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Trump blames Obama for town hall protests and security leaks


Donald Trump says Obama’s people are “certainly behind” protests and leaks but offers no evidence.
US President Donald Trump has said he believes Barack Obama is behind the protests against Republican lawmakers, and national security leaks.
He told Fox News: “I think President Obama’s behind it because his people are certainly behind it”, but added: “I also think it’s just politics”.
Mr Trump offered no evidence for his claims; his predecessor in the White House has not commented.
Mr Trump also spoke about his budget plans and other issues.
In his wide-ranging interview with Fox News and Friends, he said:
President Trump’s interview was broadcast hours before he is due to give his first address to a joint session of Congress in which he is expected to set out in greater detail his plans to cut spending and boost the economy.
He was asked about the protests faced by some Republican politicians at town hall meetings across the country and not, as our earlier story said, protests about his travel ban on several Muslim-majority countries.
He said he was certain Obama loyalists were behind both those protests and White House leaks. “In terms of him being behind things, that’s politics. And it will probably continue,” he added.
He was asked for more detail on how he would find the money for the 10% increase in military spending he has proposed for 2018. Proposed cuts elsewhere are unlikely to cover the proposed increase.
Mr Trump said he would get “more product for our buck” in terms of buying military hardware and would ask for a “form of reimbursement” from countries making use of the US military.
But he said his overall aim was to grow the economy.
“We were probably GDP of little more than 1% and if I can get that up to three or maybe more, we have a whole different ball game,” he told the programme.
Where is the US military weakest?
Town halls challenge Republican senator
Keeping both of his campaign promises – boosting the military and protecting welfare – will put the president in a tough bind.
If he wants to boost the defence budget by $54bn without adding to the deficit, that money will have to come from somewhere – and mandatory spending on welfare and debt interest takes nearly 70% of the budget off the table.
Early reports are that the Environmental Protection Agency is facing sharp cuts, but its total annual budget is just over $8bn – a drop in the bucket.
The State Department has also been singled out as a source for the needed funds, and its $50bn annually (including $22bn in direct aid) makes it a fatter target.
The lion’s share of humanitarian assistance goes to rebuilding efforts in Afghanistan and Aids treatment in Sub-Saharan Africa, however, which will be difficult to touch. Also unlikely to get the axe is military support, dominated by $3.1bn annually to Israel.
There’s a reason the Trump administration announced the military budget number before revealing where the money will come from. Spending is easy; cutting is hard.
The White House sent Mr Trump’s 2018 budget blueprint, which begins on 1 October, to federal agencies on Monday.
The agencies will then review the plan and propose changes to the cuts as the White House prepares for negotiations with Congress.
The Republican-controlled Congress must approve any federal spending.
Mr Trump’s plan is expected to face backlash from Democrats and some Republicans over the planned cuts to domestic programmes.

Similarity rank: 7.8
Sentiment rank: -2.3

© Source: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-39113446
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Trump issues executive orders on HBCUs, environmental regulations


The president will also sign two bills encouraging women in science before Tuesday’s joint address to Congress
President Trump will sign an executive order to bolster historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) on Tuesday. The order will do this by moving the moving the White House Initiative on Historically Black Colleges and Universities, which was previously part of the Department of Education, back to the White House.
The administration says this action will encourage strategic partnerships with other agencies and outside groups by giving it greater visibility. The United Negro College Fund had requested that Mr. Trump move the Initiative to the White House and be led by a person “who reports to a senior advisor to the president,” according to The Washington Post.
Dozens of HBCU leaders gathered at the White House on Monday where they briefly met Mr. Trump in the Oval Office before meeting with Vice President Mike Pence. The order is a signal that the Trump administration plans to make HBCUs a priority, boosting Trump’s “urban agenda,” a senior White House office told reporters in a briefing.
President Trump is set to lay out his domestic policy agenda in a Tuesday address to a joint session of Congress. Sabrina Siddiqui of The Guardia…
The White House Initiative on Historically Black Colleges and Universities was started by President Jimmy Carter, but the Trump administration says the office has “lost track because they didn’t have the full force of the White House behind it.”
Mr. Trump, who is expected to list campaign promises he has fulfilled and executive orders he has signed during his first Presidential address, will also sign an executive order that will instruct a review of the Waters of the U. S. Rule (WOTUS) by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and U. S. Army Corps of Engineers.
The order is aimed to dismantle the Obama administration’s Clean Water Rule that expanded federal protection of wetlands, streams, and waterways throughout the country.
Scott Pruitt, the new head of the EPA , filed an anti-WOTUS lawsuit against the EPA in 2015 when he was the Oklahoma Attorney General. Mr. Trump also vowed to kill various environmental regulations on the campaign trail.
The pen-happy President will also sign two bills: the Inspiring the Next Space Pioneers and Innovators and Explorers Act (INSPIRE) act and Promoting Women in Entrepreneurship Act. INSPIRE, first introduced by Virginia Congresswomen Barbara Comstock, authorizes NASA to encourage women to pursue careers in engineering, science, and mathematics.
The Promoting Women in Entrepreneurship Act authorizes the National Science Foundation to provide support for women’s entrepreneurial programs.

Similarity rank: 11.9
Sentiment rank: 4.4

© Source: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/trump-issues-executive-orders-on-hbcus-environmental-regulations/
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Myśliwy postrzelił przechodnia. Myślał, że to dzik


W okolicy wsi Kłoda doszło do tragedii. 63-letni mężczyzna został postrzelony przez myśliwego. Mimo pomocy lekarzy nie udało się go uratować. Zdarzenie miało miejsce w poniedziałkowy wieczór. Dwóch mężczyzn polowało w lasach w pobliżu wsi Kłoda. W tym czasie leśną drogą szedł mężczyzna…
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Similarity rank: 2.1
Sentiment rank: 0

© Source: http://strajk.eu/mysliwy-postrzelil-przechodnia-myslal-ze-to-dzik/
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Задержали 37 титушек, которые напали на блокадников


Нападавших на редут блокировщиков задержали. Об этом сообщил председатель Донецкой Нацполиции Вячеслав Аброськин. Сегодня около 13:20 поступило сообщение от анонима о том, что на железнодорожной станции Кривой Торец, где находятся участники блокады, возник конфликт. На место выехала…
Нападавших на редут блокировщиков задержали.
Об этом сообщил председатель Донецкой Нацполиции Вячеслав Аброськин.
Сегодня около 13:20 поступило сообщение от анонима о том, что на железнодорожной станции Кривой Торец, где находятся участники блокады, возник конфликт. На место выехала следственно-оперативная группа и руководство Торецкого отделения полиции. По состоянию на 14:40 полицейские задержали 37 человек”, – проинформировал Аброськин.
ЧИТАЙТЕ ТАКЖЕ: Начался штурм редутов блокадников. Есть пострадавшие
Личности нападавших сейчас устанавливают.

Similarity rank: 10

© Source: http://gazeta.ua/ru/articles/donbas/_zaderzhali-37-titushek-kotorye-napali-na-blokadnikov/755942
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Затримали 37 тітушок, які напали на блокадників


Нападників на редут блокувальників затримали. Про це повідомив голова Донецької Нацполіції В’ячеслав Аброськін Сьогодні близько 13:20 надійшло повідомлення від аноніма про те, що на залізничній станції Кривий Торець, де перебувають учасники блокади, виник конфлікт. На місце виїхала…
Нападників на редут блокувальників затримали.
Про це повідомив голова Донецької Нацполіції В’ячеслав Аброськін
Сьогодні близько 13:20 надійшло повідомлення від аноніма про те, що на залізничній станції Кривий Торець, де перебувають учасники блокади, виник конфлікт. На місце виїхала слідчо-оперативна група та керівництво Торецького відділення поліції. Станом на 14:40 поліцейські затримали 37 осіб”, – поінформував Аброськін.
ЧИТАЙТЕ ТАКОЖ: Почався штурм редутів блокадників. Є постраждалі
Особи нападників зараз встановлюють.

Similarity rank: 8.9

© Source: http://gazeta.ua/articles/donbas/_zatrimali-37-titushok-yaki-napali-na-blokadnikiv/755942
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Trump kritisiert sich selbst – ein bisschen


US-Präsident Donald Trump reagiert auf die Kritik an der geplanten Mauer zu Mexiko. Und gesteht in einem Anflug von Selbstkritik ein: „Ich glaube nicht, dass…
US-Präsident Donald Trump reagiert auf die Kritik an der geplanten Mauer zu Mexiko. Und gesteht in einem Anflug von Selbstkritik ein: „Ich glaube nicht, dass es gut kommuniziert war.“

Similarity rank: 4.2

© Source: http://www.haz.de/Nachrichten/Politik/Deutschland-Welt/Trump-kritisiert-sich-selbst-ein-bisschen
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Über 35.000 Menschen stellen sich hinter Journalist Deniz Yücel


Innerhalb von zwölf Stunden haben über 35.000 Menschen eine Petition zur Unterstützung von Deniz Yücel unterzeichnet. Der deutsch-türkische Journalist sitzt in Istanbul in U-Haft.
Mehr als 35.000 Menschen haben binnen zwölf Stunden einen offenen Brief zur Unterstützung des in Istanbul inhaftierten deutsch-türkischen Journalisten Deniz Yücel unterzeichnet. Der Schriftsteller und Satiriker Shahak Shapira stellte den Aufruf zum Mitzeichnen in der Nacht zum Dienstag online, wie die Plattform change.org mitteilte.
Auf der deutsch-türkischen Internetseite heißt es “Freiheit für Deniz” und dass sich die Petition “an die ganze fucking Welt” richte.
In dem Petitionstext steht weiter: “Für die Freiheit von Information, Meinung, Wort und Kunst. Gemeinsam für und mit Deniz Yücel und allen zur Zeit in der Türkei inhaftierten Kolleginnen und Kollegen. ”
Türkischer Haftrichter verhängt U-Haft gegen Deniz Yücel : Zwei Wochen dürfen Verdächtige im Ausnahmezustand in der Türkei in Gewahrsam gesperrt werden. Kurz vor Fristablauf dann die Entscheidung: Deniz Yücel muss in Untersuchungshaft.

Similarity rank: 2.1

© Source: http://www.augsburger-allgemeine.de/politik/Ueber-35-000-Menschen-stellen-sich-hinter-Journalist-Deniz-Yuecel-id40738896.html
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Intel will change its approach to PC chip upgrades


Intel is changing its view on how it upgrades chips.
Intel is changing its view on how it upgrades chips.
Rather than tying chip upgrades directly to the manufacturing process involved, Intel will look at delivering a sustained set of performance upgrades with each new chip architecture.
“We’re going to be focused more on the generation by the amount of performance increment it will give us,” said Venkata Renduchintala, president of Intel’s Client and Internet of Things businesses and its Systems Architecture Group. “I don’t think generations will be tagged to node transitions. ”
The performance benefits will matter more, and the process technology that lives underneath is going to be less conspicuous, Renduchintala said.
“We can translate that into more predictable cadence of product, which delivers meaningful performance to stimulate PC upgrades,” Renduchintala said.
In the meanwhile, Intel will speed up its modem development so it can transition to 5G quickly. Intel is looking to grow in the communications market, while giving a lower priority to PCs, a market that has flattened. The company was showing off its new modems at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona this week.
Intel used to deliver two generations of PC chips with each manufacturing process node, but that changed with its recent 14-nanometer process.
Intel has made three generations of chips including Broadwell, Skylake, and Kaby Lake, on the 14-nanometer process. The company recently revealed that the 8th Generation Core processors will also be made on the 14-nm node. The announcement came as a surprise because Intel’s next-generation 10-nm process is ready.
Intel has made more generations of chips using the 14-nm process as it has been able to squeeze more performance through incremental design upgrades and tweaks to its existing manufacturing process.
But Intel will also deliver PC chips code-named Cannonlake — its first on the 10-nm process — later this year. A big question was whether the 8th Generation Core processors would also include Cannonlake chips.
Not for now, but that could change. The company hasn’t yet decided how it’ll brand or market the Cannonlake chips due later this year.
“If Cannonlake comes out at the end of the year, it’ll be interesting what we actually market it as. We haven’t decided it yet,” Renduchintala said.
Intel has said its 8th Generation Core processors made on the 14-nm process will deliver a performance update of more than 15 percent compared to the current Kaby Lake chips.
The parallel shipments of 10-nm and 14-nm chips could create a branding dilemma, and Intel may have to launch 9th Generation Core chips alongside the 8th Generation chips.
With Intel’s new approach to chip design, it’s hard to predict how many generations of chips will be made on the 10-nm process. A rough estimate is three to four chip architectures before Intel moves to the 7-nm process.
Right now, PC chips are the first to get upgraded based on new architectures, but that will change in the coming years with server processors getting the first shot at upgrades.
Intel is moving to a model where users can expect “a yearly cadence of platform upgrade that actually gives meaningful performance improvements from the generation that preceded it,” Renduchintala said.

Similarity rank: 1.1

© Source: http://www.infoworld.com/article/3175805/computers/intel-will-change-its-approach-to-pc-chip-upgrades.html
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Jacek Kurski w dziennik.pl o rezygnacji ze spektaklu z Julią Wyszyńską: Komuś telewizja publiczna myli się z domem publicznym


Spektakl Teatru Telewizji “Biały dmuchawiec” miał być pokazany na antenie TVP w kwietniu. Jacek Kurski podjął jednak decyzję o nieemitowaniu przedstawienia, ponieważ główną rolę zagrała w nim Julia Wyszyńska – aktorka, która wystąpiła także w kontrowersyjnym przedstawieniu “Klątwa”. “Nie ma…
Kiedy media obiegła informacja o wycofaniu emisji ” Białego dmuchawca ” w TVP , pojawiły się głosy, że Jacek Kurski zastosował wobec twórców odpowiedzialność zbiorową. Prezes twierdzi, że jest przeciwnikiem tak radykalnych rozwiązań, w tym konkretnym przypadku nie miał jednak wyjścia:
Nie chcemy odpowiedzialności zbiorowej. To była bardzo bolesna dla mnie decyzja o zdjęciu zaplanowanego na kwiecień spektaklu „Biały dmuchawiec”, ponieważ pani Wyszyńska gra tam główną rolę. W dodatku chodzi o kwiecień, czyli miesiąc papieski. Jeżeli się komuś myli Telewizja Publiczna z domem publicznym, to jako prezes muszę go z tego błędu wyprowadzić. Ja tego rodzaju akcji nie popieram i nigdy bym się na nie zgodził, ale jeżeli już, to można je sobie robić za prywatne pieniądze w eksperymentalnych teatrach, a nie za publiczne pieniądze. Nie ma zgody na to by w Telewizji Publicznej poniżać największe świętości Polaków.
Kurski zapewnia w rozmowie z dziennik.pl, że Telewizja Polska ma zamiar złożyć pozostałym twórcom spektaklu ” Biały dmuchawiec ” propozycję współpracy:
Nie chcę, by było tak, że jeśli pani Wyszyńska gdzieś zagrała, to cały spektakl zostaje skasowany. Wydaje mi się, że ciekawą propozycję dla autorów i producentów tego spektaklu będzie miała dyrekcja programowa TVP2. Chcemy tego spektaklu ale w nowej obsadzie roli głównej. Nie chcemy, by dzieło aktorów, którzy tam grają zostało zmarnowane, natomiast w tym momencie wyemitowanie tego spektaklu z rolą główną w wykonaniu pani Wyszyńskiej byłoby wypowiedzeniem się po jej stronie w sporze, który jest przez nią nie do wygrania.

Similarity rank: 2.1
Sentiment rank: -1.4

© Source: http://rss.dziennik.pl/~r/Dziennik-PL/~3/gP_qzglTENY/543750,jacek-kurski-komentuje-rezygnacje-przez-tvp-ze-spektaklu-z-julia-wyszynska.html
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Türkei: Kritik in Erdogans Partei an U-Haft für Deniz Yücel


Auch in der türkischen Regierungspartei AKP ist die Untersuchungshaft für den ‘Welt’-Korrespondenten Deniz Yücel in Istanbul auf Kritik gestoßen.
Er sehe “die Gerichtsentscheidung kritisch”, sagte der deutsch-türkische Abgeordnete und Vorsitzende des Menschenrechtsausschusses im Parlament, Mustafa Yeneroglu, am Dienstag der Deutschen Presse-Agentur in Istanbul.
“Ohne Einzelheiten zu kennen und soweit ich den Berichten entnehmen kann, denke ich, dass der Propagandabegriff zu weit ausgelegt worden ist. ” Yeneroglu warf Yücel zugleich vor, “mehr Aktivist als Journalist” zu sein.
“Seine Berichte über die Türkei sind meistens von tiefen persönlichen Ressentiments geprägt, entsprechend auch extrem verzerrt, er fokussiert und überspitzt, wo es seinem Bild passt und blendet aus, wo es dem eigenen Weltbild nicht entspricht”, sagte Yeneroglu.
“Insbesondere die Berichterstattung über die (verbotene kurdische Arbeiterpartei) PKK ist mindestens von Symphatie für die Terrororganisation geprägt, die er wohl nicht als solches betrachtet. ” Ein Richter hatte am Montagabend Untersuchungshaft für Yücel erlassen, dem unter anderem Terrorpropaganda vorgeworfen wird.
Yeneroglu sagte zur Kritik an dem Beschluss aus Deutschland: “Kritik ist willkommen, solange sie sachlich ist, nicht verallgemeinert und im konkreten Beispiel nicht verkennt, dass die Haftentscheidung die eines unabhängigen Gerichts ist und nicht der türkischen Regierung. “

Similarity rank: 2.2

© Source: http://www.rp-online.de/politik/ausland/tuerkei-kritik-in-erdogans-partei-akp-an-u-haft-fuer-deniz-yuecel-aid-1.6643555
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