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Взрыв в Питере: опубликовано фото возможного подрывника


Человек, которого правоохранители подозревают в теракте в питерском метрополитене, объявлен в уголовный розыск, сообщает “Фонтанка”. Камеры…
Мужчина вошел в метро на станции “Петроградская” за 20 минут до теракта на станции “Технологический институт”
Человек, которого правоохранители подозревают в теракте в питерском метрополитене, объявлен в уголовный розыск, сообщает “Фонтанка”.
Камеры видеонаблюдения зафиксировали человека, который объявлен в розыск в связи со взрывом в метро.
Фото: “Фонтанка”
Известно, что он вошел в метро на станции “Петроградская” за 20 минут до взрыва на станции “Технологический институт”.
В подтверждение данной информации можно привести рассказ пассажира вагона метро, в котором произошел взрыв. Женщина заприметила подозрительного мужчину , описание которого совпадает с представленным на фото человеком.
Напомним, сегодня в метрополитене Санкт-Петербурга произошел взрыв в вагоне метро между станциями “Технологический институт-1” и “Сенная площадь”.
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Власти проверяют, есть ли среди пострадавших американцы
Она отметила, что следит за новостями из Санкт-Петербурга, вместе со всеми министрами иностранных дел ЕС
Генсек НАТО прокомментировал случившееся в России
На станции метро нашли бесхозный предмет. В НАК подтвердили, что это была неразорвавшаяся бомба
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Меры безопасности на транспорте в столице России усилили из-за теракта в Санкт-Петербурге
Жители Москвы почтили память жертв взрыва в метро Санкт-Петербурга
Женщина доложила правоохранителям о подозрительной сумке, но ее попросили идти своей дорогой

Similarity rank: 9

© Source: http://www.segodnya.ua/world/vzryv-v-pitere-opublikovano-foto-vozmozhnogo-podryvnika-1009516.html
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Порошенко подписал закон о зоне свободной торговли с Канадой


Соглашение о зоне свободной торговли подписали 11 июля 2016 года во время визита в Украину премьер-министра Канады…
Президент Украины Петр Порошенко подписал закон “О ратификации соглашения о свободной торговле между Украиной и Канадой”, принятый Верховной Радой 14 марта 2017 года. Об этом сегодня, 3 апреля, сообщила пресс-служба главы украинского государства.
Соглашение подписали 11 июля 2016 года во время визита в Украину премьер-министра Канады Джастина Трюдо .
Отмечается, что с момента вступления в силу соглашения, Канада откроет для украинских экспортеров 98% своего рынка товаров, являющихся предметом двусторонней торговли.
Учитывая разный уровень экономического и социального развития Украины и Канады стороны применят принцип асимметричности тарифных обязательств, что позволит Украине адаптировать торговлю с этой страной в условиях свободной торговли, отмечается на сайте президента Порошенко.
Соглашение вступит в силу в первый день второго месяца после получения последней из сторон сообщения о завершении выполнения процедур, необходимых для его вступления в силу.

Similarity rank: 9.6

© Source: http://gordonua.com/news/money/poroshenko-podpisal-zakon-o-zone-svobodnoy-torgovli-s-kanadoy-181533.html
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Российский журналист: Взрыв в питерском метро был терактом


По словам Арсения Веснина, это первый такой теракт в Петербурге.
В понедельник, 3 апреля, в Санкт-Петербурге после взрыва в метро закрыли все станции подземки. Об этом в эфире телеканала NewsOne рассказал российский журналист Арсений Веснин.
По полученным данным. в настоящее время на месте происшествия работают городские власти, в том числе много спасателей.
“Причины пока никто не называет, рассматриваются все версии и об этом сказал уже сам президент Путин. Но все эксперты, с которыми удалось связаться, говорят, что, скорее всего, это был теракт. О другом сейчас речи в Петербурге не может идти и речи”, – заявил Веснин.
Он также подчеркнул, что Сенную площадь прибыли вертолеты, с их помощью будут эвакуировать раненых с места трагедии.
“Я хотел бы отметить, что это, на самом деле, первый такой теракт в Петербурге, раньше такого у нас в городе не происходило”, – констатировал журналист.

Similarity rank: 15

© Source: http://mignews.com.ua/proisshestviya/17182605.html
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Blasts In Russian Metro Stations Kill 10, Authorities Say


By Denis Pinchuk ST. PETERSBURG, Russia (Reuters) – At least nine people were killed and 20 were injured when an explosion tore through a train carriage in a St. Petersburg metro tunnel on Monday, an
By Denis Pinchuk
ST. PETERSBURG, Russia (Reuters) – At least nine people were killed and 20 were injured when an explosion tore through a train carriage in a St. Petersburg metro tunnel on Monday, and Interfax news agency said the blast may have been caused by an explosive device hidden in a briefcase.
The agency, quoting unnamed sources, said surveillance cameras had captured images of what it called the organizers of the explosion, which hit St Petersburg as President Vladimir Putin was visiting the city.
Russia’s National Anti-Terrorist Committee said another explosive device had been found at a different metro station, but it had been made safe.
Putin, in another part of the city for a meeting with Belarus’s leader, was initially cautious. He said he was considering all possible causes, including terrorism.
Ambulances and fire engines descended on the concrete-and-glass Sennaya Ploshchad metro station. A helicopter hovered overhead as crowds gathered to observe rescue operations.
“I appeal to you citizens of St. Petersburg and guests of our city to be alert, attentive and cautious and to behave in a responsible matter in light of events,” St Petersburg Governor Georgy Poltavchenko said in an address.
An attack on Russia’s old imperial capital would have symbolic force for any militant group, notably Chechen secessionists and Islamic State, which is now fighting Russian forces in Syria. Chechen militant attacks in the past have largely focused on Moscow, including an attack on an airport, a theater and in 2010 a metro train.
Video showed injured people lying bleeding on a platform, some being treated by emergency services and fellow passengers. Others ran away from the platform amid clouds of smoke, some screaming or holding their hands to their faces.
A huge hole was blown open in the side of a carriage with metal wreckage strewn across the platform. Passengers were seen hammering at the windows of one closed carriage.
Russian TV said many had suffered lacerations from glass shards and metal, the force of the explosion maximized by the confines of the carriage and the tunnel.
“I saw a lot of smoke, a crowd making its way to the escalators, people with blood and other people’s insides on their clothes, bloody faces. Many were crying,” St Petersburg resident Leonid Chaika, who said he was at the station where the blast happened, told Reuters by phone.
St. Petersburg emergency services at first said that there had been two explosions. But a source in the emergency services later said that there had been only one but that the explosion had occurred in a tunnel between stations.
The blast occurred at 2.40 p.m., well shy of the evening rush hour.
Authorities closed all St. Petersburg metro stations. The Moscow metro said it was taking unspecified additional security measures in case of an attack there.
Russia has been on particular alert against Chechen rebels returning from Syria, where they have fought alongside Islamic State, and wary of any attempts to resume attacks that dogged the country several years ago.
At least 38 people were killed in 2010 when two female suicide bombers detonated bombs on packed Moscow metro trains.
Over 330 people, half of them children, were killed in 2004 when police stormed a school in southern Russia after a hostage taking by Islamist militants. In 2002, 120 hostages were killed when police stormed a Moscow theater to end another hostage-taking.
Putin, as prime minister, launched a 1999 campaign to crush a separatist government in the Muslim southern region of Chechnya, and as president continued a hard line in suppressing rebellion.
(Editing by Ralph Boulton)

Similarity rank: 26
Sentiment rank: -2.5

© Source: http://dailycaller.com/2017/04/03/blasts-in-russian-metro-stations-kill-10-authorities-say/
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Windows 10 flatlines, while Windows 7 gains in popularity, according to NetMarketShare figures


Windows 10 may be struggling, but at least Windows XP looks to be going the way of Windows Vista,Software,Operating Systems,Business Software,Developer,Applications ,Microsoft,software,Cloud Computing,Windows,Windows 10,Windows XP,Windows 7,Windows Vista,Windows 8
Despite the hype surrounding the 11 April release of the Creators Update for Microsoft Windows 10 , the market share figures for March suggest that PC users are resolutely sticking to Windows 7, rather than upgrade.
According to Net Applications’ NetMarketShare service, usage of Windows 7 continues to edge up, and the legacy Microsoft operating system remains twice as popular as Windows 10.
Windows 7, which has already seen off Windows 8 and Windows 8.1, has taken a one percentage point jump to 49.42 per cent (+1.01), putting it at its highest showing since June 2016, when Microsoft’s one-year free offer for Windows 10 stopped.
After the high-water-mark established by the launch of Windows 95, when people even queued up at midnight at computer stores to get hold of a copy, Microsoft’s stock has slowly declined.
These days, it seems that if the company makes an operating system that no one likes, no one buys it: Windows Vista, which goes end-of-life on 23 April , is now down to just 0.72 per cent (-0.06) in the NetMarketShare figures. But if they make one that’s too good, then much of the market actively avoids upgrading.
Of course, some of the tactics deployed by Microsoft, such as discontinuing support for Windows 7 on the latest chips and chipsets will no doubt have a longer term impact, but possibly at the cost of goodwill.
Meanwhile, Microsoft’s flagship operating system, Windows 10, is up a smidgen this month to 25.36 (+0.17) which will be fairly disappointing, especially as Windows 8.x has continued to drop (down by 0.29 to 8.23 per cent).
Windows XP has also taken a hit this month, dropping exactly the same amount as Windows 7 gained, to 7.44 (-1.01).
This is a pretty big drop for Windows XP, and it has been less than a year since it dropped below 10 per cent market share. In the whole of 2016 it only lost 1.86 per cent, but in the first quarter of 2017, it has already dropped 1.72, so this really could be they year it finally disappears, to all intents and purposes.
That’s assuming that the various bodies still using it, despite its gross insecurity, can finally let go.
In other operating systems, Apple MacOS 12 rules the roost with 3.22 (+0.31) with MacOS 11 at 1.46 (-0.09). MacOS 10 is at 0.93 (-0.07), while other Apple Mac operating systems stand at 0.65 (-0.08).
Finally, Linux increased marginally, and now stands at 0.93 (+0.09).

© Source: http://www.computing.co.uk/ctg/news/3007678/windows-10-flatlines-while-windows-7-gains-in-popularity-according-to-netmarketshare-figures
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Twitter’s head of Asia Pacific is leaving the company after 4.5 years


Twitter is losing the head of its Asia Pacific business, Aliza Knox, after she announced the end of her near-five year tenure with the company. Knox was..
Twitter is losing the head of its Asia Pacific business, Aliza Knox, after she announced the end of her near-five year tenure with the company.
Knox was Twitter’s first hire in Asia — minus Japan — when she joined the company in 2012 . (Twitter runs its Japan business separate from its APAC operations.) Prior to that, she spent five years at Google, rising to the position of APAC MD of commerce.
Knox built out Twitter’s presence in Asia, which started with an office in Singapore (now APAC HQ) and currently spans nine locations (including Tokyo) and over 100 staff. In addition, her team developed the firm’s regional advertising and partnership businesses.
Her exit comes on the back of the loss of a number of high-profile Asia-based executives last year. Those departures included China head Kathy Chen , head of India and Southeast Asia Parminder Singh , India lead Rishi Jaitly , and Australia country boss Karen Stocks. Other changes for Twitter’s Asia business included the elimination of around 20 jobs from its Bangalore office in September, and a number of roles were “transitioned” from its Hong Kong office to the regional headquarters in Singapore.
Singapore-based Knox will remain with Twitter for the next couple of weeks, the company confirmed, during which she will handover to Maya Hari , previously Twitter’s MD of India and Southeast Asia, who will replace her in the APAC leadership role.
“We thank Aliza for her contributions and leadership over the past four years and a half years. She pioneered Twitter’s Asia Pacific business (outside of Japan), championed our expansion into new markets and businesses such as Indonesia and China export advertising, set up our Asia Pacific headquarters in Singapore, and led our diversity initiatives across the region,” Twitter said in a statement.

© Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Techcrunch/~3/F8Kw6WkERGM/
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Report: Android overtakes Windows as the internet’s most used operating system


Mobile is today as important, if not more important, than desktops when it comes to the internet and apps. A clear reminder of that comes with news of a..
Mobile is today as important, if not more important, than desktops when it comes to the internet and apps. A clear reminder of that comes with news of a report claiming that Google’s Android has overtaken Windows as the internet’s most used operating system.
Research from web analytics company Statcounter found Android now accounts for a larger share of internet usage than Windows for the first time. During March 2017, Android users represented 37.93 percent of activity on Statcounter’s network versus 37.91 percent for the Microsoft operating system. It’s a small gap for sure — and it refers to usage not necessary users — but it marks a notable tipping point that has been inevitable for the past couple of years.
Statcounter — which bases its findings on 2.5 million websites that it claims generate over 15 billion monthly page views — tracked the gradual converge of usage for the two operating systems over time. The chart highlights Microsoft’s failure to challenge with its ill-fated Windows Phone platform.
Interestingly, for Apple, the switch happened some time ago. During March 2017, Apple’s mobile users (iOS) were close to three times more active on the internet than users of its desktop machines (OSX).
The wider Android-Windows trend has been evident for some time. Windows dominated, and continues to dominate, the desktop landscape, but worldwide PC sales have declined for the past five years to reach the same levels as 2008. In contrast, sales of smartphones continue to grow , and Android is the operating system for the lion’s share of internet users worldwide. Growth is highest in emerging markets like India. There, Apple has increased its sales but remains a niche player with Android accounting for upwards of 90 percent of smartphones.
While the balance between iOS and Android is more level in Western markets like the U. S., the influx of new internet users from regions like Asia, Africa, the Middle East and Latin America has tipped the scales in favor of Android. Indeed, a Statcounter report issued last week showed that mobile accounts for the vast majority of internet usage in countries like India (79 percent), Indonesia (72 percent) and China (57 percent) while desktop remains king in markets such as the U. S. (37 percent), UK (35 percent) and Germany (30 percent).
Those numbers have seen some shift in global revenue for developers, with China overtaking the U. S. as the most lucrative market for iOS apps worldwide, but Android continues to lag despite a larger base of users.
A recent App Annie report found that iOS accounted for just over 25 billion of the 90 billion app downloads made in 2016, with Android taking the remainder. Yet iOS apps pulled in the majority of the $35 billion paid out to publishers across the iOS and Android app stores.
That might change soon, though. Thanks again to its vast dominance in the emerging world, App Annie is predicting that 2017 could be the year that Android app earnings overtake iOS for the first time. That would be another important milestone.

© Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Techcrunch/~3/OPgUtDvDa44/
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TV streaming app Molotov now has 1 million users


French startup Molotov is trying to define the future of TV. It’s a promising start as there are now one million registered users on the platform — the..
French startup Molotov is trying to define the future of TV. It’s a promising start as there are now one million registered users on the platform — the service is only available in France.
On average, users spend 80 minutes per day on the platform. It is available on smartphones, tablets, computers and TVs. Users watch content on their smartphone 40 percent of the time, on their tablet or computer 40 percent of the time and TVs only represents 20 percent.
It’s interesting to see that people now tend to watch TV on other devices, neglecting the living room display. Molotov is available on iOS, Android, Windows, macOS, Linux, Apple TV, Android TV, LG and Samsung smart TVs.
While the service is only available in France and is certainly catching the attention of our French readers, it’s worth paying attention to Molotov in general. Molotov lets you watch live TV, go back in time to the beginning of a show, catch up on past episodes a few days after they first aired in a single, unified interface.
It combines live TV with catch-up services, a cloud DVR and a powerful search feature. You don’t have to download multiple apps as nearly everything is available in Molotov. And more importantly, you can start watching on a device and finish on another as everything stays in sync between your devices.

© Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Techcrunch/~3/qeop6BsXMIA/
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Neil Gorsuch Senate confirmation: Committee votes on his nomination


The Senate will begin the full confirmation vote on Friday
Last Updated Apr 3, 2017 11:10 AM EDT
The Senate Judiciary Committee will hold a vote on the nomination Monday for Neil Gorsuch to serve as an associate justice on the Supreme Court.
Some of the Democrats on the panel have not yet revealed how they’ll ultimately vote on his nomination despite Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer’s effort to filibuster it once it reaches the floor.
But it’s not looking good for Gorsuch — four Democrats are still undecided, and it’s possible some might vote with Republicans to end a filibuster led by Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-New York, but ultimately vote against Gorsuch’s nomination on the final vote.
McConnell has warned that Republicans could pursue the nuclear option and eliminate the filibuster for Supreme Court nominations if Democrats are united against Gorsuch.
Follow our live-updates below.
I am NO on cloture and NO on confirmation. Read my statement here: pic.twitter.com/kiPFXVVhfj
“Judge Gorsuch is eminently qualified,” he said. “He’s a mainstream judge who’s earned the universal respect of his colleagues on the bench and in the bar. He applies the law as we in Congress write it—as the judicial oath says, without respect to persons. And he refuses to compromise his independence. This nominee we’re voting on today is a judge’s judge. He’s a picture of the kind of Justice we should have on the Supreme Court. So I urge you to join me in supporting his nomination.”

Similarity rank: 9.8
Sentiment rank: 1.6

© Source: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/neil-gorsuch-senate-confirmation-committee-votes/
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Chronologie: Folgenschwere Anschläge in Russland


Der Angriff auf das Musical “Nord-Ost”, das Geiseldrama von Beslan, der Anschlag auf den Moskauer Flughafen: Immer wieder hat es in den vergangenen Jahren in Russland Terroranschläge gegeben.
Immer wieder hat es in den vergangenen Jahren in Russland Terroranschläge gegeben. Oft waren es islamistische Terroristen aus den Kaukasusrepubliken, die Attentate verübten.
5. Oktober 2014: In der tschetschenischen Hauptstadt Grosny sprengt sich ein Selbstmordattentäter in die Luft und reißt fünf Polizisten mit in den Tod. Der Täter ist laut russischen Ermittlern ein 19-jähriger Tschetschene.
29. und 30. Dezember 2013: 16 Menschen sterben, Dutzende werden verletzt, als im Bahnhof von Wolgograd eine Bombe detoniert. Ermittler gehen von einem Zusammenhang mit den Winterspielen in Sotschi aus. Einen Tag später werden bei einer Explosion in einem Bus mindestens 15 Menschen getötet und mehr als 20 verletzt. Der Sprengsatz soll in einer Tasche versteckt gewesen sein.
21. Oktober 2013: Bei einem Selbstmordattentat auf einen Linienbus in Wolgograd werden mindestens sechs Menschen getötet. Die russischen Ermittlungsbehörden machen eine 30-jährige Frau aus der Kaukasusrepublik Dagestan für den Anschlag verantwortlich.
24. Januar 2011: Der Moskauer Flughafen Domodedowo ist Ziel eines Selbstmordanschlags, bei dem 35 Menschen getötet werden. 180 Menschen werden verletzt. Die Ermittler vermutet, dass der Attentäter einen islamistischen Hintergrund hat und aus dem Nordkaukasus stammt.
29. März 2010: Bei Selbstmordanschlägen auf die Metro-Haltestellen Lubjanka und Kulturpark sterben in Moskau 40 Menschen.
27. November 2009: Bei einem Anschlag auf den Schnellzug Moskau-St. Petersburg sterben 26 Menschen. Etwa 100 weitere werden verletzt. Tage später bekennen sich islamistische Extremisten zu der Tat und kündigen einen “Sabotagekrieg” gegen die “blutige Besatzungspolitik” Moskaus im Kaukasus an.
17. August 2009: Ein Selbstmordattentäter sprengt sich in der Stadt Nasran in der russischen Teilrepublik Inguschetien mit 200 Kilogramm Sprengstoff in seinem Kleintransporter in die Luft. Mindestens 25 Menschen sterben, mehr als 200 werden verletzt.
21. August 2006: Auf einem Moskauer Markt explodiert eine mit Metallsplittern präparierte Bombe. Zehn Tote, mehr als 50 Verletzte.
13. Oktober 2005: Islamistische Rebellen überfallen die südrussische Stadt Naltschik. In nachfolgenden Gefechten sterben mindestens 137 Menschen, darunter 92 Rebellen, 33 Sicherheitsleute und zwölf Zivilisten.
19. Juli 2005: Bei einem Bombenanschlag auf Milizionäre in Snamenskoje nordwestlich der tschetschenischen Hauptstadt Grosny kommen mindestens 14 Menschen ums Leben, 34 werden verletzt.
12. Juni 2005: In der Nähe von Moskau detoniert auf einem Gleisbett ein ferngezündeter Sprengsatz. Mehrere Waggons eines aus Tschetschenien kommenden Eisenbahnzuges entgleisen. 42 Menschen werden verletzt.
1. September 2004: 32 Bewaffnete überfallen eine Schule in Beslan (Nordossetien) und nehmen mehr als 1100 Kinder, Eltern und Lehrer 52 Stunden lang als Geiseln. Sicherheitskräfte stürmen schließlich die Schule. 331 Opfer und 31 Terroristen sterben.
6. Februar 2004: Eine Bombe in der Moskauer U-Bahn tötet etwa 40 Fahrgäste. Die Polizei spricht von einem Selbstmord-Attentäter tschetschenischer Herkunft.
24. August 2004: Sprengsätze bringen nahezu zeitgleich zwei russische Verkehrsflugzeuge im Westen Russlands zum Absturz. 90 Menschen sterben.
27. Dezember 2002: Ein Selbstmordattentäter bringt einen Lastwagen voller Sprengstoff am Gebäude der moskautreuen Regierung in Grosny zur Explosion. Mehr als 60 Tote.
23. Oktober 2002: 41 Tschetschenen überfallen das Moskauer Musicaltheater “Nord-Ost” und nehmen mehr als 800 Geiseln. Nach drei Tagen stürmt die Polizei das Gebäude. 129 Geiseln sowie alle Terroristen sterben.

Similarity rank: 1.2

© Source: http://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/chronologieanschlaege100.html
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