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М. Ле Пен не збиралася в Україну – прес-секретар кандидатки


NewsHubПро це повідомив прес-секретар М. Ле Пен.
За її словами, М. Ле Пен в жодному разі не збиралася в Україну.
“Марін Ле Пен в будь-якому випадку не мала ні найменшого наміру їхати туди. Це питання буде вирішуватися по дипломатичних каналах, коли вона стане президентом Республіки,” — заявила прес-секретар.
Нагадаємо, лідер “Національного фронту”, кандидат у президенти Марін Ле Пен в інтерв’ю французькій радіостанції BFMTV/RMC заявила, що анексія Криму Росією “не була незаконною”.
МЗС висловило обурення у зв’язку з тим, що одна з кандидатів передвиборчої кампанії у Франції Марін Ле Пен заявила про підтримку тимчасової окупації та спроби анексії Росією Автономної Республіки Крим та м. Севастополь.

Similarity rank: 5.3

© Source: http://www.unn.com.ua/uk/news/1633102-m-le-pen-ne-zbiralasya-v-ukrayinu-pres-sekretar-kandidatki
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The Latest: Train derailment probe expected to take days


NewsHubThe latest on a commuter train derailment in New York City (all times local):
9 p.m.
The National Transportation Safety Board says it will take several days of investigation before it can determine what caused a commuter train derailment in New York City.
More than 100 people suffered minor injuries when a Long Island Rail Road train hit a bumping block at the end of a track at a Brooklyn station Wednesday morning.
An NTSB spokesman says the train’s event recorders have been recovered. He says the train’s engineer has undergone drug testing. Results of those tests aren’t known yet.

1 p.m.
New York City authorities say more than 100 people suffered minor injuries when a Long Island Rail Road train hit a bumping block at a Brooklyn station.
Fire officials at the scene Wednesday said metal that appeared to be from a rail pierced the bottom of the train and the wheels lifted up. They said the crash also damaged a work area beyond the tracks.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo said the train was moving very slowly. He said it “wasn’t really a derailment. ”
Eleven of the injured were taken to hospitals. Officials at the scene estimated that 600 to 700 people were on the train.
They said many passengers were standing as they prepared to get off the train.
The cause is under investigation.

Similarity rank: 2.1
Sentiment rank: -3

© Source: http://www.heraldonline.com/news/nation-world/national/article124638439.html
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Obama administration comes to the aid of California's delta tunnels water project


NewsHubThis is Essential Politics, our daily look at California political and government news. Here’s what we’re watching right now:
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The outgoing Obama administration on Wednesday tried to nudge forward Gov. Jerry Brown ‘s proposal to build two giant north-south water tunnels for California.
In an executive order, U. S. Interior Secretary Sally Jewell directed federal wildlife officials on Wednesday to release by Jan. 17 a preliminary environmental opinion that directs the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service and U. S. Bureau of Reclamation to assist as the $15.7-billion project seeks state and federal permits and other approvals.
Brown welcomed Jewell’s move, saying in a statement that “it commits the federal government to a timely review” of the proposed tunnels.
Brown wants a handful of California water districts to build the twin, 35-mile-long water tunnels to pipe Northern California’s water to Central and Southern California. The Obama administration also has supported the project.
Brown says the tunnels would ensure a more reliable water supply for Central and Southern California farms and cities. Environmental groups disagree with Brown over whether the giant tunnels would hurt endangered state species.
Senior attorney Doug Obegi at the Natural Resources Defense Council described Wednesday’s order as no more than a work plan for remaining action on the project, and not binding on the Trump administration. “It’s certainly not a green light for the tunnels,” Obegi said.
Final decisions on the tunnels will be made under the incoming administration of President-elect Donald Trump, who has called for more water for California farmers but has not specifically addressed the Democratic governor’s tunnels project.

Similarity rank: 3.1
Sentiment rank: -0.3

© Source: http://www.latimes.com/la-pol-ca-essential-politics-updates-obama-administration-comes-to-the-aid-1483581417-htmlstory.html
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Macy’s slashes 10,000 jobs after subpar holiday sales


NewsHubMacy’s ( M ) says it’s eliminating more than 10,000 jobs and plans to move forward with 68 store closures after a disappointing holiday shopping season. The department store chain also lowered its full-year earnings forecast.
The retailer said Wednesday that sales at established stores fell 2.1 percent in November and December compared to the same period last year. Macy’s pointed to changing consumer behavior and said it reflects challenges facing much of the retail industry.
The company said it plans to close by midyear the 68 stores that are part of 100 closings announced in August. It also plans to restructure parts of its business and sell some properties. The moves are estimated to save $550 million annually.
Among the stores that will close is a shopping landmark in downtown Minneapolis. Macy’s is selling the store, ending more than a century of department store retailing in the heart of Minnesota’s largest city. The closing, planned for March, affects 280 employees.
The Star Tribune reports the property, which consists of three buildings totaling nearly 1 million square feet along Nicollet Mall, is being sold to a New York investment firm for more than $40 million.
Minneapolis City Council President Barb Johnson told the newspaper: “We have a lot of people living and working in our downtown, far more than used to. But buying habits are changing and that will impact what kind of retail we see in that building.”
“We certainly want to work with the company that is buying the building and find out more,” Johnson added.
Shares in Macy’s fell more than 10 percent in after-hours trading on Wednesday.

Similarity rank: 3.2
Sentiment rank: 1

© Source: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/macys-shutting-68-stores-and-cutting-10000-jobs/
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Similarity rank: 3.2
Sentiment rank: 1.8

© Source: http://mainichi.jp/articles/20170105/k00/00e/010/187000c
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パナソニックとディズニー、映像分野で提携 演出開発へ


NewsHubパナソニックは4日、米娯楽・メディア大手のウォルト・ディズニー社とウォルトディズニーワールドリゾート(米フロリダ州)などテーマパークの映像分野で提携したと発表した。パナソニックが持つプロジェクターの技術とディズニーのキャラクターを組み合わせて、観客が「おとぎの国」の世界に入り込めるようなイベントをめざす。 米ラスベガスで5日(日本時間6日未明)に開幕する世界最大級の家電・技術見本市「CES(セス)」を前に、記者会見して発表した。 建物などにアニメなどを投影する「プロジェクションマッピング」の分野で協力する。パナソニックは2016年末から10年間、米フロリダ州とカリフォルニア州のテーマパークの「オフィシャル・テクノロジー(公式技術)」として、機材を供給する。 具体的な取り組みはこれから話し合う。数百台のプロジェクターを使い、エリア全体で迫力ある映像を体験することなどが考えられる。東京ディズニーリゾート(千葉県浦安市)はいまのところ、対象のテーマパークには含まれていない。 パナソニックは、米州でのプロジェクターの宣伝や販売活動で、ディズニーのロゴや写真などを使える権利も得た。 娯楽関連のプロジェクターの市場は、世界で年5%程度の成長が見込まれる。パナソニックはディズニーとの実績を積み重ね、ブランド力を高める方針だ。 会見でミッキー・マウスと並ん…

Similarity rank: 4.2
Sentiment rank: 5

© Source: http://www.asahi.com/articles/ASK14357TK14PLFA007.html
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日経平均、売り買い交錯 輸出関連株が売られる



Similarity rank: 4.2
Sentiment rank: -1

© Source: http://www.asahi.com/articles/ASK152TY3K15ULFA002.html?ref=rss
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大間産クロマグロ1キロ当たり35万円! 今年で最後か、築地で初競り 「すしざんまい」の喜代村が落札、2番目の高値7420万円


NewsHub豊洲市場(東京都江東区)への移転を延期している築地市場(中央区)で5日、今年初の取引となる「初競り」が行われ、7420万円の最高値でクロマグロが競り落とされた。平成11年以降、25年の1億5540万円に次いで2番目の高値。 昨年11月の移転が予定されていたが、小池百合子都知事が「安全性への懸念」などを理由に延期を決定。移転は早ければ年内に行われる見通しで、築地での初競りは今回が最後となる可能性もある。 最高値がついたのは、212キロの青森県大間産クロマグロで、1キロ当たり35万円。すしチェーン「すしざんまい」を運営する喜代村(東京)が6年連続で落札した。落札額は昨年の約5倍となり、木村清社長は「ちょっと高かったが、みんなにおいしいマグロを食べてもらいたい」と笑みを浮かべた。 初競りに先立ち、市場の卸売業者を代表して「大都魚類」の青木伸之社長があいさつに立ち、「この中ぶらりんの状態から一刻も早く脱却し、全国の消費者に喜んでもらえる市場となるよう、迅速で誠実な対応を都に要請していく」と話していた。

Similarity rank: 4.3
Sentiment rank: 0.8

© Source: http://www.sankei.com/life/news/170105/lif1701050022-n1.html
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オスプレイ給油訓練再開へ 事故1カ月弱、沖縄は反発 稲田朋美防衛相「再発防止策は妥当」


NewsHub防衛省は5日、米軍普天間飛行場(沖縄県宜野湾市)所属の新型輸送機オスプレイが6日に空中給油訓練を再開すると発表した。昨年12月13日の不時着事故は給油訓練中のトラブルが原因で起きたため、同19日に飛行を再開した後も休止していた。欧州を訪問中の稲田朋美防衛相は「米側が再発防止策を全て実施したことを確認した。防衛省・自衛隊の専門的知見や経験に照らしても妥当だ」との談話を発表し、再開に理解を示した。 米軍の原因調査は継続中で、日本政府が事故から1カ月弱で再開を容認したことに、沖縄県の安慶田光男副知事は「県民感情を考えたのか。日本政府は米軍の言いなりではなく県民の気持ちになってほしい」と強い不快感を示した。再開は気象状況などで7日以降にずれ込む可能性もある。 事故は沖縄本島沖の空域で夜間に訓練中、オスプレイのプロペラが給油ホースに接触し、損壊して飛行が不安定になり沖縄県名護市の浅瀬に不時着、機体は大破した。

Similarity rank: 6.4
Sentiment rank: -1.4

© Source: http://www.sankei.com/politics/news/170105/plt1701050013-n1.html
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Asus ZenFone AR can work with all the realities


NewsHubThe first phone with support for Google’s Tango augmented reality platform, the Lenovo Phab 2 Pro, was not well received when reviewers got their hands on it last week. Asus is hoping its ZenFone AR handset can shine a brighter light on the Tango technology that lets users scan and interact with their physical environment directly from their phones. The ZenFone AR also supports Google’s Daydream mobile virtual reality platform and is the first smartphone with 8GB of system memory, as far as we know.
The phone is powered is powered by Qualcomm’s latest and greatest Snapdragon 821 SoC. The 5.7″ Super AMOLED screen has a resolution of 2560×1440, which works out to a pixel density of 551 PPI. Asus says the ZenFone AR has a five-magnet speaker system, though we are not entirely certain how many speakers that represents. The operating system is Android 7.0 “Nougat” .
The Tango features in the phone use what Asus dubs a “TriCam” system consisting of a 23MP camera, a motion-tracking camera, and a depth-sensing camera. The company says the layout of its camera cluster allows for a slimmer profile compared to other Tango-enabled devices. The phone joins the small but growing ranks of phones compatible with Google’s Daydream mobile VR platform first announced at Google’s hardware conference back in October.

Similarity rank: 1.1

© Source: http://techreport.com/news/31211/asus-zenfone-ar-can-work-with-all-the-realities
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