Start United States USA — IT Amazon's Jeff Bezos promises to fight Trump's immigration ban

Amazon's Jeff Bezos promises to fight Trump's immigration ban


NewsHubBezos at a meeting of tech executives and then President-elect Donald Trump at Trump Tower in Manhattan last month.
Jeff Bezos, Amazon’s CEO and founder, said his company is going into action to counter President Trump’s controversial immigration order , which temporarily blocked refugees and citizens of seven countries from entering the US.
In an email to employees Monday, Bezos said Amazon is working on a number of efforts, including exploring legislative measures and drafting a declaration of support for Washington State Attorney General Bob Ferguson’s lawsuit against the immigration order. Amazon is based in Seattle. Bezos told employees affected by the ban „the full extent of Amazon’s resources are behind you. “
His comments were among a flurry of statements from tech leaders speaking out against the new ban.
Representatives for the Trump administration didn’t respond to a request for comment.

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