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Knowledge Sharing Within the Dev Team Knowledge Sharing Within the Dev Team


Writing proper documentation and promoting knowledge sharing among your development team is the best way to avoid painful situations in the development process.
Software development is not an easy task, even for a Senior Developer. Especially today when the products all include new high-level technologies. And what are you supposed to do when you work with a legacy project with a lot of server configurations only known by one person, and suddenly this person goes on a vacation?
Well, this is a question to solve.
What you can do is call your teammate all the time and ruin his/her trip. But how can we bypass this situation?
As this recently happened with me, I decided to gather general methodologies that will help share knowledge within the team and make it easy to access. As you know the rule – you don’ t need to know everything, you need to know where to find the information you need.
So here are those tips:
These three tips are not all there is, but they will help you to get started. If you have any ideas how to improve this process please share. I will be happy to hear your comments.

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