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Макрон планирует провести саммит в нормандском формате по конфликту в Украине, – Reuters


Макрон заявил, что хочет в скором времени провести саммит с лидерами России, Германии и Украины – Новости – Франция – G7 – саммит G7 – Эммануэль Макрон
Президент Франции Эммануэль Макрон заявил по итогу саммита G7 (“Большой семерки”) , что хочет в скором времени провести саммит с лидерами России, Германии и Украины (нормандский формат) в связи с конфликтом на востоке Украины, передает Reuters.
“Макрон заявил, что хочет вскоре провести саммит с лидерами России, Германии и Украины в связи с кризисом в Украине”, – говорится в сообщении.
Напомним, 24 мая сообщалось, что президент Украины Петр Порошенко и президент Французской Республики Эммануэль Макрон высказались за активизацию работы в нормандском формате. Об этом сообщает пресс-служба главы государства.
“Петр Порошенко провел телефонный разговор с Эммануэлем Макроном. Накануне запланированной встречи главы Франции с президентом России Владимиром Путиным собеседники обсудили ситуацию на Донбассе”, – говорится в сообщении.
Согласно информации пресс-службы, глава Украины привел факты нарушения минских договоренностей Российской Федерацией и поддерживаемыми РФ боевиками.
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© Source: https://www.rbc.ua/rus/news/makron-planiruet-provesti-sammit-normandskom-1495899884.html
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System Failure at British Airways Shuts Down Flights Out of London


The airline canceled flights from Heathrow and Gatwick airports in London on Saturday after what it said was a “major I. T. failure” caused a global system shutdown.
A global technology failure at British Airways led to delays, airport congestion and flight cancellations for thousands of customers at London area airports on Saturday.
The problems began around 7 a.m. local time. By late afternoon, the airline had canceled all Saturday flights departing from Heathrow and Gatwick airports. In a statement, it cited “a major I. T. system failure that is causing severe disruption to our flight operations worldwide.”
The glitch affected the airline’s check-in and operational systems, including call centers, the airline’s chief executive, Alex Cruz, said in a video on Saturday.
“Our I. T. teams are working tirelessly to fix the problems, ” Mr. Cruz added. “We believe the root cause was a power supply issue, and we have no evidence of any cyberattack.”
British Airways urged passengers with tickets for Saturday flights not to go to Heathrow or Gatwick, in an effort to ease congestion. Customers already at the airports posted photos and videos of long lines and crowded terminals.
The airline warned that delays could continue into Sunday. “We are working hard to get our customers who were due to fly today onto the next available flights over the course of the rest of the weekend, ” British Airways said in a statement. “Those unable to fly will be offered a full refund.”
The shutdown affected systems around the world, but British Airways flights could still depart from other airports where staff members were able to “find a workaround, ” for example, by checking in passengers manually, a spokeswoman said.
The airline faced a similar problem in September, when a glitch affected check-in systems and caused delays at multiple international airports.
The malfunction on Saturday came at the beginning of a bank holiday weekend, when the number of travel bookings was higher than usual.
“We are extremely sorry for the inconvenience this is causing our customers during this busy holiday period, ” the airline said in its statement.

© Source: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/05/27/world/europe/british-airways-flights-heathrow-and-gatwick-airports-.html?partner=rss&emc=rss&_r=0
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Z tego zdjęcia śmiali się wszyscy. Prezydent odpowiedział hejterom… memem


Fotografia zrobiona podczas szczytu NATO w Brukseli wywołała spore zamieszanie. Stała się źródłem memów i żartów, a dla części internautów powodem do poważnej krytyki związanej z ośmieszaniem naszego kraju
Na fotografii widać Andrzeja Dudę, który uśmiecha się i pokazuje uniesione w górę kciuki. Niestety prezydent stanął w nieodpowiednim miejscu, przez co zdjęcie wyszło tak, jakby celowo dorabiał rogi kanclerz Niemiec Angeli Merkel i prezydentowi Francji Emanuelowi Macronowi.
Część internautów potraktowała fotografię jako powód do niegroźnych żartów, część jednak wykorzystała ją, by poważnie skrytykować prezydenta, zarzucając mu ośmieszanie Polski na arenie międzynarodowej.
Andrzej Duda nie odpowiedział wprost na krytykę ze strony internautów, ale postanowił zawalczyć z nimi ich własną bronią. Na swoim oficjalnym profilu “podał dalej” grafikę opublikowaną przez jedną z internautek na Twitterze.
Mem ukazuje zdjęcia znanych, światowych polityków, m.in. Hillary Clinton, Angeli Merkel, Baracka Obamy czy Donalda Trumpa. Wszyscy pokazują kciuki uniesione w górę. Fotografiami zachwyca się namalowana z boku buźka obwieszona znaczkami Komitetu Obrony Demokracji. Poniżej znajduje się zdjęcie Andrzeja Dudy, który pokazuje identyczny gest, ale tym razem buźka nie jest już zachwycona, lecz z oburzeniem wypowiada słowa “Ale obciach!”.
W istocie zdjęcie zostało wykonane w momencie ogólnego rozluźnienia. Liderzy sojuszu militarnego postanowili pójść w ślad za premierem Kanady, Justinem Trudeau, który macha do reporterów. Wszyscy zaczynają śmiać się, żartować i machać do dziennikarzy.

© Source: http://wiadomosci.wp.pl/z-tego-zdjecia-smiali-sie-wszyscy-prezydent-odpowiedzial-hejterom-memem-6127240363518081a
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Chaos as global IT failure takes out all British Airways flights out of London


British Airways has a problem. It’s new IT system has completely crashed five times inside a year, and today it added a sixth global crash to the roster…
British Airways has a problem. It’s new IT system has completely crashed five times inside a year, and today it added a sixth global crash to the roster. All flights from Heathrow and Gatwick have been cancelled until at least 6pm in London tonight, affecting all BA flights globally. The airline is asking passengers not to come to the airports. The system failure also took out the BA website for two hours.
Travellers at airports serviced by BA are predictably flooding the company’s Twitter account with complaints.
The airline has said it has found no evidence of a cyber attack, despite some reports of BA staff telling passengers this. It’s highly unlikely to be a cyber attack at this point, but let’s keep our minds open.
At 1pm a British Airways spokesman said: “We have experienced a major IT system failure that is causing very severe disruption to our flight operations worldwide. The terminals at Heathrow and Gatwick have become extremely congested and we have cancelled all flights from Heathrow and Gatwick before 6pm UK time today, so please do not come to the airports.”
The failure has affected BA flights Around the world, with planes being grounded and passengers stuck either in terminal buildings or actually on planes, with passengers unable to disembark due to gate shortages.
The failure comes as thousands of Britons head abroad for the long weekend with half-term school holidays next week.

© Source: https://techcrunch.com/2017/05/27/chaos-as-global-it-failure-takes-out-all-british-airways-flights-out-of-london/?ncid=rss&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+Techcrunch+%28TechCrunch%29
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Frauenfußball: Wolfsburgs Fußballerinnen gewinnen DFB-Pokal


Mit einem 2: 1-Sieg gegen den SC Sand holten die Wolfsburger Fußballerinnen nach der Meisterschaft auch den DFB-Pokal. Und das trotz zweier Platzverweise.
Die Fußballerinnen des VfL Wolfsburg
haben zum vierten Mal nach 2013,2015 und 2016 den DFB-Pokal gewonnen. Die Favoritinnen setzten sich vor 17.016 Zuschauern in Köln wie im Vorjahr
knapp mit 2: 1 (0: 0) gegen den badischen SC Sand durch.
Dank der beiden Treffer der dänischen Nationalspielerin Pernille Harder (65. und
75. Minute) machte der VfL eine Woche nach dem Gewinn der deutschen
Meisterschaft das Double perfekt. Sand gelang eine Minute nach der Roten Karte
für Wolfsburgs Nationalspielerin Alexandra Popp nur noch der
Anschlusstreffer durch Jovana Damnjanović (78.) . In der Nachspielzeit sah auch noch die Wolfsburgerin
Sara Björk Gunnarsdóttir die Gelb-Rote Karte.
Meister Wolfsburg bot eine
spielerisch wenig berauschende Vorstellung und tat sich schwer mit dem gut
organisierten, laufstarken Team von Trainer Richard Dura. Dem VfL-Spiel
fehlte es vor allem in der ersten Hälfte an Ideen und Tempo. Der
Bundesliga-Achte Sand probierte immer wieder, mit schnellen Kontern zum Erfolg
zu kommen. Vor allem die serbische Torjägerin Damnjanović, die zur kommenden
Saison zu Bayern München wechselt, war ein Aktivposten.
Wolfsburg Spielerin Nilla Fischer sagte: “Es war harte Arbeit. Wir haben eines unserer
schlechtesten Spiele in dieser Saison gemacht. Wir haben zu wenig Fußball
gespielt.” Enttäuscht war Sands Spielerin Anne von Bonn: “Es
überwiegt die Traurigkeit. Es wäre mehr drin gewesen. Es ist bitter

© Source: http://www.zeit.de/sport/2017-05/dfb-pokal-finale-frauenfussball-wolfsburg-sand
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Trump delays decision on Paris climate agreement at G7 summit


G7 leaders declare the U. S. is " not in a position to join the consensus" around the accord
Leaders of the G7 and leaders of some African countries that have been invited for the two-day talks pose for a family photo on the second day of the G7 summit of Heads of State and of Government, on May 27,2017 in Taormina, Sicily.
President Trump announced on Twitter he will delay a decision on whether the U. S. will withdraw from the Paris climate accords until next week, a move that led leaders of Group of Seven (G7) countries to declare the U. S. is “not in a position to join the consensus” around the agreement.
I will make my final decision on the Paris Accord next week!
Mr. Trump, who campaigned on backing out of the deal, is now “spending time on the Paris agreement” and “continuing” to engage with other world leaders, White House Economic Council Director Gary Cohn told reporters in a press conference Saturday.
“He is spending time on climate, he is spending time on the Paris agreement, ” Cohn said.
Earlier this week, Cohn said the president’s views on climate were “evolving” after meeting with other world leaders, but Cohn didn’t clarify what he meant by that. On Saturday, Cohn was asked whether the president believes economic growth and a safer climate are compatible goals, and said he isn’t inside the president’s head.
“What you’re asking me to do is tell you what’s inside the president’s mind, and I’m not qualified to do that, ” a seemingly frustrated Cohn told reporters.
European leaders have used the president’s time abroad as a last-ditch effort to persuade Mr. Trump to stay in the climate accord, which was adopted by nearly 200 nations in 2015. The pact is aimed at reducing carbon emissions.
But a communique released by G7 leaders meeting in Taormina, Sicily, made clear they have been unsuccessful thus far.
“The United States of America is in the process of reviewing its policies on climate change and on the Paris agreement and thus is not in a position to join the consensus on these topics, ” the communique says. “Understanding this process, the heads of state of the government of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and the United Kingdom and the presidents of the European Council and of the European Commission reaffirm their strong commitment to swiftly implement the Paris agreement, as previously stated at the Ise-Shima Summit.”
Leaders of the world’s top economies are trying to find common ground with President Trump’s “America First” positions on trade and climate chang…
Mr. Trump has long been a critic of climate change. In November 2012, he tweeted that the “concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U. S. manufacturing non-competitive.” And criticizing climate change in favor of broader American energy production was a key theme of his campaign.
Senate Democrats have been urging the president to keep the U. S. in the agreement .
Anderson Cooper reports on the effect Trump’s new immigration policy has had on a community in Indiana after a longtime resident is deported
Just how many almonds does he really eat, anyway?

© Source: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/trump-delays-decision-on-paris-climate-agreement-at-g7-summit/
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ISIS claims responsibility for massacre of 29 Coptic Christians killed in Egypt


CAIRO, Egypt — The death toll in Friday’s attack on buses carrying Coptic Christians in Egypt has risen to 29, officials said, as the Islamist terror group ISIS claimed responsibility for the massacre.
CAIRO, Egypt — The death toll in Friday’s attack on buses carrying Coptic Christians in Egypt has risen to 29, officials said, as the Islamist terror group ISIS claimed responsibility for the massacre.
The buses were on a desert road headed to a monastery in the Minya governorate south of Cairo when assailants wearing fatigues and masks fired on them from three four-wheel-drive vehicles, Egypt’s Interior Ministry said.
Hours later, Egypt responded with airstrikes against terrorist camps, President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi said in an on-camera statement, according to state-run Nile TV. The exact location of Friday’s airstrikes was unclear, but Nile TV reported that Egypt has targeted terrorists in the Sinai Peninsula and on the border with Libya.
Friday’s attack, which killed children as well as men and women, is the latest major deadly assault against minority Christians in the Middle East’s most populous country.
Persecution of Egypt’s Christians has spiked since the toppling of Hosni Mubarak’s regime in 2011, and as an ISIS affiliate wages an insurgency on Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula. ISIS militants have targeted Coptic Christians several times in recent years, triggering a mass exodus of Christians from some towns.
The latest attack comes as Egypt remains under a three-month state of emergency following twin attacks on Coptic churches on Palm Sunday that killed dozens of people. ISIS claimed responsibility.
Traveling to a monastery
The Coptic Christians were traveling Friday to St. Samuel the Confessor, around 62 miles (100 kilometers) northwest of the city of Minya, when they came under fire, the Interior Ministry said.
The death toll rose by one to 29, Egypt’s Cabinet said in a statement published late Friday by the state-run Middle East New Agency.
More than 20 people were injured, and some were in critical condition, Minya Gov. Essam El-Bedewy told Egyptian satellite channel ONTV.
ISIS claim
ISIS claimed responsibility for the attack through its Amaq media wing, according to the Site Intelligence Group, a terror monitoring group.
President Donald Trump said Friday that the “merciless slaughter of Christians in Egypt tears at our hearts and grieves our souls.”
“Wherever innocent blood is spilled, a wound is inflicted upon humanity, ” Trump said in a statement. “But this attack also steels our resolve to bring nations together for the righteous purpose of crushing the evil organizations of terror, and exposing their depraved, twisted, and thuggish ideology.”
Spate of attacks
Coptic Christians make up about 10% of Egypt’s population of 91 million. They base their theology on the teachings of the apostle Mark, who introduced Christianity to Egypt.
They have increasingly been under attack in Egypt. Coptic churches and homes have been set on fire, members of the Coptic minority have been physically attacked, and their property has been looted, rights group Amnesty International reported in March.
In addition to last month’s Palm Sunday attacks, a December attack on a Coptic church in Cairo left 25 people. A church in Minya was torched in 2013, gutting its interior.

© Source: http://myfox8.com/2017/05/27/isis-claims-responsibility-for-massacre-of-29-coptic-christians-killed-in-egypt/
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Trump reaffirms America's 'unbreakable bond' with Israel


US President Trump made the remarks during a speech to US troops stationed in Sicily, Italy.
US President Donald Trump reaffirmed, Sunday, America’s “unbreakable bond with the State of Israel” during a speech to US troops stationed at the Naval Air Station Sigonella in Sicily, Italy. Speaking at the final event of his foreign trip before returning to Washington, Trump said that he “was awed by the beauty of the Holy Land and the faith and reverence of the devoted people who live there, ” and added that “all children from all faiths deserve a future of hope and peace. A future that does honor to God.”

© Source: http://www.jpost.com/International/Trump-reaffirms-Americas-unbreakable-bond-with-Israel-494069
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BA outage creates London travel chaos; power issue blamed


British Airways canceled all flights from London’s Heathrow and Gatwick airports on Saturday as a global IT failure upended the travel plans of tens of thousands of people on a busy U. K….
LONDON (AP) – British Airways canceled all flights from London’s Heathrow and Gatwick airports on Saturday as a global IT failure upended the travel plans of tens of thousands of people on a busy U. K. holiday weekend. The airline said it was suffering a “major IT systems failure” around the world. Chief executive Alex Cruz said “we believe the root cause was a power-supply issue and we have no evidence of any cyberattack.” He said the crash had affected “all of our check-in and operational systems.” BA operates hundreds of flights from the two London airports on a typical day – and both are major hubs for worldwide travel. Several hours after problems began cropping up Saturday morning, BA suspended flights up to 6 p.m. because the two airports had become severely congested. The airline later scrapped flights from Heathrow and Gatwick for the rest of the day. The airline said it was working to restore services out of Heathrow and Gatwick beginning Sunday, although some disruptions are expected. It said it expected that London-bound long-haul flights would land on schedule Sunday. The problem comes on a bank holiday weekend, when tens of thousands of Britons and their families are travelling. Passengers at Heathrow reported long lines at check-in counters and the failure of both the airline’s website and its mobile app. BA said the crash also affected its call centers. Passenger Phillip Norton tweeted video of an announcement from a pilot to passengers at Rome’s Fiumicino airport, saying the problem affects the system that regulates what passengers and baggage go on which aircraft. The pilot said passengers on planes that have landed at Heathrow were unable to get off because there was nowhere to park. One person posted a picture on Twitter of BA staff writing gate numbers on a white board. “We’ve tried all of the self-check-in machines. None were working, apart from one, ” said Terry Page, booked on a flight to Texas. “There was a huge queue for it and it later transpired that it didn’t actually work, but you didn’t discover that until you got to the front.” Another traveler, PR executive Melissa Davis, said her BA plane was held for more than 90 minutes on the tarmac at Heathrow on a flight arriving from Belfast. She said passengers had been told they could not transfer to other flights because “they can’t bring up our details.” Some BA flights were still arriving at Heathrow on Saturday, although with delays. American Airlines, which operates code-share flights with BA, said it was unaffected. Air industry consultant John Strickland said Saturday’s problems would have “a massive knock-on effect” for several days. “Manpower, dealing with the backlog of aircraft out of position, parking spaces for the aircraft -it’s a challenge and a choreographic nightmare, ” he said. Airlines depend on huge, overlapping and complex IT systems to do just about everything, from operating flights to handling ticketing, boarding, websites and mobile-phone apps. Some critics say complex airline technology systems have not always kept up with the times. And after years of rapid consolidation in the business, these computer systems may be a hodgepodge of parts of varying ages and from different merger partners, all layered on top of each other. A union official, meanwhile, blamed BA cost cutting for the travel chaos, saying the airline had laid off hundreds of IT staff last year and outsourced the work to India. “This could have all been avoided, ” said Mick Rix, national officer for aviation at the GMB union. While not that frequent, when airline outages do happen, the effects are widespread, high-profile and can hit travelers across the globe. BA passengers were hit with severe delays in July and September 2016 because of problems with the airline’s online check-in systems. In August 2016, Delta planes around the world were grounded when an electrical component failed and led to a shutdown of the transformer that provides power to the airline’s data center. While the system moved to backup power, not all of the servers were connected to that source, which caused the cascading problem. Delta said it lost $100 million in revenue as a result of the outage. In January it suffered another glitch that grounded flights in the U. S. That same month, United also grounded flights because of a computer problem. In July, meanwhile, Southwest Airlines canceled more than 2,000 flights after an outage that it blamed on a failed network router. After the recent outages, outside experts have questioned whether airlines have enough redundancy in their huge, complex IT systems and test them frequently enough. ___ AP Technology Writer Ortutay reported from New York. Copyright 2017 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

© Source: http://www.cbs46.com/story/35531171/computer-outage-grounds-hundreds-of-ba-flights-in-london
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Facebook’s New AL Language Aims to Simplify Static Program Analysis


AL is a simple, declarative language for reasoning about abstract syntax trees that allows to extend Facebook Infer static analyzer.
AL is a simple, declarative language for reasoning about abstract syntax trees that allows to extend Facebook Infer static analyzer.
Written in OCaml, Infer is able to signal Null pointer accesses, resource and memory leaks, and other detectable errors in C, Java, and Objective-C code. According to Facebook, Infer correctly identifies bugs in 80% of the cases in their mobile apps for iOS and Android.
AL tries to overcome one of Infer’s limitations by making it more easy to extend it, a task that required both static analysis expertise and knowledge about Infer’s internals. In particular, AL aims to simplify the definitions of checkers of new types of intra-procedural bugs, i.e. bugs confined to the code of a single procedure. Such bugs can be detected through simpler analysis leveraging the syntax of the program, common language idioms, and custom conventions. For example, in Objective-C a delegate of an object should not be usually treated as a strong reference to avoid retain cycles. Using AL, a checker for this requirement could be defined as:
The most interesting part in the AL code above is the report_when clause, which defines a condition on a ObjCPropertyDecl object – the AST node associated to a property declaration in Objective-C – that is declared as a strong reference (is_strong_property) .
According to Facebook, a new checker can normally be defined with few lines of AL code and immediately used, without requiring re-building Infer, which ensures quick feedback on the new checker. AL supports, though, the definition of more complex formulas based on a temporal logic model where an AST node is associated to a point in time and all its descendants can be seen as possible futures. AL provides operators to define properties of future nodes, e.g. the HOLDS-EVENTUALLY operator can be associated to an expression that shall be verified at some future point in time for the program to be valid.
AL is part of Infer, available on GitHub, and can be used for C, C++, and Objective-C.

© Source: https://www.infoq.com/news/2017/05/facebook-al-infer-static-checker?utm_campaign=infoq_content&utm_source=infoq&utm_medium=feed&utm_term=global
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