The “ Fast Money “ traders debated on Wednesday if competitors can match AT&T ’s impending merger
with Time Warner , after the telecom giant reported earnings in line with expectations Wednesday.
Trader Dan Nathan said he sees AT&T as a leader in the telecom space as it „tries to go vertical with its offereing. “ He said there’s a lot of pressure for Verizon to create a similar Time Warner merger.
Trader Steve Grasso said he likes the other side of the merger, Time Warner, because of a 12 percent upside if the deal goes through. He also likes „disruptors“ like T-mobile and Sprint , which are up 22 and 41 percent in the last 3 months, respectively.
Trader Tim Seymour said AT&T could potentially be spending more money, especially if its competitiors begin to reach for entertainment content as well.
Trader Guy Adami suggested Netflix as a name for these companies to pursue as a target.