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Трамп: Счастливого Нового года всем, включая моих многих врагов и тех, кто боролся против меня


NewsHubИзбранный президент США Дональд Трамп пожелал всем счастливого Нового года, поздравление он опубликовал в Twitter.
“Счастливого Нового года всем, включая моих многих врагов и тех, кто боролся против меня, но проиграл так сильно, что теперь просто не знает, что делать. Люблю”, – написал он.
Трамп был избран президентом США на выборах 8 ноября. Его инаугурация состоится 20 января. Сейчас он занят формированием своей команды.

Similarity rank: 9

© Source: http://gordonua.com/news/worldnews/tramp-schastlivogo-novogo-goda-vsem-vklyuchaya-moih-mnogih-vragov-i-teh-kto-borolsya-protiv-menya-166980.html
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Toymakers are the early adopters pushing AR into the mainstream


NewsHubIn the race to greater consumer adoption, augmented reality is emerging as the early leader, thanks to its adoption by a key consumer market.
The technology has always been a wonder, drawing its strength from its capacity to make just about any subject come to life, popping out of the real ground beneath our feet and conjuring up digital apparitions that serve as extensions of our own imagination onto the physical world around us.
That ability to create wonder in the everyday, without total immersion, also provides a clue for why AR adoption has been faster (aside from technical limitations that still bedevil VR). One indicator of how the market is apparently more comfortable with AR than it is with its immersive sibling, VR, is that one of its earliest adopters are toymakers. In fact, the Toy Industry Association named augmented reality and related technologies the top toy trend for 2016.
“Think of the drama, dance, fine art and sculpture opportunities that AR brings. Kids could watch famous actors perform Shakespeare monologues in their living room.” Catherine Allen, AR/VR specialist & kids app producer, who has worked on products like Barefoot World Atlas and Elmer’s Photo Patchwork, told me. “They could see what a famous Henry Moore sculpture looks like, in their garden!”
Earlier this month the AR startup Osmo, which creates board games, puzzle pieces and blocks that interact with mobile games and iPads, raised $24 million. Over 22,000 schools have adopted its products, a 5-fold increase from a year ago, according to the company.
Most parents may be reluctant to expose their kids to VR experiences because of the lack of safety research. AR, on the other hand, isn’t immersive, and plays out as a digital layer that enhances, or enables further, what is possible to do in real life.
“One of the sweet spots for AR on phones and tablets is at the intersection of toys and games. I would generally call them kids products.” Jay Wright, President and General Manager of Vuforia at PTC, the company behind the platforms that power many of the toys and games that run on AR, says. “Some are strictly for entertainment use, but many of them are designed to be educational. More and more of them are beginning to support STEM education.”
One example of this new push toward STEM-focused, educational gaming is SmartGurlz , an AR startup launched by an American expat living in Denmark.
It all began with the simple wish of its founder to help her teenage daughter with math and evolved into an experience tailored to girls with the aim of instilling an interest in science and technology. The video-equipped ‘Siggy Robots’ carry out missions and adventures that require its audience of young female players to learn to code along the way in order to complete each of the story-based challenges.
“This is really an exciting time where AR is used to reinspire learning again. Kids are now exposed to so much great technology in their leisure time and yet so little innovation goes into teaching.” Sharmi Albrechtsen, founder and CEO at SmartGurlz, says. “It’s really a pity – since it is a huge potential from a market perspective but also societal. Many kids lose interest in STEM because we have not been able to excite them!”
SmartGurlz launched last month and sold out on Amazon.
“I strongly believe that when it comes to STEM or teaching, the most important thing is to first capture the imagination of the students and then their curiosity” Silas Adekunle, Cofounder and CEO of Reach Robotics , a UK-based startup that combines robotics with AR in the gaming space, told me. “AR has so much potential to make classrooms more interactive and engaging, with new ways to visualize complex information.”
Other examples of AR-powered toys and games, many of them STEM-focused, that have hit the shelves this holiday season include: Hologrid: Monster Battle; Neobear Magnifier NEO; Virtual Explorer Antopia Adventure; AirHogs Connect Mission Drone; and Skylanders. And it hasn’t come with the kind of collateral damage or disruptive cost to traditional toymakers as we might have expected.
“The interesting part is that the products and manufacturers that succeed use technology to enhance the play value of the products they bring to market,” Reyne Rice, chief executive of ToyTrends told the BBC in September.
This new breed of digitized toys and games introduces a digital layer that creates additional value to the underlying business proposition for toymakers.
An example is Danish toymaker Lego’s Nexo Knights , named ‘Toy of the Show’ at the London Toy Fair 2016 and also powered by Vuforia. The AR component of its multiplatform gaming ecosystem depends, in part, on the expanded product line. For example, players can unlock new features, powers, and game levels, by purchasing new toy sets.
“If it can drive additional purchases of physical toys, that’s a really good model. It’s like the razor and razor blade dynamic. The digital game is the razor and the physical toys are the razor blades.” Wright says.
The digital soul that has been instilled in the physical toy allows for the industry to establish a stronger narrative with the kids who play its games and in turn only strengthens the way toymakers can market, engage, and sell their products. Instead of threatening to cannibalize their current offering, AR actually serves to enhance and expand it.

Similarity rank: 0

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How male allies can support women in technology


NewsHubThe Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing couldn’t be more aptly named: It truly is a celebration of the technical innovation, inclusive focus and relentless drive of women in tech.
We were thrilled to be a small part of the celebration this fall, along with 15,000 other women technologists and male allies. You’ve hopefully heard a lot about the movement around women in tech, raising awareness about the challenges that women face in the tech industry and the importance of hiring and retaining a diverse workforce. A part of that dialogue is about gender allies — the concept that men need to be a part of the solution to reach gender parity in technology fields.
There are so many reasons that men should get involved and be true allies to women in tech: It’s the right thing to do. It’s good for business. Diverse teams that reflect the end user create better results for customers. Male allies respect and appreciate their female teammates. They believe in equality.
According to a study conducted by the National Center for Women & Information Technology, gender diversity benefits businesses in several ways, including better financial performance and superior team dynamics and productivity in gender-balanced companies. Studies report that gender-diverse technology organizations and departments produce work teams that stay on schedule and under budget and demonstrate improved employee performance.
So, how do men become allies and be part of the solution that will so obviously make us as an industry and a society more successful? For starters, it’s not a label that you can self-appoint. The title “ally” is earned. Being an ally is an action, not a noun. If you’re on the sideline thinking about how sensitive and aware you are, you’re not an ally. You have to take action, and drive impact.
And really, you’re not a male ally until women in tech identify you as one.
It was just over a year ago that we learned this lesson together. We attended a conference where women and men delved into the issues that women in tech face, how men impact them and what change really looks like. It involved uncomfortable conversation, awkward moments and even some jaw-dropping confessions.
The crucial component was honesty in a safe space where everyone assumed positive intent. We talk a lot about positive intent at the office because it’s one of our core values. If you start with assuming whomever you’re talking to is coming from a place of positivity, everyone involved benefits from seeing multiple sides of an issue and not jumping to conclusions.
That was when we decided to become part of the solution together.
Armed with the tools and tactics we learned, we started a Women in Tech Male Allies initiative with the goal of raising awareness about the challenges women face, identifying ways men can be a part of the solution, providing education about unconscious bias and training men and women to call out and work through bias issues. We both learned more about the issues and how we could take this newly formed partnership back to our teams to amplify the dialogue.
The partnership element is crucial: Having a woman in tech and a man who is actively working to be a better ally meant we were able to show — rather than just say — how having a trusted partner is invaluable to the process and to making progress.
Being a gender ally isn’t easy. In fact, we can guarantee that you’ll make mistakes just like we did. The thing to remember is that we’re all human. We will inevitably make mistakes. But, if you have a partnership and a trust that grants permission to be imperfect, those mistakes become learning opportunities and teachable moments.
And to be clear, it’s not just the male allies who will fall short from time to time. Women in tech have a lifetime of experiences of receiving bias that may have been unconscious or outright explicit. Extraordinarily valid feelings stemming from that can be a barrier to accepting help or support from men who genuinely do want to help. Both sides have ample opportunities to misstep. Just like in tech, the “fail fast” mentality works. Do everything you can to get it right, but when you don’t, learn from it and make the next time better.
Through our work at Capital One, we’ve found that men can help by serving as allies and contributing to a culture of inclusion. They don’t do this by charging in to save the day; instead, male allies play a supportive role in addressing the challenges that women face in the tech industry. Women in tech can invite men into the conversation and be a trusted partner to start and continue the dialogue. Gender parity isn’t going to be achieved by a single group. We’ll get there faster together.

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© Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Techcrunch/~3/vz81Oq8nBFU/
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Google makes it easier for companies to transfer data to its cloud


NewsHubAt the Gradle Summit conference earlier this year, the Gradle team introduced Gradle Cloud Services alongside version 3.0 of the Gradle build tool. These services “improve build automation effectiveness and productivity by adding new capabilities to the Gradle build tool and offering new insights into how you and your team build software.” The first of these cloud services provides support for build scans .
As defined in the Gradle build scan user manual :
Build scans are an important tool for developing and maintaining Gradle builds. They provide insights into exactly what your builds are doing, helping you identify problems with the build environment, dependencies, performance, and more. They can also help you understand and improve the build more generally, and make collaborating with others easier.
The Build Scan Plugin captures data while a Gradle build runs and transfers that data to the Build Scan Service. This returns a link to that build data as useful information that can be shared with other developers. That information is classified into two categories:
Source code and project artifacts, such as JAR files, are not recorded.
Adding a build scan to an existing Gradle project requires adding the following configuration to the build.gradle file:
To initiate a build scan, add the command-line switch, -Dscan , to the build command for the project:
After a simple activation process, build information for the project can be viewed online and shared with other developers via permanent links. This allows developers to collaborate and fix issues faster and evaluate build performance.
Given a project that fails a unit test or has a source code error, the resulting build scan will look like the example shown below:
Conversely, a project that passes all its unit tests and is otherwise successfully built, the resulting build scan will look like the example shown below:
In both examples, information can be interactively viewed. Build times are reported in various sections of the build scan so that performance can also be monitored.
A complete sample project can be found on the GitHub repository .
A number of prominent open-source projects, such as Hibernate , JUnit 5 and Ratpack , are using Gradle build scans when developing their respective projects .
Chris Beams , director of marketing at Gradle, spoke to InfoQ about Gradle, Gradle Cloud Services, and build scans.
InfoQ: What is your current role at Gradle?
Beams: I direct our marketing efforts here at Gradle Inc. Previously, I was a principal engineer with the Gradle build tool team.
InfoQ: It would appear that Gradle is separating itself from the other build tools, such as Maven , Ant and Pants , with features such as the Gradle daemon, the new Gradle Cloud Services, and build scans. Do you expect the others to follow suit?
Beams: Probably not. The Gradle daemon in particular is the product of years of work and refinement. It’s not the sort of “me too” feature that other build tools can easily implement—at least not in a production-ready fashion. Bazel is a notable exception here, as they are based on a client/server model similar to the Gradle daemon.
And Gradle Cloud Services—including build scans—go well beyond the traditional boundaries of build tool features. They’re part of what we see as a larger platform for build automation. This kind of platform-building is ambitious stuff, and that means it’s relatively unlikely that other build tools will try to follow suit—at least not without the backing of a company dedicated to build automation and willing to make significant bets on it.
InfoQ: What would you say makes Gradle unique over other build tools?
Beams: A number of factors set Gradle apart from other tools, and its feature set is certainly among them. From Gradle’s original innovations like incremental builds to brand new killer features like composite builds, we think Gradle comes out very favorably going head-to-head with any other build tool. You can find an exhaustive list of Gradle features—and a comparison of each with Maven—at https://gradle.org/maven_vs_gradle .
Another factor is the increasingly general-purpose nature of the Gradle build tool. Gradle is written in Java and has its roots in building JVM-based projects, but today Gradle supports building projects across a variety of languages and ecosystems including C, C++ and Android. Adding to this list, LinkedIn recently contributed support for building Python projects with their PyGradle plugin. Becoming the first truly general-purpose build tool is important to us, because it means that language communities of all shapes and sizes—including those that don’t yet exist—can move faster by using Gradle as a foundation for advanced build automation and avoiding the need to roll their own.
Gradle also compares favorably with other tools when it comes to adoption rates. We’ve seen steady increases in Gradle downloads since the project’s inception, and we currently average around 2.5 million Gradle distribution downloads per month. There are many thousands of Gradle-built projects on GitHub, and—thanks to the recent availability of the GitHub Archive—we now know that Gradle is the most popular choice among new JVM-based projects there. The Gradle plugin ecosystem is thriving too; there are over a thousand plugins in the Gradle Plugin Portal today, and this means that there’s a plugin for virtually anything you need to integrate with or do.
And it’s not just the sheer volume of downloads, projects and users that we’re proud of. It’s also the fact that some of the most admired tech companies in the world have chosen to adopt Gradle—often in a very public way. Consider Netflix’s impressive Nebula collection of Gradle plugins , LinkedIn’s frequent conference talks on Gradle , or Google’s adoption of Gradle as the build tool for Android. One of the reasons these shops have chosen Gradle is another one of its distinguishing characteristics: extreme flexibility. Gradle can go the distance with these shops’ very challenging build automation requirements, because Gradle embraces the idea that builds are code too—no different, fundamentally, than any other part of a software product or service you’re building. Indeed, Gradle is, among other things, a library and framework for automating the production of software.
Finally, it’s important to keep in mind that Gradle is backed by a well-funded company focused entirely on build automation. This means being able to employ more than 30 engineers to focus every day on making Gradle the best it can be. Most other tools don’t have that advantage, and it naturally limits how much they can accomplish over time.
InfoQ: With projects, such as Hibernate and JUnit 5 , using Gradle build scans, do you expect other well-known open-source projects to adopt build scans for development?
Beams: We’ll see! We’re excited to see how the whole community reacts to build scans, be they open source project maintainers or users. The great thing about build scans is that anyone can create one at any time, and share it with anybody. We think public build scans are handy in all the same places where users would otherwise need to explain what they’re trying to do with Gradle, say on Stack Overflow or in a GitHub issue description or in a conversation with a colleague. Everyone is welcome to take build scans for a spin, and the build scan user manual at a great place to get started.
We’re also excited about the interest we’ve seen in Gradle Enterprise, which is the on-premises version of Gradle Cloud Services. It provides with everything available in the public Build Scan Service along with additional management features that make a big difference—especially for larger teams. Readers can learn more at https://gradle.com/enterprise .
InfoQ: What’s on the horizon for Gradle?
Beams: 2016 was a productive year for us, including getting Gradle Cloud Services off the ground, introducing support for composite builds, and making big progress in improving build performance for projects of all sizes.
But we’re even more excited for what’s coming in 2017. One noteworthy effort is a portfolio of standalone, task-focused guides that will help users new and old find the best ways to solve build automation problems with Gradle.
And we’re going to continue our work toward maximizing build performance on a number of fronts. Early in the year, we’ll announce the first release of Gradle’s task output cache—support for cross-build, cross-machine caches that store intermediate build artifacts and make them available for reuse in any other build—on any other machine—that needs it. We’re already seeing this advanced caching support making a big difference in our engagements with the some of the biggest technology shops in the world; we can hardly wait to get it into general availability!
We’ll also release support for automated separation of library API and implementation artifacts for Gradle-managed dependencies. This separation will enable yet further build performance increases by avoiding unnecessary compilation of a library’s consumer when that library producer’s API (or ABI to be precise) has not changed.
Early 2017 will also see the release of version 1.0 of Gradle Script Kotlin, providing a type-safe and extremely IDE-friendly approach to writing Gradle build scripts.
There’s even more in store, too, but I’ll leave it there for now. Thanks so much for the opportunity to discuss!
Chris Beams is the director of marketing at Gradle Inc., and a practiced open source tool developer. Prior to his work with Gradle, he was a member of the Spring Framework development team.

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© Source: http://www.infoq.com/news/2016/12/gradle-build-scans?utm_campaign=infoq_content&utm_source=infoq&utm_medium=feed&utm_term=news
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Rust 1.14 Brings Experimental WebAssembly Support and Rustup 1.0


NewsHubRust 1.14 introduces WebAssembly as a new experimental target and extends the .. syntax for pattern matching, writes the Rust core team.. Additionally, rustup is now stable and is the recommended way to build Rust from sources.
WebAssembly, a low-level, portable bytecode that aims to enable execution at near-native speed by relying on common hardware capabilities that are available on many platforms, is now supported by Rust through the new wasm32-unknown-emscripten compilation target. This allows developers to compile Rust to WebAssembly by executing:
This will output a hello.js file that can be run using node. WebAssembly support is still experimental , as mentioned, and there are parts of the Rust runtime that are not available at all, such as Rust’s I/O stack. WebAssembly support requires emscripten , which can be installed by running:
On the language front, Rust 1.0 extends the syntax for the .. pattern matching operator , which now can be used to selectively ignore parts of the context where it appears. For example, the following code is now correct and makes it possible to match x while ignoring both the y and z components of the Point tuple:
Previously, the.. operator could be only used to ignore all elements, e.g.:
Another significant feature of Rust 1.14 is rustup 1.0 , which is now deemed stable. Rustup is a command-line application that is able to download and switch between different versions of the Rust toolchain –i.e., its compiler, rustc , and the standard library– for a number of supported platforms.
Rust 1.14 release contains more than 1200 patches that are detailed in the official release notes .

Similarity rank: 0

© Source: http://www.infoq.com/news/2016/12/rust-1-14-released?utm_campaign=infoq_content&utm_source=infoq&utm_medium=feed&utm_term=news
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Kayako’s CEO on building a bootstrapped business


NewsHubKayako isn’t a new company — the bootstrapped business has been around for 16 years — but it does have an interesting story. Kayako is a unified customer service platform, meaning that companies use their software to manage customer feedback and support across multiple platforms, including phone, email, Twitter and Facebook. With fewer than 100 employees (barely), Kayako has never taken outside funding. It has offices in three countries, is profitable and continues to grow. How, you may ask? TechCrunch visited their London headquarters to chat with founder and CEO Varun Shoor to hear about Kayako’s history and his unconventional path to success. You can read highlights from that conversation in the Q&A below.
TechCrunch: What are the biggest mistakes companies are making in the customer service space?
Kayako: Treating it as a transactional experience is what I would say the biggest mistake is. So companies are still in a situation where they use tickets, as a means of just solving that problem, rather than going beyond tickets and thinking about the entire customer experience. And thinking about what is next after that problem to make sure not only customers are satisfied but that you turn them into advocates and promoters.
TechCrunch: I know often a company just wants to hunker down and build in a vacuum and then that becomes the tendency. Does your platform help them do that?
Kayako: It brings feedback from all platforms into one unified view and helps these companies who are hunkered down building their product really make sense of the entire interaction. You can literally go on to Twitter today and see customers complaining about how they keep having to repeat themselves. And that is a symptom of the problem, which is in the market right now. The reason they have to repeat themselves is all these organizations are using separate platforms for feedback and they don’t know what the problem is. The customer might have called before, they tweet, they may have emailed multiple times and they just don’t know. This is what Kayako solves. It brings all that information together in one stream of communication.
TechCrunch: So it solves the problem that anytime you need customer support, you tell five representatives what is wrong, and you keep repeating yourself over and over again, and then get transferred to someone else and need to start your explanation all over again? In theory, this would connect all the information on all platforms and would prevent that… What are the most common integrations of your product?
Kayako: It depends on the industry. There was a time when this product was treated as an IT help desk. So you generally had IT teams in big companies using it to solve tickets. But now anyone with customers internal or external needs a product like this. Automotive companies are tying this up with their ERP systems. Online startups are integrating the product with invoicing systems. And we have traditional companies who use a CRM product using us to integrate with that. So it totally depends on the context, but the product integrates with close to 600 platforms.
TechCrunch: Can you tell me a little about scale, funding and where you guys are in terms of business?
Kayako: Yes. This is one of the most interesting aspects about this business. We’ve never raised any external venture capital. So as a company this has been bootstrapped for the last 16 years. I’ve never been to college. I’ve started this and dropped out of high school, skipped college, with no money. The name Kayako was something that I got when I was literally begging for domain names. I didn’t choose the domain name. The name chose me.
TechCrunch: Obviously, the company is doing fairly well. If you have this office, you must be profitable. Can you talk a little about where the company is currently?
Kayako: We have close to 80 employees across three different locations. The company’s main entity is in Singapore, and we have offices in India and in London, which is our operational entity. And we also have people working with us remotely in locations like Ukraine, Belgium and Canada. Our revenue is in the multi-million dollars and as a bootstrapped company you don’t have any choice but to be profitable. Otherwise, if you are not profitable, you can not survive.

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© Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Techcrunch/~3/8A6iP3tmY3U/
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Порошенко доручив підняти доплати військовим у зоні АТО з наступного року


NewsHubПро це сказав президент Петро Порошенко у суботу, виступаючи у Маріуполі.
“Я дав доручення міністру оборони підняти доплати, які отримують військовослужбовці, які знаходяться на першій лінії, лінії зіткнення до 6 тисяч гривень, і тим військовослужбовцям, які знаходяться на другій лінії до 2 тисяч 400 гривень”, – сказав він, інформує ” Українська правда “.
Порошенко наголосив, що слід створювати “фінансову мотивацію” для військовослужбовців.
“Впевнений, що зараз ми повинні витрачати гроші українських платників податків, в першу чергу, на те, щоб забезпечити надійну обороноздатність”, – додав він.
Вчора стало відомо, що Туреччина погодилася виділити для української армії 3,1 млн доларів в 2017 році.
Нагадаємо, що сенат США слідом за Палатою представників більшістю голосів схвалив “Бюджет США на 2017 рік на потреби національної оборони”, в якому передбачено виділення 350 млн доларів на допомогу Україні .

Similarity rank: 6.5

© Source: http://ipress.ua/news/poroshenko_doruchyv_pidnyaty_doplaty_viyskovym_u_zoni_ato_z_nastupnogo_roku_193991.html
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Трамп привітав з Новим роком всіх, включаючи недоброзичливців


NewsHubFacebook Дональда Трампа
Обраний президент США Дональд Трамп привітав американців з наступаючим Новим роком. Привітання він розмістив на своїй сторінці в Twitter.
Трамп привітав у тому числі своїх недоброзичливців.
“Щасливого Нового року всім, включаючи багатьох моїх ворогів і тих, хто боровся проти мене, але програв так погано, що тепер не знає, що робити. З любов’ю”, – написав Трамп.
Новини за темою: Сорос: США обрали президентом шахрая і потенційного диктатора
Дональд Трамп – обраний президент США. Був висунутий на вибори від Республіканської партії. Офіційно Трамп стане президентом США 20 січня 2017 року. Нагадаємо, що проти Трампа від Демократичної партії на президенській гонці була Гілларі Клінтон.
Як зустрічають Новий 2017 рік по всьому світу, 112.ua відстежує в онлайн-трансляції .

Similarity rank: 7.7

© Source: http://ua.112.ua/golovni-novyni/tramp-pryvitav-z-novym-rokom-vsikh-vkliuchaiuchy-nedobrozychlyvtsiv-362780.html
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Австралія зустріла Новий рік


NewsHubФото з відкритих джерел
Австралія зустріла Новий рік.
У Сіднеї на святкування зустрічі Нового року зібралися близько мільйона осіб.
Новий рік, нагадаємо, вже зустріли у Новій Зеландії, на Камчатці і Чукотці. Як зустрічають Новий 2017 рік по всьому світу, 112.ua відстежує в онлайн-трансляції .

Similarity rank: 8.6

© Source: http://ua.112.ua/golovni-novyni/avstraliia-zustrila-novyi-rik-362767.html
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У Гельсінкі автомобіль в'їхав у натовп людей біля метро


NewsHubTwitter / anthogonzalez56
У Гельсінкі автомобіль в’їхав у натовп людей біля метро. Про це повідомляє iltasanomat.
У результаті аварії травми отримали чотири людини. Важкі поранення отримали дві жінки, ще двоє чоловіків постраждали легше. За деякими даними, постраждали до семи осіб.
За даними поліції, наїзд не був навмисним. Повідомляється, що водій міг перевищити швидкість, унаслідок чого втратив керування автомобілем. Зазначається, що в автомобіля естонські номери. На даний момент водія взято під варту.
Аварія в Гельсінкі відбулася на тлі зростання кількості навмисних наїздів на людей у Європі. У 2016 році подібні ісламістські атаки сталися в Ніцці і в Берліні. Унаслідок обох нападів загинули близько 100 осіб.

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