Start GRASP/Korea North Korea Claims Kim Jong Nam Likely Died Of A Heart Attack,...

North Korea Claims Kim Jong Nam Likely Died Of A Heart Attack, Not Poisoning


Nearly a week after Malaysia concluded that the half-brother of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un died of poisoning from a powerful nerve agent, North Korea
Nearly a week after Malaysia concluded that the half-brother of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un died of poisoning from a powerful nerve agent, North Korea is claiming that he probably died of a heart attack.
Ri Tong Il, who once served as the North Korean deputy ambassador to the United Nations, told reporters Thursday that the man „probably died of a heart attack because he suffered from heart disease, diabetes and high blood pressure,“ according to The Associated Press.
North Korea has not officially acknowledged that the deceased man is Kim Jong Nam — as we have reported , they instead have referred to him only as a North Korean national by the name of Kim Chol.
„We have our experts who are qualified to determine the cause of death of Kim Chol. Our investigations, supported by expert reports, confirmed that Kim Chol was murdered,“ Malaysia’s national police chief Khalid Abu Bakar told the AP. „North Korea can say what they like but the facts remain. “
The nerve agent VX that Malaysia says killed Kim Jong Nam is an extremely deadly chemical weapon.

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