в Facebook.
“Почему это проблема? Всю входящую информацию в электронный реестр автоматического возмещения НДС формирует ГФС на основе заявок бизнеса и закрепляет эти данные электронной цифровой подписью. Поэтому бесперебойная работа центру сертификации ключей является обязательной для успешного запуска этого реестра”, – проинформировал министр.
Данилюк также сообщил, что работу центра уже удалось частично восстановить.
1 апреля Министерство финансов запустило электронный реестр возмещения НДС. Сейчас происходит наполнение реестра информацией, а доступен он будет 3 апреля.
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Similarity rank: 9.6

© Source: http://news.liga.net/news/economics/14724330-v_minfine_soobshchili_o_popytke_sorvat_zapusk_reestra_nds.htm
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Sophia knutscht fremd: Wenn liebt Sophia Thomalla nun?


Auf Tuchfühlung mit Gavin Rossdale in London.
Wen hat sich Sophia Thomalla denn da geangelt? Nachdem die Moderatorin im vergangenen Jahr “aus einer Extremsituation heraus” den Musiker Andy LaPlegua heiratete, sah man sie in letzter Zeit wieder häufiger an der Seite von On-/Off-Freund Till Lindemann. Jetzt setzt sie noch mal einen oben drauf und knutscht mit Gavin Rossdale.
Mehr zum Thema
Der Frontman der Band Bush war mit Sängerin Gwen Stefani verheiratet. Nachdem er diese mit einem Kindermädchen betrogen hatte, folgte die Scheidung – und nun eine Knutscherei mit der Thomalla.
Beim “Männer des Jahres”-Award zeigt die Moderatorin ihre Beine. Video
Arm in Arm schlendern Sophia und der 51-jährige Rockstar durch London, er greift ihr von hinten in den Bund der Jeans und einen nicht gerade leidenschaftslosen Kuss gibt es auch noch. “Bild” liegen Fotos dieser Szenen vor, die sich nur schwer fehlinterpretieren lassen.
Für die 27-jährige Berlinerin hat das allerdings gar nichts zu bedeuten, wie sie gegenüber “Bild” erklärt: “Ich war beruflich in London. Gavin und ich sind alte Freunde, waren essen. Komisch, auf einmal überall Bilder, wie wir das Restaurant – übrigens zu dritt – verlassen und ich mich verabschiede. ”
Eine Verabschiedung, die zweifellos nicht gefühlvoller hätte sein können…

© Source: http://www.t-online.de/unterhaltung/stars/id_80766094/sophia-knutscht-fremd-wenn-liebt-sophia-thomalla-nun-.html
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60% of new utilities object to helping pay Fukushima compensation


More than 60% of major new entrants to the electric power industry object to the government’s plan for them to…
More than 60% of major new entrants to the electric power industry object to the government’s plan for them to shoulder some of the compensation costs stemming from the Fukushima nuclear crisis, a Kyodo News survey shows.
Of the 44 utilities surveyed, 29 said the plan by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry could have a negative impact on their businesses or prevent liberalization of the retail electricity market.
Last April, Japan freed up the retail electricity market, ending the decades-long monopoly of Japanese regional power companies. The new entrants are those that joined the industry after the liberalization of the market and are expected to promote competition, paving the way for lower electricity bills and new services.
But the ministry decided in November last year on a plan to let the utilities share the burden of the aftermath of the nuclear crisis at Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings Inc’s Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, devastated by meltdowns triggered by the 2011 earthquake-tsunami disaster.
Meanwhile, 70% of the new entrants said they were able to win customers as planned or even more. The survey shows that while the liberalization of the market has proceeded relatively smoothly, systematic problems remain.
A total of 266 companies were registered as new electricity retailers as of March last year. The newcomers include gas suppliers such as Tokyo Gas Co and Osaka Gas Co, major oil refiner JX Nippon Oil & Energy Corp, telecommunications service provider KDDI Corp and railway company Tokyu Corp.
Kyodo News sent questionnaires to 50 major new retailers of which 44 responded.
About the ministry’s plan, 13 retailers said that it will have negative effects on their business, while 16 said the plan will have certain effect on the business. Only one company said that it did not expect any effects.
The ministry has deemed users should shoulder their share of the burden as they have widely benefitted from nuclear power before the crisis but 18 companies said they did not agree with the ministry.
A total of 30 companies said that the number of customers they have acquired so far reached or topped initial goals while 11 said that they were not able to win customers as expected.
The survey found that 41 companies were satisfied that they had entered the electricity retail market because they were able to connect well with customers which contributed not only in boosting profitability but also in enhancing the recognition of the companies. No company said it regretted entering the market.
On future management, 18 said they will expand their business operations while 8 companies said they will maintain the status quo. No companies said they will pull out of the market or consider scaling down operations.
Meanwhile, Japan’s energy sector saw more deregulation with the city gas market freed up Saturday, allowing major utilities to enter the market and enhance competition with gas company rivals in the industry.
Utilities including Chubu Electric Power Co and Kansai Electric Power Co have launched special websites introducing their lower gas price plans.
But compared with the liberalization of the retail electricity market, the gas retail market has attracted fewer entrants.

Similarity rank: 1

© Source: https://www.japantoday.com/category/national/view/60-of-new-utilities-object-to-helping-pay-fukushima-compensation
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Author Murakami calls for fight against history revisionism


Haruki Murakami, the Japanese author perennially pegged as a contender for the Nobel literature prize, has called for a fight…
Haruki Murakami, the Japanese author perennially pegged as a contender for the Nobel literature prize, has called for a fight against historical revisionism in a rare interview with Japanese media published on Sunday.
His comments came after a successful Japanese hotel chain operator triggered an angry backlash from China earlier this year for his book claiming the 1937 Nanjing massacre committed by Japanese troops a “fabrication”.
Critics say that revisionists have grown bolder under nationalist Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who says Japan must shake off past constraints, including altering its war-renouncing constitution imposed by American occupiers after World War II.
Toshio Motoya not only penned a book calling the Nanjing massacre a lie but proudly displays it in guest rooms of his nationwide chain of APA hotels.
China says 300,000 people died in a six-week spree of killing, rape and destruction by the Japanese military that began in December 1937.
Some respected academics estimate a lower number of victims, but mainstream scholarship does not question that the incident, known as the “Rape of Nanking,” took place.
Published in February, Murakami’s latest book “Killing Commendatore” references the Holocaust and the Nanjing massacre.
Asked about why he addressed the issues, he told the Mainichi Shimbun newspaper: “Because history is the collective memory of a nation, I think it is a grave mistake to forget about the past or to replace memory with something else.”
“We must fight” against historical revisionism, he added.
“Novelists are limited in what we can do, but it is possible for us to fight such forces in the form of storytelling.”
Murakami has often criticised his country for shirking responsibility for its World War II aggression.
In 2015, he said Japan must repeatedly say sorry to China, Korea and the other countries it invaded in the 20th century until its former victims have heard the apology enough.
Murakami became a global sensation with the publication of “Norwegian Wood” in 1987 and has written several bestsellers including “1Q84” and “Kafka on the Shore”.
© 2017 AFP

Similarity rank: 2

© Source: https://www.japantoday.com/category/national/view/author-murakami-calls-for-fight-against-history-revisionism
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SUBARU marks company name change


Japanese carmaker Subaru celebrated its new company name at its factory in Gunma Prefecture, eastern Japan, on Sunday.
Japanese carmaker Subaru celebrated its new company name at its factory in Gunma Prefecture, eastern Japan, on Sunday.
Fuji Heavy Industries decided on the change at a shareholders’ meeting last June with the aim of enhancing its brand value.
The company name was officially changed on Saturday to Subaru, the name of the cars it makes.
A plate bearing the company’s new name was unveiled at Sunday’s ceremony, which was held at the firm’s only domestic plant.

Similarity rank: 1

© Source: http://newsonjapan.com/html/newsdesk/article/119495.php
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New Suica system developed to make travel in Japan smoother


The Japanese government and private-sector firms have developed a system using the Suica smart card to make it easier for visitors to Japan to check in hotels and purchase tax-free goods.
The Japanese government and private-sector firms have developed a system using the Suica smart card to make it easier for visitors to Japan to check in hotels and purchase tax-free goods.
The Internal Affairs and Communications Ministry hopes to put the system it developed with NEC Corp. and others into practical use ahead of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics, officials said.
According to the ministry, foreign visitors with East Japan Railway Co.’s Suica cards can check in hotels and shop at tax-free stores without presenting passports, if they register their individual data, such as names, nationalities and passport numbers, with the system through smartphones and link the data with their cards’ identification numbers.

Similarity rank: 1

© Source: http://newsonjapan.com/html/newsdesk/article/119493.php
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Cherry trees in full bloom in Tokyo


Thousands of people are enjoying the cherry blossoms in Tokyo as weather officials in the capital announced on Sunday they are in full bloom.
Thousands of people are enjoying the cherry blossoms in Tokyo as weather officials in the capital announced on Sunday they are in full bloom.
The announcement came after meteorologists confirmed more than 80 percent of flowers at the standard tree in Yasukuni Shrine are blossoming.
Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden is a popular site for cherry-blossom viewing. It boasts more than 1,000 of the trees.

Similarity rank: 1

© Source: http://newsonjapan.com/html/newsdesk/article/119492.php
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Flensburg kämpft sich ins Viertelfinale


NewsHubGastgeber Frankreich träumt bei der Handball-WM weiter von einer erfolgreichen Titelverteidigung. Der Rekordweltmeister besiegte im Viertelfinale vor 28.000 Zuschauern im ausverkauften Fußball-Stadion von Lille den viermaligen Champion Schweden nach einem Kraftakt mit 33:30 (15:16) und trifft im Halbfinale am Donnerstag in Paris auf Slowenien, das Deutschland-Bezwinger Katar mit 32:30 (18:15) besiegte.
Mehr zum Thema
Bester Werfer der Franzosen beim siebten Sieg im siebten Turnierspiel war der Flensburger Kentin Mahe mit neun Treffern. Schweden verpasste durch die Niederlage den erstmaligen Einzug ins WM-Halbfinale seit sechs Jahren.
Im Stadion Pierre-Maroy entwickelte sich von Beginn an eine ausgeglichene Partie. Die Franzosen um Superstar Nikola Karabatic schafften es in der ersten Halbzeit nicht, sich abzusetzen. Beim 23:20 (42.) sah es kurzzeitig so aus, als würde die Équipe tricolore ihrer Favoritenrolle gerecht werden, doch Schweden kämpfte sich zurück und ging selbst wieder mit 25:24 (47.) in Führung. Angetrieben von den Fans behielten die Gastgeber in der Schlussphase aber die Nerven und sind nur noch zwei Siege vom sechsten WM-Gold entfernt.
Dagegen steht Schwedens Nachbar Norwegens erstmals im WM-Halbfinale. Der EM-Vierte besiegte Ungarn im Viertelfinale in Albertville nach einer beeindruckenden Vorstellung mit 31:28 (17:10) und machte damit den größten Erfolg seiner Geschichte perfekt. Norwegens Gegner ist Ex-Weltmeister Kroatien, der Spanien mit 30:29 (17:15) bezwang.
Die Norweger, die in Espen Lie Hansen (sechs Tore) ihren besten Werfer hatten, erwischten einen Traumstart und führten nach 16 Minuten mit 11:4. In der von den deutschen Schiedsrichtern Lars Geipel/Marcus Helbig geleiteten Begegnung ließ sich Norwegen den deutlichen Vorsprung auch in der zweiten Halbzeit nicht mehr nehmen – zwischenzeitlich sah es sogar nach einem Debakel für Ungarn aus.
Im Duell der Ex-Weltmeister hatte Kroatien gegen Spanien das glücklichere Ende für sich. Beide Teams lieferten sich eine umkämpfte Partie auf Augenhöhe. Die Spanier, zuletzt 2013 Champion, fanden vor allem gegen Rückraumschütze Marko Mamic (9 Tore) kein Mittel.
Slowenien kam gegen Vizeweltmeister Katar erst in den letzten Minuten in Bedrängnis. Der WM-Vierte von 2013 hatte zwischenzeitlich mit neun Toren geführt, traf dann aber sechseinhalb Minuten nicht mehr und ließ die Katarer noch herankommen. Rafael Capote, bester Torschütze der Katari, kam nach seinen neun Treffern gegen Deutschland diesmal zu fünf Toren.

Similarity rank: 1.1

© Source: http://www.t-online.de/sport/handball/id_80169990/handball-wm-2017-frankreich-und-norwegen-stehen-im-halbfinale.html
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