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Trump’s Pick For Navy Secretary Philip Bilden Drops Out


President Donald Trump’s pick for secretary of the Navy Philip Bilden has dropped out of the running as of Sunday, according to reports. Sources in both the Navy and White House told USNI News that
President Donald Trump’s pick for secretary of the Navy Philip Bilden has dropped out of the running as of Sunday, according to reports.
Sources in both the Navy and White House told USNI News that because of Bilden’s vast financial holdings , it’s unlikely he would pass ethics standards. Bilden, a long-time Republican donor, controlled the private equity firm HarbourVest in Hong Kong from 1996 to 2014.
The White House is reportedly scheduled to officially announce Bilden’s withdrawal later Sunday evening.
CBS News reported Feb. 18 that Bilden was likely to withdraw from the nomination for two reasons. The first is that as a former Army reserve officer, he had little familiarity with Navy matters. And the second, of course, is because the prospect of Bilden effectively separating himself from all his financial holdings was viewed as quite difficult.
Bilden served in the Army reserve from 1986 to 1996 as a military intelligence officer.
After the CBS report emerged, White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer blasted the idea that Bilden was reconsidering the position.
At the time, a statement from the Pentagon confirmed that “Secretary Mattis remains confident that Mr. Bilden is the right leader to rebuild the readiness of our Navy and Marine Corps.”
Bilden was nominated Jan. 25. The choice was essentially between Bilden and former GOP Rep. Randy Forbes.
Although the White House seems to have a fond view of Forbes, USNI News reported that Defense Secretary Jim Mattis wanted Bilden, instead.
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