Start United States USA — Political President Barack Obama's last day in office

President Barack Obama's last day in office


NewsHubThursday marked President Barack Obama’s final full day in office. The White House’s social media pages as well as many cabinet members made heartfelt tributes to the outgoing First Family. The Housing and Urban Development Secretary Julian Castro took to twitter Thursday saying „Oh hey, as you can see… it’s moving out day here. „A part of moving out of The White House means removing all the pictures of the Obama family off of the walls in The West Wing. First Lady Michelle Obama said goodbye with this tweet: ‚Being your First Lady has been the honor of a lifetime. From the bottom of my heart… Thank you.'“The White House Account, which will be handed over to the Trump Administration Friday also tweeted about Obama’s legacy, including the unemployment rate which was cut in half during his years in office. As for the outgoing President, Mr. Obama posted on Facebook a letter to the American People. In the last paragraph the President wrote „Remember, America is not the project of any one person. The single most powerful word in our democracy is the word ‚we‘. We the people, we shall overcome. Yes we can. „President Obama also left a forwarding address where followers can keep in touch with him through The Barack Obama Foundation website.

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