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Twitter's React-Based Mobile Web Stack Rivals Native Performance


Twitter recently switched all of their mobile web traffic over to their new web stack, running Node.js on the back end, and a React-based Progressive Web App in the browser. The ability for this technology set to handle large traffic and data proves the capabilities…
Twitter recently switched all of their mobile web front-end users to a modern, JavaScript-based web stack. In doing so, they demonstrated how advancements in mobile web technologies rival the performance of native-based apps.
In a casual Twitter post, Twitter engineer Nicolas Gallagher said that the move was done:
Today we moved all of Twitter’s mobile web traffic (that’s like, a lot) to our new web stack – Node.js, Express, React PWA.
— Nicolas (@necolas) February 8, 2017
This rather cryptic tweet left a lot of questions hanging in the air; most importantly, „What was it running before? “ Ghallagher continued tweeting to fill in some of the gaps.
The „new“ web stack has actually been in production for over 9 months for those logged-in users. Logged-out users were actually served by a different stack comprised of Scala and Closure Templates.

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