Start GRASP/Japan Fukushima has been overrun by wild, radioactive boars « Hot Air

Fukushima has been overrun by wild, radioactive boars « Hot Air


“This is their new home now…”
posted at 3:21 pm on March 10, 2017 by John Sexton
This sounds like it could be the plot for the next Godzilla movie but the NY Times reports the area of Japan where a Tsunami and subsequent reactor meltdown occurred in 2011 has been overrun with wild, radioactive boars:
Hundreds of toxic wild boars have been roaming across northern Japan, where the meltdown of the Fukushima nuclear plant six years ago forced thousands of residents to desert their homes, pets and livestock. Some animals, like cattle, were left to rot in their pens. As Japan prepares to lift some evacuation orders on four towns within the more than 12-mile exclusion zone around the Fukushima plant later this month, officials are struggling to clear out the contaminated boars. Wild boar meat is a delicacy in northern Japan, but animals slaughtered since the disaster are too contaminated to eat. According to tests conducted by the Japanese government, some of the boars have shown levels of radioactive element cesium-137 that are 300 times higher than safety standards.

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