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「壁」の費用負担、当面は議論控える 米メキシコ電話協議で合意


NewsHub【ワシントン=加納宏幸、ロサンゼルス=中村将】トランプ米大統領とメキシコのペニャニエト大統領は27日、約1時間にわたり電話協議した。両首脳はトランプ氏が不法移民の流入阻止のため実現するとしているメキシコ国境への「壁」の建設費用について、協議を通じて解決を目指すことで一致した。 メキシコ政府はこの問題について当面、公の議論を差し控えることを両首脳が申し合わせたとしている。 トランプ氏は費用をまかなうためメキシコからの輸入品に対する課税を検討中だが、両国政府は電話協議が「建設的で生産的な対話だった」と強調。トランプ氏も27日の記者会見で「私たちは公平で新しい関係に向けて取り組んでいる」と述べた。一方で、トランプ氏はメキシコが貿易で「米国をたたきのめしている」とし、北米自由貿易協定(NAFTA)について再交渉する考えを重ねて強調した。 電話協議では、米国がメキシコに対して抱える貿易赤字の問題や、麻薬、銃器の密輸取り締まりでの協力なども話し合った。

Similarity rank: 6.6
Sentiment rank: -0.7

© Source: http://www.sankei.com/world/news/170128/wor1701280030-n1.html
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トランプ政権「米国第一」主張せず 対英貿易交渉で :日本経済新聞



Similarity rank: 7
Sentiment rank: 2.3

© Source: http://www.nikkei.com/article/DGXLASDF28H09_Y7A120C1NN1000/
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It really is a special relationship! Donald Trump and Theresa May walking outside the White House holding hands! pic.twitter.com/AsYcDVsugp
— Matt Dathan (@matt_dathan) 2017年1月27日
大衆紙「The i」は「特別な関係が帰ってきた」との見出しで写真を掲載した。
THE I: Special relationship is back on #tomorrowspaperstoday pic.twitter.com/rKzy257urD
— Neil Henderson (@hendopolis) 2017年1月27日
BBCのローラ・キューエンスバーグ記者はメイ首相から指名されて、トランプ氏に拷問に関する手厳しい 質問をした 。これに刺激されたのか、彼はメイ首相に対してこんな冗談まで口にした。「これがあなたの質問の選び方だったのか。ほらまた、あれについての質問が出た」
ハフィントンポストUK版 より翻訳・加筆しました。
【※】スライドショーが表示されない場合は、 こちら へ。

Similarity rank: 9
Sentiment rank: 0

© Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.jp/2017/01/28/donald-trump-and-theresa-may-hold-hands_n_14453862.html?utm_hp_ref=japan&ir=Japan
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首相 トランプ大統領と今夜電話会談 首脳会談日程など協議


NewsHub安倍総理大臣は28日夜遅く、アメリカのトランプ大統領と電話で会談し、初めての日米首脳会談の日程などを協議するものと見られます。 日米両政府は、安倍総理大臣とアメリカのトランプ大統領が28日午後11時から電話で会談すると発表しました。 安倍総理大臣とトランプ大統領は、大統領選挙後の去年11月に、ニューヨークで会談しているほか、電話でも一度話していますが、大統領就任後に電話で会談するのは初めてです。 電話会談で安倍総理大臣は、トランプ大統領の就任に祝意を表し、個人的な信頼関係を構築したいという考えを伝えるとともに、日米同盟の重要性を確認したい考えです。 そして、来月行う方向で調整している初めての日米首脳会談の具体的な日程や議題などを協議するものと見られます。 トランプ大統領は、TPP=環太平洋パートナーシップ協定から離脱するための大統領令に署名し、日本を含むTPP協定の参加国と2国間の経済連携協定を目指す考えを示しています。 また、大統領選挙の期間中、日本に在日アメリカ軍の駐留経費の負担増額を求めるなど、同盟国との関係見直しを示唆する発言を繰り返してきました。 これに対し安倍総理大臣は、トランプ政権との間で、日米の同盟関係を一層強化していきたいとしているほか、TPP協定の戦略的な意義や、自由貿易の重要性への理解を求めたいとしています。直接、会って話し合うのを前に、電話会談でのやり取りが注目されます。

Similarity rank: 13
Sentiment rank: 1.4

© Source: http://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/20170128/k10010856311000.html
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Fury as airlines bar passengers from flying to US


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Saturday, 28 January 2017 13:11
Carriers refuse to fly nationals from seven Muslim-majority countries to the US, after Trump’s ban comes into effect.
US President Donald Trump’s order banning arrivals from several Muslim-majority countries has come into effect, with some airlines already stopping would-be passengers from flying to the United States.
In a move that sparked widespread international criticism , Trump on Friday signed a sweeping executive order to suspend the arrival of refugees and impose tough new controls on travellers from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Syria and Yemen.
In some of the countries affected by the restrictions, would-be travellers preparing family visits, work trips or seeking to escape war reported chaotic disruption to their plans; with some saying they had been humiliated.
Some who were already in the air when Trump signed the measure were detained on arrival, according to The New York Times.
In Egypt, five Iraqi nationals and one Yemeni were prohibited from boarding an Egypt Air flight that was bound to New York from Cairo’s international airport on Saturday morning.
The six passengers, who were headed for John F. Kennedy International Airport, were reportedly prevented from boarding despite holding valid immigration visas.
In The Netherlands, the Dutch flag carrier KLM said it had stopped seven passengers from boarding its flights, five of whom it had been able to contact before departure. The identities of the seven, their countries of origin and destinations were not given.
“We would have liked to have had them fly with us, but it would not have made much sense because they would have been denied entry” to the United States, KLM spokesman Manel Vrijenhoek told AFP news agency.
In Canada, WestJet Airlines said it turned back a passenger bound for the United States on Saturday in order to comply with an executive order that prohibits people from seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the United States.
WestJet spokeswoman Lauren Stewart said the airline would give full refunds to anyone affected by the US executive order. It did not say which country the passenger had come from.
In Iran’s capital, Tehran, two travel agencies told AFP they had been instructed by Etihad Airways, Emirates and Turkish Airlines not to sell US tickets or allow Iranians holding American visas to board US-bound flights.
Qatar Airways on Saturday issued a travel alert on their official website, saying nationals of the seven countries may travel to the US “only if they are in possession of a permanent resident card [Green card] or any of the below visas,” listing foreign government, United Nations, international organisation and NATO visas.
Across the Middle East, people reacted with fury saying the travel curbs were insulting and discriminatory.
“It’s not right to portray huge groups of Arabs and Muslims as possible terrorists,” Najeeb Haidari, a Yemeni-American security manager in Yemen, told Reuters news agency.
“This is a stupid, terrible decision which will hurt the American people more than us or anybody else, because it shows that this president can’t manage people, politics or global relationships. ”
READ MORE: Hassan Rouhani: Now is not the time to build walls
In Baghdad, Bayan Adil, a doctor working in the Iraqi Health Ministry who applied for a US visa to attend a medical seminar, said Iraqi academics should visit Europe instead of the United States, where they were no longer welcome.
“Trump’s decision is unfortunately a humiliating insult not only for us as academics but for all Iraqis,” she told Reuters.
Iran also slammed the “insulting” measure and said it would stop US citizens entering the country in retaliation to Washington’s visa ban, calling it an “open affront against the Muslim world and the Iranian nation”.

Similarity rank: 13
Sentiment rank: -2.1

© Source: http://mwcnews.net/news/middle-east/63494-airlines-bar-passengers.html
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Chinese Dating Apps Enjoy Increased Demand on Lunar New Year


NewsHubAs millions of people head home to celebrate the Chinese Lunar New Year holiday, desperate men looking to hire an instant girlfriend to present to their parents are keeping 24-year-old Luoluo busy on a mobile dating app.
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When visiting home during the Chinese Lunar New Year holiday, single people are often faced with tough lectures and questions from their relatives hell-bent on reinforcing the importance of the marriage institution and securing the family blood line.
To appease their inquisitive parents, single men often resort to paying girls to go home with them and act as their partners.
An increase in the use of smartphones has made that process much easier as one can now pay for such a date through several apps.
“Over 1,000 users on our platform have signed up as dates for hire for the New Year break,” said Cao Tiantian, founder of date-for-hire app Hire Me Plz.
The subscribers of these apps pay from as little as 1 Yuan ($0.15) to 1,999 Yuan ($299) for a dinner date, chat, a game of mah-jong or a foot massage. However, prices rocket up around the time of the Lunar New Year. During this period, thousands of attractive young people like Luoluo command fees of 3,000 Yuan ($450) to 10,000 Yuan ($1500) a day.
“I’m still seeking people to fill my time slots,” says Luoluo, a native of China’s southwestern province of Sichuan.
She added that she only meets people who stay in the same province as her.
Hire Me Plz shares the fake spouse market with other five other dating apps in China.
The apps make their money by taking a cut from the hires, and also from the subscription fees.
Hire Me Plz was launched in 2015. The mobile app has garnered a user base of 700,000 as well as 1.7 million followers on China’s biggest social media network, WeChat.
Despite its success, some netizens on social media platforms and legal experts have questioned the morality and legality of the dating sites.
“There are no clear prohibitions in Chinese law regarding date rentals. But risks exist among such deals, which may also violate the law to a certain extent,” Li Hongzhao, an official of the Beijing Lawyers Association Criminal Committee, is quoted as saying by China’s state media.
Prostitution is illegal in China, and sex is not offered by any of the mobile dating apps.

Similarity rank: 3

© Source: http://www.chinatopix.com/articles/110893/20170128/chinese-dating-app-demand-lunar-new-year.htm
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Amazon Echo skills: 10 gadgets and services that still need Alexa support


NewsHub“Alexa, do this.” “Alexa, do that.” “Alexa, fulfil my every whim.”
The Amazon Echo is a relatively new gadget – a little over a year old in the US – but it’s already crept its way into every corner of our home lives.
From playing our every musical fancy to turning up our heating, and from checking our train times to ordering us a pizza, Alexa has quickly become our best electric mate and one that rarely lets us down.
When you ask Alexa to do something she’s not capable of though it’s jarring. Why can’t she work with that device or service? This just isn’t good enough. Our belief that we’re really living in the sci-fi inspired future is broken.
Although the Echo has impressed, there’s still much that it needs to learn. Yes, Alexa is getting smarter by the day, but the sooner she adds support for this lot, the better.
Picture the scene: you walk through the door, kick off your shoes and bellow ‘Alexa, turn on my TV’. Hey presto, sorted. The telly is on while you get a beer from the fridge, no fuss, no fanfare just a single, simple command.
Most TVs are connected to the internet now anyway, so there’s no reason why they can’t use those smart skills to play nice with Alexa and adhere to your every vocal command.
From webOS to Android TV, all the individual Smart TV platforms would need an Alexa-friendly patch, but once set-up you’d be able to quit your nightly remote hunts and just talk to your TV instead.
VR’s still in its infancy, and unless its user interfaces improve, it could stay there longer than it should. Holding your gaze on menu options to make selections is effective, but seriously slow and repetitive.
Stating “Alexa, ask Vive to launch Office Simulator” or “Alexa, ask Oculus to open my 360 Photos” as soon as you don your VR headset would speed up the whole process no end. It would also save the problem of mistaken button presses that come with controllers you cant see.
It would have another benefit too. VR can be a solitary, isolating experience, but talking to Alexa while in the virtual world could help make the whole thing more of a two-way experience. Slightly.
How has this not already happened? Skype seems an obvious way to communicate through Alexa, with the service’s VoIP calls capable of being triggered just by asking: “Alexa, ask Skype to call Olivia.”
Not only would Alexa be able to place the calls for you, the Echo’s 360-degree speakers would pipe the conversation out into your home.
It would be just like having your call on speaker mode, except you can carry on pottering around your room, with the Echo’s seven beam-forming directional microphones picking up everything you utter.
“Alexa, ask Sky to record Arsenal vs Liverpool for me.”
Boom, sorted. How much easier would that be? That’s four minutes and about 18 button presses you’ve just saved yourself there as you scroll through the weekend’s fixture list, cussing under your breath as you realise the big match is actually BT Sport’s Monday night fixture.
The dream situation would be that Alexa has access to the week’s full TV listings and has been synced up to your own Sky Q box. Now when you want to set something to record later in the week, you’ll be able to ask rather than do the manual work and kick off time hunting yourself.
Thanks to Alexa, your Echo can look after your calendar and relay upcoming appointments to you to ensure you never miss a meeting. But what about those Facebook-hosted event invites and reminders?
Play time is just as important as work efforts, and hooking Facebook up to the Echo could be a way to find this balance.
Although you don’t need every motivational quote and humble bragbook post that pops up on your News Feed verbally relaying to you, being able to ask “Alexa, ask Facebook when Saturday’s party starts” or “Alexa, ask Facebook how old Harry will be on Tuesday” could have genuine benefits.
Amazon Music Unlimited is supported, obviously, But so too are TuneIn and even Spotify, so where is the Apple Music Alexa love?
If you pay for the streaming service, you’re going to want to listen to it where and however you want. With the rise of digital assistants and smart speakers, that now includes through devices like the Amazon Echo.
The foundations are already there – Alexa knows how to play music and Apple Music supports Siri – but the bit in the middle is currently missing. Given we’re still waiting for an Amazon Prime Apple TV app to drop, and Apple’s notorious need for independence, we can’t see this happening anytime soon, but we can dream can’t we?
OK, so those must have ’90s machines with the little blinking red light might not be commonplace anymore, but for those that have them, or those who still get voicemails on their smartphone, asking “Alexa, play my new messages” could be a welcome addition.
Like with Skype calls, these would then be piped out through the Echo’s circular speaker, letting you listen back to what you missed.
As you quickly work out whether the call is PPI junk or something actually important, follow up requests like “Alexa, delete” or “Alexa, return call” could be addressed too, doing away with all those traditional, fiddly button presses.
Netflix’s picture-led interface is pretty and the foundation for everything that’s followed (we’re looking at you Sky Q, Apple TV and Amazon Prime), but it’s also a bit on the busy side.
It’s all too easy to spend as much time scrolling through trying to pick a film as it does to watch the damn thing. That’s where Alexa could come in, using Netflix’s strong sub categories and search system to find you a film in double quick time.
Siri can dictate WhatsApp messages, so why can’t Alexa?
Perfect for when you’re phone’s charging on the other side of the room to where you’re sat, WhatsApp integration for Echo would give you the freedom to hold conversations without the endless and often error-strewn touchscreen typing.
As well as letting you read out the messages you want sent, WhatsApp support could also get Alexa reading your incoming messages to you, leaving your phone free for other tasks, such as browsing Facebook, sending Snapchats or a solid game of Hill Climb Racing 2.
Microsoft has already trialed voice-based Xbox commands, but being able to ask for your disc to be ejected isn’t exactly the biggest win. Syncing your internet-connected PS4 to your Echo, however, opens up a new world of possibilities.
It could get you gaming quicker too. Asking “Alexa, check my PS4 for updates” could do away with the disheartening disappointment that comes every time you sit down for a session and are forced to wait 30 minutes for six updates and game patches to download and install.
Once you’re finally gaming, you could speak out social chats to be written out and sent to rival gamers and even get feedback on high scores and handy hints – “Alexa, act as my wingman and alert me to sniper sightings.”

© Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/techradar/allnews/~3/0Ssm2qOHA1E/amazon-echo-skills-10-gadgets-and-services-that-still-need-alexa-support
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Serena Williams wins Australian Open for 23rd grand slam crown


NewsHubTortured by nerves in a tense family affair, Serena had to produce some of her best tennis to overcome Venus who won the crowd at Rod Laver Arena by scrapping hard to the end.
The American’s seventh title at Melbourne Park was won with an aggressive charge to the net and a desperate defensive backhand from Venus that floated into the tramlines.
Williams slumped to the ground, with hands in the air and eyes wide with joyous disbelief, before congratulating her sister for inspiring her run in Melbourne.
“She’s an amazing person, there’s no way I would be at 23 without her,” the second seed Serena said, cradling the Daphne Akhurst Memorial Cup at the trophy ceremony.
“There’s no way I would have anything without her.
“She’s the only reason the Williams sisters exist, so thank you for inspiring me to be the best that I can be. ”
The win moved her past Steffi Graf on the list of all-time slam winners and she now sits just one shy of Margaret Court’s long-standing record of 24.
The victory also wrested back the world number one ranking from Angelique Kerber who swiped it away during her winning run to the U. S. Open championship.
Kerber, like a number before her, may yet be remembered as another caretaker for the ranking before its return to its rightful owner.
Venus was oldest finalist in Melbourne in the professional era and won huge admiration for her unlikely run to the final.
“Serena Williams, that’s my little sister, guys,” she said beaming.
“Congratulations Serena on number 23, I’ve been right there with you, some of them I’ve lost with you.
“Your win has always been my win, you know that.
“I’m enormously proud of you, you mean the world to me. ”
At 35, an age at which most former champions have enjoyed life after tennis for several years, Serena’s powers appear undiminished and she will now train her sights on Margaret Court’s all-time record of 24 major titles.
Rightly or wrongly, many will feel Serena’s top ranking in history is already assured, with Court’s haul split between the amateur and professional eras and the American’s silverware amassed despite numerous physical setbacks.
In the ultimate throwback tournament, Serena met her sister on the same Rod Laver Arena court where 14 years before she had edged her in three sets to claim her first Melbourne Park crown.
Eight years had passed since their last grand slam decider at Wimbledon in 2009, and their combined ages in Melbourne added up to the ‘oldest’ major final ever contested.
They walked down the corridor silently prior to the match, with Serena tuned into headphones and Venus focusing only ahead.
It was a tense start and neither player was able to hold serve until Venus took the fifth game.
Serena was the worst afflicted by the nerves, and she smashed her racket in a rage in just the third game after she slipped behind the baseline when chasing down a ball.
She double-faulted three times to be broken a second time, causing a gasp from the crowd.
But galvanised by her serve, Serena soon settled and the blistering groundstrokes from the baseline began to find their mark as she surged to a 5-3 lead before sealing the set by thumping a pair of aces.
With Serena renowned as one of the best front-runners in the game, Venus showed her readiness to scrap, and she saved three break points to hold in the third game.
But she was never on safe ground, with Serena feasting on her second serve.
Serena pounced in the seventh game, firing a searing backhand return to break and served out to love to come within a game of the title.
Having dragged Serena to 15-30 at 5-4 on her serve, Venus dropped her racket in despair as she hammered a forehand into the net to give up match point.
Serena needed no further reason and after a furious exchange of shots, she charged in to the net swinging to claim yet another major title. (Additional reporting by Nick Mulvenney, editing by Ed Osmond/Amlan Chakraborty)

Similarity rank: 15
Sentiment rank: 1.6

© Source: http://www.timeslive.co.za/sundaytimes/sport/2017/01/28/Serena-Williams-wins-Australian-Open-for-23rd-grand-slam-crown1
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Vorpommern: Merkel erneut CDU-Direktkandidatin


NewsHubAngela Merkel tritt erneut als CDU-Direktkandidatin im Wahlkreis 15 für die Bundestagswahl im Herbst an. Die Partei-Basis in Vorpommern nominierte sie am Sonnabend in Grimmen mit 95,9 Prozent der Stimmen. 165 von 173 anwesenden CDU-Mitgliedern sprachen sich in einer geheimen Abstimmung für sie aus. Ein noch deutlicheres Ergebnis hatte es bei Merkels Nominierung zur Bundestagswahl vor vier Jahren gegeben: Damals stimmten 100 Prozent der Anwesenden für die CDU-Bundesvorsitzende.
Vor der Nominierung hatte der CDU-Kreisvorsitzende Harry Glawe die Basis in Grimmen zu Geschlossenheit aufgerufen: “Wenn wir alle gemeinsam zusammen stehen und für unsere Politik in unserem Wahlkreis kämpfen, dann sind wir nicht zu schlagen”, sagte Glawe zum Auftakt. Mit Merkel habe die Partei eine feste Größe. Sie bringe die Region voran und sei ein Garant für die Zukunft Deutschlands.
Im Wahlkreis der Kanzlerin treten außerdem Kerstin Kassner (Linke) und Sonja Steffen (SPD) an. Die Bundestagsabgeordneten sind bereits nominiert. Für die AfD fordert Landeschef Leif-Erik Holm die Kanzlerin heraus. Die FDP hat im Wahlkreis 15 Patrick Meinhardt nominiert. Er saß bereits über die Landesliste von Baden-Württemberg im Bundestag und ist seit einem Jahr im Landesverband seiner Partei in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. Die Grünen nominieren ihren Kandidaten erst Anfang März.
Angela Merkel hat seit ihrer ersten Bundestagsnominierung 1990 immer das Direktmandat im Wahlkreis mit der Insel Rügen, Stralsund und seit 2013 auch Greifswald geholt. Bei der Bundestagswahl vor vier Jahren gewann sie mit 56,2 Prozent der Erststimmen.

Similarity rank: 2.1

© Source: http://www.ndr.de/nachrichten/mecklenburg-vorpommern/Vorpommern-Merkel-erneut-CDU-Direktkandidatin,cdu750.html
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"Федерер привітав мене з перемогою" – 14-річна українська чемпіонка Australian Open


NewsHub14-річна українська тенісистка Марта Костюк прокоментувала свою перемогу на юніорському Australian Open.
У фіналі турніру українка здолала перший номер світового юніорського рейтингу швейцарку Ребекку Масарову – 7:5, 1:6, 6:4.
“Я була більше рада, коли вчора виграла у півфіналі. Може, якби у мене не було з собою телефону, і я не бачила привітань з усього світу, можливо, була б рада більше.
Я виграла перший сет, але він був дуже наполегливий. Іноді таке трапляється, коли ти нервуєш. Я вела 5:2, у мене було чотири сетбола, і я змогла виграти лише після 6:5. У другому сеті, напевно, у неї було більше концентрації, ніж у мене. Вона вела гру.
Коли ми почали другий сет, я почала думати, що я майже виграла. І це мені не допомогло. При якому рахунку? Коли вона вела 1:0, а потім ми грали 12 хвилин один гейм, але я все-таки його виграла. Але це не було добре. Можливо, було б краще, якби я його програла. Але я розслабилася і Ребека виграла п’ять геймів поспіль.
Напевно, коли був рахунок 3:1, я просто перестала грати і була готова до третього сету. Ймовірно, це було добре, що я перечекала, а потім почала грати в третій партії”.
ЧИТАЙТЕ ТАКОЖ: 14-річна українка виграла Australian Open-2017
У минулому році в січні Марта виграла турнір до 14 років Les Petits As у Франції.
“Я серйозно поліпшила свій рівень гри, і я це відчуваю. Можливо, найпрогресивніший період був у травні, коли Іван Любічіч (тренер Роджера Федерера), запросив мене тренуватися в Монте-Карло на десять днів. Після цього я виграла турнір другої категорії. Після цього, думаю, я покращила свою подачу і почала більше тренуватися. Потім я підписала контракт з Іваном і стала займатися в Каннах, Києві, загалом, скрізь.
Іван дав мені багато досвіду. Він допомагає мені, коли мені потрібна допомога. Любічіч мене дуже добре знає. Він сказав, що буде приходити на мої матчі і підтримувати мене. Якщо мені щось знадобиться, я можу у нього запитати. Він щодня був присутній на моїх іграх.
Також тут зі мною моя мама, вона ж і мій тренер. Коли я граю на великих турнірах, вона завжди зі мною. До речі, нарешті сьогодні я зустріла Роджера Федерера. Він мене привітав з перемогою. Я сфотографувалася з ним, тому досі не можу заспокоїтися”.
ЧИТАЙТЕ ТАКОЖ: Українка не пустила росіянку в фінал юніорського Australian Open
На 2017-й рік у Костюк дуже амбітні плани.
“У цьому році я планую грати тільки турніри Великого Шолома: Ролан Гаррос, можливо, Вімблдон, і US Open. У нас же є обмеження на виступи у дорослих турнірах, а у мене залишилося сім або вісім до дня народження, тому я не дуже хочу грати професійні турніри в цей час.
Але і юніорські турніри зараз для мене теж не дуже добре. Коли ви приїжджаєте на турнір, ви зосереджені на перемогу і перемагаєте. Іноді це погано. Ви починаєте забивати голову абсолютно іншим, ви не можете показувати свій теніс, тому що на вас тисне думка про перемогу. На цей турнір я приїхала просто показати свою гру, і виграла”.
Марта ходить в спеціальну школу в Києві.
“Я вчуся вдома. Але я ходжу в спеціальну школу в Києві для таких дітей, як я. Я просто роблю домашнє завдання вдома і двічі на рік здаю тести по кожному уроку, так що це не так складно”.
Костюк запевняє, що у неї немає кумирів.
Чи є у мене кумири? Хм, немає. Ніколи і не було. Навіть не знаю, чому. Може бути, я, але хто знає (посміхається).

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