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LDP panel calls for capability to strike enemy bases


Japan’s ruling party said Wednesday the government should consider developing the capability to strike enemy bases if the country is…
Japan’s ruling party said Wednesday the government should consider developing the capability to strike enemy bases if the country is attacked, citing North Korea’s missile and nuclear threats.
For years Tokyo has harboured deep suspicion of Pyongyang and seen itself as increasingly vulnerable to its nuclear and missile ambitions.
North Korea conducted two nuclear tests last year and test-fired four ballistic missiles just this month, three of which landed off Japan’s coast.
“North Korea’s provocative acts are reaching levels our country can simply no longer overlook,” a Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) security panel said in a proposal to be submitted to Prime Minister Shinzo Abe as early as Thursday.
The panel called on the government immediately to study ways to strike enemy bases if attacked, including through the deployment of cruise missiles.
It also urged the government to “immediately consider” if it should introduce the U. S. Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) and shore-based Aegis missile defence systems.
“We can’t waste a moment to strengthen our ballistic missile defence,” it said.
The recommendations, however, do not include calls for Japan to wield a so-called first strike capability, which would entail hitting an enemy before it could launch an attack.
Japan has maintained a strictly defence-only policy. Its pacifist constitution, imposed by occupying U. S. forces after World War II, bans the use of force except in the strictest meaning of self-protection.
The United States stations some 47,000 troops in Japan and guarantees its security through a formal alliance.
Abe, who heads the LDP, is a staunch supporter of the security relationship with the U. S.
But he has long called for revising the constitution, seen by conservatives as an outdated legacy of the country’s wartime defeat and occupation.
Under Abe Japan in 2015 passed a controversial new law that allows the Self-Defense Forces, the country’s military, to go into battle to protect treaty ally the U. S.
Critics argue that doing so could drag Japan into distant foreign wars even if there was no direct threat to the country or its people, with some even saying the rules violate the constitution.
Abe and his supporters have argued the rules are necessary to deal with a changing security environment marked by an increasingly assertive China and an unpredictable North Korea.
© 2017 AFP

Similarity rank: 1

© Source: https://www.japantoday.com/category/politics/view/ldp-panel-calls-for-capability-to-strike-enemy-bases
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Yeah, you should buy Samsung Galaxy S8


NewsHubIn 1956, during the General Motors Motorama exhibit, a short film aired suggesting that the world would have driverless cars by 1976. Inexplicably, everyone also sings. Those of us who are still waiting to get our hands on these hands off cars might scoff at the video, which teaches us all about the dangers of making unfounded predictions about the future.
But, hey, let’s do it anyway! Here are the best technologies that maybe/possibly/hopefully will be arriving in 2017.
Robot chefs
If we ignore the part about robots dooming us all by forcing us into unemployment, the idea of a robot kitchen assistant is a dream come true. A year and a half ago, Moley Robotics said their robot hands would launch in 2017, claiming they would be able to cook 2000 meals at the push of a button. Whilst the undoubtedly expensive equipment won’t be one for all of us next year, the robot hands pave the way for a future where you might never have to stir your boyfriend’s beans again.
Google’s modular phone
Project Ara is Google’s attempt to stop us all buying a new iPhone every six months. The modular phone will allow users to slot in and out different parts of the device (such as cameras and speakers), meaning when phone technology improves you can simply swap in a new module rather than buy a whole new phone. The Ara phone has been delayed before, but Google hope it will be on the market in 2017.
Virtual touch
Electrovibration technology is seen as the way forward in allowing us to really “touch” the stuff on our touch screens. The tech will hopefully allow us to feel different textures, which could potentially help amputees and the blind, whilst also improving everything from gaming to online shopping.
Instant charging
The technology to improve batteries has been around for a while, with StoreDot unveiling their prototype fast-charging battery way back in 2014. Whilst battery life has been threatened by ever-slimming phones, there’s no reason that instantly-chargeable batteries shouldn’t be on the market soon. Get the hint, yeah, Apple?
The male “pill”
Research into male contraception is still ongoing 55 years after the pill was introduced in the UK (for the reason why, see: patriarchy). Nonetheless, there have been significant breakthroughs in the last few years, with RISUG and Vasalgel – both contraceptive injections – currently undergoing clinical trials.
The Moon Express
Whilst commercial trips to the moon may be another few years off, the first private company has permission to land on the moon in 2017. The Moon Express will launch its lunar landing next year, with permission from the US Government.
Fully waterproof iPhones
Though the iPhone 7 is partially waterproof (and for that we sacrificed our beloved headphone jack), fully waterproof iPhones are not yet widely available. With both the technology and the consumer demand available, 2017 will hopefully become the year that you can start keeping your phone in your back pocket again. (Bonus: Samsung also might release a phone you can fold .)
The e-shower
Speaking of water, the Hamwell’s e-shower could potentially help alleviate the world’s water crisis. The shower will recycle the water you’re using in real time, meaning you use a much smaller amount, and is commercially available next year. The water is caught in a tray, filtered with UV light, and then poured back over your head. Trust us, your great grandchildren will thank you.
Fake news detectors
With “fake news” being the hottest two words of the moment, it seems unlikely that the furore around the stuff won’t lead to practical solutions. Facebook are already said to be developing solutions, whilst various organisations are attempting to roll out real-time fact-checking. Could we live in a future where it’s impossible for politicians to lie? Well, no, but at least we’ll get better at telling when they’re doing it.
Last year, a spectacular event was recorded – something that scientists were calling “the brightest supernova ever”. Although the suspected supernova (the explosion of a star as it dies) actually occurred 2.8 billion years ago, the event in the southern constellation of Indus was documented in June 2015 by the All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN) network, a group of four automated 14cm telescopes that search for exploding stars.
The occurrence – named ASASSN-15lh – was over 500 billion times brighter than our Sun, and outshone the entire Milky Way 20 times over. Krzysztof Stanek, co-principal investigator of the ASASSN network, told the New Scientist “this is really on steroids, and then some”, adding that if such a supernova had occurred in our galaxy, there would be no night.
At first the event flummoxed astronomers, but after over a year of research, Queen’s University in Belfast (QUB) has just announced an alternative reason for the bright light – that it marked the death throes of a star being ripped apart by a supermassive black hole.
As star deaths go, this is less exciting than the Starkiller Base’s super-weapon from The Force Awakens needing to drain a star’s energy to function, but much more unusual than most supernovae. However, the argument is far from resolved; there is evidence to support or disclaim both explanations.
There were several characteristics of the event that suggest that it was not a superluminous supernova – which would have been ten-100 times more luminous than an “average” supernova – but initially astronomers did not know how else to classify such a bright star death. Other astronomical occurrences had exhibited similarly atypical parts of their spectra, some of which had also been labelled superluminous supernovae. They have also been attributed to other alarming and unusual space features, for instance magnetars (extraordinarily dense neutron stars, with magnetic fields about 1,000 trillion times more powerful than Earth’s magnetic field).
Some of ASASSN-15lh’s characteristics seemed to confirm the original superluminous supernova narrative, such as magnesium lines in its spectrum, which researchers from the ASASSN network had predicted would be there, based on observations of previous superluminous supernovae. Then, after 100 days, there was another anomaly – ASASSN-15lh’s light, which had been weakening, stubbornly re-brightened. Although there is no consensus on an explanation for this phenomenon yet, other so-called superluminous supernovae had sometimes done this, so it did not directly contradict the dominant narrative.
Still, some astrophysicists, including a group from the Experimental Astrophysics group at the Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel, wrote a paper arguing against the supernova label for ASASSN-15lh. Giorgos Leloudas, lead author of this study, told Space.com that this aspect of the star death was inconsistent with fundamental aspects of a supernova, like the temperature evolution – as it is “an expanding ball of gas”, by nature it must cool down as it swells. Rather, he observed, the object “started warming up again, and stayed hot at a constant and very high temperature for a long time, and it continues to do so”.
The location of the event was also of concern, said Leloudas, as the galaxy in which the star death occurred was both immense and “red” – meaning it is full of old and low-mass, cooling stars that emit red radiation. Without younger, massive stars, it would be impossible to have a superluminous supernova.
Leloudas’ study group proposed an alternative explanation: a tidal disruption event, in which an orbiting star had too closely approached the supermassive black hole at the centre of its galaxy, and been shredded by the tidal forces of the black hole. As last year was the 100th year of Albert Einstein’s gravitational theory, the news that the “brightest supernova ever” was probably actually the echoes of a star being destroyed by excessive gravity seems a fitting tribute. Amusingly, while Einstein’s formulae accounted for the existence of black holes, the man himself never believed that they really occurred.
It’s ironic that a black hole cannot be seen because the strength of its gravitational “sink” is such that any light that enters its event horizon is swiftly pulled to its centre, and yet it could create the conditions for such a terrific burst of high-energy light. If the star had been as massive as our Sun, a Kerr black hole – one that has mass and angular momentum (so spins rapidly), but no electrical charge – could have disrupted it just beyond the event horizon. As it spiralled uncontrollably into the hole, the gases that comprised the star heated up, causing the release of one final luminous flare before being sucked into oblivion.
Black holes “eating” stars is such a rare occurrence that there are only about ten on record, but it is thought that the evidence that ASASSN-15lh was a tidal event does not just extend to the event’s sudden bright flash, or its position in a “passive” galaxy, but is also strengthened by “the presence of highly ionised CNO gas” at different velocities, which is consistent with the idea that there would be material and radiation surrounding the tidal disruption. While there is still the possibility that the flash was caused by something completely different, Professor Smartt from QUB’s Astrophysics Research Centre, who gathered the data that supports the tidal event theory, believes that the new explanation is the result of “an excellent example of international collaboration and scientific team work”.
While it is true that scientific collaboration may be at the heart of the new findings, if this story revolves around anything, it is the supermassive black hole. Lurking at the centre of a galaxy 4 billion lightyears from our tiny blue planet, the black hole is 100 million times more massive than our Sun and has the power to destroy stars – with flair.

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Sentiment rank: -9.8

© Source: http://www.newstatesman.com/science-tech/technology/2016/12/best-new-technologies-probably-arriving-2017
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Chinese Firm With Government Ties Pulls Out of Deal With Kushner Family


The ‘sweetheart’ deal is dead.
A Beijing-based investment firm tied to the Chinese government has pulled the plug on a $4 billion real-estate deal with Jared Kushner’s family. Labeled a “ sweetheart deal ” by one critic earlier this month, the terms called for Anbang Insurance Group to pay Kushner Companies $400 million and pump billions more into the redevelopment of the firm’s flagship property at 666 Fifth Ave.
The collapse of the partnership comes days after several prominent Democrats, including Senator Elizabeth Warren, wrote a letter to the White House, raising concerns about the favorable terms of the deal and Kushner’s still-unclear role in his family business. “This deal, if codified, appears to present a clear conflict of interest for Jared Kushner,” the lawmakers wrote.

Similarity rank: 3

© Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/nymag/intelligencer/~3/RNz3mvFiglQ/chinese-firm-pulls-out-of-deal-with-kushner-family.html
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Авдіївка знову знеструмлена через пошкодження ЛЕП


В результаті аварії на лінії електропередач “Макіївка 2” в середу ввечері Авдіївка (Донецька обл.) знову була знеструмлена, повідомляє прес-центр…
Фахівці оперативних служб та ремонтні бригади виїхали на місце події для з’ясування причин аварії та усунення неполадок
В результаті аварії на лінії електропередач “Макіївка 2” в середу ввечері Авдіївка (Донецька обл.) знову була знеструмлена, повідомляє прес-центр штабу військових, енергетики вже виїхали на місце можливого пориву.
“Авдіївка знову без світла. Сьогодні, 29 березня, близько 19.00 прифронтове місто залишилося без світла. За попередніми даними, сталося пошкодження лінії електропередач “Макіївка 2”, – йдеться в повідомленні прес-центру, оприлюдненому на сторінці прес-центру в соцмережі Фейсбук.
За даними прес-центру штабу, фахівці оперативних служб та ремонтні бригади виїхали на місце події для з’ясування причин аварії та усунення неполадок.
Як повідомлялося, Авдіївка неодноразово залишалася без електроенергії в результаті обстрілу з боку бойовиків і пошкодження ліній електропередач у результаті попадання снарядів.
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Similarity rank: 5.6

© Source: http://ukr.segodnya.ua/regions/donetsk/avdeevka-vnov-obestochena-iz-za-povrezhdeniya-lep-1008073.html
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School official admits lapse in judgment over avalanche deaths


A school official responsible for an ill-fated mountaineering lesson at a ski resort in eastern Japan admitted Wednesday to a…
A school official responsible for an ill-fated mountaineering lesson at a ski resort in eastern Japan admitted Wednesday to a lapse in judgment in going ahead with the exercise that led to the deaths of seven students and a teacher in an avalanche.
“At the time we judged that it was absolutely safe, but now that this kind of incident occurred, it is something I must really regret,” Shuichi Inose, adviser to the mountaineering club at Otawara High School, said at the first press conference to be held following Monday’s disaster.
An avalanche that occurred on the mountain near the ski resort in the town of Nasu, Tochigi Prefecture, on Monday morning killed the boys and their teacher, members of the school’s competitive mountaineering club. The students were undergoing training to learn how to walk through deep snow at the time of the avalanche.
Inose, the point man for mountaineering training sponsored by the prefectural high school athletic federation, said that while a plan to go mountain climbing was canceled due to the bad weather, he and two other teachers judged that it was possible to still conduct the alpine training.
He said it was not windy and that snow was not falling heavily in the morning.
Inose, a senior official of the federation’s mountain climbing division, said they felt that there would be “no problem” so long as the areas where they believed avalanches are likely to occur were avoided.
Inose, who was not anywhere near the accident site with the students, said that he was aware from the previous day of the risk of an avalanche. Meanwhile, the two teachers with whom he consulted were at the site.
The accident, one of the deadliest avalanche disasters in decades in Japan, occurred after a slide advisory had been issued around the area.
The victims were hit by the avalanche at around 8:30 a.m. But Inose said an emergency call was not made until around 9:20 a.m., since no one from the site alerted him of the incident.
He admitted not carrying an emergency radio for 10 minutes around 9 a.m.
As to why the students did not have beacons that emit radio signals to locate people buried in snow, he said that the equipment is needed only when the risk of an avalanche is high.
At the same press conference held at the prefectural government office, Yoichi Ueki, the high school’s principal, expressed his deep remorse over the tragedy.
A total of 51 students and 11 teachers from seven high schools were taking part in the three-day training program. But the avalanche-struck exercise was participated in by on 46 students and nine teachers as five other students were unable to join due to a lack of proper equipment.

Similarity rank: 1

© Source: https://www.japantoday.com/category/national/view/school-official-admits-lapse-in-judgment-over-avalanche-deaths
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定員を大幅に超える園児の 受け入れなどの 不正が発覚した兵庫県姫路市の 私立認定こども園「わんずまざー保育園」 に対し、 兵庫県は29日、 こども園の 認定を4月1日付で取り消す処分を決めた。 県は、 処分前の 29日…
定員を大幅に超える園児の受け入れなどの不正が発覚した兵庫県姫路市の私立認定こども園「わんずまざー保育園」に対し、兵庫県は29日、こども園の認定を4月1日付で取り消す処分を決めた。県は、処分前の29日午前に弁明を聞く聴聞を開いたが、小幡育子園長は欠席した。県と市は、園が虚偽報告で不正に受給した給付金の返還を求める方針で、詐欺容疑での刑事告訴も検討している。 内閣府によると、子ども・子育て支援新制度が導入された2015年以降、認定の取り消しは全国で初めて。 県は会見で、40人の定員に対して68人を受け入れていた(こども園に認定した15年3月時点)▽園児1人当たりに必要な保育室などの面積の基準が1・65平方メートルなのに実際には1平方メートル未満だった▽定員超過などを隠すため県に虚偽の報告をしていた、ことなどを取り消しの根拠に挙げた。 県こども政策課の生安(いくやす)衛課長は「虚偽報告をされ、裏切られて遺憾だ。再発防止に向け、認定こども園の園長を対象に法令順守の研修などをしていきたい」と述べた。市もこの日、会見を開き、大原耕造・こども育成担当理事は「(園の)虚偽を見抜けなかったことは、園児や保護者に申し訳なかった」と改めて謝罪した。 園をめぐっては、園児の数を大幅に下回る給食しか発注せず、おかずが大きめのスプーン1杯分程度しかなかった園児がいたことや、給食の残りを冷蔵・冷凍保存し、後日に解凍して提供していたことが発覚した。 園は03年11月に認可外保育施設として開設。15年3月に県からこども園の認定を受け、15年度は国、県、市から計約5千万円の給付金を受け取った。 小幡園長の代理人弁護士は「(園児や保護者に)本当に申し訳なく反省しています。誠意を持って謝罪に努めたい」とする園長のコメントを発表。小幡園長は4月以降、休園する意向を示しているという。

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Sentiment rank: -0.4
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TW sentiment: 3.3

© Source: http://www.asahi.com/articles/ASK3Y5SFSK3YPTIL01W.html
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Kolejna prowokacja? Rzecznik prezydenta Ukrainy: Rosjanie próbowali zorganizować fałszywą rozmowę z Andrzejem Dudą


Rosyjskie służby chciały zorganizować w imieniu Ukrainy rozmowę telefoniczną z prezydentem Polski Andrzejem Dudą; nie udało im się – oświadczył w środę rzecznik prezydenta Petra Poroszenki, Swiatosław Cehołko.
-Rosyjskie służby specjalne próbowały zorganizować w imieniu Ukrainy wieczorem rozmowę telefoniczną z Andrzejem Dudą. Tak zwani pranksterzy nie wiedzieli, że rozmowa już się odbyła, a kancelaria prezydenta Polski jest w stałym kontakcie z administracją prezydenta Ukrainy – wyjaśnił na swoim Facebooku.
– Jest to jeszcze jeden dowód na rosyjski ślad w ataku na konsulat Polski w Łucku – napisał Cehołko.
Prezydenci Duda i Poroszenko rozmawiali w środę po południu o ostrzelaniu konsulatu polskiego w Łucku. W budynek placówki trafił pocisk granatnika, który uszkodził jego elewację. W wyniku ataku nikt nie ucierpiał.
Do zdarzenia doszło w środę po północy. W związku z atakiem do MSZ został wezwany ambasador Ukrainy w Polsce. Po spotkaniu resort poinformował, że do czasu spełnienia oczekiwań strony polskiej ws. ochrony przedstawicielstw dyplomatyczno-konsularnych wszystkie polskie urzędy konsularne na Ukrainie pozostaną zamknięte.
Oburzenie w związku z ostrzelaniem konsulatu wyrazili prezydent Ukrainy Petro Poroszenko i minister spraw zagranicznych Ukrainy Pawło Klimkin. Poroszenko polecił też wzmocnienie ochrony zagranicznych placówek dyplomatycznych i ambasad na Ukrainie.

Similarity rank: 4.2
Sentiment rank: -0.5

© Source: http://rss.dziennik.pl/~r/Dziennik-PL/~3/Nb3_c-OLtUI/546187,duda-poroszenko-rosja-prowokacja-rozmowa.html
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166 Japanese state secrets not documented, panel reports


Out of 443 state secrets designated by the government as of the end of 2015 under law, 166 were not documented, an annual report released by a parliamentar
Out of 443 state secrets designated by the government as of the end of 2015 under law, 166 were not documented, an annual report released by a parliamentary panel showed Wednesday.
The undocumented secrets included those designated in advance when concrete information did not exist, and cases in which such secrets were kept only in the memories of individuals.
The report was submitted by the Board of Oversight and Review of Specially Designated Secrets in the House of Representatives to Tadamori Oshima, speaker of the Lower House.
Previously, the board complained that papers were not created even when this was possible. Particularly, the number of secrets designated in advance is excessively high, it said.
In response, the Foreign Ministry, the Defense Ministry, the Cabinet Secretariat and other government agencies drew up documents or declassified some of the information, reducing the number of undocumented secrets to 130.
In August 2016, the inspector-general for public records management of the Cabinet Office asked the Defense Ministry to correct what it saw as inappropriate secret designation methods, its first correction request since the state secrecy law came into force in 2014.
Following the request, the ministry gave explanations to the board, but according to the annual report, board members did not ask any questions on the issue.
The board did not exercise its authority to make recommendations to the government on its handling of state secrets.
“We will carefully examine the content of the report and consider necessary responses in line with its purpose,” Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga told a press conference. The government will continue to deal sincerely with inspections by the board, he said.

Similarity rank: 1

© Source: http://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2017/03/30/national/politics-diplomacy/166-japanese-state-secrets-not-documented-panel-reports/
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赤字1兆円、3月期見通し 米WH破産法申請


東芝子会社の 米原子炉メーカー、 ウェスチングハウス(WH)は29日、 米連邦破産法11条(日本の 民事再生法に相当)の 適用をニューヨーク州連邦破産裁判所に申請し、 経営破綻した。 これに伴う損失を計上することで、 東芝は2017年3月期連結決算の 最終(当期)損益が1兆100億円の 赤字となる見通し。 国内の 製造業としては過去最大の 赤字計上となる。

Similarity rank: 5.9
Sentiment rank: -1.7
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TW likes: 0

© Source: http://mainichi.jp/articles/20170330/k00/00m/020/123000c
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Syrien: Bundeswehr in verheerenden Luftschlag involviert


Bei einem Luftangriff der Anti-IS-Koalition in Syrien wurden im März offenbar viele Zivilisten getötet. Nach Informationen von NDR und WDR könnten dafür Aufklärungsbilder von Bundeswehr-Tornados eine Rolle gespielt haben.
Bei einem Luftangriff der Anti-IS-Koalition in Syrien wurden im März offenbar viele Zivilisten getötet. Nach Informationen von NDR und WDR könnten dafür Aufklärungsbilder von Bundeswehr-Tornados eine Rolle gespielt haben.
Erstmals haben Aufklärungsbilder der Bundeswehr eine Rolle bei einem Luftangriff in Syrien gespielt, der zu einer sehr hohen Zahl ziviler Opfer geführt haben soll. Nach Recherchen von NDR und WDR hatten deutsche Tornados am 19. März 2017 Bilder eines Gebäudekomplexes in der syrischen Ortschaft al-Mansoura, westlich von Rakka, aufgenommen und an die internationale Koalition im Einsatz gegen den sogenannten IS geliefert.
Diese Bilder sollen dann einen Tag später mit verwendet worden sein, um den Gebäudekomplex zu bombardieren. Darüber informierte das Bundesverteidigungsministerium heute in geheim tagender Sitzung Abgeordnete des Verteidigungsausschusses des Bundestages.
Bei dem Luftangriff soll es laut der in London ansässigen Syrischen Beobachtungsstelle für Menschenrechte bis zu 33 tote Zivilisten gegeben haben. Bei dem Gebäudekomplex soll es sich demnach um eine ehemalige Schule handeln.
Nach Recherchen von NDR und WDR sollen drei Tage nach dem Angriff wieder deutsche Tornados aufgestiegen sein und ein sogenanntes Battle Damage Assessment unternommen haben. Auch dies teilte das Bundesverteidigungsministerium heute Abgeordneten des Verteidigungsausschusses mit.
Bevor die Parlamentarier darüber unterrichtet wurden, seien zum ersten Mal in dieser Legislaturperiode ihre Handys eingesammelt worden, sagen Teilnehmer.
Der außenpolitische Sprecher der Linksfraktion, Jan van Aken sagte NDR und WDR, es sei immer klar gewesen, dass “natürlich die Bilder eingesetzt werden und es dabei zu Toten kommen kann”. Wer glaube, man könne bei einem solchen Einsatz eine “weiße Weste” behalten, gebe sich einer Illusion hin.
Das Verteidigungsministerium wollte sich zum konkreten Fall nicht äußern und verwies auf Geheimhaltungsgründe. Ein Sprecher bestätigte allerdings, dass es im Rahmen des Bundestagsmandats zur täglichen Routine der Tornados gehöre, Bilder von möglichen Zielen zu machen.
Diese Bilder würden jedoch mit so viel Zeitverzug vor einem möglichen Angriff aufgenommen, dass auf Basis der Bilder nicht feststellbar sei, ob und welche Personen sich aktuell dort oder im Umfeld aufhielten. Diese für die Entscheidung über den Angriff relevanten Informationen würden aus einer Vielzahl anderer Quellen gewonnen. An diesem Prozess, in dem dann tatsächlich zeitnah über einen Angriff entschieden werde, sei die Bundeswehr nicht beteiligt.

Similarity rank: 4.2

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