Start GRASP/Korea North Korea: Japan warns of Sarin missile threat

North Korea: Japan warns of Sarin missile threat


The North Korean US-based monitoring service 38 North has said the country’s nuclear site is ‘ ‘primed and ready’ ‘for a sixth nuclear test.
The North Korean US-based monitoring service 38 North has said the country’s nuclear site is ‘ ‘primed and ready’ ‘for a sixth nuclear test.
The prediction that Pyongyang will soon conduct another test came as Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe told a parliamentary session that the reclusive state has the capability to deliver missiles equipped with Sarin nerve gas.
‘ ‘Earlier this month over one hundred people were killed using this gas, we need to firmly grasp this reality and ensure that North Korea do not go ahead and do this. That is kind of the deterrence we need to have, ” Abe said.
North Korea marks the 105th anniversary of the birth of the state’s founder Kim Il Sung on Saturday.

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