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Fußball: Verteidiger Sama wechselt vom VfB Stuttgart nach Fürth


NewsHubStuttgart (dpa) – Abwehrspieler Stephen Sama wechselt innerhalb der 2. Fußball-Bundesliga vom VfB Stuttgart zur SpVgg Greuther Fürth. Das gaben beide Clubs bekannt. Der 23-Jährige unterschrieb beim Tabellenzwölften einen Vertrag bis zum 30. Juni 2019.
Der Innenverteidiger, der zur Saison 2014/15 vom FC Liverpool zum VfB gekommen war, spielte beim VfB-Trainer Hannes Wolf keine große Rolle. In dieser Spielzeit lief Sama viermal in der 2. Liga und einmal im DFB-Pokal auf. “Er ist ein resoluter Zweikämpfer und bringt eine gute Mentalität mit”, sagte Fürths Sportdirektor Ramazan Yildirim.
Die Fürther beendeten nach Vereinsangaben vom Dienstag zudem die Zusammenarbeit mit dem 30 Jahre alten Abwehrspieler Sebastian Heidinger. Für die Stuttgarter ist der Abgang von Sama nach der Verpflichtung von Julian Green vom FC Bayern München die zweite Personalie in dieser Winterpause.

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© Source: http://www.t-online.de/sport/fussball/2-bundesliga/id_79972716/fussball-verteidiger-sama-wechselt-vom-vfb-stuttgart-nach-fuerth.html
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Quakenbrück: Gasflaschen gestohlen


NewsHubQuakenbrück (ots) – Unbekannte stahlen in der Nacht von Sonntag auf Montag mehrere Gasflaschen vom Gelände einer technischen Großhandlung an der Bürgerstraße. Die Täter gelangten vermutlich von der Hochstraße aus auf das Außengelände der Firma, wo sie den Metallzaun des Gasflaschendepots durchtrennten und vier 5-Kilogramm-Gasflaschen mitnahmen. Eine der Flaschen wurde später hinter dem Betriebesgelände wieder aufgefunden. Wer verdächtige Beobachtungen gemacht hat, setzt sich bitte mit der Polizei in Bersenbrück, Tel. 05439-9690, in Verbindung.

Similarity rank: 0

© Source: http://www.t-online.de/regionales/id_79972770/quakenbrueck-gasflaschen-gestohlen.html
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Kissen in Brand gesetzt


NewsHubLudwigsburg (ots) – Ludwigsburg: Auffahrunfall
Leichte Verletzungen hat sich eine 27-jährige Autofahrerin am Montagabend bei einem Verkehrsunfall auf der B 27, in Höhe der Autobahnauffahrt Ludwigsburg-Nord zugezogen. Sie war gegen 17:30 Uhr auf der Bundesstraße in Richtung Ludwigsburg unterwegs und hatte zu spät bemerkt, dass eine vorausfahrende 38-Jährige ihren Citroen vor der roten Ampel angehaltern hatte. Die 27-Jährige fuhr mit ihrem Honda nahezu ungebremst auf. Sie wurde vom Rettungsdienst zur Untersuchung ins Krankenhaus gebracht. Der entstandene Sachschaden beläuft sich auf rund 7.500 Euro.
Tamm: Laptop aus Auto gestohlen
Auf nicht geklärte Art und Weise hat sich ein unbekannter Täter über das vergangene Wochenende im Länderrain Zugang zu einem weißen Ford S-Max verschafft und aus dem Kofferraum des Fahrzeugs einen “Dell”-Laptop mit Tasche und Zubehör im Wert von etwa 1.500 Euro entwendet. Der Polizeiposten Tamm, Tel. 07141/601014, bittet um Hinweise.
Tamm: Gitterboxen gestohlen
Etwa 50 grau lackierte Euro-Gitterboxen im Wert von ca. 3.500 Euro haben unbekannte Täter über das vergangene Wochenende von einem Betriebsgelände an der Hölderlinstraße entwendet. Um auf das Gelände zu gelangen, brachen sie das Zufahrtstor auf, das sie nach verladen der Gitterboxen wieder mit einem Kabelbinder provisorisch verschlossen. Personen, die verdächtige Wahrnehmungen gemacht haben, werden gebeten, sich beim Polizeiposten Tamm, Tel. 07142/601014, zu melden.
Ludwigsburg: Kissen in Brand gesetzt
Hinter einem Gebäude am Arsenalplatz haben zwei bislang unbekannte Jugendliche am Montag, gegen 15:40 Uhr, ein auf einem Lüftungsschacht abgelegtes Kissen angezündet. Durch die Flammen wurde die Gebäudefassade beschädigt und es entstand Sachschaden in Höhe von etwa 2.000 Euro. Nachdem ein Zeuge die Flammen nicht ablöschen konnte, kam die Feuerwehr mit 10 Einsatzkräften zum Brandort. Das Polizeirevier Ludwigsburg, Tel. 07141/18-5353, bittet um Hinweise.

Similarity rank: 0

© Source: http://www.t-online.de/regionales/id_79972776/kissen-in-brand-gesetzt.html
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Korruptionsvorwurf: Netanyahu drei Stunden befragt


NewsHubDem israelischen Premierminister wird vorgeworfen, illegale Vergünstigungen angenommen zu haben. Seinen politischen Gegnern richtet er aus, sie sollten mit den Feiern noch warten.
03.01.2017 | 09:21 |
( DiePresse.com )
Die israelische Polizei hat Ministerpräsident Benjamin Netanyahu am Montag erstmals zu dem Verdacht befragt, er habe von Geschäftsmännern illegale Vergünstigungen angenommen. Die Vernehmung in Netanyahus Amtssitz durch Mitglieder des Sonderermittlungsteams Lahav 433, bekannt auch als “israelisches FBI”, habe drei Stunden gedauert, teilte ein Polizeisprecher am späten Abend mit.
Auch das Justizministeriums veröffentlichte zum ersten Mal eine ausführliche Mitteilung des Generalstaatsanwalts Avichai Mandelblit zu den Ermittlungen gegen Netanyahu. Der Regierungschef selbst weist alle Vorwürfe von sich.
Eine im Juli 2016 angeordnete Prüfung von verschiedenen Vorwürfen gegen Netanyahu habe schließlich zu dem gegenwärtigen Ermittlungsverfahren geführt, hieß es in der Mitteilung Mandelblits. Dutzende von Zeugen in Israel und im Ausland seien befragt worden, teilweise mehrmals. Relevante Dokumente seien sichergestellt worden. Bei der Beweisaufnahme habe es innerhalb des vergangenen Monats eine Wende gegeben. Weitere Details könnten erst im weiteren Verlauf der Ermittlungen bekanntgegeben werden, falls diese der Untersuchung nicht schadeten.
Gleichzeitig hätten sich im Verlauf der Prüfung andere Verdachtsmomente nicht erhärtet, wie etwa Vorwürfe illegaler Wahlkampfspenden im Jahre 2009, des Wahlbetrugs bei internen Wahlen seiner Likud-Partei sowie der illegalen Finanzierung von Flügen.
Netanyahu hatte die Vorwürfe vor der Befragung als “heiße Luft” abgetan. “Es wird nichts gefunden werden, weil es nichts gibt”, bekräftigte der Regierungschef. Er riet der Opposition und kritischen Medienvertretern, “mit den Feiern zu warten”.
Nach Informationen der Zeitung “Haaretz” hat ein US-Unternehmer zugegeben, Netanyahu einen Anzug und seinem Sohn Yair einen Auslandsaufenthalt geschenkt zu haben. Es soll jedoch noch weitere, schwerwiegendere Vorwürfe geben.
David Amsalem, Abgeordneter von Netanyahus rechtsorientierter Regierungspartei Likud, sprach von einem Versuch, Netanyahu mit juristischen Mitteln zu Fall zu bringen. Er macht sich für einen Gesetzesentwurf stark, der strafrechtliche Ermittlungen gegen einen amtierenden Regierungschef verbieten soll.
Bereits während Netanyahus erster Amtszeit hatte es eine Untersuchung wegen Korruptionsvorwürfen gegen ihn und seine Frau Sara gegeben. Sie wurde jedoch im Jahr 2000 eingestellt, weil die Beweise nicht für eine Erfolg versprechende Anklage ausreichten. Netanyahus Amtsvorgänger Ehud Olmert musste 2008 wegen Korruptionsvorwürfen seinen Rücktritt erklären. Er verbüßt gegenwärtig eine Haftstrafe von 19 Monaten.

Similarity rank: 1.1

© Source: http://diepresse.com/home/politik/aussenpolitik/5148603/Korruptionsvorwurf_Netanyahu-drei-Stunden-befragt?from=rss
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Razzia und neue Fahndungsfotos: Suche nach Attentäter von Istanbul


NewsHubIstanbul – Nach dem verheerenden Terrorangriff auf eine Silvesterfeier im Istanbuler Nachtclub Reina sucht die Polizei weiter mit Hochdruck nach dem Täter. Die Nachrichtenagentur DHA meldete, am Montagabend sei es zu einer Operation von Anti-Terror-Einheiten in Istanbul gekommen. Dabei seien Hubschrauber eingesetzt und Straßen gesperrt worden. Über Festnahmen bei dieser Razzia wurde nichts bekannt. Die staatliche Nachrichtenagentur Anadolu hatte zuvor acht Festnahmen in Istanbul im Zusammenhang mit dem Terrorangriff gemeldet. Der Täter war aber nicht darunter.
Die Behörden veröffentlichten unterdessen neue Fahndungsbilder des Verdächtigen, auf denen das Gesicht des Gesuchten klar zu erkennen ist. Auch Aufnahmen von Überwachungskameras wurden veröffentlicht. Der Angreifer hatte in der Silvesternacht das Feuer auf Feiernde im Club Reina eröffnet und mindestens 39 Menschen getötet. Ihm war anschließend die Flucht gelungen. Die Terrormiliz IS (Daesh) hat die Tat für sich reklamiert. (dpa)

Similarity rank: 1.1

© Source: http://www.tt.com/panorama/verbrechen/12446957-91/razzia-und-neue-fahndungsfotos-suche-nach-attent%C3%A4ter-von-istanbul.csp
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Syrian rebels announce freeze of talks about peace negotiations


NewsHubAbout 10 Syrian rebel groups announced Monday they were suspending talks about planned peace negotiations this month in the Kazakh capital Astana, due to “violations” by Damascus of a four-day old truce.
“As these violations are continuing, the rebel factions announce… the freezing of all discussion linked to the Astana negotiations,” they said in a joint statement, referring to talks planned for late January organised by Russia, which supports the Syrian regime, and Turkey and Iran which back the rebels.
The rebels said they “respected the ceasefire across the whole of Syria .. but the regime and its allies have not stopped shooting and have launched major and frequent violations, notably in the (rebel) regions of Wadi Barada and Eastern Ghouta”, both in the province of Damascus, they said.
“Despite repeated questions put to the regime’s backer,” Russia, “these violations continue, threatening the lives of hundreds of thousands of people,” said the statement.
For the last two weeks, even before the start of a global truce brokered by Ankara and Moscow with a view to enabling the Astana talks to take place, Syria’s air force has launched almost daily bombing raids on Wadi Barada, some 15 km (10 miles) from Damascus.
The regime of President Bashar al-Assad is trying to seize control of the region which supplies the main drinking water for four million inhabitants of the capital and surrounding areas.
On Monday, the Syrian army and militant Lebanese Shiite group Hezbollah advanced to the outskirts of Ain al-Fijeh, the primary water source in the area, said the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights monitor.
“Any (advance) on the ground goes against the (ceasefire) agreement and if things don’t return to how they were before, the accord will be considered null and void,” added the rebel statement.
The ceasefire, which has been in force since midnight Thursday, is the latest truce in the nearly six-year war which has killed more than 310,000 people.

Similarity rank: 3.1
Sentiment rank: 2.1

© Source: http://www.digitaljournal.com/news/world/syrian-rebels-announce-freeze-of-talks-about-peace-negotiations/article/482835
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China Caixin manufacturing PMI climbs to 51.9 in December, fastest improvement since January 2013


NewsHubThe China Caixin manufacturing Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI) climbed in December, marking its fastest rate of improvement in three years, figures released Tuesday showed.
In December, the Caixin PMI reading came in at 51.9, up from November’s 50.9. A reading above 50 indicates expansion, while a reading below signals contraction.
That compared with China’s official manufacturing PMI, released Sunday, coming in at 51.4, down slightly from November’s 51.7.
The official non-manufacturing PMI, which takes a reading on the services sector, came in at 54.5 in December, down from November’s 54.7.
The official figures tend to focus on larger companies, while the private Caixin data focus on smaller and medium-sized firms.
The data likely indicated that the mainland economy, which had been expected to slow, was stabilizing.
“A further rise in production at Chinese manufacturers supported the higher PMI reading in December. Notably, the rate of output growth accelerated to a 71-month high, with a number of panelists commenting on stronger underlying demand and new client wins,” the Caixin data statement said.
“Data indicated that improved domestic demand was the key driver of new business growth, however, as new export sales were unchanged in December. ”
While the manufacturing PMI data tends to be more closely watched, China’s pivot toward domestic consumption and away from manufacturing- and investment-led growth means the service sector, which includes consumer industries such as real estate, retail and leisure, has become the majority of the mainland economy. It is also a key barometer of consumption, accounting for more than 50 percent of gross domestic product (GDP).
Concerns have persisted over the mainland economy’s health, as private-sector debt has surged even as the amount of growth from additional debt has declined.
But the economy in recent months has received a fillip from a pickup in the property sector.
The surprise win by U. S. President-elect Donald Trump has also been a concern for the mainland’s export-oriented economy.
On the campaign trail, Trump repeatedly accused China of manipulating its currency in order to give its exports an advantage over U. S.-made goods, and he threatened to slap a tariff of up to 45 percent on Chinese imports.
On Tuesday, he upped the ante on anti-China rhetoric , saying via Twitter that “China has been taking out massive amounts of money & wealth from the U. S. in totally one-sided trade, but won’t help with North Korea. Nice. ”
But the latest Caixin data showed that the new export orders index was at the neutral 50.0 level, with 90 percent of the survey’s respondents saying there was no change in new business from overseas.
“A number of panelists commented on relatively muted foreign demand in the latest survey period,” the survey statement said.
But it wasn’t clear how sustainable the manufacturing pickup might be.
Dr. Zhengsheng Zhong, director of macroeconomic analysis at research firm CEBM, said in the Caixin statement that the mainland’s manufacturing economy continued to improve, but he added, “it is still to be seen if the stabilization of the economy is consolidated due to uncertainties in whether restocking and consumer price rises can be sustainable. ”
Other economists were also doubtful of the sustainability of the pick up.
Andy Xie, an independent economist and former managing director at Morgan Stanley, told CNBC’s ” Squawk Box ” on Tuesday that he wasn’t optimistic the bump up could be sustained.
“Industrial production has been on an upswing for about six months or so, mainly because of the surge in property sales last year. Property developers and local governments got money and they’ve been spending the money,” he said, noting that for the past several years, every economic cycle has been driven by the property market.
“It usually doesn’t last very long,” he said.
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Sentiment rank: 3.9

© Source: http://www.cnbc.com/2017/01/02/china-caixin-manufacturing-pmi-climbs-in-december-for-strongest-upturn-since-january-2013.html
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The Latest: China calls Trump remarks on NKorea 'pandering'


NewsHubThe Latest on President-elect Donald Trump (all times EST):
10:45 p.m.
A state-run Chinese tabloid says Donald Trump is “pandering to ‘irresponsible’ attitudes” after the U. S. president-elect accused China of not stepping in to curtail the North Korean nuclear program.
The Global Times newspaper says Pyongyang’s nuclear program “stokes the anxieties of some Americans” who blame China rather than looking inward.
The Communist Party-controlled newspaper published its report a few hours after Trump tweeted Monday that China “won’t help with North Korea. ”
China is North Korea’s principal ally and economic lifeline. While Beijing has publicly reprimanded Pyongyang after nuclear tests, critics say China hasn’t done enough to tighten economic pressure on North Korea.
Since winning the November election, Trump has repeatedly criticized China. He also spoke to the president of Taiwan, the self-governing island China considers part of its territory.

8:55 p.m.
President-elect Donald Trump is expected to nominate lawyer Robert Lighthizer as U. S. Trade Representative, according to a transition official.
Lighthizer served as deputy USTR under President Ronald Reagan. His responsibilities included industry, agriculture, investment and trade policy, according to his law firm biography.
Trump made trade a central issue in his campaign, vowing to pull out of a major Pacific Rim trade pact. He has said he prefers unilateral trade deals that he says would lead to more favorable conditions for U. S. businesses and workers.
The transition official was not authorized to publicly confirm Trump’s expected decision and insisted on anonymity.
— Julie Pace

6:30 p.m.
Donald Trump insists North Korea won’t develop a nuclear weapon capable of reaching the United States.
Trump addressed the issue Monday evening on Twitter. North Korean leader Kim Jong Un said Sunday in his annual New Year’s address that preparations for launching an ICBM have “reached the final stage. ” He did not explicitly say a test was imminent.
Trump tweeted: “North Korea just stated that it is in the final stages of developing a nuclear weapon capable of reaching parts of the U. S. It won’t happen! ”
It was unclear if Trump meant he would stop North Korea or he was simply doubting the country’s capabilities. His aides did not immediately respond to questions seeking clarification.
Trump then berated North Korea’s most important ally, tweeting: “China has been taking out massive amounts of money & wealth from the U. S. in totally one-sided trade, but won’t help with North Korea. Nice! ”

2:10 p.m.
President-elect Donald Trump is showing little sign of forgiving his critics as he prepares to move into the Oval Office.
The incoming president tweeted Monday that, “Various media outlets and pundits say that I thought I was going to lose the election. Wrong… ”
He continued: “I thought and felt I would win big, easily over the fabled 270” electoral votes.
Trump’s continued focus on his unexpected Nov. 8 victory comes as he works behind closed doors to shape his new administration. He’s set to be sworn into office in just 18 days.
Trump also complained Monday about a cover photo used in a new book released by CNN. He tweeted, “Hope it does well but used worst cover photo of me! ”

1 p.m.
President-elect Donald Trump says Rahm Emanuel, Chicago’s mayor and President Barack Obama’s former chief of staff, should ask for federal assistance if he can’t bring down the city’s rising homicide tally.
The nation’s third largest city had 762 homicides in 2016 — the most in two decades and more than the largest cities, New York and Los Angeles, combined. The Chicago Police Department says the city had 1,100 more shootings last year than in 2015. The statistics have put Chicago at the center of a national dialogue about gun violence.
Trump on Monday noted the spike in shooting deaths on Twitter. He wrote, “If Mayor can’t do it he must ask for federal help! ”
Emanuel’s spokesman Adam Collins responded with a carefully worded statement in which he says if the federal government really wants to help it can do things like fund summer jobs programs for at-risk youth and pass meaningful gun laws.

8:10 a.m.
Incoming White House press secretary Sean Spicer is defending cryptic comments by President-elect Donald Trump that he knows “things that other people don’t know” when it comes to allegations of Russian hacking.
Spicer tells Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends” that Trump is getting national security briefings “on a daily basis” and “there doesn’t seem to be conclusive evidence” Russians were behind the hacking of Democratic emails during the election.
Spicer also dismissed on Monday a report released by the FBI and Homeland Security Department supporting the accusations against Russia, calling it a “how-to” manual on basic cybersecurity for Democrats.
In an interview on NBC’s “Today Show,” Spicer said President Barack Obama only punished Russia after Democrat Hillary Clinton lost the election and that the recent sanctions were politically motivated.
Trump has said he will get a briefing from U. S. intelligence officials this week.

Similarity rank: 1.1
Sentiment rank: 0

© Source: http://www.thenewstribune.com/news/nation-world/article124156749.html
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China Winery Acquisition Fund Launched in the U. S. Market


NewsHubNEW YORK , Jan. 2, 2017 /PRNewswire/ — During 2016 New Year’s Eve , Hong Kong -headquartered Chateau Segonzac International Group Co. Ltd. announced the start of international Winery mergers and acquisition fund in the United States .
A commercial wine trading group has recently been broadcasted on the giant NASDAQ LED billboard in the Times Square in New York City. Chateau Segonzac became another Chinese business holding company, following the Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba and Sina.com among others, to promote businesses on the billboard. Segonzac is also China’s first wine trading and investment company to appear on the NASDAQ billboard.
The globalization and mergers of excellent wineries are considered to be the best mix of wine trade and investment, and this is the first step of Chateau Segonzac for the international expansion. Segonzac said it hoped to take this opportunity to bring its Sino-French-made wine into the U. S. market, which will be an important part of Segonzac’s worldwide business network, while it is also looking for high-quality wineries in the United States for merging. The move also opened a new chapter in the world wine culture yearbook.
International merging, a win-win move
Although Chinese enterprises in recent years have accelerated their international expansion process, Chinese wine dealerships have yet to expand their business overseas. Nevertheless, China’s wine market has become an integral part of the world’s wine businesses. Segonzac aims at integrating the world’s wine market through merging with high-quality overseas wineries.
“Our goal is to create added value for capital venture and investment fund, by building a bridge among investors, wine producers and consumers,” said Mr. Kelvin Li, executive president of Chateau Segonzac International Group. Mr. Li said all wineries his company has purchased are of high quality. Mr. Li said his company is also dedicated to introducing world-class yet affordable wine to Chinese consumers.
Segonzac has proposed “Fund to Business to Customer”, a concept that details the relationships among venture capital, wine producers and consumers in wine business. “Investors need returns, wine producers need a sale channel and consumers need to have as many choices as possible, and this is what Chateau Segonzac International is dedicated on ,” said Mr. Li. “It serves as a giant platform to connect investors, producers and consumers “, by bringing more high-quality wine worldwide to consumers. Segonzac aims to integrate wine culture with venture capital, creating a new path of development for the wine dealing business.
About Chateau Segonzac
Founded in 1887, the Bordeaux -based Chateau Segonzac is one of the oldest chateaus in France. It possesses a 40-hectare vineyard, on which world-famous grapes, such as Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot and Malbec, have been grown for years. Two brands of wine produced in the winery are among the favorites in consumers worldwide.
About Chateau Segonzac International Group Co. Ltd
Chateau Segonzac International is set up in Hong Kong , originally focused on acquiring the French winery and launch of ongoing Winery investment fund. The Hong Kong -headquarter is jointly funded by Austchi Dragon and a number of other Hong Kong and Mainland China enterprises. Austchi Dragon was registered in Australia in 2004 and it set up its Chinese branch in Shenzhen in 2007. The Shenzhen company is authorized traders for a number of famous wine brands in Australia and France. The company is looking to purchase more high-quality wineries worldwide, including the United States and Italy , in 2017.
Please contact our commercial business department for cooperation with Segonzac and its regional agents across China , or with the global wineries fund.
Contact: Kelvin Li
Tel: 86 136 0300 1629
WeChat: Q7737977
Email: ceo@aust-chi.com
SOURCE Chateau Segonzac International Group Co. Ltd.

Similarity rank: 1
Sentiment rank: 6.3

© Source: http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/china-winery-acquisition-fund-launched-in-the-us-market-300384459.html
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Asia's top female chef and her novel baos


NewsHubA novel take on the humble steamed bun is taking Hong Kong’s culinary scene by storm, and scooping up awards for its creator.
May Chow is reinventing the bao – usually filled with meat or fish – and has just been voted Asia’s best female chef by a panel of over 300 experts.
Reporting: Helier Cheung. Video journalist: Yashan Zhao

Similarity rank: 0
Sentiment rank: -1.3

© Source: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-china-38457394
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